Adventures Of The Old Times...

By leoanimatesyt

16 1 0

its an old tale of the sbi family and how everything had l'manburg wilbur died... More


16 1 0
By leoanimatesyt

1 New day,new trip

Wilbur had woken in his bed,he sighed and yawned. He was tired. They had just gotten on a ferry to go across the sea. It was gonna take 3 days,so that meant 3 days with family,no adventures or anything else,just sitting in the bering sea for 3 long days,with tommy and tubbo the youngest bugging the heck out of him for 3 days,technoblade and dadza the oldest brother and dad chilling out and talking about big things,3 long days of just that..

Wilbur wasn't very happy with that, his family was annoying. They were called sbi family,meaning sleepy bois inc, even though they were never tired. They were always doing something

 Wilbur sat up on the bed and looked around his room. It was very empty. A few bags of the snacks he had,a guitar,a window and a bed. I mean it wasn't his own room so he couldn't do anything with it really.

 He got up and put on some clothes,a torn long jacket,a plain white shirt,brown baggy leggings and a beanie on his head. The beanie was special to Wilbur since Philza had created it for him. He grabbed his guitar and sat down on his bed and started to play. 

“There once was a place..” he sang,he had made a new song, he never knew what to call it though, his voice was soft and beautiful when he sang, ever since he was little he played guitar and sang, his main hobby was to write songs. 

but before he could finish Tommy had run into the room,wearing his white shirt,with short red sleeves and a red collar,brown shorts with black shoes. “Wilburr!” he called out. “Can you play with me and tubbs?” he asked.

 Wilbur nodded. Tubbo peaked into the room. Wearing the same thing as Tommy but his shirt is black and yellow striped T-shirt. Tubbo cheered a little “yay!..” he said as Tommy ran over to him. ''You're It wilbur!” he yelled and ran. After the game Wilbur went to his room. 

Philza had been laying down,he hadn't been feeling good. Tommy was running around annoying technoblade now. Wilbur got  up and stretched after while. ,he started to walk to Philza's room. “Dadza?” he asked as he walked in. Philza looked at Wilbur and sat up.Philza had been wearing a dark green shirt,black leggings,a green and white striped hat,a black long jacket, white socks.  “Yes wilbur?..” he said. “Are you alright?” Wilbur asked and sat next to philza. “You don't look too good..” philza sighed and rubbed his eyes. “I think I might be a little sick wilby. But it's alright..” he said and smiled a little. Wilbur hugged philza and left the room. Philza layed down again.

 Wilbur sat back down in his spot. Meanwhile Tommy had still been chasing technoblade, technoblade always dressed fancy as he could get,he had a fake crown,a white shirt with a puff on the top,a red cape,jewelry and brown leggings,black shoes. He was philza’s favorite of course.

 ‘TECHNOooo!!'' he yelled. “What tommy!?!” technoblade said,annoyed at him for bugging him. “Am bored!!'' Tommy whined. Technoblade shrugged. “I don't know what to tell ya! Go find something” he said, crossing his arms. Tommy crossed his arms and mumbled something quiet. “Fine then! I'll go annoy dadza!'' Tommy said angrily. Technoblade turned around. “Don't.” he said simply.

Techno. Pt 1

 Technoblade had been the oldest kid of wilbur and tommy so he had to most responsibility when philza or anything happened,so he was strict and cold sometimes


Wilbur had been the second oldest. He liked playing guitar,singing and being calm,along with adventures,he just normally had to do some work,check in on everybody and report to philza. 


Philza was the dad of the group who had to take care of them and everything. He was calm and nice,but also strict when needed. 


Then we have Tommy,the littlest kid in the group,he was loud,obnoxious and very hyper. We also had tubbo. He was the same age as Tommy and also tommys best friend. Tubbo liked bees and was loud but quiet,nervous,outgoing,and very nice.

2 Second day. woo..

 Tommy backed away from technoblade and went to find tubbo. Who had slept after they played tag.  “Tubbo!!!” he yelled and looked for tubbo,soonly he found tubbo sleeping and shook him. “Bubbo! Bubbo! Tubbooo!” he said. Tubbo woke up and rubbed his eyes. “What is it tommy?i don't feel good...” he asked….

Wilbur looked over across the board,and had been in the sea for at least 2 days now. They were getting across a sea so they could keep going on a strail.  It seemed to wilbur everyone had been getting sick somehow. And he didn't like it at all. Wilbur went into the room he shared with the others and saw Tommy and tubbo.

 “What's happening here?” he asked them. Tubbo had very bad pains in his belly. “I don't feel good” tubbo said. Wilbur nodded and picked up tubbo. “You wanna go lay down with dadza?” he asked,which tubbo nodded yes. Wilbur carried tubbo to philza. “Tubbo didn't feel good and wanted to lay down with you dadza..” he said,which Philza nodded and opened out one of his arms and Wilbur placed tubbo down and tubbo layed with Philza and both of them fell asleep. 

