Hannam Hill : Jikook

By Madmoome

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"As Jimin preceeded to shamelessly flirt with almost every female in the room. Jungkook could all but wonder... More

Hannam Hill
The Assembly Room Ball
The Dinner Party
Young Tae
World Fair
The Lady
The Hunt
The letter
The Engagement
Choosing Love
Family Time
The Other Engagement
Christmas Eve
The New Year
The Wild Sea
Final Chapter - Our Family

Southern Guests

329 26 5
By Madmoome

The tavern conversation with Mr Min lingered in Jimin's mind, even as he sauntered through the grand hallway of Hannam Hill. The familiar floral scent that carried through the rooms, or the engaging music of the ball, could not distract him from thoughts.

These feelings for Mr Jeon, were becoming very distracting and for the first time in such a long time, Jimin could not find his usual swagger as he entered the grand ball room. Instead, he wanted to fade into the background.

Oh, how he wished June was by his side now or even young Tae. In fact anyone that could occupy his mind for a little while.

He quickly regretted the wish when Miss Isabelle Chambers approached, radiating such external beauty, that every man who passed them by, couldn't help but turn and admire. Jimin silently cursed at being cornered by the woman he most wanted to elude.

"Jimin, finally I have you surrounded. It feels like you have deliberately been avoiding me." Isabelle greeted informally, for they had known each other since their infancy.

"Not at all, I've just been rather busy of late". Jimin lied, struggling to engage in small talk.

"Yes, helping your tenants with the harvest, I hear'" she sneered disrespectfully.

"It really isn't seemly for a landlord to he getting his hands dirty you know" she added, almost looking down her nose at Jimin.

"Well, I have been busy as well. Mr Jeon has insisted I am by his side, quite often. I think he likes to show me off, for some reason" she fake blushed and just made Jimin roll his eyes.

"I think I would do well here, should a more permanent offer to stay become available." Isabelle added, looking around the room already planning for her future as lady of the manor.

"This will be a great summer abode, but obviously a home in the South would be more befitting someone of his stature."

Jimin's stomach dropped hearing those words. The thought of her not only marrying Jungkook but also taking him away, back to the south, actually gave him pain.

"He needs a good woman and a family by his side, the poor thing"

"What do you mean, poor thing?" Jimin asked, puzzled as why she would describe him that way.

"Mr Jeon grew up orphaned, passed between guardians and an Uncle, who gave no thought to tell him about his parents. Poor Mr Jeon just wants to build a family. He spends half his days trying to discover the one he lost." Isabelle stated with pitiful eyes.

Jimin was instantly reminded of that day at the world fair. That smile, that joyous laugh, when Jungkook was introduced to Mr Riley and the machine. Was that what has made him so happy? Discovering a connection to his family, someone who could maybe tell him about the type of person his father was?

Isabelle's sudden flirty giggle, brought Jimin back from his thoughts.

"I swear Mr Jeon, just can't keep his eyes off me. Look, he's been staring at me these past 10 minutes" she whispered

Jimin unconsciously brought his eyes to where Isabelle had gestured. It was true, Mr Jeon had an unwavering gaze, however, those big round eyes seemed to be a little more focused in his direction rather than Isabelle's, causing heat to rise in his face once again.

Swallowing down the drink in his hand, Jimin tried to simmer the fire within that suddenly burned brighter than the candles that lit the room.

He needed to get control over his spiraling feelings. They would only lead to his own misfortune. The truth was plain to see. Jungkook Jeon would marry. It was expected of a man of his distinction and it was becoming more and more likely that it would be Isabelle Chambers who would take the honour.

So, when Hope, came by to greet the pair and invite them over to where Jungkook stood, Jimin decided it was time to draw the line and curb his feelings for his handsome neighbour.


Jungkook Jeon was stuck in the middle of a yet another unwanted social event, surrounded by tedious people and even more tedious conversation. He had opened his house to a party of acquaintances from the south. The first time since moving to Hannam and all had been eager for an invite to the grand estate.

At the sight of his old friends, he was reminded of the assembly ball he attended, when he first arrived at Hannam. How horrified he was by the local community. Yet now, as he looked around at faces from his past, he declared he much preferred the new surroundings. There seemed something quite fake about those he used to befriend.

His plan to get through the evening, was quite simple. He would just takes secret glances at Mr Park. Jimin always thrived at social events. His smile was always bright enough to melt ice sculptures. Although Jungkook had never been a direct recipient of one of those beautiful beams, it still lifted his spirits nevertheless.

But as his eyes followed Jimin around the room, there was a notable absence to that light he emitted.

He had heard through the grapevine that Isabelle Chambers has once been engaged to Mr Park and he wondered if her presence had something to do with the lack of joviality. Before he could ponder further, the man was heading his way, along with Hope and Miss Chambers.

"Good Evening Gentleman". Isabelle greeted the small group Jungkook had been engaged with. She of course was acquainted with everyone at the party and made the introductions to Jimin.

"This is Mr Culshaw and Mr Ross our good friends from Bath, and of course you know Mr Jackson."

Jimin nodded with good manners at the gentleman, while trying to avoid Jungkook's gaze.

"Well, this is great timing! We were just discussing the hunt tomorrow, how about it Mr Park. Will you join us" Mr Jackson said excitedly

"Hunt?" Jimin repeated feeling a little nauseous at the word

"Of course, the fox hunt is a long tradition".

"No, I certainly will not be joining you, just because something is tradition doesn't make it right" Jimin answered almost aggressively, taking all the gentlemen by surprise.

"It is a necessity to protect the local farms and fields from vermin, I do not understand your disapproval ". Mr Culshaw stated, standing stiffly besides Jungkook. Who watched on quietly, recognising Jimin's argumentative face, that he was well versed in.

"While I acknowledge that predators may need to be dealt with if they pose a threat to the farms. I don't consider foxes, chased and torn limb from limb, by blood thirsty hounds as a necessity" he spat out, disgustedly.

"Surely, Mr Jeon, you will not be joining them?" Jimin added almost pleadingly, having the courage to look his neighbour in the eye for the first time.

Jungkook looked guiltily back. The hunt had all been arranged. It was just the way things were done, had always been done. Up until that moment, he had not given it a second thought. The lack of response gave Jimin his answer, as he looked back disappointedly.

Jimin turned back to the other three gentlemen.

"You do as you please, but I warn you, If you take a single foot on to my land, I will take to doing some hunting of my own" Jimin threatened, then turned and walked away leaving Miss Chambers to awkwardly apologise for his ill manners and off-hand countenance.

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