𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐆𝐨 | Psychopath...

By Horroryas

143K 6.1K 4.8K

➶ Something is off about him. ➷ A Psychopath is always mistaken with a Yandere. This Psychopath might be ver... More

•A Letter From Him•
•A Letter From Him•
Book Cover
• A Letter From Him •


2.7K 139 283
By Horroryas

Guess I'll keep the book cover the same.

Also, damn the new concept photos 🥰

The ride was uncomfortably pleasant.

I was at the back of the van, Mr. Park beside me, and the workers Emily and Tom, sat at the front.

It was as if the back row did not exist as the pair before us were chatting and laughing freely.

Of course, they were speaking in Korean, so I couldn't understand a word...

However at some point, the man beside me (who terrifyingly looked like Jimin) decided to make conversation with me...

"Hello, your name (Y/n)-rico?" Mr. Park asked me with a friendly smile.

I stuttered uncomfortably, "N-No... it's (Y/n)..."

My words were said nicely.
A part of me didn't want to act rudely towards this person...

I wasn't sure what it was, but something about him seemed innocent...

Yeah, tell that to Yi SangHoon...

"Ah," he nodded and looked away embarrassed at his mistake...

... most probably.

But then he looked back at me, "I'm Park JiHyun."

He smiled kindly when he said that.

"Oh... okay... uhh..." I spoke unsure while glancing his way, "n-nice to meet you Park JiHyun?"

He smiled and nodded at me.

He looked back to the front...

It was awkward.

Emily and Tom suddenly started laughing at something being said...

... that's when Park JiHyun turned to face me again, his eyes wide...

"Your blood-type is?"

That's when he crossed the line.

My heart skipped a beat at this question.

My eyes widened and my brows crossed...

"What?" I said coldly.

That's when he backed away from me as if I was the idiot.

My eyes narrowed and I tilted my head in a questioning way.

"Sorry - my English not well," he said apologetically.

My brows crossed further, "No - your English is well - why do you want to know my blood-type?"

He then looked away from me, his eyes on the ground, "Okay... I am sorry..."

Unlike Jimin who switched between his accent and no accent persona, JiHyun stayed on with his thick accent.

This man genuinely looked clueless.

But I let it go before looking into it further...

Instead, I had looked outside the windows of the car...

We were passing by tall, grey buildings full of adds.

However it didn't take long for me to see skyscraper-like apartments.

The apartment windows were decorated with lighter shades of grey at the shape of boxes enveloping more windows.

The buildings looked new - or very well looked after...

My face relaxed in amazement of their height, design and coldness...

It looked cool...

... but very intimidating.

"Do you recognise the place yet, Ms (L/n)?" Tom spoke while glancing at me from the mirrors.

I didn't reply.

And no, I did not recognise anything - I was only amazed.

Suddenly, the van took a left.

A left - away from the buildings.


I looked to where we were driving...

I saw a few trees.... and older buildings.

I saw people roaming the area...

I saw places that looked like factories at the left, with lots of writting in different fonts nailed to the old brick walls.

Where are we going?

We passed by a church.

It wasn't one of those horror movie type of churches, this one looked very modern.

I wouldn't have been able to guess it was a church if it wasn't for the big cross at the front...

But all of this was happening only at the left of the van.

The right, was a different story.

5-Floored rundown flats.

The first road was blocked off by a green window fence...

So I'm assuming I won't be here.

Regardless, Tom asked if I recognised the place - which means that wherever I'm going to be, will be around here.

My confusion only relied upon the fact that we were moving towards an older part of this... Town?


Where the fuck was I?

I kept looking at the same run down building as we passed by.

I was surprised to see a big number attached to the side of the building and below it, a simple design with a diamond and two standing rectangular green shapes at the side.

Something written in Korean was below...

And then the van slowed down...

It turned right.

My heart was racing.

The sun was gone by now, only grey-ish shades left, and burning reds at the top of the building's heads...

The street lights were turning on...

I watched as our van turned to the next open road of the same apartment building...

The van was slowing down.

No no no no no - please no.

The van kept driving into the end of the road.

We were inside the maze made from these flats.

My heart drummed as we took slow lefts and rights...

More and more of these rundown flats...

They all looked the same.

At this point I had no idea where we came from, entered from, or where we were...

... but eventually the van stopped.

