Kamen Riders in Metropolis

By StevieBoss7

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If Steve Trevor was destined to become Ohma Zio More

I'm supposed to be a Demon King?

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By StevieBoss7

Disclaimer: I don't own Dc Superhero Girls or Kamen Rider Zi-O/ Kamen Rider as well as the video. Don't sue me

Year 2068

Entire city is in dust and ruin with a a statue depicting a highschool boy posing while surrounded by heroes of different shapes and styles. Suddenly a man in gold and black clock-like armor walks in front of the statue. He is known as the demon king Ohma Zi-O.

Out of the blue, an army of people with guns and motorcycles begin rushing Ohma.

"Charge!!!" The commander of the army yells as the reach the demon king with the people with guns rapidly firing at him. Ohma raises his right hand and with a flick of his wrist he causes explosions to erupt knocking down the attacking force in fiery assault. To combat this the surviving members of the rebellious army launch a various array of missiles at Ohma. Ohma raises his once again towards the attack stopping the missiles in place. With Ohma distracted the army send their mech warriors to finish off Ohma. The demon king takes the opportunity to use the missiles to destroy the mechs utterly demolishing the army's best chance of stopping him. Ohma uses his abilities to stop the explosions and the scraps of the mech warriors in place.

"You cannot possibly defeat me" Ohma announces as he takes a look around. He sees a man and younger woman who looks similar to the man. "Do you know why?" The demon king asks. Ohma charges up for a second and release a dark energy burst obliterating everything in its path. The man pushes the woman in a ditch protecting her from the blast. The man is hit with the blast turning him to dust.

*Cue intro*

Metropolis 2019

There was a pure diamond blonde Caucasian teenage boy in khakis and a tan shirt walking down the street. This was Steve Trevor, your average sixteen year old kid.

He continued his walk until he reached his house. It was a clock repair shop with a sign that reads "Room for Rent". The shop was owned by his uncle Joe who is his legal guardian after his parents died. His uncle had black hair with slight tints of grey, square glasses covering blue eyes and wears a dress shirt covered by navy sweater vest and khakis. He was talking with a client with an old radio in front of him. 

"I should to get it fixed I just need to replace a few parts" Uncle Joe states and the client says thank you then happily leaves.

"Hey uncle" Steve states.

"Oh Stevie you're back" Uncle Joe replies back.

"Was that a customer?" Steve asks.

"Yeah but they gave me old radio, I wish they would give me clocks." Uncle Joe explains. "Oh also you got a letter from the military academy I left it on your desk." Uncle Joe comments. 

"Awesome" Steve exclaims with excitement as he heads up to his room. He went to his desk with same hesitation as getting a lottery ticket and opens the letter. He quickly reads through it and become down after he reads "you have been denied" he looks down in a mixture of anger and disappointment. He walks downstairs with his head down and goes to the kitchen. On his way he passes his uncle.

"Hey Stevie, what did the letter say?" Uncle Joe asks.

"I didn't get in" Steve answered in a crestfallen manner.

"Oh, sorry" Uncle Joe replied. "I guess you're staying in Metropolis High huh?" Steve nods his head in confirmation. "Well think of this as a chance to look at where you're going and ask if you truly like it" Uncle Joe explains. Steve smiles in response. "I mean is there is anything else other than a soldier you wanna be?" Uncle asks

"Well when I was little I kind of wanted to be king of the world" Steve explains. Then after a second the two of them laugh a bit.

"You're right I'm gonna see what Metropolis High has to offer" Steve proudly declares as he lifts his head up. 

"Great, also I got dinner burgers your favorite" Uncle Joe comments which Steve gains intense interest from the word burger.

"Big Belly Burgers?" Steve asks and his uncle nods yes. "Yes!!" Steve exclaims as he goes for a burger.

Time skip to the Sunday in #Crushingit 

Steve was walking through the suburbs of Metropolis, he continues his way before he trips. He gets up and looks at what he tripped over and saw a device the size of his hand but completely blank and that looks similar to that of a pocket watch except with no markings.

"Weird device, maybe someone is looking for it" Steve states as he places it back on the ground for someone else to find. He continues his walk home but undenounced to him there was four superheroes following him. Bumblebee, Supergirl, Green Lantern (Jess), and Zatanna were behind him ready to strike. They all lunge towards him but stop as he gets a call from his phone. Steve picks up the phone and hears someone say there was a mistake on the letter that sent to him.

