Watching Kimetsu no Yaiba!!!

By Kawalan1003

222K 3.8K 10.9K

This is just your typical fanfiction where this fanfic author kidnaps their favourite fictional characters to... More

Chapter 1: Cruelty
Chapter 2: Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki
Break #1 And A Lovely Surprise
Chapter 3: Sabito and Makomo
AUs, Memes and Spoilers
Chapter 4: Final Selection
Chapter 5: My Own Steel
Chapter 6: Swordsman Accompanying a Demon
Chapter 7: Kibutsuji Muzan
Chapter 8: The Smell of Enchanting Blood
Truth and Dares
Chapter 9: Temari Demon and Arrow Demon
To The Other Side
Chapter 10: Together Forever
Chapter 11: Tsuzumi Mansion Pt.1
Sounds like a Pig Disease

Moments and Pranks

11.3K 179 366
By Kawalan1003


The redhead let out a yawn and sat up to stretch out his arms. He then wiped away the sleepiness from his eyes, as he looked down to see Rokuta on his chest while Takeo and Shigeru were both on his sides. A smile curled up to his lips, as he remembered the events yesterday.

He can spend more time with his family again and maybe in this watching the future thing, he can find a way to defeat Muzan!

He remembered their host saying that he has the key in defeating Muzan, but she didn't told them if they won or lost against that monster. She just revealed some of his comrades' fates and little bits of info about the future.

She just made them much more confuse at what their real fates are. Then, there's their descendants...

Everything is confusing and it doesn't make sense. Their host revealed some things, but those things are also vague. It's like their host is teasing them at what will happened next.

Maybe, he should get some fresh air. After gently moving Rokuta off his body, he quietly got out of the bed they shared. He looked around and noticed the other males were still deeply asleep.

Their host had a large sleeping quarters for both males and females. Although, the Ubayashiki family and both the old former Hashiras had their own sleeping quarters. All their rooms are next to each other.

Letting out a sigh, he stood up and made his way to the door. Gem-san had already showed them the map of her place, there were some rooms that are forbidden to enter and there are some doors that disappears and would move spots from time to time. Their host even explained that some of the doors were kinda tricky and who knows what she meant by that.

She didn't told them everything about this place, just the basics. He let out a sigh and made his way up the stairs. He might as well wandered aimlessly.

He was on the seventh-floor right now and he decided to go to the left corridor. For, some reason he decided to pace around one particular spot. He walked back and forth while his head starts to think of a place where it will help him clear his mind.

However, he stopped pacing when he noticed a weird painting. Was that a man teaching a bunch of demons to dance? However, before he could thought more of it, he heard the sound of a door creaking open.

He turned around to see a door that wasn't there before. He quirked an eyebrow at that and decided to take a small peek. He craned his neck and his eyes widened when he saw the beautiful greenery of plants and gorgeous colorful flowers.

He decided to take one step in and to his surprise, he smelled real fresh air. Just, as he was about to explore more. He heard a sound of something closing and he looked back to see the door had disappeared.

He was about to panic when his nose picked up the familiar scent of lilacs. He quirked an eyebrow at that, maybe he was smelling real lilacs since his in a some kind of flower garden, but this type of lilac scent smells familiar.

Without noticing it, his body had unconsciously tried to follow the lilac scent and he froze like a statue at what he found.

Right there, sitting on a wooden bench with a gentle smile on her face was Kanao. She had her index finger up, as she let one of the butterflies that were fluttering around her to rest there. However, it looks like the rest of the little butterflies had other plans since all of them decided to rest all over her arms and shoulders.

Despite not showing any emotion except the gentle smile on her face, Tanjiro could see the laugh of joy in her lilac colored eyes.

A soft smile appeared on his lips, as he watched her there for a few seconds before deciding to let his presence known.

"Kanao, good morning." He greeted the raven haired girl who looked up towards his direction.