Wilbur walked out of the room,and saw Tommy waiting. “Can we do something wilbur?” he asked. Wilbur nodded.  Wilbur and Tommy ran around,chasing each other. Wilbur yawned as he got tired. “You wanna go to sleep?” wilbur said and tommy nodded. Wilbur and tommy went to go and sleep

3 THE accident.

. The next morning everybody woke up and started to pack up,for they had gotten there. Philza and tubbo felt a little better but not much so tommy,wilbur,and mainly technoblade got what they needed and took the bags off the ferry. They put the bags in the wagon. Technoblade and philza sat on the horses and wilbur,tubbo and tommy stayed in the back. Tubbo fell asleep again,while wilbur and tommy talked.  “That took so long to get here!..” he whined. Wilbur smiled. “At Least we're here now.” wilbur said and hummed a song he made in his head. “What's that song wilbur?” tommy asked,wilbur looked at tommy. “Oh..i haven't thought of a name yet..” he said. “How about l-l’manburg!” wilbur shrugged. “Sure..l’manburg it's called then..” they both started humming the tune. “My l’ l’manburg” they both sang.  They soonly got to the blue river. Philza stopped the wagon with technoblade. “We should stop here..'' Philza said and got off the horses and the technoblade followed,they went to the back and helped Wilbur and Tommy out of the wagon. “Tubbo! We're at a river!” he said and smiled. Tubbo woke up and got out of the wagon with technoblades help.

 Tubbo felt better so he ran around and played with tommy and wilbur,philza and technoblade ate some food. Soonly tommy and Tubbo ran over to the others and sat down and started to eat happily. “Were gonna sleep here tonight..” philza said. The others nodded and they cleaned up. Philza and technoblade sat in the wagon and watched the others play. 

“It's nice here philza..” technblade said calmly. Philza nodded and smiled. “It is..” the sun was starting to set. Wilbur,Tubbo and Tommy were running around. When they saw the sunset start to set they ran over to philza and technoblade and got picked up and put in the wagon. They laid back and watched the sun set. The sunset was perfect and beautiful that night.

 They fell asleep soonly. The next morning they got up and walked across the river on the side. Wilbur,Tubbo and Tommy sitting in the back sleeping as technoblade and philza woke up early to lead the wagon carefully.  Wilbur soonly woke up and rubbed his head. He saw the others were asleep and stayed quiet and looked outside the wagon. He was starting to get bored. He hummed his song. Soonly tommy and Tubbo woke up and decided to scare Wilbur by jumping on him.  “AEP!!” Wilbur screamed and shook the wagon,which turned out to be something very bad..

Once Wilbur shook the cabin,it made it fall into the river,which was deep,and made everything fall in. the back of the wagon was sealed so it was gonna be hard for them to get out. Technoblade fell into the water with philza and philza swam up to the surface and looked around before realizing they were all underneath the river,so he dived back under and looked for everyone.

 Technoblade was swimming

. Tommy’s blood sugar dropped so he passed out. 

Technoblade grabbed tubbo and tommy and got them to the surface

. While Philza and Wilbur had been stuck under the wagon.  Wilbur and Philza grabbed onto each other. They held onto each other and tried to leave the wagon off of them but couldn't. 

They were also running out of breath.

 Wilbur pushed Philza and Philza started floating up. “Be good for them..” he said and passed out.

 Philza swam up quickly,he was crying. “Technoblade! “ technoblade dived in with philza and got under the water and lifted the wagon. Grabbing wilbur and bringing him to the surface. “Come on wilby..please..” philza said and hugged him. Tommy and tubbo were passed out. Technoblade tried to get Wilbur back. 

“Wilbur?'re a said you'll never leave me...please come back..son…” philza said. Crying.

“Wilbur please…”


             My l’manburgg…..

3 Is wilbur okay?

“Wilbur come on! You can't do this to us” philza said.looking down at his son,who had been pale,cold and soaking wet. It was a terrible sight to see. Technoblade had been keeping tommy and tubbo warm by holding them,technoblade had body heat no matter what so he had been dried off already and warm. Philza kept trying on Wilbur,everything he knew for it to work,but nothing really changed. 

-wilburs pov-   link to song ;

Wilbur was on what seemed to be a train. It said ‘jubline line’ on top of it. It must've been the future on something. Maybe his own personal limbo?. 

 He sighed and walked over the train,as soon as he stepped foot out,the train closed and went off. It was a big empty space with only a bench,lights and the way. He sat down. “I wonder where I am..” he said to himself.

 He saw another train pass by,and it had already bored him to be there,there had been nothing to do there, which made him bored as heck. I mean they always were up to something fun as the sbi family,but this wasn't even close.

It was like death, alone. Nobody was there with Wilbur, it was just him, in an empty room, trains ever passing by,never stopping to think to help him. He wondered if he was in hell, because it sure didn't seem like heaven. It was a pain, it was like there was a wall between the kid and the trains. He always tried to do something there, if it was climbing up the walls,which he never could,they were too smooth to even lean on,he would fall right down again, then screaming at the walls,and trains,but they never seemed to answer. Never. Never leaving,never sleeping, never anything, at this point he wasn't able to talk,his voice was hoarse and in pain from screaming at the walls which were around him and the trains. He saw another train pass by,he knew it would never work,but he had to try. 

 so he ran up to it. “Hey! Let me go!” he yelled. Hoping it would stop,but it never did. Countless days have now passed for wilbur,like time didn't exist anymore. And he still hated this place. He had screamed till his lungs were sore and hoarse to the point he was mute now,he climbed the conerate walls,he tried to break free,every possible way. But nothing changed,no one came, the same thing every day,the same time. It never changed, his actions repeated, like this was history. Technoblade always said history repeats itself. He did have something. He made a song. He didn't have anything with him,but he made it, simply by tapping his foot.