"Jeepers, I got after all" Steve states as he continues on his way. The four superhero girls fall to the ground and look at Steve with confusion then over at Batgirl typing on a computer.

"What, I took him out by getting him accepted into the military academy. What were you gonna do?" Batgirl asks as the four stay silent. 

Steve POV

Steve continues his way where begin going up a flight of stairs until he passes a guy in a light grey shroud covering his face and reading a large blue book. The young man moves in front of Steve,

"Congratulations"  The young man says

"Huh?" Steve replies

"According to this book, this will be a special day for you. But watch out for red robots" The mysterious young man states while Steve is left confused

"Okay" Steve answers with hesitation. Then in the distance he hears a bike bell ring and looks over then looks back and the shrouded young man is gone. Steve looks around for the guy but is unsuccessful. Steve get to the top of the stairs and heads to his uncle's house. Suddenly a large red robot hovers behind and crushes a fence with its leg. 

"What the? A robot?" Steve asks in shock. The robot begin to take a swipe at Steve but he dodges out of the way. 

"Finally found you, Ohma Zi-O" A voice from within the robot exclaims. Steve takes his chances and runs away but he pursued by  the robot throughout the city. He makes his way into a mall where he believes the robot can't get to. 

"Yes, suck it terminator rip off" Steve blurts out in adrenaline. The robot hovers to atop of the and punches through the skylight in attempt to grab Steve. Steve dodges and runs for his life. "Oh come on, where's a superhero when I need one" Steve yells as he makes a mad dash to the exit. As he reaches the door however the robot is there waiting. Suddenly another robot similar to the attack robot but grey lunges at the robot sending the red robot crashing into a building. A hatch opens from the grey robot,

"Get in!" A feminine voice orders. Steve still in awe of what's happening gets in the robot. He enters and sees a Japanese girl with long black hair and white clothes piloting the robot. The door closes behind him and he looks around the interior of the robot and then at the pilot.

"Who are you? Steve asks.

"Introductions later grab onto something" The pilot orders. She spins a dial on a holographic screen. "Temporal displacement system activate" The robot announces as a hexagonal vortex opens. The robot takes flight through the vortex as Steve feels the G Force and deathgrips a part of robot near him. 

Prehistoric Times (IDK what year)

The ship comes out another hexagonal vortex, the pilot lands the robot and prepares a video.

"Watch this before you ask any questions" The pilots states. Steve watches the video (It's the first part of the story before the intro).

"Are you saying that I'm... that demon king?" Steve asks as the pilot nods her head yes. Steve trembles for a second trying piece all this information together. "I think I need some air" Steve states as he exits the robot and takes a look around. He takes a deep breath and tries to calm down, just then a liquid gets drizzled on him. He turned around to see to source and a shiver went down his spine when he looked up and a ferocious drooling T-Rex. The T-Rex lets out a savage roar and Steve runs away from the dinosaur. "Is this going to be a running gag or something also why is there a dinosaur?" Steve yells as he tries to get some distance between him and the T-Rex. The robot interferes and holds back the dinosaur.

"Did you seriously not notice? I jumped us to Cretaceous period since it was a emergency." The pilot explains as she pushes the dinosaur away and pick up Steve and travels through another vortex.

1671 Japan

The ship lands and both Steve and the pilot get out and reside in front of a shop. 

"So that was a time machine? Time travel is real?" Steve asks and the pilot nods yes

"It's called a Time-Mazine" Tsukuyomi states. 

"Okay now I have a better question, Just who are you?" Steve questions.

"I'm Tsukuyomi, I'm from the year 2068" Tsukuyomi answered. "The King of time, Ohma Zi-O came to power, he made people suffer and created a world without hope. We chose to fight Ohma Zi-O, but Geiz chose to change history by traveling through time. So I followed him to ensure you would never obtain the power of Ohma Zi-O" Tsukuyomi explains. 

"Are you absolutely positive it's me?" Steve asks still piecing everything together. Tsukuyomi held up a device. 

"Steven Trevor, Born April 28, 2003 Seventeen years old, currently living with your uncle at his clock shop, currently attending highschool at Metropolis High and soon Metropolis Military Academy, strongest subject history, hopeless at physics and chemistry" Tsukuyomi read out and this leaves Steve astonished. "I did my research, you also have the watch" 

"What watch?" Steve asks and then notices his right hand is holding something. He opens his hand a bit and sees the device that he tripped over earlier and became a bit surprised. Tsukuyomi walks over and grabs Steve's right hand with the watch in it, this causes Steve to blush.