She stared at him for a moment before slipping her hand in her pocket to bring out her coin. To say the least, Tanjiro was disappointed to see the coin, but he knew that people needed time to do new things.

His crimson red eyes watched as the coin flipped up to the air before landing towards the raven haired girl's hand. Tanjiro saw tails on the coin and he watched as the girl opened her mouth to speak.

"Good morning to you too, Tanjiro." She smiled and the redhead smiled back; then, decided to ask her a question.

"Uhm, Kanao... How did you even get here?" He asked and to his relief, the girl decided not to flip her coin again to answer his question.

The raven haired girl glanced at the butterflies around her, "Well, I had nothing else to do. So, I decided to flip my coin if I should stay longer in bed or might as well explore." She answered him and continued, "While exploring, I was thinking of finding a peaceful place to sit down and relaxed ." She said, as her glanced at the environment around them. "And that's when a door suddenly appeared and in that door was this beautiful place." She finished and the redhead couldn't help, but softly smiled at her.

"It looks like you decided on a place of your own, Kanao." The redhead pointed out and the raven haired girl was surprised at first at what he said before blankly glancing down at her lap.

"I see..."

Tanjiro only smiled at the girl and decided to sit next to her since he was getting tired on standing up. At the corner of his eyes, he saw the Tsuyuri flinched for a brief second before quickly relaxing, as that signature polite smile of hers returned to her face. He chose to ignored it, thinking that she really is uncomfortable with people.

He recalled Sabito's observation about Kanao, on how she preferred animals more than people.

A comfortable silence surrounded them and the redhead glanced up to observe the sky above them. 'Is this the outside of Gem-san's place?' He thought; however, he was snapped out if his thoughts by Kanao's voice.

"Tanjiro, how did you find this room?" She asked him, her lilac eyes staring deeply at his crimson ones.

The redhead let out a sigh, as he leaned back on the bench and crossed his arms behind his head. "Like your story... Well, I was thinking of a place to clear my mind and this door suddenly appeared." He answered and his ears picked up a soft hum from the girl.

"It looks like this place only appeared if you needed it. Since, I was looking for a peaceful place to relax, the door that led me here showed up. While you on the other hand were looking for a place to clear your mind, the door showed up and led you here." She explained, as her eyes glanced back to the butterflies around her.

Then, she finished her explanation with her monotone voice. "It looks like this room shows up to the people who needed it. Kinda like a room of requirements, don't you think?" She concluded and the redhead blinked his eyes at him before placing his right cheek on his hand.

"You should talk more." said Tanjiro, as he eyed the girl besides him. "You're voice sounds relaxing to the ears, Kanao." He smiled and the girl became quiet after he said that.

Seeing that he might have offended her, the redhead let out a disappointed sigh and decided to maybe leave her alone. He glanced away from her to stare at the rose bushes across from him when he heard her small voice.

"...thank you."

Hearing that, a smile appeared on the redhead's face and his cheeks heated up happily.

After that, they didn't talk much; although, sometimes the redhead would chat a little bit while the girl would nod or answered him with simple words. To be honest, both of them just enjoyed each other's company and the warm silence around them. That's why no words were needed to be exchange just to have a good time with someone.



With a soft smile on her face, she eyed the still sleeping boys around her. Girls were not allowed in the boys' sleeping quarters, not unless they were given permission by one of the boys. Letting out a soft chuckle, she and Sabito worked together to set up their fabulous plan.

One would ask why would the Water Hashira's friend prank him?

Well, Sabito is Tomioka-san's best friend and he wouldn't be if his best friend if he doesn't do things that will annoy his best friend.

The Insect Hashira watched as the young boy with peach colored hair drew on the Water Hashira's clean pretty face.

It was kinda funny and odd at the same time that the others around them haven't woken up yet. Because, she on the other hand was filling Tomioka-san's socks with a lot of butter. She doesn't want it to be noticeable.