. He tapped his foot on the floor. “Wasting your're wasting mine” he sang. In an upset voice his voice cracked from how bad it was,but it always calmed him down so no matter how much pain he was in with his voice, the pain it put him to sing, he would still do it. 

. He remembered that philza wanted him to live “i hate to see you leaving..” he sang. He sighed. “Fate,worse than dying..” he sang,he hated this. “Your city gave me asthma..that's why i'm --- leaving..” he said he hated how he had died.what he was now in what seemed like hell.

 “Your water gave me cancer..and  the pavement hurt my feelings..” he started to cry. He took a pause. Everyday was the same. Screaming at the walls,but nothing changed. “ the walls..” he sang,in an upset tone. “Because they don't --- love you”his tone changed from upset to angry but still upset. “Shout at the walls,because they don't --- love you!” an incoming train went past,making the loud noise it always did. “There's a reason!” he sang, trying to sing over the noise of the train, to him it was like taking out the anger and sadness he had. “London puts barriers on the rails!” The noise just gets louder. Soonly it passed. “There's a reason..they fail” he sang

,finishing the song. Tears rolling down his face. He sat down at the bench he always had. The room gets darker. “Wha?..” 

-tommy,philza,technoblade,tubbos pov-

It had been at least 2 days since wilbur had been gone,but philza insisted wilbur was gonna come back,and that he wouldn't stop trying,so they had gotten a doctor. The doctor sighed. “He has a heartbeat and everything so he should wake up soon..just let me be with him..alone for a moment..’ he said and sighed. The others left. “Do you think wilbur will be alright?..'' Tommy asked. Philza sighed and patted tommys head. “Mhm..he’ll be okay..” he said,he had hope. 

The doctor came out. “Alright..he should be back soon..” he said and sighed,walking away.

-wilburs pov-

“What?..” he said. The lights went back to normal,and the train came and stopped,and opened. Was he finally able to come out of this place he had called hell for what seemed like months or even years?..but either way there was no time to think,the train finally noticed him,and he was finally able to come back now. Back to the world he loved,but he had to say, hell was somewhat good, he wanted to create a nation when he had gotten back. It just seemed like a good idea, but for hell it wasn't. 

He got up and ran to it. He wanted to leave. Soonly the light started coming into the train and he covered his eyes, the light was so bright it was like he had been blinded. His ears ringed, his body shook. But then... everything stopped, the ringing was gone. His body didn't shake anymore, he was laying down on what to be seemed as a ferry,not the old one, a new one. With new things. He sat up carefully and looked around, to see..his family, in front of him.

It felt good to finally be back, alive. He saw what it had been like dead and for hell he never wanted to be back. He had so many song ideas he could do with his guitar and a nation to create, there was no time to think for it. 

Afterall he was the second oldest of the group,the sbi family, which meant he was the second chaotically, because when wilbur was little, so was the old man philza, which meant more chaos for him. That's why technoblade and wilbur were the 1st and 2nd oldest really.  

Philza hugged Wilbur and the others did too. “Your back! Finally..’  Philza said and smiled. Wilbur pushed them away. He got up and walked away. He hadn't seen the sunlight for days. “Woah..”he said and smiled.he didn't want to die again,or for his family to get hurt or honestly anything. He sighed,he then grinned. He knew what he had to do and It was his sunrise. He was gonna make a change. He was gonna make his own country. And that starts now. He started to run. 

4 a new nation.

Philza looked at wilbur. “Son! What are you doing!?” he ran after Wilbur,Tommy ran behind Philza and wilbur. Wilbur saw a plane area,nobody had been or anything. “This..this is it!” he said and grinned. “A place for..freedom, and there will be no wars,and if we do have a war. We will fight with words! We will not attack!” he said and raised his arms. “This is L’manburg!” he said and laughed. Tommy ran up. “l..L’manburg?..isn't that the one song name?” Tommy asked. Wilbur nodded and patted tommys head. “Mhm..”  

My L’manburg.. (lyrics changed to fit in)

“Well I heard there was a special place,where men could go and emancipate..” wilbur sang. He sighed. “The brutality and tyranny of their rulers..” Wilbur sang and started to smile. “Well this place is real,you needn't fret,with wilbur.” wilbur sang. “Tommy!” Tommy said cheerfully,technoblade and tubbo walked in. “tubbo!” tubbo said. “And technoblade,philza..” philza and technoblade sang a little. “It's very big,and not blown up..l’manburg..” wilbur sang. “My l’manburg..” wilbur sang. “My l’manburg..” technoblade and philza joined in. “my l’manburg..” they sang. Wilbur looked at Tommy and tubbo. “Tommy,tubbo..” he said. “My l’manburg..” they all sang. Wilbur smiled. “Let's get to work everybody” and that's what they did. They started building their nation...L’manburg. They worked day and night on it nonstop. 

