Por QuirkyNikitha

245K 12.9K 913

"Meera"- A decent girl, in final year of her graduation is trying hard to cope up with her insecurities, stu... Más

Author's Note
Author's Note


6.1K 401 32
Por QuirkyNikitha

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."


An annoying ringtone of phone made my senses stir, followed by bright daylight hitting my face. I cursed Prithvi for deliberately leaving the curtains open, he knows how disturbing it is for me. But what actually shoot my eyes open, is the unfamiliar arm having the audacity of wounding my abdomen.

I, at once jumped from bed, shaking the remaining sleep off me.

"Arjun, why are you up so early baby?"

I cringe to the high pitched voice, the hell this morning is starting with?

Now fully awaken, I pop my arms up stretching out of habit. Ignoring the girly gasp from behind, I walk out of the room. A morning cup of coffee is most needed to handle this headache not due to my hangover but of this needless talk I 'm going to have.

Once I reached the kitchen, the coffee machine was already on so that means Prithvi has left. Obviously leaving to handle this mess, I can't wait to beat his ass. I was half way through enjoying the bitterness of black coffee. When this girl wrapped in bathrobe, flashing me a seductive smile began taking steps to me. I raised my hand halting her, making her smile slip.

I don't even have to force my eyes not to roam from her face. Too bad her efforts went in vain.

I will be late for the class, as I have to hit the gym as well. So five minutes it is.

Finishing my coffee, I put the empty cup in sink and walk around the counter. Her eyes don't waste a second raking over my bare chest, shamelessly. I should have picked up my t-shirt from the room. It is strange how few girls or boys or anyone for that matter doesn't feel offended if someone openly run their gaze on their bodies. Some of them even feel appreciating and this leads to vicious cycle of scaling standards to look 'perfect.' Judging our own body from their perspectives.

Immaturity is sole reason to personal insecurities.

"Arjun-" I cut her off,

"I don't know or care for what you are up to, so listen for good- collect whatever dignity you have left and, I nod to the doors behind her, "leave." My cold tone straightens her posture.

"You cannot treat me this way, last night was so much fun. I don't mind showing another one of it." She winks, playing with her hair.

My face hardens, if there is one thing I don't tolerate were- liars.

"Consciously or unconsciously there is no way I'd compromise with my morals, ever."

She stumbles few steps back at finality of my voice.

"I don't do one night stands, so stop lying and get out."

If she is slightly in her senses this should be enough. I don't wait and walk back to the room picking up my tee from desk chair and wear it. I notice her shuffling maybe for clothes, without another glance I walk out of the room.

What was she thinking by degrading herself in front of me? This was not the first time. I could only hope at least now she will get the message clearly.

Men could also say no and that should be taken as an answer.

The maids were around, so it was fine to leave the house. Not that I give a dam.

By the time I reached the gym, even the ride was not enough of a distraction. I was still pissed with this morning.

The campus gym was mostly empty as many preferred to work out in evenings or weekends. First thing I saw was Prithvi, the annoying bull head doing weights. I chug down my tee and stepped directly on the treadmill. If I don't let this frustration out of my system, the rest of the day would be a mess. Just like my life.

My body warmed up, so I increased the speed flexing my arms to catch with the pace. Fifteen minutes into, from the corner of my eyes, I saw Prithvi escalating on the parallel treadmill.

"What got you so royally pissed in this bright day!"

I thought of giving him a cocky reply, then again I have to get over this topic. Also I wanted to see if he was aware of that girl, it was his place to begin with.

So I gritted out a quick recap of the morning. Now, he was laughing needlessly louder, turning off the treadmill. Asshole.

Whatever. I at least felt relaxed. When I was done, I moved to have a quick round of pull ups.

"Honestly it was your fault, you shouldn't have had a fling with her. What was her name again, Mahira- girls like her, find life and fun calculating the number of 'likes' on their Instagram photos." 

It was not fling. She started the rumor and I just didn't paid any attention to it. 

