Chasing More Than A Trophy (R...

By ourchaeyoung

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Arsenal youngster Y/N finds himself being pushed out on an unexpected loan move. Next thing he knows he finds... More

Getting a loan
Welcome to Seoul
Finally Debuting
The First of Many
First Day on The Job
Not an Update
First Date
9 - Trouble Brews at Home
10 - Sleepover
11 - Beach Day
Update but not the story
13 - Flowers in Gangnam
Another Random Update
Seeing Twice
14 - Messes will be Messi
Twice in LA
15 - New Beginnings
0.5: Sana's Destiny

12 - Days Before Gangnam

1.4K 51 26
By ourchaeyoung

You woke up like any other morning only this time you could feel how tense your knee was, it was like you couldn't extend your knee no matter how much you tried. If you were being honest to yourself it was scary, you had never felt this sensation before, for a brief moment your heart sank. 

Your heartbeat started picking up as you thought about all the possibilities, what if you never recover, what if this ends your career, so many thoughts ran through your head in that moment, and like how quickly it came it left. You took a few seconds to compose yourself before sitting up in bed. 

You felt a cold sweat running down your back as you were staring around your room. The idea of not being able to play anymore was far worse than anything you could imagine.

"I heard Momo and Jeongyeon sent you a picture last night, so here's a video of your favorites instead :)"

You sat there for a second, staring at what was sent to you and for once your eyes weren't immediately stuck to Chaeyoung, rather you couldn't take your eyes off of Sana. Your mind instantly went back to what happened at the beach yesterday.

There was only one thought that was going through your head. "Sana's lips look really kissa-"

You only snapped out of your trance when you felt how warm your face had gotten, only assuming that your face was just as red, luckily there was nobody to see your embarrassment. Hoping to avoid any other memories coming into your head you decide to head to practice, maybe if you got there early you could secretly mess around with the ball.

You quietly made your way past the receptionist, giving him a small nod as you used your badge to buzz into the building. As soon as you entered you could immediately tell how silent the whole place was, usually by the time you would enter there would already be music blasting in the changing room but today it was only the sounds of the cleaning crew and some light chatter.

Getting into the dressing room you were so early that even the lights weren't even on, flipping the switch to 'on', you quietly made your way to your locker before setting down your bag and starting to change into your training gear.

It was much more peaceful when there weren't a group of rowdy guys getting ready for practice, it gave this weird eerie vibe but you weren't going to complain with peace and quiet.

Much like the dressing room, the training pitch also barely had anyone on it. Some of the sprinklers were still going off on the far end but it left a nice empty patch of grass for you to do some movements.

Since you couldn't do much shooting or passing with your busted knee you decided to work on your dribbling, because nothing is better than busting out some new skills in front of a crowd. Although practicing alone was difficult you did your best to imagine opposition players in front of you.

It wasn't very long before you started to feel yourself start to get tired, it may not have been a lot but you were pushing your injury maybe a bit further than you should, you decided that maybe that was enough kicking around for today, walking back towards the door you found a nice shady, patch of grass and took a seat.

Staring up to into the sun you were basking in the weather, a peaceful morning where nothing could go wrong.

Or so you thought...

"What were you thinking!" The head physio shouted as the two of you made your way down the hall. 

"It's not like I was doing anything dangerous..." You pouted as you felt fire in the eyes of the physio.

"And if you worsened your injury?!"


Needless to say you weren't able to do very much more before you were caught by one of the coaches who then told the head physio who then promptly came over and is profusely scolding you for your recklessness. 

In your defense you were only doing a little bit of dribbling and juggling, realistically you wouldn't do anything to really aggravate it but you could understand where he was coming from. The last thing the team needed was for you to hurt yourself again after just injuring yourself.

"Come on, get up, we're heading to Jin Sub's office." The physio said, giving you a pat on your shoulder.

"Huh? I'm not in that much trouble am I?" You panicked for a second, you didn't think it would be that serious for you just messing around.

"What're you talking about kid, you still got a meeting to go to." He couldn't help but laugh at your panicked state. "Now come on, lets not be late."

The next thing you knew you were at the door to his office, with a soft knock and a creak of the door you poked your head in to see your manager staring back at you. He flashed you a warm smile and invited you into the room.

