All Things That Fall

By CoffeeGirl_10

326K 17.8K 21.7K

"For you? I'd hold the skies on my shoulders, if it came down to it." ***** He didn't think she'd ever look h... More

00: what it feels like-
02: snowflakes
03: sun
04: time
05: tears
06: petals
07: pages
08: sleep
09: gravity (atlas)
10: clouds
11: eyelids
12: leaves
13: sunsets
14: tides
15: bird
16: freefall (atlas)
17: water
18: hearts
19: shadows
20: nights
21: snow
22: icarus (atlas)
23: rocks
24: sunrises

01: the first drop of rain

19.9K 883 911
By CoffeeGirl_10

I HAD A terrible habit. The habit of getting lost.

It wasn't always the kind of lost where you physically didn't know where you were.

Sometimes, my wild imagination was enough to take me to lands far, far away- away from the land of the living, and I'd end up losing myself in them.

Maybe I'd find hidden treasure in the depths of the ocean, maybe I'd twirl in a silk gown at a masquerade ball, maybe I'd discover magic swirling around my fingertips and command the forces of nature-

-Or maybe, I'd get lost chasing a butterfly. Yeah, that sounds more likely, doesn't it?

Because it happened. For once- my mind hadn't taken me on an adventure. My feet had.

And now, I was actually, physically, lost.

First I was distracted because of the pretty butterfly. Then I got carried away because of all the tiny flowers that were making a trail through the trees. After that, it was the distant sound of running water.

I hadn't realized that the sky above me was darkening rapidly. Neither had I thought about how I was venturing deeper, and further into the trees than I had ever dared to before.

My worn-out shoes were covered in dirt, some of the muck had smeared onto my clothes as well- the birds above were growing quieter. But I didn't care.

All I could focus on was how the distinct gush of water was getting louder, and how the earthy smell in the air told me I was close to what I was about to find.

A river, maybe? I pondered to myself, as I walked over a long fallen tree trunk- holding both my arms out to make sure I had enough balance, Or a waterfall? It would be a pretty spot- it had to be, I knew that much.

My eyes flickered upwards towards the sky, as I paused for a moment, steadying myself by holding onto the trunk of the nearest tree.

The brightest of the stars were slowly starting to appear. I had ventured into the trees just as dusk was starting to set in, but it still surprised me how fast it had gotten dark- it was still summer after all. The last day of vacation before my senior year began.

It was a good thing my phone was still functioning. Although it was one of the oldest models of the iPhone, it had a flashlight that served well- so I could navigate my way through the damp mud and thick roots without tripping all that much.

I knew it was only a few meters away now. The gushing of water was much louder than it had been minutes ago- but the thick trees and shrubbery in front of me were hiding it- whatever it was.

It took ten steps, maybe twelve after squeezing through the gaps when I finally found myself walking into a small clearing, hidden behind all the bushes.

And at that moment, when the sight in front of me finally met my eyes, I couldn't care less if I was lost.

"Oh wow," I breathed softly, stepping closer- my eyes widening with awe.

It was a small spring, one that I had never known existed- with water gushing into a big pond, and a humongous tree near the foot of the spring. For a moment, I was certain I saw something white gleam underneath the tree, but that still wasn't what had me star struck.

The water was glowing.

Bright blue and green algae floating around the edges of the spring, like a phosphorescent border, and as I stepped closer, I could see tiny glowing blobs of pink and purple floating in the clear water.

Freshwater jellyfish, I realized, placing a hand over my chest as I quietly awed to myself. They were so tiny, and cute- that I couldn't help it.

To top it off, fireflies were fluttering around my feet and the tufts of grass near the banks of the pond. This whole place was thrumming with so much bioluminescence- all-natural, and all hidden.

I had lived in this quaint little town for years and I had gone exploring plenty. How come I had never found this spot before?

Because God was it beautiful. More beautiful than anything I've ever seen- and the awe-struck expression on my face never left for a second, as I stepped closer and closer to the water- taking in the sight that surrounded me.

Maybe that's why I didn't see him until it was too late.

I don't think he heard me either until I was right behind him- because the sound of the gushing water seemed to have muffled my footsteps.

But we seemed to notice each other's presence at the same time, and at that moment- I really wish we hadn't.

Because of how quickly he turns around at the sound of me, and because I only notice his silhouette when I'm right in front of the water, I squeal in surprise as I take a step back-

- only to end up slipping on a wet rock.

