Adopted by Sleeping With Sire...

By blurryfacelester

244K 6.9K 3.3K

[completed] [in the middle of editing] Monica has been an orphan since birth. Her mother got pregnant in high... More

Adopted by sleeping with sirens
• prolouge •
Presant Day • uno
They Came • dos
They want to adopt me? • tres
Going With Them • cuatro
Unpacking • cinco
Shopping • siete
Meeting Oliver • ocho
House Party • nueve
Finding Monica • diez
Karma • once
authors note
The Question • doce
School?! • trece
Happy Birthday!! • catorce
Suprise!! • quince
Song For You • dieciseis
Bullies • diecisiete
Thunderstorms • dieciocho
Becoming Famous • diecinueve
authors note
Yes Sir Sorry Sir • veinte
q&a time?! ^0^
No Please Be Okay • veintiuno
Tears and Hospital Visits • veintidos
Back Home • veintitrés
A Day Of Thinking • veinticuatro
Date With Kellin • veinticinco
Netflix and chill • veintiséis
Meetings And Arguments • veintisiete
Thoughts And Song Lyrics • veintiocho
All Those Memories • veintinueve
Happiness and Phone Calls • treinta
Authors note
Tears and Starbucks • treinta y uno
Having Fun • treinta y dos
Iris • treinta y tres
Fireworks • trienta y cuatro
Authors note
Monicas album
Unpublished chapter
Lovley note
Help authors note
Authors note :)
Authors note ideas
Watty awards

Sing To Me • seis

7.8K 248 60
By blurryfacelester

Kellin woke up suddenly and looked at his phone.

"Fuck," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes "four am." He sighed and threw the covers off him, instantly feeling the warmth leave his body, throwing his legs over the edge and got up.

When he got into the hallway he heard someone talking and then realized it was coming from Monicas room. He put his ear up against her door with a hand on the door knob.

"No please stop. I'm im sorry sir. It won't happen again. Stop."

Kellin rushed in Monica's room.

"Oh thank god. Shes was asleep." Kellin whispered. He didn't know what he actually thought what was going to be behind the door but now he knows it's just a dream Monicas having.

"Stop." She mumbled. Kellin walked over to her and laid his hand on her shoulder.

Her eyes shot opened, feeling a quick panic rise up inside of her. She couldn't believe this was happening already. No no it couldn't right?

The room was pitch black she couldn't even see who the figure in front of her was. Quickly she sat up and scooted to the other side of bed leaning against the wall and hugged her knees to her chest.

Tears were already running down her face due to her nightmare but now it was going to actually happen?

Monica felt a dip in the bed and she knows she's never suppose to refuse or yell but she couldn't help it a "Get away!" slipped from her mouth.

"Monica. I'm not gonna hurt you!" Kellin said in panic. He would never hurt Monica.

"Kellin get away!" She sobbed. Tears were coming out. Kellin went back to the door turning on the light and when he turned around Monica had already grabbed a guitar that had been in the room and held it up.

She was going to hit him. She knew she would probably be punished tonight but that's okay because by tomarrow she will be gone then. She didn't need to take all this again.

Kellin had put his hands in the air "woah Monica put it down im not going to hurt you. I promise. I so promise. I will never hurt you." he said as he slowly made his way to the bed.

Monica didn't put down the guitar but she slowly got off the bed and plastered herself against the opposite wall.

"Monica I just wanted to check on you. It seemed like you were having a nightmare."

She felt a small relief in her chest. She remembered Ms.Gonzales said she would talk at night. She felt kind of stupid now.

Monica put the guitar back onto the stand and slowly sat on the edge of her bed. "Well now I'll never be able to go back to sleep." She said giving a small awkward chuckle.

Kellin walked around the bed to sit next to her. "Do you want to talk about it? Why were you so scared of me?"

"It's nothing really." Monica said nervously playing with the peeling paint on her nails.

"Really?" Kellin asked raising an eyebrow obviously not believing her.

"Yeah it's nothing. Just Uh bad dream like you said. Guess I was still freaked." She half lied.

"What was it about?"

"I don't even remember."


