Supernatural One Shots

By mylittlelove19

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I don't own any of the characters. I write the story line based off ideas I have had on my own, or imagines/o... More

Ghost Facers
Drunk John
Dean saves you
Dean and Bobby
Nightmares (Sam)
Cass interrupts
Wearing his flannel (Dean)
Texting Pictures
Reuniting (Sam and Dean)
Surprise Actions (Dean)
Drinking with Dean
Hey Sam.
Lonely Video Call (Dean)
Fighting with Dean
Reasons (Sam)
Shadow (Dean)
Trouble Sleeping (Dean)
Sweet Pie (Dean)
Finding Sam and Dean
Your Old T-Shirt
News at a funeral (Dean)
Let me forget (Sam)
Broken Hearted (Dean)
Lies (Dean)
Jo joins Training
Almost Sam
John (Dean)
Hey Jude (Dean)
Fooling myself (Dean)
Before we had a chance.
I hate witches Pt. 1 (Dean)
I hate witches Pt. 2 (Dean)
Can't hide it (Dean)
Bad Fight (Dean)
I hate you, but I love you
I hate you, but I love you Pt. 2
Done with you (Part one)
Done with you (Part Two)
Just a sad song
Jo (Dean)
Team Free Will rescues (Dean)
Note from me.
Journal (Dean)
Scary movie night (Dean)
Just a fool.
Because (Dean)
Personal Elephant (Dean)
Missing (Dean)
Update from me
Used to be Dean Pt. 1
Used to be Dean (Pt. 2)
Truth Spell (Dean)
After Hell (Dean)
Before we had a chance Pt. 2
Before we had a chance Pt. 3
A choice (Dean)
A choice pt. 2 (Dean)
Purgatory pt. 1
Purgatory pt. 2

Lee Webb's Daughter (Dean Request)

293 1 0
By mylittlelove19

I got a request!

@ One_directioner4eva   requested a story about when Dean goes on a trip solo and finds his friend, Lee Webb. Only this twist included Dean meeting his friends daughter! 

I really hope you like it! I tried my best to capture what you described.

(Spoilers for Season 15 Ep. 7 'Last Call', so don't read if you don't want it spoiled majorly for you when it comes to Dean's doings during the episode.)

Warnings: Death, language.

It was the disappearing the girl that brought Dean to the small town in Texas. A girl and her car disappeared from a bar parking lot, without a trace – leading her friend to claim she was raptured. Finding the bar lead him to something he hadn't expected to find. Lee Webb.

His old friend owned the bar where the friend of the missing girl was known to drink. The two men started drinking, catching up, and then Lee dropped a real bomb on Dean. As Dean was saying that hunter's usually end up dying to get out of the life, a young girl came running up. She was ten, and ran right up to Lee. "Daddy!" Lee caught her and laughed, "Hey, there she is." She looked to Dean with her eyes scanning over him curiously. "Hi, sweetheart." Dean said in surprise. Lee laughed, "Dean this is my daughter, Kelcey. Sugar-bee, this is an old great friend of mine Dean Winchester." She nodded and stuck her hand out with a small smirk. "I've heard stories about you. You were my dad's best friend." Dean smiled, memories of himself and Lee as barely adults flashing in his mind then he shook her hand. "Yeah, I suppose I was."

She sat in the chair next to her dad. "Kelcey here is all I've got left. Saved my life more than she knows." Lee said proudly. She laughed, "You're so dramatic, dad." "He's not being dramatic. The things we used to do... you really are what saved him." Dean said happily, understanding now why his friend had never returned to the life.

Kelcey left with a babysitter shortly after, and Dean started really drinking with Lee. "Man, you really left it all behind, didn't you? Never looked back?" Lee chuckled, threw back another shot and shook his head. "No, man. Especially once that little angel came along. Then we lost her ma, damn car accident. She's all I have left." Dean nodded slowly, and took a drink from his glass. "Yeah, I get it. I really do."

The two men had a great time together at the bar, drinking more, telling stories, and even doing some singing. They also teamed up together to kick out some big guys who were causing trouble, just like the team they had been before.