Dream,sanpap,and george came. They were the ones who were in control of everything,everybody had feared them. “What are you doing..” dream said. Standing tall and scary. Wilbur instantly looked over at the voice. “Wh-what?..” He wondered how dreams found them. “How did you?..” wilbur said. “Am the head state..i know everything,eret and philza reported you..” dream said. Wilbur,Tommy,Tubbo and technoblade  looked at Philza “how could you!?” wilbur said. “You traitor!” Tommy yelled. Technoblade shrugged. “Am not a fan of either of these. I hate the government or whatever.” technoblade said.

Dream nodded. “So you've created a nation without our permission?..” dream said seriously. Wilbur gulped and nodded. “Yes,but this is for freedom! To get away from you!” Wilbur said back,seriously.wilbur stood tall. “Then you go to war with it?..” he said.

5. War for l’manburg pt 1

Wilbur sighed. What was he gonna do? This nation was for no fighting,no wars,just peace and freedom,but he had to go to war to protect it. He looked around. He started to climb up to the highest spot. He looked down at everything he created.the light was perfect at the moment. The wind blew on him and through his hair. This was what he was gonna fight for. 

He climbed down and went to a cave and started to get things for weapons and armor. He needed to do so fast,war was starting at dawn and he needed armor for him and the two 9 year olds,Tommy and tubbo. Technoblade  got his own already and is training the little ones because he wasn't gonna fight,philza was gone already. 

They got everything ready for the war. 

-philzas pov-

“Why did you make me do that?'s wrong,they all hate me now!” philza said. Dream sighed. “Well we needed a reason. At Least you wouldn't be harmed now. You can go free, ''Dream said and shrugged. “I don't care about freedom! I care about my family!” philza yelled, dream took out his sword,philza went quiet and scared. 

-technoblades pov- 

Technoblade sighed. “You two aren't getting it. Legs spread out and facing me,hold the sword with 2 hands at the handle, raise your sword to your side. That's how you are in the correct position.” technoblade said. Tommy and tubbo did what he said and technoblade helped them. He helped them learn how to fight,and other things just like him. They both catched on fast and were very fast and good at it. They were ready

-wilburs pov-

He sighed. It was a hard time for Wilbur,he looked around. He had 4 sets of armor finally and 4 swords. “Finally..i'm done..” he said and wiped the sweat off of his face. He yawned. He needed to rest finally. He grabbed the armor and the swords and started walking back. ‘The swords are only for backup,we will not be fighting with them,we shall fight with words and actions,no harm.’ he thought as he walked. He still needed to train with technoblade before he could finally rest,and it was gonna be hard fighting training. Then before the battle Wilbur would give a speech about how they should talk,then everything would go fine.

But he was wrong.

-the next day,battle starting-

Tommy looked at tubbo. “Were gonna do this perfectly!” Tommy said. Tubbo nodded. Technoblade looked at wilbur and nodded. “Good luck,call for backup.” technoblade said and walked away. Wilbur closed his eyes and sighed. “It's only us 3..” he said. He looked at dreams,george and subpoena across from them. “3 vs 3..this should be a good battle..but not fair..” he said. He knew dreams and the other 2 fought in wars before so it was gonna be harder to do. But then again,technoblade trained them.



“Get down people!” he yelled as he dunked over the attack. Technoblade fought in many wars,since he was 8. He was now 21. And he trained nonstop,he won against every war he fought,every person. Even he won against dream. He never gave up either. He knew how to heal,basically everything. He wrapped bandages around his hands.  He was written in history books. He always had a quote too. “Technoblade never dies!” he shouted and raised his sword. He never failed to do what he wanted. Technoblade gets in the attack position.  And by heavens,Wilbur was glad he had technoblade as family. “Bahahaha!” technoblade laughed as he slammed dream onto the ground.   That's why he was known as.

The blade.


“ don't have the blade with you? just have two 9 year olds and yourself? That's wrong.” dream said and crossed his arms. Shaking his head. “Putting kids into a war?” sapnap said. “You made the wrong choice..” George said. Wilbur sighed. It was gonna be a lot for the two littler kids. He was an teen,way older than them,he should've known better. “I well,let's talk..this nation is for-” he had been cut off by dreams serious voice. “Blah Blah Blah! There isn't gonna be any talking! This nation shouldnt be! Now. you have till dawn tomorrow to have white flags! White flags by dawn or you are dead! Be lucky am giving you one more day.” dream stormed off,george and sapnap followed. Eret and fundy walked in. “hey!.” fundy said and ran over. Eret followed. “Hey,am sorry about what i did earlier..i’ll help you if you need it..dream kinda forced us he had a reason.” eret said and looked at wilbur. Wilbur sighed. “Sure but only this time,it's a lot for the littler kids so be lucky,be careful. First thing first,get armor for you.” wilbur added. Eret nodded. “Fundy will be joining to..” he said. 