It happened in a blur- so fast, that I didn't even know what was going on until it was too late again. My hand latched onto the closest thing for support, which ended up being his arm- and that made him stumble too.

And then, we both go tumbling into the spring.

Icy cold water surrounds me, the sound of the big splash muffled underwater. I can barely see the person's outline next to me, but I can feel the warmth of his body close to mine. You'd think that the water would be less cold because it was summer, but nope. This could rival the Antarctic.

Before I can worry about the algae or the fish getting into my hair, a pair of hands grip my shoulders, helping me resurface quickly. I take a deep breath, wheezing and coughing out some water as his grip involuntarily pulls me closer.

"Fucking hell, are you stupid?"

His voice is hoarse but deep and baritone- melodic, almost- and if, at that moment, I wasn't mortified, or freezing my butt off- I'd probably take a second to appreciate it.

"Oh my goodness," my voice comes out shaky and hoarse as I try not to make it evident that my teeth are already chattering. "I'm so, so sorry- I didn't- I didn't see you there-"

The two warm hands steadying my shoulders still at the sound of my voice.

For a moment, I'm certain that the guy in front of me stiffened completely- maybe as a sign of recognition. But I don't think much of it, continuing to stammer out apologies.

"I swear, I didn't mean to- I-I'm so sorry-"

He lets me go on- his entire frame frozen, as I ramble apologies for a good minute, but when a shiver racks through my frame, he seems to snap out of it.

"Shit," he mutters under his breath- making me pause, and look up at him.

He was nearly half a foot taller than me but other than that, I could hardly see any of his features because his back was to the glowing algae behind.

But he could probably see me since the light was shining right onto my face.

At least, I was certain he could see my sopping wet red hair in the dim lighting.

Maybe he recognized me, but I wouldn't count on it.

"It's..." he clears his throat- sounding almost nervous, even though there's no way to tell, "'s fine. You're going to catch a cold, come on."

The grip around my shoulders loosens, and instead- his hands curl around my upper arms as he pulls himself out of the water, and then helps me out. Water drips down both of us, almost forming a small puddle at our feet- but at this point, I'm too shocked to say anything or try to stop him from helping me.

What he says next, shocks me even more.

"You need to take off some of your clothes."

"What?" My voice is quiet but mortified enough as I take a step back from him, slipping out of his grip.

His hands linger in the air for a moment, before he pulls them back- and they curl into fists by his sides. He never once looks at me- and for some reason, I'm convinced that he's trying not to look at me.

"Your clothes are soaked," he murmurs, "You need to take your shirt off at least, and wring it."

I take a few more steps back, uncertainty filling my mind.

Evidently, I'm not as subtle as I preferred to be, because he seems to sense my hesitance. He sighs deeply, before turning around so that his back is to me.

"I won't look," his voice is a deep rumble- almost calming, but I'm afraid to let it fool me, "My jacket is on the branch of that tree, right there. Wear it."

My eyes follow the direction he's pointing towards, and there is indeed a dark hoodie hanging off one of the branches. I turn back to him, as he stays still- facing the spring.

"What about you?" I ask quietly, wrapping my arms around myself, "Aren't you going to be cold?"

I didn't think my voice was even audible over the sound of the water, but he tilts his head to the side- slightly turning his face towards me. 

For a fraction of a second, I catch a glimpse of the contours of his face- and I'm hit with the smallest hint of familiarity before it's engulfed by the darkness again.

"I'll be fine," he mutters, "Go on."

I almost hesitate again, but a cold wind blows past, making me shiver again- and I think better of it.

While making sure that he isn't looking, I quickly walk towards the tree- and pull the wet shirt that was clinging to my skin off my body.

There wasn't much I could do about my wet pants and converse, so I left them on- running my fingers through my wet hair, and squeezing some water out quickly. My eyes dart back to the guy- and coincidentally, it was just as he was pulling his shirt over his head.

I avert my eyes quickly, blood rushing to my cheeks- as I hurriedly wring my shirt. 

After I manage to squeeze the last drops of water out of it, I put it onto the branch- grabbing the big, dark jacket off. For a moment I allow my fingers to run over the soft material- and then, I pull it over my head.

His jacket feels like a warm hug, is my first thought. That is, of course, if warm hugs smelt earthy like petrichor and freshly cut grass. 

I wrap my arms around myself, drawing in a deep breath. I didn't want to part with it already.

