Princess of Asgard

By belleblossom123

21.5K 291 63

'They may have always been my enemy, but I became their worst nightmare' We all know Asgards famous prince's... More

Princess of Asgard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note

Chapter 13

488 7 4
By belleblossom123


Into the unknown


A brilliant light hugs the sky as the sun stretches out across the land. The autumn breeze tousled Riden's hair and pinked his cheeks. The warmth that had been in the wind just last week seemed to had evaporated into the sky. It gave life to the long grass in the fields surrounding the palace, still yellowing from the high summer sun. The strands swayed out of time with the gusts brought on by the occasional person or carriage strolling by.

We sat close together our backs flush against a side of an old oak tree, while my head was rested comfortably on Riden's shoulder his lent on top of mine. The rush of the autumnal breeze would threaten to flick a page of the book that rested half on me and half on him. I looked up into his deep brown eyes not caring about the flush of redness that I felt creep its way upon my cheeks. Resting my head back onto his sturdy shoulders I felt his arm snake around my back brining me in impossibly closer. I felt small against his large frame yet a feeling of safety swarmed over me.

He wore a white cotton shirt tucked into black trousers and boots, his dark brown hair messily lay on his head as his deep brown eyes gazed intently towards the words that lay on the aging paper in front of us. I had a deep detailed green dress on with a sage patterned corset on top. The few strands of blonde hair framing my face blew in the breeze as the rest lay down trapped between my back and the tree behind me.

As I finished the final sentence a slight nod came from Riden so I turned the page to reveal we had read up to chapter 13.

"I should probably go now, we have been reading this since just after lunch and I am guessing my brothers will be done with their meeting," I spoke quietly against the silence of the empty field.

"You could stay for a bit longer your just about the only person I can bare to be around," Riden pouted looking down into my baby blue eyes.

"Do not look at me like that I will see you at dinner," I started to stand only to have him beat me to it and tower over me holding a hand out.

"Maybe you could join me for a night time stroll, I have yet to show you some of my secret places," I smirked taking his hand and pulling myself up.

"That sounds great," his other hand found its way up to cup my face looking down as if to memorize every last detail. A small flush of pink formed on my face, butterflies flying around in my stomach. I saw a tint of pink form on his cheeks too as he eyes battled an internal conflict.

He pulled back after getting lost in the moment, somehow my arm found its way through Riden's as he lead us towards the palace.

Over the year of Riden living here we have been getting closer and finding comfort in each other's company. He was quite a flirt at times, but it would normally turn into a conversation of teasing and making fun of one another. We learn new things every day about each other and have many common interests. Thor seems to like and respect him based on the fact that he is a skilled warrior and intelligent. When in council or noble meetings he seems to always have a solution to a problem, according to Thor anyway. Loki still doesn't like or trust him saying he's annoying and untrustworthy, but he's just salty as Riden has bettered him in their conversations of snappy comments. But that's him just being petty apart from that everyone likes him and his father Arvid, they have fit in well with the nobles.

The large grand doors pulled open almost instantly at the sight of our presence. The sound of our boots echoed against the emptiness of the spacious hall, we made our way to the familiar guarded door of the meeting room to be met with floods of nobles, council men, lords walking out with mixed emotions.

At the sight of my brothers Riden took my hand places a gentle kiss on my knuckles, respectively nodded to my brothers and continued to walk off to accompany his father.

"Well, seems like you have been busy all day," Thor winked.

"So what has father said, are we storming the camp or going to find the other Beserkians in other realms," I asked rolling my eyes at his previous comment.

"We are going to do nothing," Loki joined us as we all began walking away from the hustle and bustle of the meeting room.

"WHAT they tried to harm us more than once, managed to sneak their way into the council and have some sort of vendetta against us," I let out a gasp of air after my small rant.

"That is precisely what we said," Thor commented a sense of anger played on his face while Loki's remained calm and collected as always.

"Father does not want to do anything yet saying it is for the safety of Asgard and as long as we keep an eye on them they cannot be a threat," Loki answered.

"But I believe he is hiding something it is clear they do in fact have the power to take us down they have; the numbers, skills, and resources like the handcuffs made out of francium," Loki continued.

"Well, what do you think he is hiding," Thor joined in.

We were still walking taking a longer more quieter route towards the feast hall before dinner.

"For once I have no idea, his head is next to impossible to get into."

"Well, what about going to Vanaheim or another realm to find the other groups of Beserkians maybe that will tell us why he does not want us to do anything," I proposed "it will at least help further our understanding on them maybe even form an agreement."