That night everybody headed to bed peacefully and ready,while eret stayed up. Working on something,

-eret pov-

Eret walked down the stairs to a black room. Filled with empty chests,and a single button. “This will be perfect for tomorrow.” he grinned. “Some things for help tomorrow.” he said. He started to walk back. 

6  War finally. 

Ain't no crying -

Everybody woke up and was training. Fundy walked over to wilbur. “What am i fighting for? Whose side am I on” he asked. Wilbur told him and patted his head. Eret looked where the room was. “Lost everything in the crossfire..witness the wreckage at dawn.” eret said. Dream,sapnap,and George came. “Say it enough and you start believing,they can tell you it's righteous!” dream said. “Keep your chin up in the crisis.” wilbur said and sighed. “Say it enough and you start believing?” Tommy said. “In the glory! In the justice!” the both teams sang, “they will drill it into your head!” dream and wilbur yelled. 

Arrows started flying everywhere and swords clashed together. The talking plan failed and they had to now fight,with weapons. But wilbur stayed true and fought with no armor,just a sword. He always hated armor anyways. Tommy was fighting dream. “Ain't no crying till the wars are done!” dream yelled. Dream shook his head. Wilbur jumped into dream. “Ain't no crying because the wars have only just begun!” wilbur said. “Ain't no crying till the sun comes up,till the sun comes up” sapnap said. Dream’s team started to yell/sing. “Ain't no crying!” dream yelled. “No crying!” george and sapnap yelled. 

“No crying,no!” dream said, “Ain't no crying!” dream,sapnap and george said, “No crying!”

Soonly wilburs team had to retreat. “In the division,make your decision,every shoulder you leaned on,is the one you will turn on” 

Eret smiled and led everyone to the room. He pressed the button. “Down with the revolution boys! It was never meant to be!” he yelled. Dream,Sanpa,and George broke the wall and started attacking them.  “Burn it to ashes! Watch as it crashes!” eret said. “Nobody left to forgive or to forget.” eret added. 

Wilbur sighed. He shook his head and faced the 3 younger ones. “Say it enough and you start believing,they can tell you it's righteous,” he put his hands on each of their chins and tilted them up softly. “Keep your chin up in the crisis.” wilbur said. “Say it enough and you start the glory in the justice they will drill it into your head!” fundy said. They went back to fighting the other 3. This time,they are winning. “ain't no crying till the wars are done!” wilbur yelled. He grinned. “Ain't no crying because the wars just began!” wilbur added. “Ain't no crying till the sun comes up,till the sun comes up!” the 3 younger ones yelled. Wilbur looked at dream and clashed their swords together. “Ain't no crying!” wilbur yelled. “No crying!” the 3 younger ones yelled.wilbur,fundy,tommy and tubbo yelled. “Ain't no crying no! Aint no crying! No crying!(x3) Till the sun comes up till the sun comes up!” wilbur threw dreams sword and slashed dream on the chest then on the face. “What are you doing!?” dream growled. “What am i fighting for?,what have i done?,what am i dying for?!” wilbur said. He looked around,blood everywhere. “What have we become?..” he said and sighed. “Make you live through the pressure..” dream said and grinned. “Make you live through the pain..” dream sighed and get up. George and sapnap ran. “Sacrifice you for nothing..we’re still dying in pain..” dream growled and ran off. Wilbur smiled and looked at the others. He raised his hands. “We won! After all of this! We WON!” he yelled and cheered happily.

7  aftermath

Fundy had been taking care of cleaning the weapons because he was the 2nd oldest out of wilbur and the other 2. He sighed. He looked around. Wondering why eret had to betray them. And how a bunch of kids even won a fight against the greatest person on earth. Dream. It didn't make sense to him. 

Honestly it didn't make sense to wilbur either. As he cleaned up the blood off of the grass and everything,he still had to write the independence of l’manburg now. And how sapnap, george and dream failed to beat a bunch of kids confused him. He hummed the song of my l’manburg. He couldn't really trust anyone, not his dad and eret..and he had to take care of 3 kids now. He needed help somehow. He sighed,knowing it was gonna be tuff. He knew he wasn't gonna be able to rest yet. He hummed a different song he made when he was in the afterlife. He called it ‘saline solution’ as he hummed,he cleaned up everything the best he could. He yawned a little. 

Tubbo and Tommy headed to bed,fundy finished and went over to wilbur. “Hey wilbur,is there anything else i need to do?” fundy asked. Wilbur shook his head. “ don' can head to bed.” he said and finished what he was doing. Fundy nodded and ran to bed. Wilbur sat down on the grass. This was way too much for him.

(some lyrics changed to fit the setting)

He grabbed his guitar quickly and went back outside and sat down near the water.  He started playing the guitar’1,2,3 and 4” he said he played his guitar. “I think this time am dying,am not melody dramatic,am just proatic that am beyond any reasoning for thinking that i get --- rabies or something” he sang. He had to admit it was nice to be able to have a guitar to play his songs with now. “I think this time  am dying..” he sang. “I think this time  am dying..” he sang again. He kept playing his guitar. He sighed. “I think I lost my mind..”