Anyway, earlier before she went in the boys' sleeping quarter. She had let Sabito in and the first thing the boy did was to draw on Makomo's face. Although, she find it cute that the pink haired boy did cute doodles...

...while on the other hand, he drew a lot of fangs, fake eyes and many more on Giyuu's face. He even put make up on the Water Hashira's face.

Now, people would be wondering where did they get the materials that they have in executing this. Well, let's just say their host had willingly gave it to them when Shinobu flashed her a sweet smile.

Although, she was wondering why Gem-san was trembling when she gave them their materials. It's not like the Insect Hashira is gonna gobble her up. However, despite her trembling. Their host has a mischievous look in her eyes.

Shinobu was suspicious at that, but didn't say anything else. What a weird person their host really is.

Also, besides Makomo and Giyuu. She and Sabito decided to have fun with the others. They would just put stickers on the little ones while they would just draw on the other boys' faces and at the same time filling their sock with butter.

Don't worry, the butter is scentless. They won't even notice it was even there. Their host even said that the butter can't also be sensed by Gyomei and Inosuke.

Meanwhile, with the girls... Their prank for them is their hair changing color. Gem-san had also gave them a liquid that can instantly change one's hair color.

The Kocho was really surprise at the liquid when she first tested it out on Makomo. When she had placed a single drop on the azule colored eyed girl's hair, it changed into the color pink. But, the funny thing was that the pink color was the same shade as Sabito's peach colored hair.

Anyway, a little more fixing. Sabito and her had finished their setup.

They decided to get out of the room and just hang out with their host in the Great Hall. During their setup, Shinobu had noticed that both Kanao and Tanjiro were not in their rooms. Maybe, both of them woke earlier than Sabito and her, and just decided to explore their host's place.

▪️▪️▪️Normal P.O.V▪️▪️▪️

When both Shinobu and Sabito have made their way to the Great Hall. The pinkette was a little bit surprise to see both Tanjiro and Kanao with their host. On the other hand, Shinobu had already expected them, so she walked towards them with a smile on her face.

"Good morning, everyone." She greeted them and Tanjiro greeted her back with a loud morning while Kanao quietly said a greetings to the Insect Hashira.

Sabito watching this, shrugged his shoulders and slipped to the sit next to Tanjiro. Shinobu had also slipped in to a sit next to the raven haired girl.

The redhead had greeted the pinkette who grins back in return. Suddenly, the Kamado's nose twitched and he quirked an eyebrow at the two newcomers.

"I smell the scent of mischief from you two." He said while taking a bite on his sandwich and their host who was across from them let out a muffled chuckle.

Sabito only smirked, "Maybe your nose is just smelling things, Tanjiro." He said, leaning back on his hands and Shinobu who was with Kanao let out a soft chuckle.

The redhead only smiled and shook his head, "I won't bother on what you guys are up to since I generally don't care." He simply said before taking another bite on his sandwich meanwhile he would sometimes glance at Kanao for a second before focusing on their host who was in front of them.

"Gem-san, the room that we were in... What kind of room was that?" He asked and this caught both Shinobu and Sabito's attention.

The brown haired girl only grinned, "It's the Room of Requirements of course!" She smiled; then, crossed her arms, as that smiles turned into a smirk. "But, it's my own version of the Room of Requirements. Not the Harry Potter one since Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration doesn't applied to it."

Well, they didn't understood what the rest of their host just said. But, all of them except for Kanao who was in her own quiet world just decided to nod along with Gem's words.

Minutes later, both Tanjiro and Sabito were in a conversation, the pinkette telling about his training days under Urokodaki-san while the redhead would also share his time with their teacher. Then, there's Shinobu questioning Gem about what the medical field in the future is like, and finally we have Kanao who is staring quietly at the interesting spot on the table.

However, all of them looked up when they heard screams and Sanemi's familiar loud cursing.

"What the- My fucking socks! Gross what the hell is this shit that's inside my sock!"

