Remade as a Sans/☝︎♋︎❍︎♏︎❒︎

By Truenote

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Matt was a regular person who was a big fan of Undertale and its fangames. One day, he dies because of a pers... More

Chapter 1 Tutorial
Chapter 2 Dungeon fight
Chapter 3 Some maybe truth about the multiverse...
Chapter 4 Penalty time
Chapter 5 Multiverse dungeon
Chapter 6 Time leave
Chapter 7 Time to explore
Chapter 8 Acting
Chapter 9 New dungeon
Chapter 10 Dimension fight
Chapter 11 Dead
OC Creation [CLOSED]
Chapter 12 Summoning
Chapter 14 1010 years later
Chapter 15 What?
Chapter 16 Squad name
Chapter 17 Well
10k special (closed)
10k special part 2 Answers
Chapter 18 Introduction
Chapter 19 Waiting
Chapter 20 Preparing
Chapter 21 Fixing the timelines
Chapter 22 Event unlocked and an annoying voice
1k votes
Chapter 23 Error's dream
King multiverse's Side Story Part 1/2
King multiverse's Side Story Part 2/2
Chapter 24 Max, Mike and Matthew in OuterTale
Chapter 25 Error404's big entrance
Chapter 26 Bye
Chapter 27 Why?
Chapter 28 Wait...

Chapter 13 New skill

3.7K 124 29
By Truenote

Three out of the four skeletons dropped to the floor. The only one standing was 'King multiverse' who was looking at his arms in confusion.

"What the heck?!" Screamed 'King multiverse' as he looked around the room.

"Hey King multiverse." Matt said with an overenthusiastic voice.

'King multiverse' then said "MATT!?" When Matt heard what 'King multiverse' said he was shocked. "How do you know my name?!" Asked Matt.

"It's because it's me Mike!" Replied Mike.

"What the hell?!" Shouted Matt with suprise.

"Yeah, what the hell happened! How did I end up like this?!" Questioned Mike as he then pointed to himself.

"I don't know." Said Matt as an alert message then appeared in front of him.

*Alert you have gained a new skill

'Hmm what is this?' Thought Matt.

"Hey could you be quiet for a minute I need to check this new skill the system gave me... wait a second, Mike aren't you the system?" Questioned Matt. "Yeah about that, I am just the system's consciousness. The system itself can work perfectly fine without me." Answered Mike.

"Wait then why did they add you to the system?" Asked Matt.

Mike then gave a shrug with this question and said "I don't really know myself."

Matt didn't know what to say to this response so he just said "Stats."


Name: Matt

Nicknames: None

Title: Chosen child of ?: Your stats will be set to Max.

Equipment: Broken bone, beginner armor

Current Transformation: Spirit

Race: ?????????


Mana: Max/Max Recovery rate Max per minute

Health: 0/Max Recovery rate Max per minute

Level:10000 EXP max Exp boost 16%


Str: Max (Max)

Vit: Max (10)

Agi: Max (10)

Int: Max

Wis: Max

Stat points:92001

Skills: Gamer's body(passive) level Max: Allows the body to act like a videogame character's one.

Presence: presence alone can null others into a weakened state and can rupture the code of others making them almost useless in battle. (Off\ Active)

I.D Create level Max : Allows the user to create instant dungeons for levels or LOVE.

I.D Escape level Max : Allows the user to escape instant dungeons.

Dimension hop level 4/100: Allows you to jump into different universes and even different dimensions if the Level is high enough.

Summon level Max: You can summon 4 skeletons, they are permanent and you can't summon any more after that. The higher you level, LOVE, stat and transformation is the stronger the skeletons that will be summoned. (Used)

True summon level Max: You have the ability to summon other people from your original world in any form that is below your current form to help you in your mission. ( Cost 10000000000000 mp and No cooldown)

Prestige level Max: Each time you prestige, your level and LOVE will reset back to one and you will gain an Exp boost. (The higher your Level or LOVE the higher the Exp boost)

Determination level 1/10: When your health goes under 10% every stat receives 1000% increase. (Lasts for 1 minute before reverting back)

Vessel possession level 1/10: You are able to possess the anything or make people possess anything. (Possession limit:2)

Spells: None




Hp: 0/Error

AT: Error (Error)

DF: Error (1)


NEXT: 10

WEAPON: Broken bone

ARMOR: beginner armor

Gold: 200

* A being that no longer exists anywhere

Would you Like to Prestige again?

