𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡

By VoodooBytesArchives

2K 67 24

Demons & Death - Miles Fairchild x Fem! Reader More



87 5 4
By VoodooBytesArchives

Y/n POV!! ↵

Miles and I sat on the hood of the car, watching the sunrise. "I missed you Miles." I looked over at him. "I missed you too." He didn't look at me, though I felt he knew I was looking at him. I scooted closer, leaning my head onto his shoulder. He sighed and snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I closed my eyes and cuddled closer to him. "We fit together so perfectly." I kissed his jaw. Miles looked down at me and pecked my lips. "I suppose we do, don't we." I grinned but soon it faded away. "What?" He questioned. I shrugged, "I'm sorry..." I pulled back and stood up, pulling his legs down so I could stand between them. "For what?" He seemed slightly anxious and he let out a nervous chuckle. "For leaving you, for acting out, for not telling you to your face that I love you..." Miles stared at me intently, seeming unfazed by the comment. I sighed and turned back to the sunset. The sky was all sorts of shades of purple and orange. "In the letter, you said I wouldn't understand..." "What?" I faced him once more. Miles pulled out the letter I had written him. "And it's stupid and you won't understand but maybe one day you will." He read. He folded the paper and put it back into his pocket. "I-" he shook his head. "I do know what love is!" He exclaimed, standing up. I sat back down with my mouth shut. "I do know what it is! I love Flora and I loved my parents! I love- I love reading and I love the horses! I love spiders and- I love-" he stopped himself. "That's not the love I'm talking about Miles." Miles shook his head, "They're the same.." I stood up as well. "No they aren't." Miles made eye contact with me. "I love you Miles." He blushed madly, I'd never seen a reaction like this. "What?" I shook my head, cupping his cheeks. "I love you, Miles Fairchild." "Why?" He asked, taking my hands off of my face and holding them in his. "I just do... You made me fall in love with you." Miles shook his head. "I didn't." I laughed a little. "See? You don't understand yet..." His face dropped. "It's okay, hopefully I'll be able to teach you." His hands gripped mine a little harder. "Why can't you teach me?" I stood on my tippy toes to kiss his forehead. "I'll try babes. I can't force you to fall in love with me. I just have to try my best and hope you'll fall in love with me." He shook his head. "I'll try..." my grin widened. "Really?" He seemed very confused, "I just said I would so, yes?" I leaned in and kissed his warm lips. "God I love you so much." Miles cringed a little bit. "Don't cringe!" I walked around the car and climbed into the passenger seat. Miles clambered into the drivers seat and looked over at me. "How did you acquire this car Miles?" He started the car. "I had it." I nodded before stopping him from going anywhere. I leaned over and placed a firm kiss onto his lips. He grinned and I leaned back into my chair, allowing him to drive again. (TEOTFW vibes) "Where should we go?" He asked as he pulled around. "Home, I should see Flora." I stretched, tired from spending all night with Miles. He muttered something to himself quietly. "What?" He shook his head. "It's just- this didn't go like I thought it was going to." He answered blandly. "What do you mean?" "I just- I didn't think I'd run into you... I was going to just drive off the quarry." He said this like it was nothing. "You were going to kill yourself... Because of me?" I felt tears prick my eyes at the thought of loosing Miles forever. He didn't answer this time. "Miles, promise me that you'll never kill yourself." He just stared ahead. "Miles?" He hummed back. "Can you promise that for me?" He shook his head. "What do you mean no?" I felt slightly panicked by his response. "I can't. If you die before me then, I have no reason." I shook my head, staring at him intently. "Y-you have Flora!" Miles glances over at me and placed one hand on my knee. "I don't think she'd care too much..." I felt my heart brake. "She would care, Miles!" I clutched his hand in mine. "She couldn't handle me leaving so she'd loose her shit if you left her!" His face dropped a little and we pulled into the driveway. Miles stopped the car and leaned his head on the steering wheel. "Okay, I promise." He brought my hand up to his lips, kissing the sensitive skin lightly. I nodded and wiped the tears that had formed away. We got out and as I slammed my door, the front door swung open. The crowd ran outside, Flora in front. She ran to Miles and wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Miles! I thought you were leaving me!" Miles looked over at me, I let go of his hand and placed it on her back. Miles crouched down and whispered to Flora. She nodded and backed up, coming over to me. "I missed you!" She said as I hugged her. "I missed you too." I held her tightly. Next, Kate made sure Miles was okay. He angrily pushed her off. She just shook it off and came over to me. "You came back..." I nodded and embraced her tightly, apologizing. Miles brothers punched his shoulder and ruffled his hair but you could tell they were worried about him deep down. They eventually came to me and I accepted their hugs. When everyone was done, Miles led me upstairs to his room, despite me remembering the house perfectly. In his room, the photos were all on his bed and on his floor. He didn't care though, he just collected them all slowly and put them back into the box. He laid down and I climbed into the spot next to him quickly. I was facing the wall but Miles wrapped himself around me from behind. Just as I was falling asleep Miles whispered into my ear, "Y/n, I think I-"