The engine died, and the orange lights inside the car came on.

Tom opened his door and left the van.

Emily did the same, just slightly later.

That's when my door slid open...

And Mr. Park left through his side.

Emily stood infront of my door with a smile...

I did not want to leave the van.

I could hear Tom struggling to fold out my wheelchair, however I heard Mr. Park say something before all of the noises stopped.

Soon, Tom, driving the wheelchair, came into view as Mr. Park followed him humbly.

"You ready to have a look around, Ms (L/n)?" Tom said with an encouraging smile.

My lips tightened into a thin line.

I glanced at the wheelchair.

The half cold, half-warm wind brushed against my arms...

I nodded at Tom.

Just then, Emily and Tom carefully reached for my arms and shoulders before smoothly dragging me out of the van's seat, into the wheelchair...

Tom closed the van's door.

I felt Mr. Park move my wheelchair around to face the building.

White walls and windows with fences.
Air conditioners attached to every big window fence, and run down black and grey dust or rain under every window...

I shifted my jaw.

If Park Jimin isn't a genius, I don't know who is.

He sent me in some maze of flats or apartments, in a very old area that nobody would even guess to look.
Did I mention the fact that it's not some house, but an apartment?

I am a lost soul that would never be found.

"Do you recognise the place?" Tom asked seriously.

My hands turned into fists.

Don't mess up.

Don't mess up.

Don't mess up.

I released a sigh...


I felt myself drowning.

I was unsure of what was to come from that point.

I heard Tom release a sigh...

Almost annoyed, almost surrendered.

"Are you sure? Would you like to have a deeper look?" Emily asked in a somewhat pushing tone.

I think they just wanted to get this over with.

I stayed quiet.

I glared at the building with despair.

My view was interrupted by a car entering the neighbourhood and passing by.

It parked somewhere further down this maze...

People were already coming home, and I continued to stand - well, sit - there like an idiot.

Ah shit...

What do I do?

Defeated, I glanced down at my hands.

Gently, a figure crouched beside me.

It was Park JiHyun.

He put his arm at the back of the wheelchair and looked at me with empathetic eyes.

"Building, do you remember?" He asked me sadly.

I looked back at him...

I didn't say anything, but it was understandable from my stiff expression, that the answer was 'no'...

He understood that clearly.

He released a sigh.

I watched as he stood up and looked at Tom and Emily.

He bit a one side of his lip.

And then he began something in Korean.

Tom spoke back to him in Korean too.

And I had had enough.

"-Sorry, but if you haven't noticed, I am paranoid of everything at the moment," I interrupted them.

They paused and looked back at me.

I bit the inside of my cheek, then began to talk again.

"If you are talking about something to do with me - I want to understand what you are saying.
I don't trust everyone.

Please understand me."

And then they stared at me.

They were looking...

Sort of embarrassed?

Mr. Park had put his hand behind his neck, and Tom was gaping like a fish.

"Mr. Park has asked if you could stay here for three days, just to see if it jogs your memory, Ms. (L/n)...

If nothing is to happen in the three days, he can call us so we could help find a solution."

It was Emily who said that.

I glanced at her, slightly shocked.

"That is - of course - if you're okay with that?" Tom stepped in.


It was like the universe was trying to make me follow Jimin's orders, no matter what I do.

I bit into both sides on my cheek.

Fuck it.

I nodded and looked away from all of them.

I glared at the building instead.

I was beginning to grow frustrated.

"Alright then..." Tom began before seemingly turning his attention to JiHyun, and beginning to talk slower (in English), "Will you need any help to bring her upstairs?"


Damn, he really took care of my chances of escape, didn't he....

"Thank you, no," JiHyun replied with his heavy accent,


"My brother come to help."

My heart stopped at that.

I turned to look at them again...

... except this once, a hint of fear was in my eyes.

But I didn't say anything.

"Alright then, goodbye Ms. (L/n)!" Tom began while walking away.

He waved slightly before jumping back into the van with Emily.

Just then, Emily peeked out from the window.

"If you need anything, please call us.

Your caretaker had been given our number!"

And then the van started.

It gradually left, and all I could do was sit in my wheelchair and watch it further away.

My head shot at JiHyun.

"Who is your brother?" I growled.

My stare was deadly.

And JiHyun looked slightly taken aback.

"Uhhh..." he began, rather confused.