Yes/ No


Matt looked at the new skill and his face twisted into confusion. Matt started to wonder how the skill activated or how he even got the skill.

Matt asked "How did I even gain this skill?

"Don't ask me. I don't know how you gained that skill." Replied Mike. 

Mike then questioned "What skill did you even gain?"

Matt then answered "It says I can possess anything or make other people posses anything. Though I still don't know how you possessed King multiverse when I didn't even have the skill when you possessed him.

"You know what I don't mind anymore so don't think about it too hard. I finally have a physical form, before I was just the voice in your head. Did my life even matter?" Mike then sat on the floor and started to contemplate his life. While Mike was contemplating his life, Matt was looking at the skeletons that were currently on the floor and said "Why are they just lying on the floor."

"Isn't it obvious, they don't have SOULs." Said Mike who was still thinking of his life so far.

"So they don't have  souls?" Questioned Matt

"No I said they don't have SOULs." replied Mike

Matt then said "Souls?

Mike then angrily replied with "SOULs!"


"Yes they don't have SOULs!" Said Mike who felt relief that Matt finally said it right.

"Alright, then does that mean I can possess them?" Asked Matt.

Mike just gave a complex expression after he heard Matt asked him about before smiling and said "Hey Matt let's play a game." Matt then said "Alright? What's the game called?"

"It's called how many dumb questions will Matt ask Mike so far I counted 3." Said Mike as he smile turned into a angry smile.

"Alright I'll stop asking." Said Matt as he sweat dropped at this.

Matt then said "Vessel possession." After Matt said this nothing happened.

"Why did nothing happen?" Questioned Matt.

"I think it's because you didn't focus on what body you wanted to posses." Replied Mike.

"Your probably right." Said Matt as he rubbed his head as he thought 'Why didn't I think of that?'

"Vessel possession." Matt the focused on Error404 and suddenly got shot towards the body and possessed it as he felt pain through out his body as he fell unconscious. 



Matt wakes up, gets off of the ground and sees Mike and the bodies of Omni404 and Omni Sans as he says, "How long was I out for?"

"400000 years. The multiverse was destroyed, the people you summoned are dead and we are the only ones left along with these soulless bodies." Replied Mike as his eyes shadowed.

"WHAT!?" Matt was shocked at the news as Mike then burst into laughter "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha that expression on your face is priceless!

"?" Matt was confused by what Mike just said as he slowly started to put the dots together.

"I was kidding you were only knocked out for a minute." Matt then threw a fist at Mike after hearing this but Mike dodged the fist with a grin.

"Don't joke around like that." Said Matt to Mike.

Mike then told Matt "Sorry but that expression when heard it was priceless to say the least."

"Whatever it's time to see what Nightmare did with my advice." Matt then walked towards a direction and opened a portal to Dreamtale.

Matt and Mike looked through the portal only to see a dead, lifeless world with corpses of human, monster dust around the place, a tree that was reduced to a stump (this tree was the one with the apples), a destroyed village and Dream who is and will be a statue for a long time.

"Damn he really took that advice to heart." Mike was surprised by the destruction.

"Well he would have done this anyway because of the villagers." Replied Matt as he also looked at the destruction. Matt then closed the portal and said "Now that Nightmare is  gathering up his gang and exploring the multiverse I think we should go see Error.

"Error doesn't exist yet." Replied Mike.

"When will he exist?" Asked Matt.

"He will exist a hundred or something years later." Said Mike. 

Matt then thought of a idea and said "I have an idea what if we pause our selves in time for thousand and ten years and then go back to the multiverse.

"That's not a bad idea but the only thing that troubles me is the humans that are training in the gravity chamber." Said Mike.

"I'll just make it so that 1 hour in there is thousand years out here." Matt then brought up the codes of the gravity chamber and slowed down the time in there. 

Matt then brought up his and Mike's code and said "Alright are you ready to be paused for thousand and ten years?

"Yeah go ahead and do it." Said Mike.

 After hearing this Matt set a timer so that they will be unpaused thousand and ten years in the future. Once Matt was done they were suddenly paused in time.


Another chapter done.

Please tell me if there is a mistake in this chapter.

They forgot about Omni Sans and Omni404 and left their bodies on the floor.

Your all also probably wondering how Matt knows coding and how he gained this new skill.
Well that will be explained later(maybe).

I will see you all later.

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