My eyes flicker back to him, as he finishes wringing his wet shirt over the water. In the dim glow, I can see the muscles in his arms and his back flex, and it makes me look away again, as my face starts to heat up.

He gave you privacy, I tell myself- squeezing my eyes shut, respect his privacy too.

"Done?" I hear him say, and I nod before realizing that he can't see me.

"Yes," I say, my voice faint, "Thank you."

He turns back around, and again, as I try to catch a glimpse of his face, I can't seem to see a thing- and it's a tiny bit frustrating. 

All I can see, is a lean, muscled silhouette, under the starlight and against the faint glow behind him.

"It's dark," he says after a beat- when I just stand there awkwardly, "would you be comfortable with me walking you home?"

I blink in surprise.

For a guy who called me stupid moments ago, he was being surprisingly gentlemanly all of a sudden.

I opened my mouth to politely decline-

-but then I remembered that I was lost. I didn't know where I was- it was terribly dark already, and even if I was using my phone's flashlight-

I pause again.

"My phone," I whisper, dread filling my mind as I look at the water, "Oh no, my phone-"

It was the only device I owned- because my parents didn't want to waste money on things that I didn't need. That, and it was my brother's old phone- one that I had used for three whole years. And now it was gone.

I squeeze my eyes shut again. I had to get home, or my parents would throw a fit. Both, for the phone and for going exploring.

"Could you tell me how to get to Carlston Street?" I ask quietly- allowing myself to pretend, that for a moment- the phone wasn't the problem, as he steps closer to me.

He doesn't respond but continues to walk towards me until he's right in front of me. Even then, he never once looks me in the eye. I still can't discern a thing about his features, and it was starting to unnerve me a lot more than I cared to admit.

When he's right next to me, I assume that he didn't hear my question the first time. But just as I'm about to ask him again-

-He holds out his hand for me to take.

"I'll walk you," he says quietly when I just stare at him, "Come on."

For a single moment, I hesitate.

Then I lift my hand and slip it into his.

His whole arm tenses- almost like he was expecting me to not take his hand. But less than a second later, his fingers intertwine with mine, and he gives my hand a light squeeze- making warmth travel up my arm from my fingertips.

The same hand holds on to mine tightly, even as we climb over roots, and even as I almost slip over the wet mud. I can't count the number of times he steadies me gently, without a word of complaint- and I can't describe the strange, warm, comfort that fills my chest every time his fingers tighten over mine.

The cold, smooth metal of the rings he's wearing is a contrast to the warmth of his rough palms- but it's comforting. I like it. I like holding his hand.

He's quiet too. He doesn't attempt to make conversation, nor does he ask me any questions. I'm grateful for it.

And it makes me realize, as we continue to walk, that I've never felt this comfortable with anyone in a long while. A stranger too, that. It's a thought that surprises me and scares me all at once.

But what's most surprising is that not even fifteen minutes later, I find myself staring at the familiar end of my street.

I blink, baffled.

I'm so shocked that I don't even notice how he gently slips his hand out of mine- though it lingers by my side for a moment. I don't hear the almost-hurried receding footsteps.

It took me ages to get to that spot with the spring- when it was only a fifteen-minute walk away. I had probably been running in circles.

"Goodness," I mumble to myself, before turning to my side, "Thank you fo-"

The words die down in my throat.

I turn around- do a full circle, but no one's there. The only thing, that reassures me that he wasn't some figment of my imagination, is the warm jacket that's still covering my frame.

There's the tiniest stab of hurt in my chest because of that. But I brush it off, as I look down at the jacket I'm wearing. 

Under the light of the street lamps, as I examine it, I realize that I've seen this somewhere. I know it's familiar. Very familiar. Even as I wrack my mind, frowning down at it, I just can't seem to tell from where.

But there's a feeling building in my chest. Something warm, something grateful- and it's for him. The guy who gave me his jacket, and walked me back here- his comforting hand in mine.

And it feels like the first drop of rain; the beginning of something, with a whole storm to come.

I'm nervous y'all- tell me what you think of the first chap o.o

And ofc, thank you for reading ! Don't forget to vote and comment ! :)

since every book is in the same universe- any guesses how this one's related? You'll find out in the next chap, but anyone who can guess before that will be bestowed the greatest honor possible: I'll send you a bunch of memes <3

(I don't think I'm going to do a list with this book, but if you have suggestions and think I should add something to every chapter, I'm open to it! Let me know in the comments here >)

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