"Please, take a seat." He welcomed you in, gesturing towards the open seats. "How is your knee doing?"

"Ah, umm as good as it can be I guess." You shrugged. You weren't exactly sure how you should be feeling about the injury... happy that it wasn't worse or sad that it happened.

"Well if I'm correct this is your first injury like this right?"

"Yeah... I've only ever had small knocks, just a few days out occasionally a game." You nodded along. 

"Well that's exactly the reason I wanted to speak with you today, well partly why." Jin Sub corrected himself.

"What do you mean sir?"

"I've told you not to call me sir... but I'll allow it this time. I wanted to talk to you about your position in the squad. I know you were just starting to get comfortable in the squad right?"

"Y-yeah..." You didnt know why but you felt something bad was coming. Maybe you were going to be forced to train with the under 23's or... or maybe you would be stuck on the bench for the rest of your loan.

Or maybe you would be sent back to England...

What would you tell Twice?


What would you tell Chaeyo-


"Well I want to assure you that as soon as you get back to full fitness you'll be right back around the first team."

"I understa- Wait what?" You shook your head in disbelief. That was the complete opposite of what you were expecting.

"Yeah and I honestly expect you to be in the starting XI not too long after you come back." Jin Sub had a bright smile on his face, contradicting your look of surprise. 

"You expect me to be back into the squad that quickly?" 

"Absolutely, you've got talent and guts kid, it's hard to find that nowadays, everyone is too worried about looking good for the cameras but you... you're not afraid to take risks. Honestly you're a game changer."

The praise was a bit unexpected and you couldn't hide the smile that was forming on your face, even though he was probably just buttering you up it was still really nice to hear your coach talking about you like that.

"But enough with that, we should talk about your injury right?" Jin Sub cut the conversation short.


"So I know we talked about it last night but here's a plan for you for the next couple weeks. It's just to give you a bit of a timeline for what we expect your next few weeks to look like." He said, sliding a piece of paper over the table.

You looked down and started reading what it says, well at least however much you understood, most of it was unimportant but you did see some things that stood out to you.

'• 2 weeks - Full rest/Physical therapy

• 1 week - Return to light training

• 1 week - Return to full training'

"Now I don't want to get your expectations up, since we never know what can happen but if everything goes well this is what your recovery should look like, given that nothing goes array." Your manager continued.

"With that all said, you're free to go home or you can come out and observe today's training, completely up to you." Jin Sub said, starting to pack up some things for training.

"Of course I'm going to training." You laughed. "Who do you think I am?"

"That's what I like to hear. C'mon!"

"So what do you think (Y/N)?" One of the assistant coaches leans over to ask you.

"Um I think they passing could've been more direct, it seems like there was a few extra passes in between the break and the goal." You assessed the situation, there was currently an 11v11 full of every fit squad member and the white team spent a little too long passing it around for your liking.

"That's what I was thinking, I think they didn't pull the defenders apart enough."

"I think if you-"

"(Y/N)! Come over here!" You quickly turned around to see one of the club's staff members walking towards you with a woman you didn't recognize.

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Well I'd like to introduce you to our social media manager, Lily."

"Hi nice to meet you Ms. Lily." You extended your hand towards her.

"Likewise (Y/N), but please just call me Lily, the 'Ms.' makes me feel old." Lily laughed. "I've actually come to you with a request."

"Oh, what is it? Did I do something wrong?" You asked, confused by the sudden declaration.

"Well while you're here why don't you do an Instagram takeover?"

"Instagram takeover? What's that?" you asked, looking to the social media manager.

"It's where you take over our Instagram for a little bit and answer some of the questions the fans have."

"Oh... yeah that doesn't sound like a bad idea, if you're okay with it I'll do it." You smiled.

Chaeyoung was just lying on her bed, casually browsing through Instagram, clicking on an Instagram live. You could imagine her surprise when your smiling face popped up on her screen.

"Hey Dahyun, come look at this!" Chaeyoung called out to her member.

"What is it? I'm in the kitchen!" Dahyun yelled back.

"It's (Y/N)! He's doing a Q&A!" Chaeyoung shouted back.

"Q&A? Where?" Sana chimed in from the living room.

"On Seoul FC's Instagram!"

"Oh! Found it!" This time it was Jeongyeon who answered from an unknown location.