"This will grant unbelievable power. Then you shall become the king of time who destroys the world, Ohma Zi-O" Tsukuyomi states

"Okay call me crazy but I'm beginning to believe you, I mean ever since I was little I kind of wanted to be King, but it would be bad if I became a demon king" Steve states as Tsukuyomi begins looking at the watch and grabs his hand. 

"The watch isn't reacting" Tsukuyomi says with confusion. In the distance the two heard a group of people fighting. One guy get thrown to the ground by a group of guys with cloths wrapped around their heads. 

"Don't you disrespect Edo craftsmen asshole" One of the guys standing utters. Steve tries to see what's happening but everyone else is too tall. Tsukuyomi grabs Steve by the shoulders which causes him to blush once again.

"Sorry I have to test this" Tsukuyomi says before turning Steve towards the crowd and hiding behind Steve. "Hey! Cut it out, won't ya?!" Tsukuyomi utters while deepening her voice to sound more masculine. The three guys and the crowd of people look at Steve, Steve is pushed by Tsukuyomi to in front of the three craftsmen. 

"Who the hell are you?" One of the craftsmen asks menacingly.

"No need to fight, how about we talk about this" Steve nervously states.

Seconds later

Steve is being carried by the three craftsmen to the bridge and then thrown into river. Then the three leave while laughing all the way. Tsukuyomi looks at Steve with disappointment.

"Maybe I got the wrong guy. The way he talks and acts is nothing like Ohma Zi-O" Tsukuyomi states as she look over and Steve is climbing up the bridge. "Are you okay?" 

"Hey look at that" Steve says as he looks over the three craftsmen and the two other guys laughing together. "They stopped fighting, thank goodness" Steve states. 

"Look at this guy! He took a dunk, but all he cares about is them not fighting" Somewhat in the crowd says which causes the crowd to cheer.  Tsukuyomi looks at crowd and surprised at how he can rally the crowd.

"Monster!!" Someone in the distance yells which causes Steve, Tsukuyomi and the crowd to look over to see the five guys who were fighting running away from a guy in a black and red suit with yellow Japanese symbols on the head. 

"Okay who is it this time?" Steve asks

"That's Geiz in his transformed form, he plans on eliminating you before obtain Zi-O's power" Tsukuyomi answers. "Run for it!" Tsukuyomi orders as she grabs Steve's hand making him blush and make's a run for it to her Time-Mazine. 

"You won't get away" Geiz states as he presses a button summoning his Time-Mazine to follow them. Both parties go through a vortex and begin clashing into one another. Geiz bashes Tsukuyomi and Steve hard enough to fall through another vortex.

Year 2017 

From Geiz's hit it sent them hurling at incredible speed into a wall causing Steve to fall out. 

"Ow Ow Ow"  Steve says in pain for a moment then look up to see snow falling all around him. Out of the blue Steve hears a vicious roar behind him and turn to see a monster running towards him. 

Steve begins moving away from the monster.

"Why does like people chasing me today?" Steve asks the universe not expecting an answer just keeps running.

"Get down!" A new voice answers as he turns to see two people jump kicking towards the monster.

"Vortec Finish!" A Mysterious voice utters as the heroes lunge through the monster causing an explosion behind which also causes Steve to get launched back.

"You okay?" The hero on the left asks.

"You still alive?" The hero on the right asks. The two rush over and help Steve up.

"Thanks, what are you guys? Are you also from the future?" Steve asks

"He's Kamen Rider Build" The guy on the right says as the Kamen rider Build removes red and blue bottles from his belt. Revealing his identity,

"Kiryuu Sento, and this is my assistant." Sento states

"I'm not an assistant! I'm Kamen Rider Cross-Z. Banjou Ryuuga" Banjo exclaims.

"I'm Steve Trevor, Kamen Rider?" Steve asks "Hey what era is it?" 

"Era? It's November 30th, 2017" Banjou states.

"2017?!" Steve states surprised. The three of them move to a café called Caffe Najcita.

Banjou begins texting on his phone which Steve sees and snatches it out of his hand and checks the date which says "November 30th 2017" which Steve found absolutely fascinating. Suddenly the fridge opens and Sento comes out of it.

"What's with your fridge?" Steve asks. Sento leaves that question unanswered and take out the watch.