The next morning after having gotten a lead to check out the scrap yard for the car and missing girl, Dean went in search of answers. When he got there he heard a giggle from his backseat. He turned and saw none other than Kelcey standing up from a crouch position. "Well, well, well, what are you doing here, sweetheart?" She shrugged, "I heard you say you wanted to find that missing lady. So I wanted to see if I could help. I want to be a police officer when I grow up."

He hesitated for a moment, then smiled. "Sure thing. Just stick behind me, and if we find something you don't look, okay? Then I'm taking you right back to your dad." She nodded, sitting up straight as she got excited. "Yay! Of course! Thank you!"

They walked the scrapyard, checking the cars with the picture Dean had. It had a distinctive sticker on the windshield. "So, why are you looking into this girl going missing? You don't seem like a cop." Kelcey commented, scanning down a row of piled up cars. Dean chuckled, "I do a lot of work to help people, kid. It's something I have always done. Nobody really seems to believe this girl is hurt or missing, so I come in and find the truth." Dean explained. "Oh. So kind of like a private investigator." With a laugh Dean nodded, "Yeah, kind of." "I think that's really brave. You must be really smart too, to be able to find people who are missing without police to help you." She said in awe, looking up at Dean. He chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Thanks, kid. I'm definitely not the smartest around, but I have street smarts that come in handy for things like this."

They looked around more, she asked questions, told him about not remembering much about her mom. "You know, I was four when my mom died. House fire. I don't remember too much about her either, but I love what I do remember." He didn't know how to explain that she had come back later in life and that was a shit show before he lost her all over again. "Does it get better? I miss her a lot." She asked softly. Dean stopped in his tracks and sighed, "In some ways, yeah. I mean I have been without my mom most of my life. I guess you get used to it. But you're really lucky. You have a dad who really loves you, and changed his life to give you a better one."

Dean was becoming fond on the young girl really quickly. She was smart, had good instincts, was pretty brave. Reminded him some of Sam actually. Then he spotted the car they had been looking for. "Uh, alright, I think this is the car. Stand up by the driver's door, kid. And I mean it, don't look."

He popped open the trunk and found what he had feared. The missing girl was dead and stuffed in her own trunk. Then he heard a gun cock. He spun around hearing Lee say, "You just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you?" Then Lee hit him with the gun, knocking him out.

"What happened?!" Kelcey's voice sounded from the front of the car, she hadn't seen what her dad did but heard his voice. "Sugar bee is that you? What the hell?" He started working on a plan. He had a back up plan in case Dean didn't go down easily.

He went around the car, putting on a show of being worried about her. "What happened to Dean? Is he alright?" "You shouldn't have followed him here, Kelcey. This is dangerous stuff that he does. And now... I'm so sorry, angel." He said and pushed a syringe into her arm. "What the... Dad?" She asked as the drug started working quickly. He kissed her head as he caught her, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He said as she went completely limp in his arms and he had to lay her down.

He tied her up and placed her in one of the cars, planning to come back when this was done and tell her she was confused. Tell her that she had been taken and the drug they gave her must've made her have a weird dream.

Dean woke up tied to a chair. His brain started putting together what the hell happened. His friend was the one who killed that girl, and he attacked him. This didn't make any sense at all. He heard Lee, talking about how he had found something. Something that would give him anything he wanted as long as he kept it fed. And now it was between himself and Dean, so he was saving himself.

But the mighty Dean Winchester shouldn't be left alive and be expected to fail. He broke loose from the chair, and got a weapon just in time for the creature to break free. He defended himself, decapitating the monster and heading to face his ex-friend.

When he came out, Lee tried to talk to him. Then Lee fired a gun at Dean, so Dean dove behind the bar, finding a gun of his own. He and Lee shot at each other, their hearts racing. This isn't how they ever imagined life if they saw each other again. But they both ran out of bullets before getting a hit on the other.