The redhead quirked an amused eyebrow at that, as he glanced at the two possible suspects of why the others started screaming. But, before he could open his mouth to day something. He saw their host snapping her fingers and a weird sensation was felt on his body.

Gem flashed him an apologetic smile, "Sorry Tanjiro, I don't want you ruining their prank and I know your a bad liar, so..."

Understanding what she meant, the redhead nodded. Meanwhile, Shinobu was in the background requesting Kanao to not tattle them out. The raven haired girl blinked blankly at the older woman before nodding. Meaning, she'll follow her master's request.

After the loud chaotic and panic noises. Their unfortunate victims entered the great hall. The others look concerned, irritated and worried while Ms. Kamado stared amusely at her hair.

Meanwhile the young kids (Sumi, Kiyo, Naho, Senjuro and the younger Kamado siblings) were snickering at the others around them. Although, those kids looked cute with those stickers sticking on their faces.

Here are the people's reactions:

Mitsuri was a little upset at the fact that her pink hair was back to her plain black hair.

Nezuko was shock to see that her hair had turned to blonde with orange tips.

Aoi was staring at her own blue hair with widened eyes. Well, her hair was still blue, but a different blue since her hair color was now black fading into blue.

Makomo was also shock at her new hair color since the shade of pink reminded her of a familiar person's long peach colored messy hair.

Then, there's Kanae who was curiously staring at her now platinum blonde white hair.

Tanjiro couldn't help, but find the sight amusing and he softened when he noticed his mother admiring her new red hair. He noticed that the red hair his mom has right now was the same color of his dad's red hair.

At the corner of his eyes, he saw Sabito hiding his chuckles while Shinobu smiled amusely.

Then, there's the males new looks.

Some of them didn't wore there socks while some stubbornly slipped them in anyway. Then, there's the fact about the drawings on their faces and Tanjiro almost choked at the sandwich he was eating when he saw Tomioka's face.

The word edgelord was largely written on his forehead and there's the fact he was wearing bad make up.

The redhead tried his best to ease his chocking and when he wasn't chocking anymore, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Different things were also drawn from the other males. Ranging from extra eyes, bushy eyebrows and small words. Tanjiro almost spitted out the food he had chewed when he saw the bushiest eyebrows he had seen that was drawn on Sanemi's face.

This were the males reactions. Gyomei has a neutral expression on his face, as he let out sigh. Muichiro doesn't care. Both Uzui and Kyojuro were laughing at each others. Zenitsu was scared to look at his own reflection. And finally we have Genya, Iguro, Inosuke and Sanemi who were looking quite pissed.

The platinum blonde haired man made his way towards Shinobu and Sabito, "You!" He growled and the two wore their innocent looks.

"No, my name is Mi." Sabito said; then ,pointed a finger towards Shinobu. "She is Yu." He clarified with a smile on his face and for some reason it made the Wind Hashira angrier.

The scarred man let out a growl, "No, I meant as in you you-" He shouted, his voice getting louder but he he stopped and let out an annoyed growl. "Fuck it!" He snarled, as he intensely glared at the pinkette.

"Did the two of you-" Sanemi pointed a finger at Shinobu who was complimenting how beautiful the girls are right now, "Did this!" He asked and Sabito frowned at him while at the same time, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"No, we didn't do it." He simply answered before turning to Makomo who was giving the pinkette a hard stare.

Seeing this, Sabito smirked and sent Makomo a finger gun. "You looking nice there, Makomo." He told her and the girl's blue eyes narrowed at him, "Also like the flower doodles on your face."

The pinkette starts to laugh loudly, but he let out a loud 'oof!' when Makomo stepped on his foot which was very uncharacteristic of her. Seeing the pain expression on the pinkette's face. Makomo lips curled up into a satisfied smile while Sabito sent her a glare.

Iguro glared at Shinobu's direction, "I thought you're better than this." He snarled and the Insect Hashira let out a soft smile.