"Yes I don't."

"Are you still freaked."

Monica gave an awkward chuckle "n- no."

"Okay then Go back to bed okay?" Kellin said as he was about to stand up but stopped himself.

He knows right now might not be the perfect time to do this but he just couldn't resist. He knew she needed some type of comfort. He quickly wrapped one arm around her shoulder lightly and kissed her forehead. Then he got up and went to go do what he got up for. Which was use the bathroom and get something to drink. Okay and maybe some four am snacks.

When he left Monica turned off her light and got back into her bed.

"Monica you asleep?" Kellin said lightly knocking on her door and peeked in once he got back up from down stairs.

"What do you think?" She said turning towards in the bed to face towards the door.

"Can't fall back sleep?"

"Nope." She sighed.

Kellin walked into the room and said "maybe it'll help if I sleep with you?"

Nothing but 'hell nos' screamed in Monicas head but she just mumbled an awkward "Uhhhh okay..."

"I'm not going to hurt you. Maybe I could sing a song to you?" Kellin said getting in the bed and laying next to her. "My siblings would always have nightmares and if calm them down with a song." Monica didn't say any thing when Kellin finished talking as he scooped his arm under her back and moved her over so she was laying on his chest.

She let a deep breath out and began to relax as Kellin began to rub her hair back.


"Okay Monica." He smiled. The first song that popped in his head was by of mice and men so he sang 'when you can't sleep at night."

"Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes
But it's love that keeps fueling me
Fueling me

Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes
Would you show them to me?
I know I'm not that perfect
But you stay awhile
Baby, then you will see

Miles away I can still feel you
Lay your head down on my embrace
My embrace
Far away

Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes
Would you show them to me?
I know I'm not that perfect
But you stay awhile
Baby, then you will see

Don't give up, baby
I know that it's shaky
Just let love consume us
Consume us...

Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes
But it's love that keeps fueling me
Fueling me to love you

Miles away I can still feel you
Lay your head down on my embrace
Be not afraid to love me

Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes
Would you show them to me?
I know I'm not that perfect
But you stay awhile
Baby, then you will see"
And I was out like a light.

Morning had came around and of course the three guys where excited to see how Monica delt with her first night in the house they went to go get Kellin but found his bed empty.

"I bet you five dollars he's with Monica." Gabe said to Justin.

"If anything I bet you he went downstairs at five am to play video games and crash." Justin snorted.

Gabe mouthed an 'okay' because he knew he was right.

Jack went up to Monicas door and knocked, when there was no answer he slowly opened up the door.

"Ha you owe me five." Have chuckled.

Kellin began to wake up due to feeling there presents and stare burn into his back. He heard them whisper things like 'They look so cute.', 'I'm so glad monica is feeling comfortable with us!', "Awww look at her.','Look at kellin ha!" and the click of a camera.

"Guys shut up I can hear you." Kellin said finally having enough as he threw a small pillow at them.

Monica had now awaken, but she thought maybe this can be an opportunity to get something out of this. Pretend to be asleep and maybe find out if they plan to hurt her?

She felt kellin slide out under her and get off the bed.

"You know how that lady said she's had bad adoptions? Well I was passing by and she was having a nightmare and when she woke up and saw me she totally freaked. Like if I was going to hurt her." Kellin said. Monica silently cursed why did he have to have such a big mouth?

"But she was comfortable enough to sleep with you?"

"After a while. It's just she was so scared and I want her to feel comfortable with us. Anyways lets go downstairs to not wake her up." Kellin said and then the four guys left the room closing the door behind them.

As soon as they did Monica threw the blankets off herself and stretched. She got up and started to strip from her pajamas. She had tooken off all her bracelets and put a dark grey sweat shirt on with some dark blue skins and boots.

She combed her hair and did her makeup then went to brush her teeth and then went downstairs to see the guys were just chilling watching tv in the living room.

"Hey monica we were thinking that maybe we can go to the store later and maybe buy you clothes? And maybe a phone?" Justin said looking over his shoulder at her.

Inside Monica was screaming. She couldn't believe it. Her own phone? But of course she just mumbled a "Uhh yeah.".

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