The Soul Psion | by Novelis

De Novelist2115

18 1 0

Book 1 of The Andania Series ֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎֎ Other than her parents, Nafissatou Cisse... Mai multe

꧁֎ Prologue ֎꧂

13 1 0
De Novelist2115

So they finally birthed their hellish paradise onto the Earth.

The thought drifts through her mind as she looks past the cliff's dense, surrounding trees and down at the distant town. It was her home for the last three decades, a glimmer of light and life, and the place she found those she truly called family.

Now it is clouded with ash and choking in smoke.

The elder woman sighs. When they blasted the West of Mother Continent off of the Earth, Nyuna knew it would only be a matter of time before the world suffered the consequences. Yet she thought her town, located in the East of Mother Continent, would have a bit more time before plagued.  

How futile the hopes of life can be.

All that one worked, loved, and lived for, taken in a matter of minutes. And for what? Power? Wealth? The Kulti were at their evil work again, but this time even she couldn't figure out what they wanted, nor why they were causing such hostilities across the world.

A cold wind overtakes Nyuna, and she turns in time to see wispy white tendrils form the outlined shape of a tall, male human . But no alarm runs through her as she approaches him. "Ny." She greets her companion with their shared name. "Have you given it to them?"

The tendrils shaping Ny's head shudder as he nods. "Yes. The gems have neutralized their energies. The soldiers of the Mlasere have not been able to detect them."

Nyuna releases a breath of relief and tries to ignore the soft ache beginning to grow in her heart. As if sensing it, Ny says, "If it will soothe you, the family is still strong. But the young woman grows weary knowing you are gone. She believes you were taken like the others. Perhaps it'd ease her mind if I tell—"

"No." The woman shakes her head. "It is best they think I was taken. Otherwise they will come looking for me." But even as she says those words, her heart doesn't soothe.

The "young woman" is the one she called Bintou, a wife and mother of two daughters. Nyuna watched Bintou grow from a frail, orphan child into a strong masteress of her batyyn— the power in her soul. 

Nyuna has no desire to leave the family, especially now that Bintou's husband, Idrisa, just discovered his batyyn as well. If the power in his soul isn't the same as Bintou's, then she won't be able to help him master it . And who knows how much longer the family has until their young child's batyyn surfaces too? What will she do then, if Bintou can't help her daughter master hers either?

"You can not dwell on such questions, Nyuna. You have more pressing matters to tend to. The best you can do is those gems. They will hide the family's batyyn as long as they keep it close them." The elder woman closes her eyes as the voice of her companion brings her out her thoughts. Once again, she is thankful for Ny's connection to her mind. Although he is a soul-tether, a creature summoned and attached to the soul for the purpose of aiding the summoner through the affairs of the Hidden world, he acts more like her guardian and voice of reason.

And he is right. Her separation from Bintou and the rest of the world has to be done. The Mlasere government is beginning to call the batyyn a "mutation disease", and rounding up anyone who has it, even though they know it is anything but a disease.

If the world is to survive, people must rediscover their batyyn. That is the only way they'll be powerful enough to fight the Kulti and whatever wicked plan they have for humanity. That is the only way for the planet to heal and right the injustices done to its forces of nature. But in order for such to happen, Nyuna will have to make the long trek to the Anyato Mountains.

There, the Creator awaits her.

She turns to her companion. "Ny, make sure the family gets to the dome city. I hear that is where they are taking those who haven't discovered their batyyn. But do not enter with them inside the dome, for the Mlasere will notice your energy." The creature nods before his tendrils unravel and disappear into the forest.

Nyuna spares one last, longing glance at the town, wishing she can see Bintou and her family from where she stands. Our paths are destined to cross once more. We will see each other again. The elder woman sends a silent prayer to the Creator for the safety of the family, then turns and begins her journey to the mountains.

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