Throne [MxM]

De ThatGravity

29.7K 1K 44

"My mother left me and my father was too weak to be there for me. You've already abandoned me before. What ma... Mais

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Extra - Angie and Bentley Kinnly
Extra - Kim Kinnly


596 25 0
De ThatGravity

Colin Aaron Skyes Point Of View

I was breathing hard and I was running twice as hard. I knew I was going to be exhausted if I didn't stop soon.

But I can't.

The bodies on all sides of me were pushing against me and I knew if I slowed down, I would get trampled. So I kept my focus on Grayson running in front of me. I've heard people around us scream a few times and I also knew that my mate was resisting his instincts to shift. But if he stopped to do so, I don't think I could stop quick enough to hold the others back from trampling him.

A few men around me have fallen. Whether they were physically pulled back or shot down, I don't have time to check. The guards pick us off like ticks, until finally, we were forced to stop.

"Get back! Get back!" Someone in front of us screamed, the higher pitched sound of the voice indicated that it was one of a guard.

I grabbed on Grayson's collar to haul him back into my chest. The guards were screaming orders while the other prisoners were giving war cries or yelps of pain.

A wall of law enforcement appeared, carrying clear plastic shields. They formed a solid barrier and pushed at us, until we're corralled into a corner.

I've seen these guards only once before, in my second year of prison. I had noticed that they were more unforgiving then the normal guards—less likely to take deals.

And those plastic shields really hurt if you got one swung at you.

Grayson had the unmistakable look of horror etched in his facial features. He had probably never seen S.W.A.T teams in real life before.

I grit my teeth as someone shoves at my shoulder, attempting to push me back to the courtyard. I let them push me, but still kept my firm hold on Graysons jumpsuit.

"Hey!" Grayson protested as I dragged him back into the corner. I stayed close with the other inmates, who had not been hit with a bullet yet.

"Shut the fuck up," I said lowly in Grayson's ear and pulled him as close as I could to me.

"Colin! Get down!"

It's Haden.

He was already down on the ground by my feet.

"They brought out the big guns!"

The guards have been waiting for this to happen. For the prisoners to finally have enough.

It's permission to kill us.

I yanked Grayson down as quick as I could.

Many of the inmates were still fighting the S.W.A.T team and guards, trying to break their wall.

Grayson stumbled as I pull him down and trips beside me, falling over a body. The body groans in pain, weakly slamming a fist against the ground.

It mumbles something weakly and looks to be coughing, but I couldn't hear if they were words or not to be sure.

Haden gives an uncomfortable but sympathetic smile to the body and edged away, still keeping himself low on the ground.

The body turns, showing off a bloodied face.

His skin is dark, stained with blood, and round. I catch Haden's arm, pulling him up to his feet. He hisses and tries to get down again as more gunshots were heard overhead.

"Hade'? C'mon man, we gotta move."

Men in jumpsuits rush past us, some yelling and some crying.

"Haden!" I repeated, tugging on his arm. I raised my voice, "Come on, goddamnit!"

He couldn't stop staring at the body on the ground. The man's dark curly brown hair slicked with dark blood, but I could recognize him anywhere. A few more hard labored breaths and then didn't move again.


It's Hunter.


Anger surges through me and I glare at the wall of guards, letting out a low growl. A few of the guards closest to me freeze for a second, and then resume shooting.

One of the worst things you could do to a person is take away the one thing that they were living for. And taking it right before their eyes is worse.

"Hunter," Haden croaked. He would have collapsed for I didn't have a firm hold on his arm.

"Please. No, please!" Haden shouts, trying to tug his bicep out of my grasp but I didn't let him.

"We need to go!" I yelled at him. I pulled him hard enough to almost put his arm out of its socket, but at this point Haden's body had gone limp.

He stumbles after Grayson and I as I led them both away from the corner. I keep my eyes on the body laying on the ground. Hunter doesn't move, even when hordes of men trample over it.

The man was like a brother to me. We didn't seem to have the closest bond but that didn't matter.

He was the one to take me in when I came here the first time. I would have been dead without him. Him and my friend Marley were the only reason I got through prison the first time. Hunter had always was here for me if I needed to talk to anyone, and my friend Marley was there if I needed to admit my weaknesses to. But, years ago, Marley who was killed in the seggie unit just after a riot.

Just like this one.

Grayson pulled me down against the cinderblock side of the prison. We crouch, he covered his ears but against the onslaught of gunshots and the blare of the alarm it was really no use.

I yelled out a string of curses as a bullet casing plummets into the wall inches away from my foot. "Fuck! We need to get inside or we're gonna fucking die. Haden!"

Hadens head snapped up, his eyes were empty. His brother's blood was smeared across his jumpsuit and hands.

"Here," He said solemnly, his eyes shooting wildly around the yard's ground.

"Where's Trevor and Dylan?" Grayson asked frantically, jumping back and pressing his body into the wall as another round of gunshots from the machine gun rag out just over his head.

"Out, if they're smart. Or dead," Haden yelled in response. A bullet ricochets off the wall behind us, and I fall to the ground in response. "Fuck, man! They're gunning for us!"

They both stopped resisting after that. We all stood quickly, and I let go of them so we could put our arms above our heads. The bullets stop for a moment, and we make our way back to the cafeteria doors.

They're open. Surprisingly.

Two guards, holding large guns, stand at either door. They wave us in, toward a surging crowd of prisoners.

"It's not much better," I said, taking hold of Graysons bicep again.

Another round of shots were fired from behind us and I could smell the thick dust from the cement in the air, "Shit, was that a metal bullet?"

"I hope the fuck not," Haden replied as someone's shoved shoulder, "Jesus Christ, touch me again and I swear to god I will gut you."

I could tell Hunter's death hadn't quite set in for either of us yet. I doubt it would any time soon, maybe a few days at least.

The man—Grimes, I realize—snorts, pulling his arm back to throw a punch.

He was going for Grayson.

My boot flies up and catches Grimes in the groin before he could put in any force behind his punch. He bends at the waist, gagging.

I hate him. Well, I've always hated him. It's just a lot more passionate as of now.

"Colin!" Grayson yelled, as Haden grabbed my free arm when I pulled it back to punch Grimes.

I forgot how strong Haden actually is. He manages to pull me and Grayson backwards and drag me across the chaotic cafeteria, toward the hallways.

"What were you thinking?" Haden explodes, nearly screaming in my ear. "You're a fucking idiot, Colin!"

"Everybody hates Grimes and you know it," I retorted. Haden paused for a moment, then understanding crossed his face.

"We're not killing any more people, alright?" He says, his eyebrows furrowing as he pulls me into a quiet corner. "It doesn't fix things, Col. You know that."

I wrench out of Haden's grasp, glaring at him.

"Hunter fucking is dead!" I yelled, making Haden glare at me violently. Grayson's eyes widened and tried to pull his sleeve out of my grip. I didn't let him. I don't think I physically could.

"It was Grimes's gang that started this all. I am not going to pity him for a fucking bruised stomach," I spit, my voice sharp.

Haden sighed but nodded, clenching his fists at his sides at the mention of his brother.

"Get back to your cell before you're shot. I need to do a head count on how many members I lost," Haden muttered as I took a deep breath, my adrenaline leaving me.

"Good luck," I said, lowering my voice.

"You too....I'll send word to you guys if I see Trevor and Dylan around," Haden said in the same quite grim tone.

I nodded and moved to lead Grayson back to our cell.

"Oh and Colin," Haden said, making Grayson and I turn.

"Thank you. You-You really saved me out there," He said with a nod of recognition.

"Of course," I said, returning his smile.

Grayson and I both walked back to our cell in silence.

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