"Hey let's all watch it together!" Dahyun yelled, corralling all the members together.

'Where did they all come from? I thought it was just me and Dahyun...' Chaeryoung thought to herself as she took a seat between Jeongyeon and Sana.

"Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well."  Your voice voice rang out through the apartment as they were all huddled around Jeongyeon's phone.

"Today I'll be taking over club's Instagram page to feel free to send in some questions and I'll answer as many as I can!"

"We should totally send in a question." Sana cheered at the thought of it.

"Sana... we have his number we can ask him anything we want." Jeongyeon was quick to point out.

"Yeah but it's more fun this way, plus this way he won't have any biases or anything." Sana pouted.

"*sigh* Fine, what should we ask?"Jeongyeon gave into Sana's persuasion quite easily.

"Here, hand me the phone." Sana said, reaching out for the phone.

"So uhh I guess lets get on to the questions." You said, a little confused on how this actually works. 

"Who is my favorite player that I've played with? Hmmm I think it would have to be either Auba or Christian (Pulisic) they're both really fun on and off the pitch" You couldn't help but laugh at some memories you had of them.

"Hey isn't that your favorite player Dahyun?" Jeongyeon pointed out.

"Next question! How am I... adapting to living in Korean?" You read, you struggled reading the Korean, trying to make sure you read it fast enough. "I'm having a good time here, the club has been treating me great and I've made a few friends here. I tink- I mean think that club will do great things this season. Be excited"

The girls couldn't help but giggle at your struggle with pronunciation. Sana especially felt your pain but at the same time she was probably laughing the hardest.

"I remeber when you did things like that Sana." Dahyun teased, giving the Japanese girl a slight shove.

"Am I talking about Twice when I say friends? Well they certainly are friends of mine." You smiled towards the camera.

The girls couldn't help but smile at your comment, event though they knew that you were friendly with the group it meant a lot to them that you would say it in public.

"How do I feel about Chelsea winning the Champions League?" You paused for a minute pondering what you should say. "All I'll say is that I'm very happy for Christian, I spoke to him after and it was great. I'm very happy for him. I also reached to Zack (Steffan) to offer my commiserations."

"Oh I bet Tzuyu was real happy with that." Dahyun said.

"Why? What's the Champions League?" Chaeyoung asked, obviously very confused with all the football talk.

"You remember that game we all watched together where Tzuyu cried? It's that one." Sana explained to Chaeyoung's 'Oh' face.

"No I'm not dating Chaeyoung." You laughed, reading one of the passing comments. "What am I going to do after this? I might go the store I need to get some groceries. I have to get better at cooking for myself." You continued on like nothing happened.

"Huh? Where did that come from?" Sana asked, confused by the passing comment you said it so casually that it threw all of them off.

"Yeah it's so random." "Probably a deranged shipper." Jeongyeon and Dahyun chimed in.

"Y-yeah so weird..." Chaeyoung also said, albeit a little less convincingly.

After that it seemed like nothing else was very important, the girls honestly couldn't remember anything else you said after that Chaeyoung comment. Soon enough you ended the live stream, leaving most of the girls feeling a bit empty, especially Sana.

"Hnng, welp I'm going to go take a walk." Chaeyoung gave a good stretch before going into her room to get ready.

"Hey Sana did you question ever get answered?" Jeongyeon finally remembered.

"No." Sana gave another pout.

"Well what did you ask?" Dahyun asked, leaning her head back onto the headrest of the couch. 

"I asked 'Do you love Sana?" The girl said with her head held high.

"..." "..."

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Hey Chaeng is there anything wrong with my question?"

"No comment." Chaeyoung said as she pulled her hood over her head and went out the door.

"Be safe!" "Don't go too far!" "Wait! What's wrong with my question?"

As soon as Chaeyoung left the dorm she made her way down to the nearest shopping complex. Ever since she heard your dating comment she hasn't been able to focus on anything, it's been replaying in her mind ever since it left your mouth.

Why was it bothering her so much, you were right the two of you weren't dating nor has she ever thought about it. But something about it really bugged her, maybe it was because you answered the question instead of ignoring it?

Maybe you secretly wanted it but never told her so you mention it on the live stream to get her attention, or maybe you were so repulsed by the idea of dating her that you wanted to make sure that she knew that you would never date her...

