Delia's Revenge

By BellaDiva22

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Delia returns and wants to revenge against kamis. More

Chapter 1 : Happiness
Chapter 2 : The Plan
Chapter 3 : Trouble Begins
Chapter 4 : Save Livia
Chapter 5 : Drama
Chapter 6 : Fight against Leonard
Chapter 7 : Confrontation with Terra
Chapter 8 : Laura
Chapter 9 : Dana Aria Katz
Chapter 10 : Kidnapped !
Chapter 11 : Confrontation with the infernal duo
Chapter 12 : Unit against Delia
Chapter 14 : Love always win

Chapter 13 : Last Fight

21 1 0
By BellaDiva22

Joey prays for her fiancé :

- Oggy, I believe in you, my sweet love

Dana, 8 days old, babbles, Joey smiles when he sees his daughter babbling in joy :

- My little Dana

Dana's stomach growls , Joey gives her sea milk, Dana burps and babbles, Joey gives Rika the plush, Dana smiles.

Suddenly Terra arrives with her 10-day-old son Dario , the 25-year-old still feeling guilty for trying to break up the relationship between Oggy and herself .

- Délia threatened to deliver my son to strangers and that she would hurt my sister if I did not obey her.

She tells the Kami of the water that she fell in love with Sergio and did not know his true identity.

She ended up finding out on television, she wanted to denounce him but Sergio raped her and she got pregnant with Dario.

Terra thinks very hard of Marius :

- Your older brother is a good person, he cares about his entourage, his family and his friends

- Yes, I am to have Marius as my big brother.

- I like it

Joey smiles at Terra, Terra smiles at Joey then at Dana :

- You have a pretty princess

- Thank you

Dana babbles and smiles, Joey strokes her daughter's brown hair .

The final battle begins, Pristina confronts Livia, Vanessa and Laura , the former nurse blames them for her dismissal :

- Your dismissal was justified , you were trafficking in children

- For money, in addition

Pristina attacks Laura but Laura hits her with ice blades, Laura has the powers of ice , she freezes Pristina's hands , Livia imprisons her with her vines, Vanessa launches " Airway "

Délia saves Pristina :

- Oh no !

- It didn't work !

Oggy confronts Leonardo :

- You're going to die, Oggy Katz, so Joey will be mine

- She will never be yours, you're sick, Leonard Brando !!

Leonardo tries to aim at Oggy several times, the latter narrowly avoids him, Oggy strikes the pimp several times with his sword, he invokes " Cockroach Burrow " on Leonardo.

Jack confronts Tommy, Delia's boyfriend and right-hand man, Oggy's brother throws " Burning Embers " at Tommy who moans in pain.

Marius and Deelan confront Sergio and his accomplices, Marius invokes " Water Tornado " on Sergio :

- You will pay for your crimes, Fabio Vidal !! said Deelan

- Never, I would continue my trafficking !!

- You can dream , Fabio said Marius

Suzy and Elvis confront Délia, she is equipped with several weapons of war , the photographer has trouble beating her :

- I am invincible now she said cruelly

Suzy takes a gun and shoots Délia :

- You ...

- What ? bitch !? bitch !?

Délia always belittled her old friend, she was toxic with Suzy and controls everything she does :

- You have always been toxic to me, Délia !

Suzy remembers the time she consoled Joey after his humiliation in the shower , Delia felt no remorse for his actions , she wanted to humiliate Joey because she was too pretty.

Even after the war against HYDRA, Délia did not question herself, and continued to commit increasingly serious crimes.

The tension increased with Tia's death.

Sergio calls his henchmen, Marius and Deelan beat soundly

Meanwhile, Joey is with Dana , she rocks her, Dana goes to sleep.

Joey puts her in her crib and sings her a lullaby to help her sleep, Dana sucks her thumb, Joey smiles and puts the stuffed bunny Rika next to her.

Jo ey thinks very hard about her fiancé :

- Oggy, my love, I'm thinking of you

Dana wakes up, from the height of 8 days, the baby thinks very hard about his father . She shakes then starts to cry, Joey carries her and cuddles her against her purple and blue dress, Dana snuggles against her mom's chest , Joey strokes her daughter's head and cradles her :

- It's going to be fine, mum is here, dad is fine

She sings him a lullaby , Dana falls asleep .

Meanwhile, Oggy continues to face Leonard, c ast continues to the taunting r :

- Joey and I, we slept together, I wanted to get her pregnant

- But you're going to shut it up, Leonard ! Joey hates you, she will never love you, you are nothing to her, just a stalker !!

