Glasses and Tattoos


78.8K 3.3K 253

Robyn is 16 and is starting her new school... Again! She is an expert in these situations. Ollie is 17 and ob... More

Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 2: A Blast To The Past
Chapter 3: Jerk
Chapter 4: Washing Secrets
Chapter 5: Awkward Being And Thoughts
Chapter 6: Lies and Whispers
Chapter 7: The Break In
Chapter 8: What just happened?
Chapter 9: The first time
Chapter 10: Good Kisser?
Chapter 11: Cliché
Author's Note
Chapter 12: The Start Of Persuasion
Chapter 13: Bring It!
Chapter 14: Feeling Vengeful
Chapter 15: Let The Games Begin!
Chapter 16: Revenge Is A Bitch!
Chapter 17: The Ultimate Prank!
Chapter 19: Sorry- STOP IT!
Authors Note
Chapter 20: Puppy Dog Eyes And Awkward Phone Calls
Authors Note
Chapter 21: Carter's, Not So Secret, Secret And A Crap Wardrobe
Capter 22: Dating 101
Chapter 23: Never Again will I attend a date
Chapter 24: Everything's Going To Be Fine.
Chapter 25: My Candy
Chapter 26: The Torture
Chapter 27: That Escalated Quickly
Chapter 28: Goodbye
Author's Note (Sorry) And Great Un-Expectations
Chapter 29: A New 'Friend'
Chapter 30: Not Another One
Chapter 31:Unknown Relationship
Chapter 32: What?!
Chapter 33: Harry Potter Obsessions
Chapter 34: Graduation
Chapter 35: He's Back
Chapter 36: Complications
Chapter 37: I Can't
Chapter 38: Reunited With Peanut Butter
Chapter 39: Two Jealous Guys... GREAT!
Chapter 40: It's Not An Easy Decision
Chapter 41: Tomorrow
Chapter 42: You Need To Know
Chapter 43 : I Give Up
Chapter 44: My Confession
Chapter 45: You Have To Let Go
Chapter 46: Don't Get Your Hopes up
Chapter 47: Our Last Days
Chapter 48: He Told Me His Plan
Chapter 49: Don't Forget This
Chapter 50: May We Meet Again
Chapter 51: New Start
Chapter 52: My Life Without You
Author's Note IMPORTANT

Chapter 18: Un-Pissed?

1.1K 60 3


What a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and there's a furious Ollie sitting next to me in chemistry. How wonderful.

"Isn't it just a beautiful day." I whisper to Ollie. "What do you think?" I ask him. Ollie turns to glare at me then returns to his work.

"Did somebody get out of bed the wrong side this morning?" I tease. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be making this situation any worse but I can't help myself. Ollie hasn't spoken one word to me today. It's just a matter of time. He doesn't reply. Great. The silent treatment. How fun! Note sarcasm right here.

I decide to leave him alone because he isn't going to reply. I just wish I was there to see his face this morning. Due to my mastermind prank, Ollie missed first period so now he has a detention after school. Poor guy.

The bell finally sounds and Ollie is out of the room before I can even blink. He is super pissed. He always seems to be pissed at me. I need to fix this. But the elephant in the room is 'how? '. The reason this whole war started hits me. I've got it!

"Hunter!" I shout to grab his attention from the other side of the corridor.

"Robyn!" He shouts back and continues with his conversation.

"Hunter!" I shout again whilst walking over to him.

"Robyn!" He shouts as soon as I reach him.

"I'm right here ass hole!" I say whilst rubbing my ear.


"I need your help."

"What with?"



"I need you to help me make him be un-pissed." I say even though it didn't make any sense.

"Easy." He replies. I raise my eyebrow.

"What? How?"

"Just make out with him."

"What?! How am I supposed to do that when he won't even speak to me?"

"Get him to speak to you."

"How?" I ask confused.

"Well. You open this thing on your face called a mouth. Then you project your voice causing a sound to come out. Then voilà! You're speaking! Fairly simple really..." I slap my hand to my face and sigh heavily.

"I know how to talk you watermelon!"


"Ugh. Yes, watermelon."

"Why watermelon?"

"Because watermelon is the only insult I could think of."

"But I wouldn't classify watermelon as an insult." Hunter replies whilst switching feet.

"Please, you wouldn't even classify a tomato as a fruit! Which it is! "

"You don't understand, you have tomatoes on burgers along with lettuce and onions, which the last time I checked are both vegetables!"

"Hunter, your stupidity is making my brain hurt." I sigh whilst tightly closing my eyes and rubbing my temples hoping that the soon to be headache will piss off.

"I'm not stupid!" He argues.

"Hunter, we are not going through this again..."

