I See Dead People

由 Metalmankayden

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You're roommates with a bunch of slashers (listed below), what else can I say? Not all slashers are included... 更多

Chapter One: Found
Chapter Two: Chaotic
Chapter Three: Dinner
Chapter Four: First Night
Chapter Five: Home Sweet Home?
Chapter Six: Enough on Both Sides
Chapter Seven: My Hero
Chapter Eight: There Goes My Hero
Chapter Nine: A Fresh Start
Chapter 10: Not My Mother
Chapter 11: Not My Mother Pt. 2
Chapter 12: Loss
Chapter 13: Emergency Vacation
Chapter 14: Camp Crystal Lake
Chapter 15: Exe's and Oh, That's Gotta Hurt
Chapter 16: Family Reunion
Chapter 17: News

Chapter 18: Free

3.9K 97 39
由 Metalmankayden

A/N: This is the last chapter! Thank you all so much for the journey with this book! ❤

Aaron had given you the Polygraph test and presented it to the Sherriff. Whilst you sat in the interrogation room, your crushes hoodie draped over you, you heard Aaron and the Sherriff talking outside of the room. 

"She shouldn't have passed! She lived with them; she's a murderer!" The Sherriff angrily cried. 

"Sherriff, her responses were recorded, you may watch it for yourself and have your own opinion, but do not forget who profiles people for a living. Y/N is innocent. Ask any one of my team members and they will tell you the same. You should let her leave now," Aaron replied. 

"She is a murderer!" The Sherriff insisted. 

"Then you may go in and interview you. But, I promise you, she is not a murderer," Aaron reaffirmed.

Nothing was said after that. You could only assume either the Sherriff or Aaron walked away, leaving the other in an awkward state of alone. But, you couldn't leave. You were still in handcuffs and there were guards outside of the room. There was no getting out until you were let out. 


After thirty minutes, a lady walked into the room. 

"Hi, my name is Emily Prentiss. I'm one of Aaron Hotchner's team members. Do you mind if I sit?" She asked

"Be my guest," You sighed. The effects of the coffee had long since worn off, and you desperately wanted a nap. 

Emily sat down across from you. She didn't have a folder or anything. It appeared that she just wanted to talk, not to accuse you of anything. 

"I'm confused on something. Why is there a living doll here?" She inquired. 

"Voodoo. He's the kid of Charles Lee Ray and Tiffany Valentine. Charles and Tiffany had him while they were in the dolls. They never got him out of the doll, though." You explained. It sounded preposterous, but it was the truth and nothing but the truth.

"Right. Well, he's a bit heartbroken about his parents. He said he doesn't know what to do, since they're guilty of a bunch of murders. Do you have any ideas of where he could go?" Emily explained. 

"He could stay with me, I guess. I don't know how to get him out of the doll, but he could stay with me. He lived in the house for about a week, and we grew close really quick. Until we find his family, he could live with me." You suggested after moment of silence. 

"Well, that's just it. Charles knows the words. But, in order for the child to be turned into a human, he has to go to Charles. Is that how it works?" Emily asked. 

"Pretty much. Charles talked about Voodoo a lot," You replied. 

"So, should we bring Charles in?" 

"Why are you asking me? I'm not a cop. I don't have authority. Why does my opinion matter?" You asked, looking dead at Emily. 

"Well, since you'll be the kids' caregiver, it's up to you on how he's raised. If you want him to stay a doll, we can leave it at that," Emily offered, standing up. 

Just as Emily made it to the door, you spoke up. 

"Bring Charles in. Glen deserves a life." 


"Watch it, man!" You heard an oh-so familiar voice snap from outside of the room. 

"God, Charles. When will you learn that not everything has to involve yelling?" You mumbled to yourself as the door swung open. 

"Y/N? I have Glen with me. Charles will be in here in a moment. For now, why don't you tell him what you told Prentiss?" Aaron said, placing Glen down on the table and shutting the door. 

"Glen, would you want to live with me? After all of this is over? Just the two of us in my house." You briefed, looking up at the confused and horrified doll. 

A look of shock spread over his face as your sentence went on. 

"Yes! Yes, I'd love that! Thank you, Y/N! Thank you!" He cried, leaping forwards and wrapping his arms around your neck. 

"You're very welcome." You smiled as Charles was brought into the room. 

"So, you're gonna be takin' care of my kid?" Charles asked as the guard took off his handcuffs and walked into the corner of the room. 

"Yep," You curtly replied. 

"I assume you want him as a human, considering the fact that I was brought here?" 


"Fine," He groaned. "Glen, come over here." 

Glen let go off you and cautiously walked across the table and over to his dad. The guard in the corner of the room looked horrified that there was a doll that was moving on it's own, but didn't say anything. 

"Ade due damballa. Give me the power I beg of you!" Charles cried as lightning suddenly struck outside. "Secoise entienne mais pois de morte. Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette. Endonline pour de boisette damballa! Secoise entienne mais pois de morte. Endelieu pour de boisette damballa!"

A bright flash of light filled the room and you covered your eyes. After Charles fell silent, you peaked through your fingers. There, sitting on the table, was a figure. 

You took your hand down completely and looked at the figure. It was a boy, no older than nine, with bright orange hair and green eyes. 

"There. Can I go now?" Charles asked, turning to the guard. 

The guard was all too happy to get Charles out of the room. Quickly, he handcuffed Charles and led him away. 

"Glen?" You asked. "Are you alright?" 

"Never better." He smiled. 


Glen stood to the side as the Sherriff entered the room, the smile never leaving his face. 

"Well, I guess you can go," The Sherriff sighed, removing your handcuffs. 

"Thank you," You sighed, relieved to have your hands back. 

"Glen? You ready?" You asked, holding out your hand to the boy. 

He took it and the two of you walked out of the room. All eyes were on you as you left the station. Most looks were looks of shock. How was there a child in the place of a doll? Why were they letting two murderers go? But, some were looks of relief. From who? Aaron and his team. 

As you walked out of the station, you felt like a weight had been lifted off of you. 

You were finally free.



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