Furious, Leonardo hurts Oggy and beats him, Oggy protects himself with his powers but arrives with difficulty , Joey feels that her fiancé is in danger, she gets up from the bed, she asks her parents to watch over her daughter, she cannot l 'bringing it with her would be dangerous for Dana, then teleports to Sombra, the site of the final battle , as Leonardo prepares to deliver the final blow to Oggy, Joey intervenes using' Wave of ' Undine "on her enemy, she helps her fiancé to get up :

- Thank you, my love

- You're welcome, my entomiel

Oggy and Joey look at Leonardo in fury, Leonardo tries to shoot the two lovers, Oggy summons " Scorpion Strike " on Leonardo, Leonardo gets hit by Oggy's spell, Joey uses " Tsunami " on his enemy, suddenly Joey was going to use " Undine Waterfall " on Leonardo when Leonardo shot him on the leg , Joey collapsed , Oggy ran to his injured fiancée :

- Joey !!

- It's okay, okay, Oggy

Oggy takes out the tube of royal jelly to heal his betrothed , he heals her, Leonardo gets even more furious, he is mad about Joey, but at the same time he is afraid of O ggy, the young Kami of the insects, Oggy is sweet and mysterious but can turn into a fury if his fiancée and his entourage are in danger, he slaps Leonardo violently.

Even though Joey is doing better thanks to the royal jelly, she is still injured, he teleports Joey to the bedroom :

- Rest, my beautiful

- Thanks, Oggy

- You're welcome, my little axolotl

Oggy continues his fight with Leonardo .

Marius and Deelan have beaten the henchmen, Sergio is afraid and is about to flee :

- No need to run away , you coward ! said Marius

Deelan and Marius defeat Sergio.

Jack confronts Tommy with his flaming fists, Tommy defends himself but Jack is stronger, Greg gives him a hand, he electrocutes Tommy who falls to the ground, Delia runs towards her boyfriend :

- You're a good-for-nothing , Tommy, you don't deserve a second chance !!!

- You neither, Délia, I told you that child trafficking was a bad idea but you didn't want to hear anything.

Leonardo still has the upper hand over Oggy, but the latter does not give way and wounds Leonardo with his sword :

- Ouch, you're sick, you hurt me

Oggy does not feel anything for Leonardo, he feels no sympathy towards the man who had done so much harm to Joey, so much harm to his fiancée , he almost destroyed her with his sexual pleasures.

- You know what, I'm going to continue what I started with your fiancée !

- You leave her alone !!!

Oggy hits him so hard that he evades himself but Leonardo quickly regains his senses and heads for Olly's mansion, Oggy chases after him and runs as fast as he can, Leonardo goes to Oggy's room and sees Joey lying down and still injured in the leg :

- Here, here !

- Leonard, go away !!

- You can come back with me, I love you

- But you're really sick !!! I hate you, Leonard !!!

Joey defends himself by using " Tidal Wave " on Leonardo, Oggy arrives in time in the room and continues to fight with Leonardo, Joey helps Oggy defeat the pimp , he uses " Butterfly Dance " on Leonardo :

- Joey, are we combining our powers ?

- yes

They use " Aquatic Dragonfly ", Leonardo is defeated, yet he still has a trick up his sleeve, he pulls out a butterfly knife , Oggy serves Joey against him :

- It's okay, Joey, I'm here, he can't hurt anymore

Suddenly Leonardo appears and prepares to kill Joey but Oggy intervenes and Leonardo wounds Oggy with the butterfly knife :

- Ouch !!!!

- Oggy !!

Joey throws Leonardo out with " Undine Wave " and rushes to Oggy who is on the ground due to the injury, she heals her fiancé, Seandy intervenes and calls the mansion nurses, who come quickly and take Oggy to the infirmary. .

Seandy informs her husband and Olly about Leonardo who tried to kill Oggy and Joey, Rhen decides to deal with Leonardo's case.

- Take me Leonard Brando

Joey glares at Leonardo who is passed out on the floor, she wakes him up with her water jet :

- My dad wants to talk to you.

Leonardo knows he is going to have big trouble with the Aquilia family , Oggy Katz is part of the family, to attack the Aquilia family is a serious crime.

Rhen and Seandy scold Leonard :

- You are an enemy for our family, you tried to kill Oggy Katz, the fiancé of our daughter and father of little Dana, it's a shame, you are also involved in this story of pimping and prostitution, you have sexually assaulted Joey, our daughter and you are involved in child trafficking, for this you must be punished.

Olly orders Leonardo to be locked in the penitentiary while awaiting trial :

- That we lock him in the penitentiary room while awaiting the trial

- At your command

Leonard is trained in the penitentiary room

Oggy and Joey defeated him.

Oggy is still in intensive care , Joey is worried about him and continues to care for their daughter Dana.