"Even if we did father would not agree to let us go and Heimdall will be keeping a close eye on us after our recent trip to Myrkvior," Thor added.

"I guess we are just going to have to find another way to resolve all of this," I replied, and with that we were greeted with the warm and friendly glow of the feast hall.

Thor and Loki headed off to their usual seats making loud conversation with their friends while I remained near the door in hopes Riden would walk in.

"Mother I did not think you would be in here tonight," I exclaimed as I saw my mother walk in.

"Well, dear it is nice for a change rather than it being just me and your father with any of his dull friends," mother had a stern look about her tonight.

"Has something happened between you and father," I asked slowly making our way to a small table.

"No, no need to worry," she calmly replied.

"But you seem stressed."

"Well it is just," Frigga started.

"ANOTHER!" was yelled across the room.

"They only got here 5 minutes ago," I whispered to myself.

"Will you just SHUT UP for one minute!" I stood on my chair yelling across the now silent room.

"Make me," Thor challenged.

I grabbed a large glass throwing it directly on his head (using a bit of air strength to make more of an impact).

"Oh you want to play that game," he yelled in retaliation now grabbing two glasses.

"ENOUGH, you two are supposed to be Asgards greatest protectors and now your acting like children sit down," mother yelled.

Slowly the rowdy feast returned to normal and I swear I heard Thor's entire friend group laughing at him, egged on by you know who.

"What were you saying mother."

"Oh yes, your father and I had a disagreement and now we are not on talking terms," she admitted.

"Over us, about what we did," I grabbed a piece of fruit from the colourful bowl in the middle.

"Yes well, as I am sure your brothers have moaned about your father's decision and I believe we should put a stop to this issue before it continues, however Odin sorry father thinks putting it off will fix everything," she finished her rant.

"Is that what married life is like, arguments and disagreement," I changed the subject.

"Oh God honey no, marriage is about love and commitment to your partner," she replied placing a hand over mine.

"Then why does father always talk about marriage alliances," I asked.

"Being a princess you have a duty to your realm and sometimes it involves that, as out dated as it may be sometimes it is necessary, love does not matter when it comes to royals," mother sent a comforting look.

"But how do you even know if you love someone," I reluctantly asked.

"Does someone have a crush," mother teased.

"What, no," I defensively answered "I am asking for a friend."

"Oh yeah which one," she smirked.

"Err promise not to say," mother nodded in response.

"Well it is a brother, Thor likes Lady Sif," ha nailed it he will kill me for that later.

"Well, tell him when you know it will feel right because deep down you know that is the person you are meant to be with," she smiled raising her eyebrows as if to question my good lie.


"So your father has decided to deal with the problem by ignoring it," Riden looked down at me his eyes shone reflecting the brightness of the moon.

The trees are crazy silhouettes against the newly silver sky, it's blue hue almost gone until dawn. Their branches away in wind, creaking into the gusting air.

"I know we do not know why, we suppose he knows something that he does not want us to know or maybe he has lost the plot in his old age, even my mother disagrees with him," I replied my arm entwined with his as walked together embracing the elements as if they were well remembered friends.

"You cannot just ignore this they tried to harm you and your brothers," his eyes full of concern.

"I know, but my brothers do not want to push our father as they don't know how far he will punish us if we defy him again," I looked away from him staring into the emptiness of the night.

"But you do," he cocked a curious eyebrow.

"I think we should go to Vanaheim, as it's the realm I know the most, to find out why they started a riot there and hopefully find the leader and strike a truce."

"Why don't you?"

"I am already grounded for 3 months we are lucky that I can still see you, I do wonder what father will do to me if I go, but if I do not a lot more people could get hurt."

I am conflicted on what to do, my brothers made it clear that we are going to listen to father this time, but do I listen to what they say. Of course not.

"I am going to Vanaheim by myself," I decided.

"Well, then I will join you."

"What, why, no I cannot let you get into trouble or worse injured or killed because of my actions," I briskly stopped walking and stared up at him.

"It is my decision besides this place is getting boring anyway I have been wanting to fight something for a while now," he reassured me placing his large hands on my shoulders standing close.

"So it is decided we leave tomorrow after midnight, but Heimdall will know so it will be a time sensitive mission," I took charge.

"We find the camp, leader and learn what we need to know hopefully form a truce solving this rivalry once and for all," Riden spoke confirming our plans.

"Yes, but we will leave through a secret way -the bifrost is not the only way out of this realm," I smirked.

"Sounds good I will meet you tomorrow."


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