Y/n POV!! ↵
"-have a boner.." I rolled my eyes. "Just sleep it off I guess.. I'm kind of tired Miles." He nodded and kissed my neck lightly, urging me into a nice sleep.

When I had woken up, it was the middle of the day. Miles was still asleep but in our sleep we had shifted so that my legs were wrapped around his waist, my head was tucked into the crook of his neck, and my arms hugged him tightly. Miles arms were around me as well, holding me close. I felt safe with him. I carefully leaned back to get a better look at his face. Looking at him while he was asleep made my heart race, I loved it. Some of his curls lay in his face, others sticking out. His freckles scattered across his face, some would say like stars but his were more like flakes of snow, more delicate. I never realized how handsome Miles actually was and now that I did realize it, it made me blush. My eyes continued to trail down his face to his lips. God, I could kiss them all day. They sat slightly parted, emitting almost silent snores. His lips looked soft, though I knew they could be rough if he wanted. My stomach did backflips as Miles shifted himself, I thought he was waking up. Only, he didn't. He pulled me closer to him. The only thing was that since I was no longer with my head so low, I was pulled closer to his face. So close, I could feel his breath on my face and our lips grazed each other each time he would fall in the slightest from finishing a breath. I could see all of his freckles so well now. I shut my eyes and tried to ease off into a doze at least. Something so he wouldn't know I was awake. Luckily, after I'd slowed my heart rate, I finally fell back asleep.

Miles pov!! ↵
Was I aware of her current position? Yes. Did I mean to pull her that close to me? Yes. Now I could be the boyfriend she wants. I can wake her up in a cute way and I'll fall in love with her. I waited until she was asleep. I could tell because when she slept she would whisper my name ever so quietly. At first it confused me and honestly, it still does. I don't know why she does it but, it's so quiet you almost can't tell. When I heard her do it, I opened my eyes and gave them a second to adjust to the light. I stared at her beautiful face before licking my lips. We were so close my tongue grazed over her bottom lip lightly. It reminded me to 'Make out' which is what Richard and Boris call it. I leaned in (he closed the literal .738 millimeter gap y'all had, smh.) and pressed our lips together. I always liked the way she tasted, it was nice. Though if you asked I couldn't tell you what she tasted like. I leaned away and stared at her. Not much of a difference. I wanted to kiss her again. I leaned back in and kissed her again. My hands fiddled with her shirt a little, I wasn't sure why. This time her lips pressed back against mine, sending a weird feeling through my body. She smiled and pulled back, looking at me. "Well hello there." She giggled a little, making me smile. "Hi." I replied sitting up. "No! Miles, lay back down." She groaned, pulling at my waist. "I have to go talk to Kate but I'll lay down with you for a few more minutes after, okay?" She huffed, then nodded. I kissed her one last time before getting out of bed. She groaned and reached for me as I left. "Baby it's cold without you, hurry!" She cried. I walked back over and pulled the comforter over her. "One last kiss?" I sighed, I guess a kiss couldn't hurt. I nodded a little and leaned in but Y/n had another idea. She sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in quickly. She kissed me until I licked her bottom lip and then she let me take over. I snaked my tongue into her mouth and we 'made out' for a long time. (These are hard because I've never actually kissed anyone much less watched anyone French kiss so-) I held her close and enjoyed the feeling of our mouthed colliding. Eventually, she had to stop for breath and though all I wanted right now was to crawl on top of her and 'make out' for the rest of the day, I excused myself and rushed down the hall, eager to get back to what we had started.