Joey informs Jack that Oggy is injured, he continues to fight nonetheless, and continues his fight with Tommy.

Livia , Vanessa and Laura succeed in defeating Pristina, yet the former nurse calls her sidekicks :

- Olga, Tatiana, Maria, take care of these plagues ordered Pristina

- At your command, Pristina

Olga hits Livia, Tatiana hits Vanessa and Maria takes care of Laura, the three girls are in bad shape against the three acolytes of Pristina.

Marius and Deelan beat Sergio for good, Marius immobilizes him with the water prison :

- Let's take him to the mansion

Marius teleports Sergio to the mansion, Olly approaches Sergio :

- Here, here, here is the criminal Fabio Vidal or Sergio, you cannot escape now, you will answer for your acts.

Leonardo and Sergio are defeated, only Délia , Pristina, his three acolytes and Tommy remain .

Olly asks Marius and Deelan to return to the mansion, Joey's brothers don't want to leave the kamis alone in battle :

- Don't worry about us, we'll take care of them

Marius and Deelan return to the mansion, Joey is next to Oggy who is lying on a hospital bed, Rhen and Seandy are with her, as well as Terra and Dario, Joey carries his daughter Dana in his arms, Oggy has a bandage chest where Leonardo injured, doctors were able to treat the injury, Oggy asleep, Joey holds his hand with his right hand e , his left hand holds Dana :

- Oggy, I love you, I don't want to lose you, hold on

Oggy breathes, he wants to survive for his fiancée, for his daughter, Joey and Dana are the most important people who occupy his heart .

Jack and Greg defeat Tommy with the lightning flaming fist technique .

Livia, Vanessa and Laura succeed in defeating the acolytes of Pristina then the ex-nurse herself.

Suzy and Elvis manage to defeat the mastermind, Délia Tortelini , Suzy used " Luminia " on Délia, Elvis uses "Speed ​​of sound " on the horrible woman.

Délia is finally defeated.

Now Olly goes to the scene of the battle to stop Délia, Pristina, Tommy, Olga, Tatiana and Maria :

- You are going to get the punishment you deserve said Olly, furious.

Olly's guards bring the six criminals into the mansion.

Olly then approaches the kamis :

- I congratulate you, the kamis.

- Thank you, Master Olly

The kamis return to the mansion , they attend the trial of the eight criminals :

- You have committed atrocious crimes : prostitution, pimping, child trafficking and so on said Olly

- You caused concern to the kamis, especially you, Leonard, you tried to rape my daughter, to kill Oggy Katz, you dared to force poor young girls to undress, you must be ashamed, Leonard Brando said Rhen

- Pristina, you did illegal medical exercises, kidnapped children and you sold these poor children to unknown families to make money said Olly

- Sergio, you were involved in child trafficking with Pristina, you should be ashamed, you were a former criminal under the name of Fabio Vidal said Seandy

- Olga, Maria and Tatiana, you witnessed the trafficking of children , you sold these children said Rhen

- Délia and Tommy, you are the masterminds of all this, you are going to face heavy sentences in the prison of Algos, very secure prison said Olly

Olly delivers her verdict :

- You are all sentenced to life imprisonment in the city of Algos, guards , take them away !!!

One more victory for our heroes

A surprise awaits the kamis : Oggy woke up, he is cured, Joey is delighted, she goes to her fiancé's room carrying Dana in her arms, Oggy smiles at his fiancée and hugs her and then the kiss on the lips, Dana babbles with joy, Nalia cries joyfully, she is happy and snuggles against Joey's shoulder, the bugs are close to Oggy, Mariposa is flying, all happy, Goki is happy for her adopted son .

Oggy carries Dana in his arms, he smiles and cradles his daughter :

- My little Dana, I love you

Joey serves his fiancé then kisses him on the lips :

- My entomiel of love

- My little axolotl

Joey strokes Nalia.

Oggy gets up from the bed :

- Little brother, Leonard, Délia and the others are arrested and condemned in Algos said Jack, happy

- Awesome ! said Oggy

- He won't be able to hurt us anymore, said Livia

- Sure, said Vanessa

Leonardo will not have the right to see his biological son.

Oggy hugs his fiancée :

- I love you, my beloved fiancee

- Me too, Oggy

Olly, Seandy, Rhen, Marius, Deelan enter the room :

- Are you ready for the wedding ?

- When is it ? Laura asked

- Tomorrow answers Olly

- We have everything prepared said Deelan

- The weather will be fine tomorrow, I checked the weather, said Marius

- There will be our families said Vanessa

Oggy hugs his fiancee and daughter, kisses Joey on the lips, tomorrow they will get married.

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