"I examined the watch, this device cannot be created with the current technology from this time so it has to be from the future. You really are from the future" Sento states as he hands Steve the watch back.

"Well not the far future, just two years" Steve comments.

"Honestly I don't get what's going on" Banjou replies.

"Imagine how I feel, honestly this quite possibly the weirdest day of my life, actually there is someone from the further future" Steve states. Entering the café Banjou and Sento are knocked out by a blast. Steve turns around and Tsukuyomi is firing the shots and fires one at Steve knocking him out. 

"Sorry but you're not supposed to interfere with the past any more than necessary" Tsukuyomi states.

Someone else in the city in 2017

There is a kid playing basketball, he takes a shot and misses and it bounces off the rim into the road. The kid goes after it and is about to pick it up before a car drives close to him and seem like it's about to hit hit so the kid closes his eyes. He waits for a moment before reopening his eyes where he sees the car is stopped and the driver is stopped too as if the car and driver were frozen in place. 

"I've decided on you" A mysterious stranger says. The kid looks at the stranger with black hair and blue outfit.

"What? What's going on?" The kid asks.

"In the original timeline, you were hit by this car. But if you form a contract with me....." The stranger states

"I'll live?" The kid asks

"That's right" The stranger answers as he reaches in his pocket and takes out a blank watch. "So what'll it be?" The stranger asks as he holds out the watch.

"Fine, I accept the contract" The kid says grabbing the watch. The watch begins to glow and then it turns from a blank watch to having a red and blue monster on it.

"Finally someone sensible" The stranger says as he in a quick motion launches the car into another car as well as takes the watch back. "From now on, you are Kamen Rider Build"  The stranger states as he presses the button on top and then stabbing the watch into the kid's torso causing him to be consumed in darkness. Then the darkness fades and he becomes a monster that looks like Kamen Rider Build.

The monster then runs off then finds a kid practicing tennis and another kid in karate outfit. The monster grabs the two of them and attacks them causing them to fall to the ground, then the monster take two bottles of sorts shakes it then sucks the kids into them. The monster looks at the bottles,

"Tennis, Karate, Not best match" The monster states before  walking off.

Back at the Clock Shop Year 2019 

Steve wakes up in his bed and looks around his room and thinks to himself,  Was that whole thing just dream?  He takes out his phone and looks the date which reads "September 17, 2019" Moments he's downstairs eating breakfast while having a conversation

"So I become demon king of the world in like fifty years" Steve states

"Didn't we joke about yesterday?" Uncle Joe replies jokingly which causes the two of them to laugh. 

"Funny thing I didn't hate the idea of me being king" Steve explains.

"Well if you were king of the world you would be a great one." Uncle Joe responds

"Just Tsukuyomi said I would evil and end the world" Steve replies

"I say you make your destiny as you see fit so if you don't like the outcome you can rewrite it" Uncle Joe explains.

"Thanks uncle, Imma head out" Steve says in a better mood then before.

"No problem Stevie, have a good day" Uncle Joe states as Steve leaves the house. He leaves the house and goes for his morning run. As he does this he hears and sees people running in terror. He runs to source where he sees the Build monster grabbing people with karate gear on. Adrenaline gets the better of him and he charges towards the monster to defend the people but the Build monster swats him away as if he was a fly. Steve is sent to the ground but the blank watch falls out of his pocket and lands right in front of his face. Steve gets up and looks at the watch.

"It wasn't a dream" Steve says as he reaches for the watch. As he reaches Tsukuyomi's words repeat in his mind,  This will grant you unbelievable power,  "If it wasn't a dream then I can be king?" Steve says himself before looking over at the monster about to attack someone else. "Stop it! Steve yells as once again charges at the monster which once again ends unsuccessfully as he is grabbed by the monster. From the distance Tsukuyomi runs in and begins blasting the monster releasing Steve from its grip. The Build monster gets angry and forms basketballs with energy and launches them at Tsukuyomi, she fires her blaster at them obliterating them and then damaging the monster. As Tsukuyomi and the monster fight she looks at Steve holding the watch. 

"Throw that watch away! Quit your childish babblings about becoming the king" Tsukuyomi orders.

"Honestly part of me still wants to be king. I just the world to become a better place for everyone. I want to make everyone happy. Considering that, the only way to do that is by becoming the king!" Steve declares.

"That's right, you must become the king!" The cloaked figure from before states in a supportive tone. Tsukuyomi looks over and sees the figure.

