Jacob Bertrand Imagines

By ElementOfARose

48.6K 411 77

Basically just whole bunch one shots of Jacob Bertrand and all the characters he plays on TV. No longer taki... More

Jacob - Comic Con
Hawk - Forrest
Jacob - Wedding
Jacob - Bathroom
Hawk - Attention
Jacob - Surprise!
Jacob - Birthday
Hawk - Closet
Hawk - Caught
Joey - U Tech (Request)
Jacob - Family (Request)
Eli - Movie Night
Hawk - Hurt
Jacob - Texts (Request)
Hawk - Periods
Hawk - Accident (Request)
Hawk - The Real Thing (Request)
Hawk - Negative or Positive?
Hawk - Vacation Gone Wrong

Hawk - Bra

3.7K 34 6
By ElementOfARose

This one-shot mentions sexual themes but does not include any smut in it.

This will be set after Hawk betrays Cobra Kai.

Hope you enjoy!


It was a bright and late Saturday morning. You had stayed over at Hawk's house for the night since his parents were out of town for the weekend. You two had spent the previous night before cuddling, making love, and basking in each others company.

You were woken up by soft kisses being pressed down your neck and towards your collarbone. You smiled as you lazily opened your eyes to your wonderful boyfriend, Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz. He hovers above you while smirking down at you. He leans down and kisses your lips when he sees you awake.

"Good morning princess" he says in a husky morning voice. You smile up at him and once again peck him on the lips.

"Morning" you reply back. You look around for a moment to notice that both you and him were still nude from last night. You then look over at his alarm clock to see the time.

"You have to be at Karate practice in 3 hours and I have to work in half an hour" you mumble, groaning at the thought of getting out of bed.

Hawk also groans. "Can't you like call in sick or something. I want to spend time with you. We can stay in bed all day." Hawk pouts while getting handsy.

You giggle at his actions "As much as I would love to do that, you know I can't call in sick this late before my shift. Besides, we just spent the night with each-other after spending almost an entire day together. I think we can handle a couple hours away from each other" you say. He pouts some more.

"What are you doing after work?" He asks you.

"Well I'm actually heading to Miyagi Do to pick up Sam for our spa day. So I won't be available until later tonight" you state.

"Well when you come by Miyagi Do, make sure to come see me as well" he says.

"Hmm... we'll see" is all you respond. He rolls his eyes before grinning down at you. He then leans down and presses his lips to yours.

You kiss for a couple minutes until you come back to your senses. "Mm. Ok. Now I really do have to get up" you say trying to end the kiss. Hawk just pouts some more.

You lift the blanket off of yourself to feel the cool air hit your body. You started by looking for your undergarments around the room since they were thrown around aimlessly the night before. You finally found your panties and put them on. As you were looking for your bra, you look over at hawk who is smirking at you while hiding something behind his back.

"What do you have behind your back?" You ask him, slowly making your way over.

"Nothing... you look beautiful by the way" he says staring at your almost nude body.

You walk over to him and he puts his arms around you and brings you on top of his lap so that you couldn't go anywhere.

"Eliiiii" you whined as he wouldn't let go. He started trailing little butterfly kisses on your neck and chest. You tried to not let it affect you as you had to go.

"What? I can't help myself" he says continuing.

"I know. But I have to go." You said looking at him.

He sighs. "Fineee" he mumbles releasing you from his hold. He then reveals your bra hiding behind his back.

"Can I at least keep this though?" He says holding up your red, lacy bra.

"Why would you want to keep it?" You said confused.

"Cause I like the thought of your bra in my possession" he says smirking at you. This boy. You thought.

You sighed. "You know what fine. You can keep it. Because I don't even have time to argue about this." You say walking over to your overnight bag to get out your work clothes. You had brought them with you as you knew you'd be going to work from his place the next day.

He watched as you got dressed, still holding the flimsy bra in his hands.

After getting dressed you quickly checked the time, seeing that you had to leave immediately. You run over to Hawk, and press a quick kiss on his lips. "I'll see you later baby" you say after kissing him.

He smiles back at you. "Goodbye my love. Have fun at work" he says.

You stand up to leave his room and you turn back to him "have fun at Karate!" You reply back as you headed out of his bedroom. You went out his front door and got into your car and drove away.


It was currently 12:00 pm meaning that Miyagi do Karate has started. While everyone was getting ready and getting changed for practice, Hawk was showing off your bra to his friends discreetly in the corner of Miyagi Do.

"Yo dude that's her bra?! Damnnnn" Assface said looking at the bra.

"How did you get her bra??" Bert asked him in wonder.

Hawk just smirked at them. "She gave it up pretty easily." He replied to them. All the guys seemed to be impressed. All except one, Miguel. He looked uneasy about it.

"Uhh bro? How do you think Y/n will react when she finds out you brought her bra to Karate?"Miguel says hesitantly.

"Will you relax man. I doubt she'd care" hawk says brushing it off.

" but that's kinda personal to her and-" Miguel gets cut off by Hawk.

"Jeez man stop being a pussy" hawk says a little annoyed.