“Blurring the fact and the fiction, while simultaneously fixing,myself with a nation,named l’manburg,” he sighed. “I think i lost my mind,i think i've lost my mind..” he played his guitar more. He yawned. “If i could just break,one more night..maybe i could wake up and feel alright..” he sang. “My optimistically set alarm clock time..serves only to mock me with flashing lights' ' his guitar went from light playing to more stern and louder a little but then got really loud. “I think i've made my choice!” he yelled. “Am a diseased playing victim,slip the fate,slip the victory!” he yelled. 

He started to cry a little. “I think i've made my choice! Sit selculed  in hatred! Void of plans friends are making!” his voice turned upset and broke a little. “I think I've found my voice!am a leech sucking blood bag!taste defeat! It's a sand bag!” he sighed and calmed down,guitar going light again

“Saline solution..saline all your saline solution,to all your problems..” he said and sighed. This was tuff,running a nation,taking care of kids. He wondered how he was able to take care of wilbur,tubbo,tommy and techno when he had been that old. Really. He laughed a little at the thought of Philza being an old man. 

Which had been perfect timing

Philza walked in. into the nation,he betrayed. “Hey son” philza said. Wilbur quickly got up and looked at him. “What are you doing here..” he said and stared at philza. He wasn't sure what the heck philza was doing here. Philza said. “I know you're mad,but please wilbur,listen to me..” philza said. Hoping he’d listen. Wilbur nodded and crossed his arms. “They went soft on you..they said if i didn't tell them what was happening,that they would kill you..” philza said.

Wilbur shook his head. “Why should i listen to you? You betrayed us already,and eret helped them..” wilbur said. Philza sighed. “I am sorry okay! I didn't mean to..i just wanted to protect my family..” philza said. He was telling the truth,he just wanted peace for them. “They went hard,reset had betrayed us,I've been dealing with 3 kids with no help! Techno left! You betrayed us!” he said. He took the sword out of its case and pointed it at philza. 

“You don't get to have a say. You put us through bloodshed,and things like that. You don't get an excuse..i just know it's another lie to get us back.'' Wilbur said,staring at Philza with his death stare,he wasn't kidding. “Now leave..i don't want you back until you get proof,and the truth.” wilbur said. 

Philza backed up,he gulped then nodded. “Okay..” he said,upset that his own son just made him leave. He walked out of the nation. Wilbur sighed and put the sword back into its case and walked into the house.

Fundy,tommy,and tubbo were running around. “Get them soldiers!” tommy said as he sat on the bed and laughed a little, fundy ran after tubbo. “Get back here you poet!” he said while chasing tubbo. Tubbo kept running. “But soldier,king! I just wanted to show a poem! That's all!” tubbo said. King tommy yawned. “Poems are boring! Gogo! Leave!” he said and nodded. Tubbo pulled out a blank piece of paper. “But it's about you king!” poet tubbo said,king tommy peaked interest. “Soldier! Stand by my side! I allow.” king tommy ordered. Soldier fundy ran up to king tommy and stood by his side. 

Poet tubbo came and was about to read,but then Wilbur had come in. wilbur smiled and patted their heads. “Bedtime you 3.” wilbur said. Tommy and tubbo frowned. “NOO! I don't wanna sleep!'' Tommy said and crossed his arms. Wilbur sighed. “How about a bed song then?” wilbur said and grabbed a smaller version of his guitar,a ukulele. He smiled. The 3 kids instantly layed down and got comfy. “Yay!” they cheered. 


Wilbur started playing a tune. “Play a song about poet tubbo,soldier me,and king tommy!” fundy said. Wilbur nodded. “There will come a soldier,who carries a mighty sword! He will tear your city down,o lei, o lai, o lord!” wilbur sang. He tapped his foot as he played. “O lei o lai o lord!,he will tear your city down.” he sang. “O lei,o lai,o lord!'' Fundy sang happily. 

Wilbur looked at tubbo. “There will come a poet,whose weapon is his word,he will slay you with his tongue, o lei o lai o lord!” he sang softly. Tubbo joined. “O lei,o lai,o lord!” wilbur and tubbo sang.''he will slay you with his tongue,o lei o lai o lord!” wilbur sang. 

Wilbur went quiet and played his tiny guitar.he looked at tommy and tommy smiled. “There will come a ruler,whose brow is laid in thorn smeared with oil like phils boy, o lei o lai o lord!” wilbur sang. Tommy sang. “O lei,o lai, o lord!” he said “smeared like phils boy” wilbur sang. “O lei! O lai! O lord!'' The 4 sang.

 “He will tear your city down!” wilbur sang. He smiled. Philza was outside of the house,they were loud enough so he could hear,he smiled happily and finally left. Wilbur played his guitar softly as the 3 closed their eyes and slept. He repeated. “O lai,o lai, l lord” until they fell asleep. Once they did he got up and went to his room and went to sleep.

9 years and years.

It's been years since everything happened,new members came to the nation,and everything was going well

. Tommy was now 14, for Tommy he's been exiled,he couldn't be at l’manburg for 3 years. He was exiled when he was 10 because he burned a house down,dreams, friends house,georges. He made more friends.

Wilbur forgot his age somehow, there was nothing new for him,he was hosting the presidential election,and things like that.