"We told you guys that we didn't do it." She simply said and the Snake Hashira was about to let out another comment when Mitsuri let out a sequel and made her way towards his side. The upset look she had earlier was now gone and was replaced with joy and excitement.

You can clearly see the joyful aura around the Love Hashira, "Iguro-san-" She called out his name, almost giving the man with heterochromia eyes a heart attack. Although, his heart stopped beating when Mitsuri placed her hand on top of his head while her other hand was on top of her now black hair.

"Look! We match!" Mitsuri declared, smiling so brightly that Iguro fainted as a result.

This shocked the woman and she kneeled down to the floor, as she desperately tried to revive the poor poor Snake Hashira.


Meanwhile, Kaburamaru who was wrapped around Iguro's neck gave his human best friend a blank stare before hissing at him. The hiss clearly translates to: "Why do you have to faint everytime, man?"

Uzui who saw all this was now laughing loudly, "How about you give him cpr!"He suggested with a snicker and Kyojuro nodded along with the Sound Hashira.

He smiled at his former student, "You know lips to lips and give him some air, Mitsuri!" He laughed and this made the Love Hashira's face flushed red.

"Wha-what?" She squeaked, as her eyes started to form swirls. Her eyes went back and forth to the two laughing Hashiras and the not breathing Iguro.

Tomioka seeing this decided to help the poor woman out. But, before he does that, he sent Sabito and Shinobu an annoyed glare before walking towards the two-oblivious-hashiras-that-clearly-very-much-likes-each-other.

He kneeled down and leaned towards the Snake Hashira's ears; then, whispered quietly in a blank tone.

"I also have black hair, so me and Kanroji matched too-" He didn't get to finished his sentence when the Snake Hashira's hand shot up and slithered around the Water Hashira's neck.

"Why you!" Iguro shouted loudly, as he starts to strangle the life out of him. "Die!"

Seeing this, Mitsuri gasped and tried to pry off the angry Snake Hashira off the poor Water Hashira. "Iguro-san, stop!" She shouted and even her raw natural strength couldn't pry off the Snake Hashira's grip from Giyuu.

For, an Hashira whose physcial strength isn't his strong suite, he has a iron grip on Tomioka's neck that even one of the strongest Hashira's can't make him let go.

Meanwhile, both Kanae and Shinobu quirked an eyebrow at this scene. They both placed a hand on their mouth and-"Ara ara." Both of them said at the same time, as the chaos unfolds in front of them.

Sanemi having enough was about to yell at both Shinobu and Sabito when the doors opened to reveal the old former Hashiras and the Ubuyashiki family.

Oyakata-sama quirked and eyebrow at the sight in front of him and his always calm wife Amane couldn't help, but placed a hand on her mouth and say: "Oh my."

Their children stared at the scene in front if them with their practiced always smiling faces, but you can clearly see the amusement in their eyes at the sight in front of them.

Luckily for Giyuu, seeing their Demon Corps leader made Iguro stop in chocking him, but the Snake Hashira's hands was still wrapped around his neck.

Urokodaki-san and Kuwajima-san stared at their former students with amused smiles.

However, the nerve wrecking silence was broken by Oyakata-sama's calming voice. "What happened here?" He asked and Sanemi bowed down his head in respect.

"Oyakata-sama, both Sabito and Shinobu played a cruel prank on us." He explained while sending said two a harsh glare.

The Demon Corps leader turned towards the said two who was sitting with their host, Kanao and Tanjiro.

"Did you guys play a prank on them?" He kindly asked them and Shinobu smiled, as she shook her head.

"No, Oyakata-sama. We didn't play a prank on them." She answered, as honestly as possible while Sabito nodded with a serious look on his face.

"You fucking liars!" Sanemi growled and was hushed by Kanae's stare when she pointed her eyes towards their master and the children around them. The former Flower Hashira's message was clear: "Don't raise your voice or swear in front of the master and children, Sanemi."

The once frail man smiled at them before turning to their host, "Is what their saying is true, Gem-san?" He asked and their host nodded.