No matter the reason, Chaeyoung needed to get her mind off things. Looking at her surrounding she noticed that she was near the local grocery store, remembering that Momo had eaten all of her strawberry jam she thought she should get some more.

"It's so expensive too..." Chaeyoung muttered to herself as she walked into the grocery store grabbing a basket on her way in.

She first made her way towards to bread aisle to make sure she had some toast to put this on before heading to the condiment aisle where she now stood, facing quite literally a tall task.

"Curse these shoes for not having thick enough insoles." Chaeyoung grumbled as she was stood on her tiptoes trying to reach her special strawberry jam that was located on the top shelf.

"Why is there even a shelf this high!" Chaeyoung continued to complain before she heard a familiar voice behind her and saw a hand reach above hers.

"Here let me help." The voice said as they grabbed the jam from above before extending it towards her. "Here, it'd be a shame if you couldn't get it."

Looking up she was about to thank the person before she froze in her tracks. It was (Y/N).

Why were you here? Was this god giving her a sign? Did you plan for this to happen? So many questions ran though her head as you suddenly stood before her. Before she could ask any of that you said you had to leave before briskly walking down the aisle.

"Did... he not recognize me?" Chaeyoung questioned as she brought her hand up to her mask that was now covering up her red cheeks. "At least this mask works."

"Good luck with the rest of training!" You waved to your teammates in the dressing room before heading out the building, all smiles with your backpack on.

Soon enough you found yourself in the bread aisle of a random grocery store, looking through all the foreign brands was really confusing, especially since you couldn't read half of the Korean. In the end you wound up settling with what ever 'felt' the best when you gave the loaf a squeeze, putting it in the basket you made your way over to the next aisle where you find someone in a white hoodie struggling to reach something on the top shelf.

You slowly made your way up behind her trying to see what she was trying to reach. It turns out she was trying to reach a jam of strawberry jam, and a quite expensive one at that. 

"Here let me help." You said, reaching over the girl and grabbing the jam. "Here, it'd be a shame if you couldn't get it." 

As soon as she turned around you couldn't help but notice how familiar she looked, but her hood and the mask she had on really threw you off the scent. 

(Imagine she has a mask :D)

But you weren't going to stand around to find out since you already ran into some supporters when you first entered the store, the last thing you wanted was to be bombarded in the grocery store and inconvenience anyone.

"Sorry but I have to run now, I hope you enjoy the jam." You said giving her a smile before walking down the aisle.

As soon as you got home you put all your groceries away before hoping in the show one more time. By the time you finished up the sun had already set and you were way too lazy to even thing about cooking. 

Walking into your living room you finally took a seat on your couch after struggling with all the groceries, after such a struggle you were finally able to kick your feet up and relax.

'I wonder what I should have for dinner...' You thought to yourself after a few minutes.

"You know what, maybe I'll order a pizza." You said out loud. "It's been a while since-"


The sound of your phone ringing cut off your train of thought. 

You were pretty sure you weren't expecting a call tonight so this was rather odd. Taking out your phone you look to see who could be calling you at this hour, and to your (pleasant) surprise it was Chaeyoung.

Picking up without a second thought you brought the phone to your ear.

"What's up Chae?"

"(Y/N)! What are you doing right now?!" The girl sounded frantic over the phone.

"Uhhh nothing really, why?" You asked, concern starting to build over hearing her panicked voice.

"We need you to come to Gangnam right now."

"Gangnam? Why?" Gangnam was about 25 minutes away from where your apartment was, not very far away but it also didn't make any sense why she would want you to go out there.

"Long story short Nayeon is missing and we need your help looking for her."



"Hello? (Y/N)?"

"Yeah sorry I just put my shoes on, text me the address I'm on my way." You said, already taking steps out of your front door.

"Oh, y-yeah I'll send it over, thanks." Chaeyoung was a little surprised at how quickly you mobilized after hearing of the situation.

Chaeyoung hung up the phone, putting it back in her pocket she looked towards the seven other girls and gave them a reassuring smile.

"(Y/N) is on his way."

"Oh what a relief." Sana sighed.

"Well are you sure he'll be able to help us?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Yeah he's only one person right?" Dahyun added to Jeongyeon's question. It's not like she didn't trust you but it was unrealistic that you could help in the situation.