Miguel just shrugs. "Alright dude. It's your funeral"he says while walking away.

Miguel then runs into his girlfriend Sam. "Hey you!" She says to him and kissing him softly.

Miguel smiles and kisses her back and takes her hands in his. "Hey" he said giddily.

Sam looks over his shoulders to see where Miguel had just came from. She saw hawk holding some sort of object while all the boys swoon over it.

"What's Hawk showing the guys? It seems intriguing" she chuckles a bit. Miguel chuckles too. "He's just showing off Y/n's bra" Miguel says nonchalantly.

Sam pauses. "Wait. He's showing off her bra?" Sam says confused and a little disgusted.

"Yea. Wait why? Is that bad?" Miguel asked her.

Sam looks at him astonished. "Hell yea it's bad. How would you react if I kept some of your boxer shorts and decided to one day bring them to Miyagi do?" She asked him.

"Well I'd feel pretty dirty and embarras- ohhh I see now" Miguel says catching on. Sam looks back at Hawk and sighs.

"I got to tell Y/n this. She would want to know" Sam says.

"Alright you do that. But class is about to began so I don't think you have much time" Miguel says looking over at the two senseis who seem to be going at it again. Miguel sighs and mutters an "I'll be right back" and kisses her and leaves towards the senseis.

Sam looks back at Hawk who was still showing off the flimsy bra. She sighed. Y/n had to know. She needed to see if this was ok or not. Sam quickly pulled out her phone texted her quickly to let her know the situation. Once she sent it. Her father had called all of the students over to begin class.


Y/n had not received the text until she was on her break. She was eating her salad in the break room when she got the text.

Sammy💕: Hey! Super excited about our spa day today! Also I didn't know you were so cool with Hawk having your bra.

Y/n/n: What are you talking about? How do you know he has my bra?

Sammy💕: He brought it to Miyagi Do today to show off to his buddies. I knew you wouldn't be ok with it.

Y/n/n: of course I'm not ok with it!! What the hell! Oh that boy is gonna get it when I see him next.

Sammy💕: Well you'll probably be seeing him when you come to pick me up today. You can give him a piece of your mind there in front of everyone.

Y/n/n: You know what? Totally. That's what I'll do. Anyway, my break is ending soon so I'll see you after your practice.

Sammy💕: see you then!💜

You close your phone and eat the rest of your salad in anger. Oh he was totally gonna get what's coming for him.


It was the finally the end of your shift. You quickly stopped at your house to get out of your work clothing and into a cute yet sexy outfit. (A/n I'll let y'all imagine the outfit as I don't know what style y'all prefer) you look into the mirror and smiled. It was payback time.

You got into your car and made your way to Miyagi Do where you would be picking up Sam. You felt so angry and disgusted. Now everyone knew what your bra looked like. It made you feel dirty, and not the good kind.

You arrive at Miyagi Do and park your car. You see all of the students packing up and getting changed as there class just ended. You turn off your car and head towards the students.

Demetri noticed you first and notifies Hawk. Hawk looks over and smiles at you. You just send him a death glare. You march right over to him and grab him by his ear.

"Ow! What the hell woman! What are you doing?!" He says frantically as you pinch his ear.

"Ohh like you don't know! I trusted you, you dumbass!!" Your outburst seems to grab the attention of many of the Miyagi Fang students, so you drag him by the ear into the little building to talk in private.

Everyone watched as you drag him inside and watch as the door roughly closes behind the two of you. Almost instantly, they all rush to the doors and windows to see if they can get a peek on what's happening.

"Hah. Taste of his own medicine." Sam says looking through the window.

"Remind me never to bring your bra to class" Miguel jokes. Sam chuckles. Unfortunately someone took that joke a little too seriously.

"You've seen her bra!?" A voice says behind them. The two teens whip their heads around to see a not so pleased Daniel LaRusso glaring at the boy. Miguel cowers a bit until another voice interrupts them.

"You've seen her bra?! Thats my boy!! I knew you'd get some!!" Johnny says coming up and noogies his head.

"N-no! It was a joke!! I swear! I haven't- I mean we- we haven't-" Miguel stutters while still under the glare of his girlfriends father.

Sam cuts him off. "It was a joke dad, chill" Sam says then turns her attention back to what's happening inside.

Meanwhile inside, Y/n was currently reprimanding Hawk. "How could you!? When you said you wanted to keep my bra, I expected it to stay hidden in your room. Not passed around in your Karate class!!" You yell at him while he looks at the ground in shame.

"I mean do you know how dirty I feel right now!? And before you say anything, not the good kind" you say as Hawk was about to open his mouth.

"I'm sorry ok! I didn't think it was a big deal!!" He answered back.

You look at him like he was crazy. "Not a big deal!? Are you fucking kidding me!? it's a huge deal!! Why would you bring it to your class? To show everyone how 'macho' you are? To show everyone that you really don't give a fuck about me or my feelings!?" He stays silent as you finish your sentence.

"I can't do this right now" you said going over towards the exit but he grips your wrist and pulls you back to look at him.