He tsked, "You seriously sometimes make bad choices or keep delaying the right ones."

My glare clearly accused him, "What, Kavya had group study session yesterday at home. You cannot expect me to take responsibility, I'm sure even she must have not invited her. Everyone cringe even at the mention of her name." he threw me a spare towel, once I jumped down.

This is the most he'd talk in a day. Selfishly, I was kind of relieved, because he'd always be right. I could only tolerate so much of disciplinary advices in my life.

"If you want to chase away those girl followers, maybe you should get into a relationship." He advices bringing back the topic.

"Maybe even you should grow a backbone to ask your girl out," my reply shut him up.

I threw him a smirk before jogging upstairs for much needed shower. The sound of steps was loud in otherwise silent room. I groaned lightly when he elbowed me in the ribs, shoveling me aside like a bully.

"Bitch," he muttered.

"Oh, I take my words back. You cannot date her when your actions are of a fucking five year old."

I sprinted to the nearest bathroom as he growled intending to punch me. It was easy to provoke him especially in name of Jo. Even though everyone in the group were aware of their unspoken feelings for each other only I know why Jo was not confidently responding to Prithvi. The great idiot oblivious to everything didn't want to make her uncomfortable by his confession.

Love could impair any sensible person.



My nap was rudely interrupted by the professor's shouting my name. Urgh, I seriously don't like his voice. I lazily opened my eyes not even bothering to sit straight, looking in his direction.

"Yes, professor? I thought my attendance was already marked."

My statement made few students chuckle, mostly girls. I tried to suppress my yawn, it won't do any good to professor who was poorly glaring  at me. I was tempted to demonstrate him what an actual glare was but he is professor, the one should teach not the other way around.

Mom would have smacked the back of my head for my cockiness. Shit I miss that woman. Maybe I should visit them. Later.

"Arjun, let's find if your smartness is restricted for giving back answers or it extends with your subjects as well. Answer this question- who coined the term "Prima Facie?" he pressed his hands on the desk, challenging me.

I internally shook my head, professor David was bringing his personal dislikes for me again. He holds kind of grudges towards my status, there were many actually. All believing that I was not creditable for this campus and remaining others would be loyal puppies always singing compliments.

I couldn't do anything about their misconceptions, only to prove everyone by my academic grades. Sure, I was proud of my status though never felt arrogant about it. Not when I'm only namesake connected, - the surname was stated only on legal papers. The truth was a faraway story.

So much truth was buried in between these half spoken realities about me. Incapable to be understood by these egoistic mentalities.

In spite of his fucking meaningless question, I answer but what should have to be the right question. Guess, I should stand then.

"Prima facie are the four principles which include respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. Professor, with all due respect- I believe, these principles should be the important concept of Prima Facie not of the person who coined the term. Then again, if it's really needed- English philosopher W D Ross introduced the term."

I maybe not be arrogant but am dam determined about priorities in my life. Being a successful criminal lawyer is definitely one of it.

As usual many murmurs, few girly dramatic gasps filled the air adding fuel to dear professor's anger. I sat down though my height did nothing to escape his vision. I gave a careless shrug, not my fault that just because my eyes were closed he assumed I was not paying attention in class. Last I checked we need ears to hear.

I can't bear to look at same faces every day, I already had enough of a number that can't be avoided on daily purposes.

The remaining day was usual boring after that needless drama, I headed straight to the central library area for two things. One-it was fixed spot for all of us, me and the other four to join respectively from our departments. And second, I like this library. Not.

It so happens to be the place, I might be able to get a glimpse of her. After all these months, I don't even try to lie myself anymore.

'Meera'...Even at the mention of her name, a relaxed hum runs through my skin. Shit, I'm in deep trouble.

Annoying blaring honk interrupts my thoughts, I scowl at Azar who is grinning followed by Prithvi right next to his bike. We kind of had unofficially, space allotted for our five bikes that no one dares to occupy. Sometimes I wonder what kind of status we have in this campus. Fuck it.