"Uhm... you — him, not r-remember?"

His eyes were full of concern.

My breathing began to grow heavy.

We heard a car door close rather loudly.

JiHyun jumped and turned around at the source of sound.

My heart was drumming.

A man with dirty blonde hair had stood out from the driver's seat of a parked car.

The car was the same one that passed by me minutes ago.

It was parked specifically behind the view of where the van was.

Now the man, we only saw his back...

... but it didn't take long for him to turn around.

Styled hair, a yellow T-Shirt below a grey suit jacket and ironed trousers of the same shade and colour.

His hair had already stared to slightly grow out as apparent from the black hints of hair.

Whom do you think it is?

The angelic demon, Park Jimin.

He looked right at me, and smiled.

"형!" JiHyun suddenly shouted while softly waving at Jimin.

It was like watching a dream...

My eyes couldn't deny that the evil shit looked fucking amazing.

Jimin's eyes moved to JiHyun, and then he smiled further, showing his teeth.

We watched how Jimin quickly pointed something at the car, pressed it, and the car locked.

He then turned back to us, and proceeded to make his way towards.

He looked at JiHyun first, "안녕," he said softly, before turning his head to me.

He paused...


I clenched my jaw. My eyes shot daggers at him.

He smirked seeing my expression, but not long after, he turned to JiHyun again.

I think I'm about to throw up.

"무슨 문제라도 있었나요?" Jimin asked JiHyun.

Agh, here we go again...

And expectedly, that's when JiHyun stared talking about something to Jimin...

JiHyun spoke fast - but not in some rushed way of fear - it was more like telling a story of some sorts.

Casual talk.

But then, JiHyun's voice quieted...

He was saying something in a sort of humble, or an embarrassed way...

Maybe concerned?

This made me glance at Jimin for his reaction - to give me a hint of whatever was happening...

I saw how his apparent smile gradually dropped.

His eyes became hard...

And then, he looked at me.

I froze.

My body was as if stung by billions of needles...

I felt chills from his glare.




Jimin's voice sounded in a death sentence matter.

He looked crazed - as if he was about to kill me.

I shrunk.

I haven't seen this man in such a long time, that I had forgotten his everlasting period...

I knew exactly what he was talking about.

It was about me saying 'no' to recognising this place...

"B-But then I said yes," I almost gritted it out - if not for the stutter.

Jimin looked back at JiHyun....

I turned to look at him too...

The poor man was wide eyed and slightly tilted away from Jimin.

He was blinking hard.

"괜찮아요?" JiHyun asked with a slightly less friendly tone...

I recognised the word that JiHyun used...

Well, at least the sound was familiar...

I believed that he was asking Jimin if he was okay.

Then silence took over.

Then, awkwardness...

"(Y/n) is tired.

Let's take her upstairs."
Jimin spoke with his accent...

The both of them looked at me...


JiHyun was the one who was driving my wheelchair towards the entrance of the building. Jimin was the one to walk infront of us.

The temptation to grip the wheels, break out and speed off, was big. Something about seeing Jimin again made me feel nauseous.

Hah, something?

The man literally kidnapped me into another life.

Stopping right infront of the door, Jimin entered a code into the template next to the door.

A code.

Even a better.

I'm going to be locked in a safe.

The door opened, and so the two of us entered.

When the metal door closed behind us, and locked, it appeared so that it was pitch black inside.

I could barely see anything except for the subtle moving shadows...

And then suddenly there was light.

It wasn't a bright light.

It was an old yellowed light on the wall further down.

Probably motion detected.

The light detected Jimin, who was standing halfway up the five stairs leading into the main corridor.

Speaking of Jimin, he turned around to look at JiHyun and I.

His expression held no malice, and for once he actually looked and acted like a normal human being (since we met in person).

"Okay - I will pick up (Y/n),

Are you able to carry the wheelchair?"
He said with his slight accent.

It was weird, he was speaking perfect English, but with an accent.

Perhaps he's sure that JiHyun won't notice?

"Okay," JiHyun replied.

I stiffened.

Jimin began to go down the stairs to approach me.

My hands clustered inwards in self defence.

His shadow came over me-

"TOUCH ME AND I WILL BITE YOUR ARM OFF!!" I screamed urgently.

Jimin jumped away.

I was trembling.

I was terrified.