Tubbo was 15,he had Ranboo,and he finally found out who his father actually was. He exiled Tommy when he was 11 with a dream.

Philza and technoblade live together,philza stayed home most of the time while techno normally went out hunting and things.

 The votes were high,but quackity and schlatt had made a deal before. “So quackity..” he said and walked with quackity.

10 ; rigged presidential election. 

“It's a nice night or a walk, would you mind if i joined you?” schlatt asked. “I don't care, do what you wanna do.” quackity responded with. “That's great! Because am going to.” he said. He kept walking with i qauckity. “Listen. How about a deal?” schlatt said. Quackity rolled his eyes. “Not interested schlatt.” he responded annoyed. “Ill make you vice president..” schlatt said. Quackity peaked interest. “What is it then?..” he asked.


Wilbur looked at tommy. “The votes should be done soon.” wilbur said. Holding the boxes of votes. “It gets done in an hour right?” he asked tommy. Tommy looked at the paper with all of the information. “Mhm. right at 5. It's 4:05” tommy said and smiled. “ i know were gonna win wilby!’ tommy said and cheered. Wilbur looked at tommy. “Did you just call me wilby?’ wilbur asked. Tommy froze. “N-no! I did not!” he said. Wilbur laughed and smiled. “You called me wilbur!” he said. 


“Of course philza..the government was always bad.” technoblade said. Philza nodded. “The president election is gonna start soon..” philza said. “Everybody HAS to go.” philza added. “Has to? That's stupid. So we have to go?” technoblade said. Annoyed. He hated goverment or anything of the type. “Do we have to vote also?” techno asked. Philza shook his head. “No we don't have to luckily.” he said. “Isn't it like an hour walk there?” techno asked. Philza nodded. “Mhm. we should start going.” philza said. Techno nodded and got up.


Tubbo was talking with ranboo. “How do you think the presidential eletrotion is going to go?” tubbo asked. Ranboo shrugged. “Am not sure.” he said. “Am kinda scared for it.” ranboo added. He was cautious and things. “It's gonna be alright. We gotta go take care of micheal, can you do that? I need to get ready.” tubbo said. Ranboo nodded. 


A hour later everybody arrived. Tubbo,schlatt,quackity,wilbur,tommy. was on the stage. “Hello everybody. Welcome.” wilbur said. Looking at everybody. “Today the votes are finished and we will be announcing our president.” wilbur said. “Tommy papers.” wilbur said. Looking at tommy. Tommy grabbed the papers and gave them to wilbur. “Thank you.” 

11 Manburg ruler of evil.

“We have..pog1970. Team of me,wilbur soot and tommyinit.” wilbur said. “Swag1970 team of jschlatt and quackity.” wilbur said. “Pog1970 won..” tommy cheered. “But then quackity and schlatt put their votes together. Making them win by 1 percent..” wilbur said and sighed. He looked at schlatt. “You can come up schlatt..” wilbur said and walked away. Tommy froze. Everybody was surprised. 

Schlatt grinned and went up. “I hereby the president of l’manburg..” he laughed a little. “Tubbo. Come here!” he said. Tubbo walked over. “Your my right hand man son.” he said and smiled. Tubbo looked scared. “And quackity..the vice president!” he grinned. “I must revoke!” he yelled. “I will revoke the citizen ship of wilbur soot! And tommyinit! Get off my stage and run!” he yelled and laughed evilily.

Tommy froze. “You cant do this to me!” he yelled. Wilbur grabbed tommy. “Run!” wilbur yelled and ran. Holding tommy. Philza watched. Surprised. Technoblade. “I told you..” he said. He sighed. 

They ran and ran until they found where they could hide. Everybody was looking for them. “What the hell..” tommy said. Wilbur had a dead stare in his eyes. “Am going back..” he said. Tommy looked at wilbur. “Are you sure?..” tommy asked. Wilbur was pissed. “It wasnt a question!” he yelled at tommy and walked past him and to l’manburg.  Tommy followed.

“It manburg! We wont take the L! So you know what?..” schlatt said. “Tear the walls down. Get to work everybody!” he yelled. Everybody went to tear down the walls of manburg. While philza flew away back to the house, technoblade went to wilbur. “Brother..would you like some help?..” technoblade said. “I hate goverment to..” he added. Wilbur nodded. “Tommy. Lead him back.” he said. Tommy nodded and left with technoblade. 

Dream appeared next to wilbur. “How about i help you to?” he said. Wilbur looked at dream and nodded. “Your smart dream..what should we do?” wilbur asked. Dream sighed. “Blow it up” he said simply. “What?..” wilbur said. “I cant blow it up!” wilbur claimed. Dream shook his head and put his hand on wilburs shoulder. “Yes you can..” and dream explained the plan.

The plan went exactly how was planned. Technoblade had everything he needed. Wilbur spent countless days and nights working. Dream gave them what they needed. “It's today..right tubbo?..” wilbur said. Tubbo nodded. Tubbo was a spy for pogtopia. The place tommy and wilbur had found. Everything was set. “ i should get going..” tubbo said and left. 

A few hours later everything was ready. They were in place. 

12 ; distruction of manburg..