"I'm sure you'd want to change your expression and save your awful bunch of words for someone else." Azar nods behind my shoulder.

Frowning, I turn witnessing the reason, making my blood boil with agitation. What the hell? That high pricey brat from the other day is deliberately trying to walk closer to Meera. I could see her trying to curl herself from him almost jogging away from that shit boy. It'd have been better if she'd have slapped him but I know she won't.

'Meera'- her personality seems to be someone who'd like to think a lot of scenarios before reacting to the situation. I don't know how to draw my opinion on it. She isn't an easy puzzle to be solved. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to figure her out. Many of the things that I lack of.

In her haste to get away from him, she didn't notice us, speed walking in opposite direction. My eyes followed her, it was then Jo stopped her bike noticing Meera. Surely she'd give her ride, now I could handle the matter, the way I want.

Prithvi and Azar was already having a chat with him. The evident shock on his clean shaved face was honestly encouraging.

This should be over with only talk, I think.

"Boy, nobody taught you not to get yourself in troubles." Azar mockingly scolds him.

I stride to the spot, standing at a little distance from him. Don't want anyone to draw assumptions, it'd create unwelcomed audience.

"Stay away from her." I cut to chase.

Not expecting me, he stumbles back but holds himself in place trying to glare at me. I cross my arms not to exactly intimidate him, though it works in my favor. My hands has their own mind sometimes leading to brutal consequences. Sometimes a simple warning should suffice in certain situations, I'm still adjusting to my new habits.

"Who are you to talk to me in this manner, I can damn well do anything I please. This is not your father's property." He tips his head up in arrogance.

The irony...I sigh, biting inside of my cheek. Unlike me, Azar and Prithvi chuckle shaking their head. This boy is so ignorant, any knowledgeable person in the campus could never use this statement for me.

"Arms University" does belong to my father, at least legally he is.

"What is so funny?" he groans irritatingly. As if we will answer.

He runs his fingers in hair, then stares at me "Listen I don't know how that girl grabbed your mighty attention. I mean she is pretty enough, at least after she lost her weight. But she is a fair game man, I only want a taste of her then you can or we could switch..."

He doesn't get to finish as I fist his collar lifting him off ground. My punch barely stopped an inch away from his face. He is trembling in my hold. Pathetic. The only reason I didn't break his jaw is because my gaze landed on the Rudraksh* bracelet on my wrist.

Mom made me promise not to let my anger dissolve my integrity. I took deep breaths to control my rage, I cannot disappoint her.

My jaw clenched suppressing my anger, "Just because your tongue is boneless, it doesn't mean you spit out nonsense. Learn to be careful boy. You'd never know when it gets ripped out of your disgusting mouth. "Meera, I took a second to calm myself, "she is not some competition, you worthless pricks could never deserve to even breathe in her innocent presence. Degrade her or any girl one more time, my fist would only stop after creating some permanent damage on you. There would be no warnings next time." I growled the last words.

I shoved him away, in spite of not wanting it- there was a group of students surrounding the scene. I roll my eyes as whispers begin. Yeah in couple of hours, another gossip would add to my name.

I turn my head when a loud smack echoes, the arrogant boy is rubbing the back of his head.

He flinches back as Prithvi glares at him, "Before you open your disgusting mouth to insult any girl or woman, remember that your mere existence in this world is owed because of a woman itself. You address her mother, someone you should always be respectful. Apparently it seemed you have forgotten and I'd gladly remind you in my own way if needed. Want a demonstration?" His rough voice could give chills to even heavy built person.

The junior vigorously shakes his head and wisely chose to run away. I raise a brow at him, it is rare Prithvi gets involved in anything. Azar frowns at the sudden change at him, he look questionably at me.

Though I know the reason, it is his personal matter. So I shake my head telling him not to pry. Due to his childhood experiences, Prithvi could never tolerate someone disrespecting or taking advantage of woman in any way. No one should but he seemed to learn it rather bluntly at a very young age.

'The day was getting on my nerves. Whose face did I see in this morning?' 

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