"Yup." Gem chirped.

Then, Oyakata-sama turned his head towards Kanao. "Kanao-san, is what they're saying is true?" He asked and the raven haired girl nodded.

Genya glared at them, "Lies, I tell you! Lies!" He snarled under his breath, as he glared at Sabito who was smiling brightly.

And finally their master turned towards Tanjiro, "Tanjiro?" He asked and the redhead opened his mouth to answer.

"They were here with the three of us since morning, Oyakata-sama." He smoothly said, but in the inside he was surprised that he had just lied.

He glanced at their who host who sent a wink towards him.

Hearing this, Sanemi shot up and sent a glare towards the redhead. "They are lying, Oyakata-sama!" He snarled and Nezuko decided to step in.

"Pardon me, Sanemi-san. But-" She started, as her dark pink eyes glanced at her older brother. "Onii-chan, doesn't know how to lie." She chuckled and voices of agreement from the younger Kamado siblings was followed by her statement.

"Yeah, nii-chan doesn't know how to lie..."

"Stupid aniki is a bad liar."


Hearing this, some of the people chuckled while Tanjiro let out an offended gasp.

"Hey!" He said, slightly offended by their comment. But, his cheeks turned pink a little bit. "Although, that's true I guess..." He chuckled while scratchings the back of his head.

Oyakata-sama let out a soft chuckle before turning back to Sanemi, "Looks like they are telling the truth, Sanemi." He said and the platinum blonde haired man let out a growl.

"Then, who had done it?" He asked and their leader gently smiled in response while Rengoku snapped his fingers, as a light bulb appeared on his head.

"There's an imposter among us!" He cheerily said and his little brother who was besides him quirked an eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean by that, onii-chan?" He asked and the Flame Hashira let out a proud laugh.

"Maybe one of us is the prankster, but is also pretending to be a victim so no one would suspect him/her!" He shared and this made every prank victims glanced at each other before looking away.

Inosuke growled, "Whoever did this, I'll kill you!" He shouted and grabbed the collar of Zenitsu's pajamas, "Is it you, Monitsu!"

The blonde scowled and tried to get the wild teen's hand off his clothes, "It's not me, you stupid boar!" He shouted and just like that...

Those two starts to argue; however, they were stopped by Gem who clapped her hands to gain everyone's attention.

"How about you guys cleaned up, maybe you would return back to your normal looking self after a bath." She suggested and everyone nodded, agreeing with her. Every prank victims, except for the young children, Mitsuri, Kanae and Kie piled out of the Great Hall.

The young children begins to chat with each other while both Kuwajima-san and Urokodaki-san decided to play shogi.

Shinobu raised an eyebrow at the three women who decided to stay, "You guys are not gonna clean up?" She asked and Kanae chuckled, as she twirled a piece of her now platinum blonde hair in her fingers.

The former Flower Hashira shrugged her shoulders, "I kinda like it." She smiled and Mitsuri nodded in agreement with her while Kie just smiled.

"I don't want to wash the hair color off, it reminds me of my husband's hair." The matriarch of the Kamado family said and a soft smile appeared on Tanjiro's lips when he heard that.

Meanwhile, Shinobu glanced suspiciously at the three women's hair color before glancing at their host who was now playing shogi with Kanao.

A chill went up Gem's spine and she turned around to see Shinobu's focused stare at her. This made her nervous a little bit, but she gave the short woman a smile before going back to her game.

'Hope she doesn't learn what that hair color changer does.' She thought with a nervous chuckle before eyeing the board in front of her.


To Be Continued...

A/N: Sorry, it took me so long to publish this.🙇🏽 I tend to get a little distracted sometimes 😅 and I have other things to do in my house. But, I'll try to update more daily.😁

Thank you very much for reading my fanfic, also don't worry to those reading my "Alternate Fate" Fanfic, I'm already working on a chapter and might publish it in the weekends or Friday.

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