Everybody ganed up against schlatt and backed him into a corner. “Give up schlatt!” tubbo yelled. Quackity nodded. “Yeah! Give up already! Youve caused to much harm!” he said. Schlatt looked around,drunkly. He took another sip of his alcohol. “Shut up all of you!’ he yelled. “No!” everybody started to yell at schlatt. “Does anybody smell burnt toast?..” schlatt said. He then had a striking bolt in his heart and screamed. Having a heart attack. Everybody went quiet. Then cheered. 

“We did it! L’manburg is back!” tommy yelled happily and they all went away and left schlatt. Wilbur looked at technoblade and nodded. Running,technoblade getting into his place.

He sent the withers up. “Everybody!” he yelled. Everybody looked at technoblade and turned scared

-song start-

. “Theres a glimmer of hope,in your eyes but a worry in your pace..” he said “the urge is pinning me down,i’m antagonized..” he said. “Technoblade..don't do this..” tommy said. Scared and shakeily. “Ill throw it all away,block out the whispers,and carve my own path..” he said. “You better take a deep breath and close your eyes in..” techno said.

 “5...4..3..2..” He grinned and had the withers start. They started attacking. “I pulled the trigger,and the screams of agony, echoed down the streets!” he yelled. Everybody screamed and get their armor and weapons out. He then get ready to fight. “The name of my enemy, written in burgundy with their own blood!” he yelled. 

Grining and laughing. “Cant you see!! History repeats himself!” he laughed. Tommy looked at techno. “Please! Stop! Talk this out!” he yelled. Technoblade growled. “Oh i told you, i only speak with violence! So look me in the eyes if you dare! You’ll learn your lesson right there and then!” he called out. 

-song stops-

Wilbur went to the room. Lyrics of l’manburg written on the walls, a single button and chair. With one light. This is what he had been working on for months. Just then..philza walked in. always on good timing. “Wil..what are you doing??..” he asked. He froze. He looked at philza. “It was my l’'s gone now..” wilbur said. Philza shook his head. “No it's not! Come on. Help on the good side..” philza said. “You can rega-’ he was interrupted.

-song starts-

 “What if i want to be on the bad side!?and what if i want to spread the fire, and spark someturmoil?” -song stops-

 he said. “This has 50 stacks of TNT phil under it. If i press this button..i worked so hard for..” wilbur said and laughed.

Technoblade was slashing and trying to stab people. “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! Warrior forevermore! God never dies!” he yelled. He spawned more withers. “The war starts now..the chaos begins in..” he said.

He backed away and get his firework crossbow out,withers and more out. “4...3..2!...” he yelled. Everything started. Withered attacked. He shot his crossbow. People screamed. “I pulled the trigger,and the screams of agony,ehcoed down the streets..” he said.  “The name of my emeny written in burgundy with their own blood.. Oh i told you i only speak with violence!  So look me in the eyes if you stare and your learn a lesson right there and then!” he yelled.  Repeating it again.

“Philza..” wilbur said.

“It was never meant to be..”

He pressed the button. Now everything was gone. Blown up. Dream cheered. He always wanted lmanburg gone. And now it was. After so many years. He was glad he was good at manipulation. He sat back and watched everything unfold. The explosion,technoblade fighting. 

“Kill me phil..” wilbur said. “But- i cant! Your my son!” he yelled. “Do it phil!” he yelled. Hesitantly philza raised his sword and stabbed wilbur,in the chest with it. “Am so sorry..” philza said as he watched wilbur take his final breaths then die. 

Everybody saw what philza did. Everybody froze. Even technoblade. Technoblade ran to philza. “Leave. Now. ill be home soon..” he said and looked at the others. Still frozen. Philza opened his wings and left. Technoblade ran. 

13; rebuilding. (very short)

It had been a few days since everything had happened. Everybody was trying to rebuild l’manburg. Tubbo was the new president so he had done most of the work. But the others had helped him. Tommy had built a grave for wilbur, quackity built one for schlatt. It was quite a lot for them, but they managed. Tubbo yawned. “Hey tommy! Can you grab a few things for me?” he asked. Tommy nodded and went to grab some. Annoying people on the way. 

14. Ghostbur and tommy exile

It had been about 1 year since wilbur died. But now, he was back..but as a ghost. He floated around the smp. Giving out blue. He traveled over to tubbo,dream,tommy,and eret. “Hey guys! Whats going on?’ he asked in his usually happy voice. Tubbo and dreamed looked at ghostbur exile eret and tommy was frozen. 

“Tommy is being exiled..ghostbur..” tubbo said. He sighed. “It's best for the nation if he left..” tubbo added. Eret started to yell at dream,while tommy stayed frozen. “How bout i come with tommy?” he asked happily. Tubbo thought for a moment. “What do you think tommy?” he asked tommy. 

Tommy sighed. “Sure,..” he said sadly. Ghostbur smiled. “This will be so much fun!” he said. Dream looked at tubbo. “Handle eret..ill take tommy and ghostbur to the exile place we planned.” he said. Tubbo nodded. He went to talk with eret. Tommy and ghostbur followed dream to a boat.

Soonly after a few hours they reached a new area that was open and nobody was near...

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