"Why not?"

"Don't you remember? I told you that if you keep throwing stones at a window, it will smash. But you didn't listen so you have detention every weekend for the next three months." True story.

"Touchè." He replies pointing at me.

"So, how can I get Ollie to be un-pissed?"

"See I'm thinking of something kink-" I quickly slap my hand to his mouth causing him to wince.

"Do not finish that sentence!" I whisper yell. Hunter tries to say something but it comes out muffled. I peel my hand away from his face and allow him to talk.

"Just try talking to him. And if he doesn't do anything just wait. He'll come around, he always does with you atleast." He mumbles the last part of the sentence.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I squint at him.

"Ah- well are you really that oblivious?!" He questions,

"Oblivious to what exactly?" I step closer to him.

"You'll find out soon." He walks past me and pats my head. I watch as he strolls down the school corridor and a girl turns to watch him whilst flirtatiously waving at him. I roll my eyes at their failed attempt to get his attention! Anyone can see that he likes Carter.

But what did he mean about Ollie and I? Now I'm definitely confused... Carter has got have something to say about this right? I mean, she has to have some plan to get Ollie un-pissed...

"Sorry. I got nothin'." Carter sighs whilst eating several fries at once.

"Ugh! You're about as useful as an ingrown toe nail! And save some fries for me because we're sharing incase you forgot." I groan as Carter glares at me.

"As much as would love to sit here and help you with Mr. Grumpy pants over there." She motions to Ollie who has just walked by our table with her head. "I can't stay because I need to help Mr. Stupid hot pants, A.K.A Hunter, with his studying because we are now study budies. You're on your own Rob." And with that shes brushes her hands against her thighs and strolls away with the fries.

Well... I'm just going to go hungry. And confused. I'm hungfused? Congry? I prefer 'hungfused'. I decide to stand and quickly trudge out of the cafeteria heading towards the tree from the day Ollie and I were listening to music and skipping class.

My mind is completely blank. How on Earth am I supposed to get Ollie to speak? He is clarly pissed at me because of the prank. But it wouldn't have stirred him that much would it? Unless this is another prank that he's pulling! Maybe he's trying to get back at me for thinking of a brilliant prank and winning this little war between us.

Or am I really that oblivious? Nope! I am not! There's nothing for me to be oblivious to. I mean, I suppose I could just take Hunter's advice and kiss and make up, but I do not roll like that! Nuh-uh, I would rather argue and debate about this. I don't want to manipulate this issue and leave it unresolved because that is something the school slut would do. But they would rather lose their dignity for the fiftieth time this month than just 'kiss it out' They'd rather 'screw' or 'bang it out'.

I watch as my feet move along the cafeteria floor until I walk into something rock hard. It's obviously not a wall because it has feet and legs and anything else a human body requires. I look up hoping to find the green eyes I know and love but find blue ones instead. And it has to be Milo the jock who 'accidently' tipped gravy over me. Freaking jerk.

"S-sorry!" I breathe.

"Ah, it's fine." He replies showing a breath taking smile which I can't help but return.

"I should have looked where I was going."

"Yeah, your shoes must have been very intriguing." He chuckles lightly.

"Yeah, sorry again." I say looking up at him. He's tall, but Ollie's taller.

"It's fine, it was my fault anyway."

"How so?" I question whilst folding my arms over my chest.

"Distractions." He replies and waves his phone in the air.


"Milo." He announces whilst pushing his hand out in between us.

"Robyn." I say whilst taking his hand and shaking it. Well, this is very formal for two teenagers trapped

in hell also known as high school.

"Nice to meet you Robyn." Milo says testing my name on his tongue.

"Back at ya Milo." I reply before making my way towards the tree out side of the cafeteria. As soon as I step outside, the cool breeze hits my face but doesn't stand in between me and the tree. The familiar surroundings cause me to relax a bit from the memories. I sit under the tree and close my eyes taking in the damp air and the silenced campus.

I need to know what to do about Ollie!



So SORRY for the long wait for this update which is rather disappointing. It's not my favorite chapter but it's better than nothing. But on the plus side, we got formally introduced to Milo.

I apologize that Ollie wasn't in this chapter as much and there was no romance in this chapter but IT SHALL COME! *come* *come* *come* That was ths echo... Shit I know.

I promise I will have more updates over the next few weeks as I have a crap loads of spare time on my feet so expect more updates.

I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am writing it.

This has not been proof read therefore I shall do a very much needed late apology for the lack of correct punctuation, grammar, spelling etc.

Like, fan, vote, share, comment, read, enjoy and I shall hope you wikl read the next update soon.

Again... apologies for the very late update.


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