Y/n POV!! ↵

I flopped back down and huffed, staring at the ceiling. I decided to change into something more comfortable. I dug through Miles' clothes for whatever I could find. I slipped off my pants and shirt and put on one of Miles' pajama shirts. It was much larger on me and was almost a dress. This was surprising to me because I didn't think he was that much bigger than me. I crawled back into bed and pulled the covers over myself again. The door opened and I sat up, hoping it was Miles. It wasn't. It was close, but not Miles. "Hey.." Tyler was wearing a teeshirt and jeans, along with a red baseball cap. "What's up?" I asked, pulling the covers up further. "I'm here on behalf of all of the others, they couldn't say it to you so.." I nodded and he continued. "We really missed you... Like, we had only known you for a little bit we missed you." He was very expressive with his face and hands. "And if you brake up with Miles, we're here... So..." I nodded again and laughed a little. "Okay.. Bye-" he rushed out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "Weird.." I whispered, laying back down. I went back to staring at the ceiling. "Miles.." I groaned, contemplating whether I should get out of bed or not. I decided to stay in bed since I didn't want to upset him. The shirt smelt like him and it calmed me down so easily. I grabbed his pillow and held it to my chest tightly. I missed Miles so much and he had only been gone for five minutes.

Miles pov!! ↵
I knocked on Kate's door and stood there, waiting for her to come out. "Yes?" I pushed past her and closed the door. "Do you love me?" She stopped and stuttered for a minute. "I do, you're like a son to me." She finally spit out. "How do I know if I love someone?" I asked, "Because I'm pretty sure love is just a chemical-" "Who do you think you love? Flora, your brothers, me?" I looked up at her, I knew I loved all of them. With the exception of Kate and my brothers. "Y/n." I answered. "Oh well- that's a different love... I'm not sure you're old enough to understand." She fiddled with her fingers. "Just tell me what it's like Kate." She sighed, "Fine."

Later!! ↵

I opened the door quietly, Y/n was laying facing the window. "Miles hurry up." She groaned as she hugged my pillow. I shut the door quietly and slowly walked towards her. I walked to the edge of the bed and laid down, wrapping my arms around her. "Miles!" She cheered turning around. She pulled my shirt and kissed me. "You're wearing my clothes." I looked down at my pajamas she was wearing. "Just the shirt." she winked. I felt my pants get tighter as my foot grazed her, in fact, bare legs.

Y/n POV!! ↵

Miles let out a long moan and I pushed my lips onto his again. "Miles! Your door isn't locked." I reminded him. He groaned and got out of bed and locked his door. When he turned around I realized why he had moaned. "You get hard so quickly Miles." I shook my head. "I wouldn't get hard if you weren't so seductive." I grinned, "Is that what you think I am?" Miles crawled back into bed but this time he sat in my lap. "This is new." I murmured as he pushed me down, kissing me.

Miles's pov!! ↵

My heart was speeding up the further we went, I knew exactly how this was going. Last time I wasn't nervous at all but this time was different. I didn't know what it was, maybe I just needed it and I didn't realize it. It had to be something physical. I remember Kate saying 'You want to please them and you'll become anxious that you won't.' I didn't have to worry though, I knew exactly how to give her what she wanted. I calmed down but my heart sped up as she took her top off. Instead of freaking out I started to suck on the skin covering her chest. Her quiet whimpers made me more needy then anxious. I enjoyed leaving hickies all over her chest and stomach, it made me feel like I knew she was mine. The anxiety began to fade away again as she pulled my shirt off as well.

Y/n POV!! ↵
Miles seemed different but I brushed it off. Let's just say that I took care of all of his problems for him...

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