"Look I'm sorry ok? If I had known that you were going to get this upset over it I would have never brought it in the first place" he said. You scoff at him.

"So your not sorry that you brought it in? Your just sorry you got caught? Unbelievable" you said turning to walk away again.

"Fuck- no that's not what I meant." He says pulling you back again.  You try to escape his grip but he sustains you there by putting his hands on your shoulders.

"Please. Look at me, ok I'm so sorry. I never meant for you to feel embarrassed or hurt or dirty at all. I realize now how much of dumbass I am. Please. I'm sorry" he says apologizing profusely.

You look at him. He does seem genuinely sorry. But you weren't going to forgive him that easily. He needed to work for it.

"Look, I just really need to not be with you right now" you say not looking at him.

His heart drops. "W-wait. Are you breaking up with me?" He says his voice cracking a bit.

"No! No no. God no. I just think I need to have some space away from you for a bit. I just can't do this right now. I'll see you Monday at school." You say before walking away towards the exit. Hawk stayed put still looking at the ground before he went over to a punch bag and started punching it repeatedly, taking his anger and sadness out.

Back where all the Miyagi fang students were huddled, Demetri quickly notices you making your way to the door.

"She's coming! Everyone run and act normal" and with that everyone fled from the door and pretended like they weren't just listening in on the conversation.

You opened the door to see everyone scrambling away pretending they were doing something different. Some people were pretending to practice, others were looking at the stone hedges with fake interest. Some were in groups pretending to have a conversation. You sighed and called Sam over.

"Hey Sam! Let's go. Our reservation for the spa starts soon." You call over to her. She nods and makes her way over but not before giving her boyfriend a kiss and her dad a hug.

You both silently make your way to your car and get in. You looked back at Miyagi do to see hawk exiting the little house looking gloomier than ever. It made a your heart ache, but you pushed it down as you were still angry with him. And with that, you take off.


The rest of the afternoon turned out to be good. You and Sam had a really good time together. You had been meaning to take a spa day with your best friend for a while so this was just what the both of you needed.

It started out with Face masks and getting your nails done. After they were dry, you both relaxed in the Sauna for a little while until it was time for your massages.

You felt almost absolutely relaxed. Almost, because your heart still ached with the way you left things with Hawk. He was so important to you, but you couldn't forgive too easily. You refused to.

After your massage you and Sam enjoyed a nice afternoon tea on the balcony of the place. You were both in silk robes as you ate the mini snacks and pastries.

"Do you think I was too harsh on Hawk?" You said regretting how you spoke to him a couple hours back.

"No. He needed to know that what he did was wrong. He'll never learn if you don't tell him. Besides, a good relationship always needs good communication" Sam says. You knew she was right, but you still felt a little guilty about it. Perhaps there was a less barbarous way to speak to him about it.


It was around 7:30 when you got back home. You got home to an empty house. Your parents had left a note on the kitchen counter saying that they were going out tonight and that they wouldn't be back till late.

You sighed and made your way upstairs to your bedroom. When you opened the door, you saw candles around your room and rose petals on your bed.

You then see Hawk in the middle of the room looking at you with love and guilt in his eyes.

He makes his way over to you. "Y/n. Please believe me when I say, I had no bad intentions when bringing your bra to practice today. I just didn't think too much of it, and for that, I'm really really sorry. I promise I'll try to be less of an idiot and try to remember your feelings as well. Can you please forgive me?" He finishes his speech while looking at you.

You sigh and look at him. "Hawk I-" he cuts you off. "Please y/n. Please" he says walking over to you and hugging your waist while leaning his head on your shoulder.

He kept muttering "please" as you stood there for a second, shocked, not knowing what to do. Finally you came back your senses and hugged him back. You rubbed his back as he just kept saying "I'm sorry" into your shoulder.

You were still shocked. You had never seen him this vulnerable before. You knew that he knew that he really fucked up and that he learned from his mistake.

You sighed. "It's ok. I forgive you." You say. He brings his head from your shoulder and looks at you with a shocked yet happy look. He pulled you in for a kiss which you happily returned. He moved his hands up from your waist all the way to your face.

You both pulled away to look at each other. You both had tears prickling in your eyes.

"I hate fighting with you." You say as a tear ran down your face. He quickly and softly kissed the tear away.

"Same. I'm so sorry. I really am. I never want to make you feel like that again." He says moving his hands back down to your waist and instead start running them up and down your back.

You pull him back into a kiss which quickly turns heated. He starts moving his hands towards your ass and to your thighs. He quickly taps the side of hip signalling for you to jump. When you do, he catches you with ease as you wrap your legs around his torso. Never breaking the kiss, he makes his way towards the bed and gently places you down on it.

He pulls away for a second. "Are you sure you want to-" he asks before you cut him off by kissing him again.

"Let's forget this happened ok?" You say to him and he nods as he continues what he was doing before.

The rest of the night was pure bliss as the prior issue was long forgotten during the night.


Thank you all for reading!

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Word Count: 3200

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