"And what about Kelcey, huh? What did you do with her? Please tell me you didn't plan on doing this to your own kid, man." Dean asked in disgust. Lee shook his head, "No, of course not. She's my little girl. I only did what I had to do because you went and got involved, and let her got involved. I never wanted a hunters life for her." Dean shook his head, "What did you do to her, Lee? Is she alright?" "No thanks to you! I had to put my own kid to sleep with a drug. Because you let her tag along to something you should've stayed out of!" Dean wasn't sure if he really knew his friend anymore. This wasn't anything like the Lee he had known earlier in life. "You drugged her? What is wrong with you? She's a sweet kid. Smart. Curious." "I know! But you wouldn't listen about this being nothing. You had to ride in and save the day... and let my kid get involved." Lee was getting more upset by the second. "She stowed away in my car. I didn't explain anything to her, and I didn't let her see anything. Man... you've changed. This isn't you."

So, when Lee couldn't talk Dean into walking out the door and pretending it never happened, they started fighting- punching each other like it was life or death.

Dean shoved a pool cue into his friend's abdomen. "I'm glad it was you." Lee said, starting to loose his consciousness. "I'm sorry, man. I wish..." "Kelcey. You have to... take care of her. Please. She doesn't have anyone else to take care of her. Promise me." His voice was getting weaker. Dean felt a wave of grief and slight regret wash over him. Kelcey. "Where is she?!" He asked, angry again as he remembered what his friend did to his own child. "Same place.... two cars over... trunk." Lee coughed out. "I'll take care of her." Dean promised, then pulled the cue from Lee's body, allowing the body to hit the floor.

Shit had truly hit the fan. The case turned happy reunion became a reunion from hell.

He raced to the scrapyard, hoping the Texas heat hadn't taken the young girl from the world. He went to the car he found the missing girl in and looked both ways. The car to the left had an intact trunk so he rushed to it. "Kelcey? Sweetheart are you in there?" He heard muffled yelling and clunking of someone moving around. He pried it back open and saw the young girl, tied up. She was tied at her hands and feet, with a gag so she couldn't scream. Tears covered her face.

"Oh hell." He grumbled and removed the gag. "Dean! What happened?! Why did my dad do this?" She was instantly in more tears as Dean worked on cutting her hands and feet free. He searched for the words, unsure of how to explain all of this. "He was lost and confused, sweetheart. Um... you need to come with me, okay? I have a lot to explain to you, and uh I promised your dad I'd look after you." She furrowed her eyebrows up at him as he helped her out of the trunk and placed her on her feet. "What do you mean by that? Where is my dad?" Dean sighed and rubbed his face, the image of earlier events flashing in his mind and making him feel even worse for the young girl. "He's gone, kid. I'm sorry. I swear I'll explain all of it to you, alright?" She processed his words, and slowly nodded as tears filled her eyes. "Okay. I trust you."

He lead her to his car and helped her into the backseat. "I'm going to take you to my home, okay? My brother lives there with me, and currently so does our friend Eileen. Um, there is a few things you will need to know before okay? But I'll promise you this right now, I'll protect you and I'll tell you everything that you need to know." He said calmly and smoothed her hair. She nodded slowly, looking emotional which wasn't surprising. "Okay. That sounds good to me."

Dean kept checking his review mirror as he drove back toward home. Kelcey was asleep in the backseat, unaware of how much her life was about to change. They had gone and gotten things she would need from her house before leaving town.

He called Sam, "Hey, Sammy. You doing alright? I got a message from Cass..." "Yeah, I'm okay now. It was a thing for a bit. Uh, you on your way home?" He asked, clearing his throat. "I am, and that's what I need to talk to you about. The truth is I went and worked a case. I know, I know what you're going to say, but it wasn't supposed to be a big thing. I uh ran into Lee Webb. Remember him?" Dean asked, glancing back at Kelcey once again. "Yeah, I do. Man, he's still alive?" Dean chuckled dryly, "Not anymore. And uh... the thing is, he had a kid. And as he died he asked me to take care of her. So I have her with me and we're on our way home." "Wait what? Dean... a kid?" "I know. But, Sam, Lee was like a brother to me when we were younger. He was my best friend. How could I not help him when I'm the one... I just need to do this. So I wanted to give you a heads-up. She doesn't know hardly anything about the life, and I want to try not to overwhelm her with it all."

He and Sam agreed to talk about it all more later. So Dean hung up and drove in the quiet, thinking about how he needed to do this. Kelcey was going to need family. It was fate that he was the hunter to look into this case, and it be his old friend. Now it was going to be his job to care for the kid he helped make an orphan. He could do this. Right?

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