Saviour (Avengers x Reader)

By Tony_Macaroni

113K 2.9K 859

When the infinity stones are destroyed all their power is lost right? Wrong. Whilst the avengers were busy de... More

Introduction (PLEASE READ)


6.3K 144 88
By Tony_Macaroni

y/n's pov

I stare at my reflection.

I have never seen myself before, or at least not properly.
Of course I'd seen my reflection in a mirror or window on a mission but I'd like never stopped to look.

I looked... cold.

All the people I had been around had plush cheeks and full bodies.
I looked emptier. My cheeks were hollower and my skin was dull. I didn't understand why I didn't look like them. Why didn't I look normal? Was it because I'm not like them? Was it because of what I'd done?
I turn away from the mirror.

Wanda had told me her name and then given me some clothes and put me in a seperate room to change.

It was strange. I eyed the pile of clothes.
I'd never worn anything except for my suit. There was never any need unless the suit needed fixing or upgrading and then I was just left naked in my cell.

Maybe they were just making me change so I'd be more vulnerable out of my suit, but then why would they let me out the cage? They could have easily killed me then. Maybe they want to test on me. That makes sense.

Get me out of my gear and then catch me off guard. Well I won't fall for it.

I know that I can't escape them all by strength so I'll have to be smart. I'll play along with their little game until I see an opportunity to escape.

I open the door and come face to face with Wanda. She looks anxious.

Wanda "You didn't want to change?"

I glance at the clothes in my hand "No thanks"

I reach out to give them to her but pull back quickly as her hand touches mine.

I can feel her eyes on me but I don't look up. I stay stood in the threshold as she puts the clothes back into the closet.

Wanda "It's late, you should get some sleep, you need to rest"

We make eye contact as she walks to the door. Nodding her head slightly she shuts it and leaves me alone in the room.

I stay still. Not daring to move.

After a few minutes of complete silence I take a step forward into the room.
It's big but not ginormous. There is a double bed in the centre with bedside tables either side. The walls are a grey colour except for one which is completely made out of glass and looks out onto the city. The room which I just came from appears to be a bathroom with white tiles and a big glass shower. I spot another door and cautiously approach it. It's a small room lined with shelves and filled with clothes and shoes and accessories.
My face remains unchanging. There must be millions of dollars in this room and yet people are starving everyday. I was starving everyday. I prayed for the day that someone would come save me but they were all here just living a life of luxury.
So I saved myself, but now they intend to shove it in my face.

I feel the anger boil inside me and energy start to rush through my body.

I get a tingling sensation in my hands and I storm out of the wardrobe.
I am desperately trying to calm down but it's no use.
Flames bursts from my fingertips and I jump back in terror but the fire follows me. I shake my hands, trying to put them out but the flames continue to lick at my fingers.

I cry out not knowing what to do and hold my hands in front of me. More fire bursts from the palms of my hands and my breaths become laboured.

I can't hold up the facade anymore. There's been too many feelings in too little time and I don't understand it. I let the tears flow down my face.

I haven't cried in years. When I used to cry I used to get cut. HYDRA had a plan for me. No emotion. No feelings. No person. I didn't exist. I was just a thing that they could manipulate and bend to their will. I had been holding back tears for years and years and now they have finally gone over the edge.

My body shakes uncontrollably and I gasp for air through the tears.

That's when I spot it.

Up in the corner of the room. A small red light.
A camera.

They were going to spy on me. I'm still just an experiment for them to observe.

Not this time.

Anger consumes me as flames rage out of me. I swing my hand at the corner of the room and hurtle a ball of fire straight at the camera. It sizzles and melts immediately and small sparks pop around it.

That's when the door swings open and in runs the kind man.

Bucky's pov

We're all sat around just trying to process what is going on.

Wanda returns, looking deep in thought.

Wanda "She didn't want to change clothes so I told her to get some rest."

Steve "What was wrong with the clothes?"

Wanda "I'm not sure. She didn't say."

She sits down next to Vision on a couch and we all just continue to stare off into space. Each person consumed by their own thoughts.

F.R.I.D.A.Y "Sir, the guest room camera has been disabled and I sense high levels of stress"

Tony runs over to his computer and flicks up the screen.

Tony "Shit."

You "What is she talking about?"

The whole team looks to Tony. He looks around and then sighs.

Tony "So I may have switched on the security camera in her room but she's an assassin for God's sake we can't just invite her in and expect her to not murder us all in our sleep."

You "You accepted me"

Tony glares "Accepted is a strong word Barnes. Tolerate is more. accurate but that's because I know I'll still wake up alive the next day."

Nat "I don't think she plans on hurting anyone here"

Tony "Plans change Romanoff"

You "She's not going to hurt anyone"

Just as the words leave my lips the fire alarm starts bursting loudly and all our eyes widen.

