The Master Assassin

Af 6Suzy7

8.4K 270 40

"Agent O. Lyons?" I stammered. My dad disregarded me. "She is 16, and I believe this is the best way to keep... Mere

The Truth
The Resistance
New Secret Agent
The Master Assassin
New Recruit
First Assignment
Hiding in Plain Sight
An Unknown Alliance
The Water Summons
"We Need Some Groceries."
Something is Wrong with Me
And then He was Gone
The Future
Deepest Secret
All Wrong
Reality Check
About Time for a Laugh


270 9 1
Af 6Suzy7

I wake up the next morning and, ridiculously, butterflies take flight in my stomach immediately.

Why wouldn't they? He hung out with me, enjoyed himself, and said he would do it again?! Doesn't get much better than that.

I hop out of bed to get ready for the day. Shower, dress, grab a granola bar, the usual I-have-something-more-important-to-be-doing routine. As soon as I'm done brushing my hair, I pull it back and head outside. Surely he'd already be there.

I was right.

I walked right into him as I checked my phone.

And now my face is bright red because he's laughing.

"Logan, I-" I shake my head, he's not angry, he's laughing. I'm just slow. "Cmon, let's go, you brought your sword, right?" he smiled. For once, I did something right, and my- his sword is at my side. "Yeah, it's right here," I pull it out, and he nods, and off he walks into the woods.

We go back to the same spot, where he turns and looks into the water again. This time, I decide to go too, but as I try, he pushes me back. "We don't want certain people showing up," he explained as Mark and Roy came back through the bushes.

Here we go again.

Roy was still smiling, and Mark was still... Well, Mark I guess. "Today, Roy will train you. Mark and I always stink at beginners," Logan sits down in front of the pool, facing me. Mark simply nodded, following Logan and sitting. Which left Roy.

Is it bad that I'm scared of a 15-year-old?

"I won't use any powers, I promise," Roy smiled, pulling out his sword. "Powers?" I raise my eyebrow, people don't have powers, that's a fantasy. Right?


"Yeah, I can control fire," he smiled, swinging his sword around.
"I don't believe you," I cross my arms, hoping to appear tough.

I probably don't.

He simply laughed. "Alright, I'll prove it," he put his sword away, then rubbing his hands together. "Ready?" he smiled, and I just stare.

He's kidding, right? People can't have powers... right?

But then his hands caught on fire, and he blasted an area of grass.

Poor grass.

Wait, why am I sorry for the grass, he just used fire powers.


I gawk as he shakes his hands to extinguish them, and the now black spot of grass smokes. "Told ya," he smirks, pulling his sword out again. "Now are we gonna train, or not?"

I pull out my sword, and to be honest, I'm terrified. He may be younger and... Shorter and... less sophisticated... who am I kidding I'm not sophisticated. But my point still stands. He's more muscular, clearly stronger, more skilled and experienced, the list goes on.

So basically, I don't stand a chance.

Which proves to be true as he charges at me and hits my stomach with the handle of the sword.

It's going to be a long day.

Logan's Point of View

Hopefully Roy can teach her enough that she won't be brand new but...

Well, based on watching her, that could take some time.

Why are we training her?

To tell the truth, I don't really know. It just seems like a good idea to teach her some. I stand up, walking around them and over to Mark, might as well take the free time to talk to him.

"Hey, how's your assignment?" I ask, sitting down across from him. It seems like that's all we ever talk about, our assignments, but that's how it is now. No more talking about what toy we want, like we did when we were younger.

I've know Mark and Roy forever, I don't remember a time when they weren't there. They've always been the same, although Mark was... Well I guess the word is happier when he was younger. Roy has always been spontaneous and hyper, but when it gets down to it, he can fight. Maybe not as precisely as Mark and I, but he can.

"Well, we've located Lissa, but she refuses to talk to us in English, so we're looking for Theo to translate what she's saying for us," he shrugs, his eyes not leaving Olivia and Roy's little battle. He's probably watching for mistakes, I told him he has to deal with her tomorrow. I'm going to give myself as much time as I can before I have to train her.

"So she's communicating in what language that you don't know? I thought you knew any language," I'm the strongest of the three of us, but Mark is the smartest. He's not a genius like Ashton, but he's pretty smart. Roy is the fast one, just in case that wasn't obvious.

"She's talking in Opposition," Mark shrugged. Well that would make sense, it's a language made up by those who oppose any rulers or government. Lissa believes in having leaders, but I guess she picked the language up and is using it to annoy Mark. Theo would know how to interpret it, he knows every language is existence, but that would make sense since he's the interpreter to a king.

"Wouldn't he be in the castle?" I shrug, watching them battle as well. She's not as bad as I thought she would be, Roy is just too fast for her.

"Yeah, but Nathan said he sent him on some errand," he said, watching as Roy easily knocks Olivia over, but she pops back up again. That's good, at least she's not giving up.

"Sounds about right," I look back over at him, he's the same as ever. He was always cooler than me, mentally and... well literally. People just don't like him because of his dark nature, but if you really know him he's an entirely different person. I know he'd die for me or Roy, just as we'd do the same for him.

"How's your mission?" he looked over at me, ok, so maybe he's not exactly the same. Maybe he's changed some, but that's only normal for someone who's been through what he's been through in the past few years.

"Well, as you can see, I'm getting somewhere. She followed me here, and I didn't tell her anything," I shrug. He nods, looking back at Roy and Olivia. She's definitely trying, there's already improvement.

"So, I have to deal with her tomorrow?" he smiled, something he doesn't do as often anymore, looking back over at me. I nod, standing up, it's about time to go. She has a job, after all.

Olivia's Point of View

Logan stands up, so I drop my stance and turn to face him.


Roy laughs, plowing through me, knocking me to the ground, which causes all of them to laugh. I laughed too, and then turned bright red.

Because I realized they were laughing at me.

Well then.

At least they're laughing?

"Alright, let's go," Logan smiled, shaking the laughter off. Mark stood up too, already having cleared his face of any happiness... somehow. But Roy was still snickering, but I guessed that.

I nod, and Logan waves to Mark and Roy before we head back through the forest.

Then I realized that my heart hadn't overly reacted to being with Logan... but I still felt the same. The nervous jittery-ness. Maybe I will finally be able to talk to him?

Nope. Notta. No way.

Onwards, I guess.

Back to the Thesis.

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