Extra with a bit of Cringe ||...

By LOLJunk

145 1 1

This is a very cringe story and I have no idea what they were thinking. No this isn't a professional story, j... More

Character Info [UPDATED]
A Hero? || Prologue
A New Day || Chapter 1

Quirks || Chapter 2

37 0 1
By LOLJunk

Chapter 2

☆ ☆ ☆

While exploring the new environment of my new high school, UA, I looked outside of the window for just a moment to find another class seeming to be training. I then realized that it was the class that missed orientation, I believe the class number was 1A. What are they doing out there? They do know that it's only the first day right?

"What overachievers."

"Ah!" I said startled. I turned around to see the familiar two-faced boy. I believe he calls himself Neito Monoma. Monoma chuckled at my sudden reaction. "Monoma, hi. Uh, anyway, I don't think they're overachievers, maybe there's a specific reason why they're training early." I tried to reassure him.

"Yeah, by making the other classes look bad. I bet you that class thinks they're better than everyone and they're showing that by starting school early. Pathetic." He scoffed.

"... It's just the first day my guy. Who knows? We don't know what the future holds! Maybe we might be the number one class no matter how hard the other classes work." Seriously. What's wrong with this dude?

Monoma was a little surprised after hearing my wise words. But then he gave me the annoying smile again. "Oh, you think so Y/N? I am so glad we have the same perspective! I think I'm starting to like you. Let's crush these other classes. HAHAHA!" It started with just a chuckle, but now he's really going at it with the maniacal laugh.

(Geez. We're not even halfway in the story and yet the romance is already blossoming.)

I covered my face from embarrassment. "You must really be confident huh Monoma?" I said with a bit of an annoyed tone.

"Ha! I like to call it being competitive!" Monoma laughed.

How did this guy even become my inspiration?

० ० ०

As I was getting ready for bed that evening, I thought about tomorrow. Tomorrow is the actual start of our training. I wonder what it will be like to work with such weird but fascinating students. Well, just like what I said to Monoma... "Who knows? We don't know what the future holds!"

Speaking of Monoma, he's nothing of what I expected. It kind of makes me wonder... how did that idiot even become my inspiration? He's acts just like all the other dumb pros. Was it just a fluke...? I... Then it happened again. The traumatizing memories flooding back again.

So I slept.

० ० ०

"Alright students. Starting your second day here, we will be doing a Battle trial!" The number one hero yelled confidently. I never thought I'd say this but... All Might's really not the scamming hero everyone has been saying. At least anyone from my old school.

"Rules are simple. The students will be paired up by drawing lots and split into teams of heroes and villains that fight two on two fights. The teams will be chosen by chance to replicate situations where real heroes are paired up on the spot to fight villains." All Might then explained further instructions.

After drawing lots, I got the letter J meaning that I will be paired up with this mushroom girl.

"Shroom, nice to meet you! I'm Kinoko Komori! What's your name?" The girl said.

Oh no. She's cute.

"Uh, nice to meet you as well and uh, I'm Y/N L/N! I look forward to teaming with you." I smiled back.

After all the students had been paired, it was time to be grouped in either the heroes or the villains. "The first group that will be in these two categories will be... THESE GUYS!" All Might pulled up two letters. Team J will be the heroes while Team B will be the villains. I turned to see who was Team B- oh darn it.

"Well well well. I see that my opponent is an idiot." I turned my head slowly. Please don't tell me. "Then I guess this will be an easy win. Hehehe... HAHAHAHA ALL OF YOU WILL FAIL AND WILL LOSE TO US-" *SMACK* Monoma got knocked out again. "Ugh, will you shut up? We haven't even started yet! You do know that if you start dramatic quips you'll die instantly for being annoying?" Kendo scolded the unconscious body. 😐

० ० ०


"Okie, so what's the plan L/N, shroom?" Komori asked me. "Does anyone know about your quirk and how it's used?" I asked. "Shroom, no I don't think so. Not yet at least." She replied. "Okay good. Here's the plan." I started. I really hope this works.

Meanwhile on Team B's side...

"Alright Kendo. So what's the plan?" Monoma asked while adjusting his clocks.

"Since your quirk is 'copy', I suggest that you will guard the rocket and I will do all the combat," Kendo said seriously.

"Aww... how come you're assigning me the lamest job? *Gasp* You don't think I'm capable enough for this mission!" Monoma gasped sarcastically. "Hey. Now's not the time to goof off, unless you want another smack attack. Just follow the plan, and if anyone gets past me just, uh, do your best! I guess..." Kendo said with an unsure tone. Monoma raised an eyebrow. "Whatever, let's just win and get this over with." He stood up and started patting away the dirt on his hero costume.

० ० ०

Well so much for cooperation. But it's not like I was going to cooperate anyway. Thought Monoma. He started pacing around the huge weapon and studying everything about it.

A few minutes later...

Geez! What's going on down there? Monoma thought to himself. Alright, remember the plan. If one of the members gets past Kendo, copy their quirk and use it against them. But the only problem is... what are Team J's quirks?

Suddenly the door where Monoma and the rocket was, hit open. It was L/N. Except her hair was all messy and her face a bit bruised and tired.

"Hah...hah... Missed me..?" She panted. She must've ran for a long time. This could be used to my advantage! "HA! As if I'd lose to a loser like you! I'm sure Kendo has already finished your little friend!"

Y/N smiled then lifted her hands and started gesturing them in different directions. Monoma didn't say anything this time. Instead, he bolted at her and tried to reach for Y/N's arm. Y/N avoided the attack and kicked Monoma on the back. She continued doing her weird gestures, quicker this time. Monoma had already sprung up from the ground and tried again. When Y/N tried to attack him again, Monoma dodged, touched her hair, then sprung away from her and was back in front of the weapon.

"Don't think I'm falling for that again, L/N!" Monoma chuckled. Now to see what this quirk can do. But when Monoma tried to use Y/N's quirk, everything suddenly went dark. "What the he- what's happening?!" Monoma screamed.

Y/N then said out of breath, "I... *gasps* altered your quirk... *inhale* to which... *exhale* every 3 sec... you'd go blind for 5 sec.."

Monoma's vision started clearing up. "That's just enough time to capture you then." He then ran to Y/N before his vision started to darken again.

But before Monoma could grab her, Y/N jumped at him and they both landed on the ground. Monoma wasn't sure what was happening but he tried to take out whatever was on him.

"Yay! We won!" Yelled Komori. When Monoma's vision finally cleared up permanently, he saw Komori standing next to the weapon with one hand on it. Kendo was nowhere to be found, and then he (for some reason) finally saw what was on him. It was a sleeping (and snoring) Y/N.

"What the fu-"

"AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! TEAM J; THE HEROES HAVE WON THIS ROUND! Though I must say that their technique was quite strange, CONGRATULATIONS EITHER WAY!" Yelled All Might.

Okay. What the heck happened? Thought Monoma.

[A/N: this was the weirdest and crappiest chapter I've ever made. I'm sorry to the readers who had to endure this cringe and weirdness. ☹️]

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