Clint "Oh crap"

Nat's pov

We sprint down the corridor towards the guest room. Smoke pillows out from under the door and a light glow can be seen.

Bucky gets there first and kicks down the door, covering his mouth with his arm as he runs in.

When I run in the bed is on fire along with some of the furniture and right in the middle of it y/n floats. Her eyes burn a bright orange, the same colour as the fire that wraps around her.

Y/n "You" she says threateningly as she spots Tony.

She flies towards him at great speed and wraps one hand around his neck as she smashes him backwards into the wall.

Y/n "You live in this life of luxury where you never have to lift a finger yet you never help the countless desperate people brought down by your wars and your weapons. These people have nothing and you have everything. You could change their lives and yet you continue to cower up in your tower where it's safe because after all you're the only thing that matters right?"

Tony claws at her hands, his eyes bulging but she's too strong. I unsheath my dagger and prepare to strike her but Barnes signals to me. I give him a warning glare but stop my movements.

Bucky "Y/n?"

She seems to soften immediately at the sound of his voice but she doesn't look at him.

Bucky "Y/n you need to put him down now"

Her nostrils flare and she tightens her grip causing Tony to let out a choked gag.

Bucky "Y/n let him go!"

She softens her grip and lowers Tony so he's touching the ground but she keeps a hold on his throat.

Steve "Hey that's enough" he said authoritatively, stepping forward.

Y/n looks at him straight in the eyes and bends her head slightly, releasing Tony.
He chokes and gasps for air as he grips the wall. Bruce helps him out of the room to check on him.

Y/n's eyes slowly fade back to normal and the fire in the room goes down until the last of the flames die out.

She continues to stare at Steve until the fire goes out and she looks at the floor. She looks disappointed but not in that she didn't kill Tony, she looks disappointed in herself.

After a few seconds she drops to her knees and buries her face in her arms

I don't know what to do. This girl doesn't even seem human, she has been programmed like a robot. She's so damaged.

Bucky crouches down and places a gentle hand on y/n's shoulder.

Y/n rips her arm away from him and stumbles to stand.


She is sobbing now, tears washing down her face.

Bucky "I-"

Y/n "Get away from me" she whispered "GET AWAY"

She swings her hand and her eyes flash as she hurls fire at our feet.

Wanda uses her magic to block the flames as we all jump back.

I look out to y/n across the flames and I see her looking out at the window. She's going to try and escape again.

You "Y/n don't!"

She turns round, eyes wide. She looks at me and I see a million different thoughts flash over her mind.

She turns back away swiftly and runs to the window, punching it and shattering the glass instantly.
She looks back at us one more time.

Suddenly the fire disperses and y/n's body drops to the ground.
Her body racks with shakes and she starts to convulse, breaths loud and croaky.

Bucky strides forward and drops to his knees over her.

Nat "What's going on?"

Bucky "I'm not sure. It could be another memory but I've never had one this bad before"

Wanda "What can we do?"

Vision "The best thing we can do given our knowledge on the situation is to let it play out and just pray that it ends quickly."

y/n's pov

"солдат" *soldier*

The voice speaks to me and clouds my brain. It's all I can hear. All that I know.


"You seem to have disobeyed us soldier"

"You know better than that"

"Come home soldier"

"We own you and we control you"

"Come home before anyone gets hurt"

You "No"

"идти домой" *come home*

You "NO!"

I wake up with a lurch, my body numb with pain but that's the last thing on my mind right now.

I reach out frantically trying to grasp onto some kind of reality.

I find hands and I look up to find the face of the kind man. His eyes drip with worry as I grasp onto him.

You "They're still here! They're still here! They still have control!"

Bucky "What are you talking about doll?"

You "They're here! They're in me, in my head!"

Bucky "Hey hey calm down it's okay, what's wrong?"

You "I heard them. In my head I heard them. They spoke to me"

Sam "She's lost the plot"

You "NO no you don't understand they still have control they are coming for me, they're going to take me back and- and they're going to- to-"

Tears well in my eyes again. Stupid tears. I feel so weak. Crying all the time but I can't help it.
I got out. I made it and now they are going to take me again. Take away my freedom. I only just got it.

I'm still scrambling around when I feel something else enter my mind.
It's warm and gentle and loving. It's Wanda. I feel her still my mind and I drift into sleep.


I don't know why I'm always shouting but I guess I'm just excited.

I have so much to say.

Loki ended....

Black widow movie is out

and this book just hit 3.52K readers

... so I guess that really just happened huh

Anyways regarding the story I really want to make it interesting for you guys so I was wondering if you wanted to comment anything specific you wanted to happen

perhaps romance? Bucky? Nat? I would say Wanda but I wrote her with Vision and I love them :(

Another little thing...

I made a picrew of myself if anyone was interested in who I was

So there you go.




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