"Well... well... hejustmakesmefeelbetterokay?" Chaeyoung spat out just like she was rapping, turning away from the group as she did.

Some members of the group couldn't help but smile at they maknae while some remained poker faced, whether it was because they were thinking about Nayeon or what Chaeyoung said, we'll never know.

"Look! It's (Y/N)!" Sana called out, pointing everyone towards your direction as you came running towards the group.

As you neared the girls you received quite the warm welcome despite the situation, you sat down with Jihyo and Chaeyoung as they explained the current situation to you. 

As the two of them were explaining you couldn't help but look around to the other members, some looked like they were thinking of where to find the missing girl, others just looked distraught. You couldn't really tell what was going on inside their heads, and who could, they must be worried sick for Nayeon, but what you did know was that you had to find her as soon as you can.

"Hey, don't worry." You said, putting your hand atop of Chaeyoung's head, giving it a quick rub before turning to Jihyo and then the rest of the girls. "We're gonna find Nayeon."

"Y-yeah!" Chaeyoung smiled, wiping away her tears.

"So does anyone have a plan or any information to go off?" You asked.

"All she said was that she needed some air and she hasn't been seen since." Jihyo said.

"Hmm... well how about we form pairs, that way we don't get lost again when we search for her." You brought up the idea.

"Oh that's smart!" "Good idea." "I knew we should've called you."

"Perfect so how should we split up?" you asked.

After a brief discussion the following pairs were decided on.

Chaeyoung - Jihyo - Sana

Jeongyeon - Mina

Dahyun - Momo

Tzuyu - (Y/N)

"Hey (Y/N), are you sure you should be moving around so much? Your leg is still hurt after all." Tzuyu asked as the two of you walked down the street.

"Yeah, it should be fine just walking. Even if I run it shouldn't be that bad as long as I'm not being too reckless." You answered

"Well just be careful, the last thing anyone wants is for you to be out for any longer." Tzuyu gave your shoulder a nudge.

"Of course I'll be careful, but you be careful too. The last thing I want if for any of you girls to get hurt tonight." You made sure that Tzuyu knew you were concerned about them as well as Nayeon.

"Of cour-" 

"Wait did you hear that?" You said, cutting Tzuyu off in the middle of her sentence.

"No? What did you hear?" Tzuyu asked, a little panicked by your sudden intensity.

"I feel like I heard Nayeon just now... faintly but I heard her."

"W-where from?" Tzuyu asked, looking around for her unnie.

"This way, follow me." You said, almost immediately breaking into a jog, grabbiung Tzuyu by the hand to make sure she stays besides you.


The sounds of your feet making contact with the puddles on the floor was all you could hear as you were sprinting down the busy streets of Gangnam looking left and right for Nayeon. The lights and the people were a blur as your eyes were scanning every nook and cranny for where the scream came from.

"Come on... Come on... Where are you?" You muttered to yourself, checking every alleyway and store you could. "Please... Nayeon, please be okay."

You continued your search around the streets until you heard a faint noise, it wasn't loud but it was definitely out of the ordinary, enough to catch your attention and draw you towards it. You didn't know who it was or why you felt that you should go towards it but something in your gut was telling you that you had to go see what it was.

Heading in the direction of the noise you pushed your way past the crowded streets until you found yourself staring into an alleyway, noticing a few dark figures towards the end of it. Slowly approaching the figures you tried to listen in on what they were saying.

"Come on-" 


"Idol like you-" 


"Back with us-" 


"A good time."


And without you even thinking about what to do you felt something take over your body, you immediately took one step forward without second thoughts for anything but whoever was in that corner.

"(Y/N) wait!" Tzuyu called out to you.


Hello! The long awaited update hehe, sorry for it being so long between updates again but life kinda got in the way but uh... what can you do lol.

A lot has really happened every since the last update again, Messi moved to PSG, Ronaldo moved back to United, Lukaku to Chelsea and... I'm not even going to speak about my club. Just too much to say that it could be it's own chapter honestly, I'm just kinda down in the mud about them.

But on the bright side football is back every week so it's something to somewhat look forward to, along with Twice always pumping out content.

Thanks again for reading after quite a long break between updates, the next chapter is already being worked on so please look forward to it, please let me know what you thought about this chapter too! :>

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