"Woz, why are you here?" Tsukuyomi asks.

"Zi-O has the greatest power in history" Woz states as he pulls back his hood revealing his whole face.

"With that power, you can bend not only the world, but also the past and the future to your will" Woz states

"But if I do that.... I become the villainous demon king, right?" Steve asks.

"So don't! Don't  become the demon king!" Tsukuyomi explains in a demanding tone. Steve takes a second to think.

"I've decided! I will become the demon king! However I will not become the villainous demon king! I shall be the greatest and kindest demon king there ever was! Steve declares with a burning passion. His statement shocks Tsukuyomi and Woz.

"What?" Woz asks and then the blank begins to glow and become grey and pink. Steve is surprised of the watch's change. Woz comes around Steve with a device atop a royal red pillow. "My demon king, please accept this" Woz utters as he bows before Steve. Steve takes the device off the pillow. "You should know how to use it" Woz states in a respectful manner. Steve places the device over his stomach and a belt wraps around his waist.

"Jiku Driver" The device utters as Steve holds out the watch and turn the front of it forming the look of a helmet then he presses the top button. "Zi-O" The watch utters as he place the watch on the right side then presses the button on the top of the driver as he did the watch which unlocked the driver from the locked position. A mixture of techno music and ticking  sound plays as Steve makes the pose the same as the statue in 2068, behind him what appears to be large metal hands of a clock begin turning then after a few seconds of music the moment of truth occurred. 

"Henshin!" Steve announces as he then flips the diver to spin for a full rotation. The clock hands turn to the twelve o'clock position then split to ten and two. 

"Rider Time, Kamen Rider Zi-O" The driver announces then rings spin around Steve and found a silver clock like armor and then three pink Japanese symbol form onto where his eyes would be.

"Iwae!!! Rejoice! The one who will inherit all Riders' powers! The king of time who reigns over the past and future! Truly this is the moment Kamen Rider ZI-O is born!!" Woz royally and enthusiastically announces.

"No....." Tsukuyomi comments.

"I think I can do this!" Zi-O states as he charges towards the monster and punches it straight into the chest causing the monster to be send flying into a wall. "I did it! I can actually land a hit!" Zi-O says to himself. The monster gets up and tries to attack Zi-O but Zi-O dodges each attack and then parries making the monster fall. The two begin duking it out for a few moments before the monster creates a basketball with energy and tosses it a Zi-O, it hits causing damage. Zi-O presses a button on his hip and a sword appears.

"Jikan Gilade" The driver states.

"I get a sword?!!! Awesome !!!" Zi-O states as he then uses it to slice in half the basketballs and make his way to attack the monster. In one piercing slash the monster falls to ground. The monster gets up and creates and dribbles a basketball, he then jumps up to try and do final attack of slam dunking on Zi-O. Zi-O take the watch from the driver and places it on the sword.

"Finish Time!" The belt blurted out and Zi-O jumps up to catch up with the monster. "Girigiri Slash" The sword bellows out as it slices through the ball and the monster landing on the ground with a explosion behind him. With the monster gone the kid the got transformed lands on the grass and the people he captured were set free. 

"This is so awesome" Zi-O blurts out.

"Looks like you failed to change history" Geiz states in his civilian black and red clothes. 

"Why did you choose the demon king's path?!" Geiz asks angerly.

"Because it's the path I chose" Zi-O answers back in a stern tone. The way he talked reminded him of how Ohma Zi-O talked.

"In that case, I'll just have to end your path right here" Geiz states as he takes out his watch and presses the button.

He places his watch on the right side of his Jiku driver. He makes his pose and a clock shows up behind him except instead of hands of a clock there are numbers. The music plays which is different than ZI-O.

"Henshin!" Geiz announces as he spins his driver turning into his rider form. 

"Rider Time, Kamen Rider Geiz" His driver states before yellow Japanese symbols go on his face where the eyes would go. Geiz then takes out an orange watch turns it and presses the button.

"Ghost" The watch states before he places it in the left slot of the driver which causes the techno music to start up again. He presses the button on the driver and spins it around. 

"Armor Time, Kaigan Ghost" The driver states as Geiz transforms into a new form with an orange tinge to it with eyeball like parts. 

"Prepare to die, Ohma Zi-O!" Geiz states as he begins to charge at Zi-O with his new form summoning creatures that look like ghosts.

"W-wait a sec" Zi-O says as Geiz is about to land an attack.

End of Chapter 1

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