Bright Night (Slow Update)

By cptmzk830

885 84 12

As a fan, we dreamed of meeting our ultimate celebrity crushes. Ashley was one of them and she was given a ch... More

Invite (Prologue)
Fan meet
Car Ride
Coffee & Pencils
Travelling & Photographs
Yes or No?
See You Tomorrow
Arrivals & Departures
Business Lunch
I Just Don't Get Good Vibes From Her
Glares and Stares
Why don't you just leave?
Look at me

I am?

26 2 0
By cptmzk830

Author's Note:

Hello hello~
It's been a while since I've updated this story. If there is still anyone who's still reading and waiting for updates I am very grateful to you guys. School has been tough and my schedule was tight but I manage to write a chapter.

Thank you to you who is still reading this story! Love loves~


There it is! She has finally exploded people!

We flanked Gem in hopes to try to calm her down. I guess it was working since her grip loosened a bit.

Sanoh opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. It took her a while before she was able to say something back.

"You can't kick me out! You are just a replacement photographer! You have no authority to order me what to do and that includes kicking me out!" She exclaimed. She was fuming and her face was starting to redden.

Bright tried to calm her down by holding her shoulders to pull her back and whispering: "Calm down."

She shrugged him off and glared at Gem, challenging her.

Gem looked at her straight into her eyes and told her "Get. Out."

She didn't move at all and rooted herself to where she was standing.

"Look around you. I'm not the one slowing down the shoot, you are. If you are not willing to do your job professionally, then just don't. Get. Out. Of the studio."

Remember when I said that we were able to calm her down? We so did not calm her down. She ain't calming down until Sanoh leaves. We all feel and know that.

I felt worried about Gem's decision since she IS just a replacement, I'm not sure if she can ask a model to leave. So again, I lean over Sat's shoulder to ask him in a quiet voice. "Is this going to be okay? Do we have someone to replace Sanoh ASAP?"

Sat did not reply. His brows were furrowed and I could see the gears turning in his head. His eyes too were surveying his surroundings and then it stopped on me. Then he smiles. "Oh good he smiled! That means he has someone!"

I took a breath of relief. He has a replacement! It's going to be okay.

"Didn't you hear me? I said get out. We need to resume the shoot. Without you." Sanoh's face morphed into a look of surprise. Gem was firm on her decision and I grabbed onto Wil and Thea's hands.

My anger disappeared and was replaced by worry from her decision backfiring on her.

Sanoh's surprise disappeared and a smug look replaced it. She tilted her chin in defiance. "Oh, really? How will you continue the shoot without me?" she looks around the studio, scanning the crowd.

"I see no other female model other than me. Where will you get a replacement for me right now? You..." she pointed at Gem. "...need me, not the other way around."

Gem was about to open her mouth when Sat spoke and stood beside Gem. "You can go, we have someone who can replace you."

She crossed her arm in front of her in a challenging pose and lifted her brows up. "Oh really? I don't see her anywhere."

"On the contrary, you met her already." Sat turned and pulled me in front of him. "She will be the one to replace you." He smirked at her.

The quiet Bright's face changed from distressed into surprised, then amused. Sanoh on the other hand, she looks red and appalled by the announcement.

What about me, you guys ask? I look like a frozen mouse about to be fed to a snake. "I am?"

"Yes. You were here to observe before signing a contract with us. Don't tell me you've forgotten?" He looked at me with a big smile, one that causes his eyes to disappear.

"I was?" I shakily asked him.

He gave me a look that probed me into agreeing with him.

"Oh, yeah! Of course! I forgot you mentioned it during our lunch earlier. Ha. Ha. Ha." I gave an awkward laugh.

Then Gem appeared beside me, her eyes still sharp. They didn't soften even just a little. "You heard him. We don't need you. Go out or would you prefer me calling the security to drag you out?" finally a smile broke into Gem's face. But it wasn't the sweet, nice, friendly one. Hell no. It was a malicious one. "You don't want that to happen and ruin your image, right sweetie?"

Sanoh huffed and stomped away to leave but Gem stopped her. "Oh and by the way. Don't forget to leave the clothes. We'll need it for the shoot."

After a few minutes later, she slipped out of the dressing room and marched out of the studio.

I waited for a moment, making sure that she's out of earshot. I faced Sat and spoke. "So where's that replacement of yours?"

Sat gave me a confused look then understanding sparked in his eyes. "My dear... I have no other replacement but you. You thought I was joking?"

"You must be insane!?" I asked him flabbergasted.

"Nope. I'm very sure I want you to replace her." He told me firmly.

"B-but! But I don't know anything about modeling! How can I replace Sanoh. She's pretty, tall and SHE HAS EXPERIENCE. Why not use Thea instead. She looks more like a model!" This is me panicking by the way. Just so you guys know.

Sat stared at me for a few seconds. He then placed his hands on my shoulder and gave me a kind smile. "Have you seen yourself in the mirror?" He asked, in which I shook my head to answer 'no'. "You're beautiful. You can definitely be a model if you wanted to. You just need to be confident and have the courage to try it." Sat comforted me with his broken English.

"Sat's right Ashley. Remember the photo Gem took of you when you were in Bali? You can do this. Just forget the lights and the camera. Just enjoy the moment." Bright told me from as he stood beside Sat.

"He's right. Plus, you are wearing street style clothing right now. You would suit the brand really well." Sat added.

I looked down on my clothes and I mentally slappedmyself. "Why of all days did I decide towear these!" 

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