I wanted this person nowhere near me.

Suddenly I heard chuckling...

I looked up with wide eyes towards the chuckling man, Jimin.

He was laughing.

I glanced at JiHyun for a second.

He was smiling in confusion...

I understood that what I said was ridiculous - but I had no hold over him.

But I meant it.

If he dared to touch me, I would actually bite.

"Come on, I only need to carry you a few steps, Peach," Jimin said with a smile.

I froze.
I stiffened.

I felt bile ride up my throat - but I swallowed it.

"W-What did y-you just call me?"
I didn't even try to hide my fear.

"Aww~ You're so cute," he said with a toothy smile, his eyes narrowing from the smile.

He, again, took a step towards me.
I pounced away.

This made him freeze.

His smile faltered, but a comforting smile remained.

"Can I pick you up?"
He kindly asked.

"No." I stated coldly.

"I trust JiHyun more."

Jimin's smile slowly died.

He showed no particular emotion at all.

His gaze slowly lifted to JiHyun.

I sensed danger.

The tension was thick.

The silence was piercing.

I watched how Jimin tilted his head to the side very slowly...

His eye twitched.

I know a horror movie when I see one, I'm not ready to witness one in real life.

I had to do somethi-

"C-Carry me... I-It's okay." The words left my mouth in emergency.

Jimin's eyes shot at me.

His brows crossed, uncertain.

"F-Forget what I said — C-Carry me, J-JiHyun can carry the wheelchair-" I began rambling, my eyes avoiding his, and my palms sweating and gripping onto the metal of the wheelchair.

"나가 주세요" Jimin muttered.

His eyes, now gentle, looked at JiHyun, "나중에 문자주세요."

And then, silence.

I had no idea what was being said.

But those words were enough to make the situation awkward.

I looked up at JiHyun behind me...

He smiled awkwardly...

"O-Okay," he let out.

I watched in terror as suddenly, his hands let go of my wheelchair...

He bowed ever so slightly at Jimin...

"Goodbye," he softly muttered, avoiding eye contact.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw him turn around and make his way towards the metal door.

"W-Wait - Where are you going!?

What's happening?

W-W-What did he say?!"

I stuttered in panic.

But it was as if JiHyun was running away from the situation, ignoring every word I said.

The only thing left of him...

... was him closing that stupid metal door.

The lights went out.

I jumped and looked around in the darkness.

My heartbeat increased.

I heard Jimin groan in annoyance.

I could hear his footsteps march up the stairs...

Then the motion detected light went back on...

I saw Jimin's slender figure, casted in shadows, infront of me.

"Look what you're making me do." I heard him grit out.

This once, my hands gripped on the wheels.

"Agh, the things I do for all of you..."

His back was turned to me as he was speaking...

"I really thought you were the one, Peach...

... but you fucked up just like the rest of them."

His voice turned bitter.

It grew gradually louder and slightly agressive.

His hands turned into fists.

"I was so distracted by us finally being together, that I forgot my 'friendly brother' facade.


Now — he probably SUSPECTS something."
He growled out.

I slightly turned my wheels to drive backwards...

... I was slowly making my way towards the door.

"I payed English lessons for my brother so that ANY of YOU wouldn't be so lost when I'm not there."

... he began chuckling in a sickening manner.

"I guess that backfired, don't you think so, Peach?"

His face slowly came into my view, his head turning towards me...

"... because you feel much more safer with my dearest little brother than me...


It was an unexpected staring contest.

I gulped.

Park Jimin looked like a mad man.

This was a side of him I haven't seen before...

"I-I'm sorry.

I'll be g-good."

I let out quietly.

He tilted his head.

"Of course you will..."
He grumbled.

He then, took a step down...

"You will let me hold you..."

He took another, lazy step down.

"You will let me have you..."

His next step was off the steps, but now on the floor.

"You will let me kiss you..."

His words quietened.

Both of his legs were on floor to mine.

"And you will let me fuck you."

He growled out the last words.

My eyes widened as he took the last step infront of me.

He was right infront of me, our legs brushing.

My heart beat drummed.

I was worse than terrified.

This was a new feeling.

Slowly, he leaned towards me...

He towered over me, his eyes unblinking and wide with insanity.

He grinned.

And that's when the lights switched off.


He's not a demon, but damn I love this concept so much 🤗

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