Mine 2 | Yandere!JJBA x Reader

By kazumawrites

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[Book 2 | Yandere!JJBA x Reader] ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ No matter the crimes I have to commit you'll be mine. You're the on... More

➷ Author's Note
➷ Preview
➷ Jonathan | Violence
➷ Kars | Warrior
➷ Wammu | Warrior
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➷ Kira | Enchanting
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➷ Dio | Illusion of You
➷ N'Doul | Heartbeat
➷ Erina | Keep You
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➷ Jolyne | Soon
➷ Giorno | Lost, but Found
➷ Voting Booth | Closed
➷ Jotaro | Treasured
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➷ Voting Booth | Closed
➷ Jotaro | Kakyoin | Covetous
➷ Mista | So Close
➷ Formaggio | Punishment
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➷ Heaven Ascension Dio | Fairytale
➷ Jolyne | Caged
➷ Hermes | Caged | Part II
➷ Foo Fighters | Caged | Part III
➷ Erina | Some Day
➷ Rohan | Nightmare
➷ Voting Booth | Closed
➷ Jonathan | Envy
➷ Erina | Sweet Child Of Mine

➷ Giorno | Precious Sun

4.3K 95 35
By kazumawrites


Pegasus!Giorno, Magical Girl!Child!Reader


Even though these goddesses rein from different cultures, for this Oneshot they are merely the titles the characters have and not them personified.

Also, when I saw that picture of Giorno I had to write a Sailor Moon-type concept with him.

Anyways, enjoy!

There had been a dreadful war ongoing within the Sol Kingdom, both citizens of your home and even the Scouts were facing difficulties from an unknown enemy.

After all, not many could brave the harsh yet beautiful landscape of the sun.

As the princess of the Sol Kingdom, your safety was a top priority but you couldn't help but feel concerned for those on the battlefield.

Though you are a child, you noticed the obvious signs of a losing battle.

"Should I do what he said," is the thought that crosses your mind as the castle frighteningly rumbles.

"If I go back, will I be able to help everyone, especially my mother?" You look at the Space-Time key within your grasp.

Squeezing Taro, your stuffed lion, close you put on your bravest face and set out to sneak from the safety of your room. It wasn't hard to get away and since most of the guards were protecting the outside of the castle, you were able to enter the time vault.

"He's not here."

Your lip begins to wobble as you feel the tears well in your eyes, but before they could fall a large boom echoes outside of the time vault.

Distantly you hear, "They've breached the main gate!"

Fear jolts through you as you squeeze Taro tighter, wishing for your mother and father.

"I can't back down now," you whimper, "I have to help everyone!"

You move toward one of the doorways, eyeing the brightly lit entryway with concern.

Before you could doubt yourself, a soft presence appears in your mind, giving you the courage that you need.

"Don't worry, my Sun, I'm sure you'll be able to make things right."

Hearing that familiar warm voice boosts your determination and though you wished to say goodbye, you knew there was no time left.

With a Space-Time key in hand, you rush through the brightened doorway, leaving behind your own time for the past.

The chance to travel back to the past to save your own time with the help of your past mother and her scouts was proving to be harder than expected.

Now in the past, you were both scared and delighted to meet your mother's past self.

It wasn't necessarily hard to find your mother, but approaching her to receive help was. Somehow, as you spent time in the past, you witnessed your mother transform into the legendary Sailor Sol and fight against the evil that threatened to do the Earth harm.

In the meantime, you also gained the ability to transform.

You were known as Sailor Solar.

The power was both new and slightly frightening yet you were happy to be able to help your mother during difficult battles while also growing close with her. What made your time in the past even more pleasant was when you met the past version of your father.

Everything felt like it was alright, and in the end, you were happy.

Until you weren't.

When your mother, or Sunna as she now wishes to be called, learned of your true identity her attitude toward you changed. For some reason, Sunna began to show signs of contempt for you. The loving eyes of the young woman who'd someday become your mother became hateful.

You didn't understand why.

So whenever Sunna's hate-filled gaze became too much you'd go to your father for comfort.

That only seemed to worsen your mother's attitude toward you.

You were but a simple child, alone in a time not your own, trying to save your home only to be hated by the very one you adored.

So now, the only thing you could do is steer clear of Sunna and your father to cry away your pain.

Your precious Taro, a gift from your mother, brought you little comfort.

With tears still running down your cheeks, you slip into a fitful sleep, unaware of someone's watchful gaze.

As you fall deeper into your sleep, you enter your very own dreamscape. It was the Sol Kingdom's garden, a place you once found comfort in. At the moment, you pay no attention to the beautiful landscape as you sob softly.

Strangely enough, Taro has entered the dreams with you.

Lifting up the stuffed lion you ask, "Taro, why does mother hate me? Does she still love me?"

You wished for an answer though you knew you wouldn't receive one.

Feeling more tears fall, you turn your head when you hear the soft utterance of your name.


The familiar voice halts your tears momentarily as you stare at the beautiful Pegasus standing not far from you.

It couldn't be and yet...

Your lip trembles as you stand to your feet, running toward the Equidae with a "Gio!"

With Taro still clutched in one hand, you wrap your tiny arms around the Pegasus' head while saying "I missed you!"

"I missed you, too." The Pegasus nuzzles you gently before lifting his head from your embrace.

You make no protest as he transforms into his bipedal form, the horn upon his head still present. 

Hugging Taro, you tentatively ask "You're really here, but aren't you a different Gio?"

Giorno eyes Taro with disdain but smiles all the same as he responds with "No matter the time, I am me, my little Sun."

The smile you give the Pegasus resembles the light of a thousand suns, warming up his cold heart as you throw yourself into his arms.

Though as quickly as your smile appeared, your happiness was once again replaced by sadness.

Giorno holds your shaking form close, rubbing soothing circles into the small of your back.

"Why do you cry, my Sun," he asks with a frown.

Though Giorno knew the reason, he wanted to hear the answer from you.

As you wipe your tears you utter, "Mother hates me, but I don't understand why."

"Sunna has always hated you," is what he wishes to say, yet he holds his tongue.

Instead, he says, "[Y/n], I'm sure your mother loves you, isn't that why she gave you Taro?"

He briefly glances off to the side as he adds on, "After all, didn't she give you a new companion for Taro, too?"

The Pegasus needed you to realize your mother's true intentions, so with a little push and a few selective words he makes you think. 

Frowning, you stare down at your stuffed lion, brows slightly furrowed in thought.

"Mother gave me Taro so I wouldn't be alone," you mumble.

"Are you sure," Giorno urges softly, "Do you remember what she said?"

"Yes—," you pause as a small sense of dread wells in the pit of your stomach.

Besides your birth, your mother only showed you affection by giving you Taro. The memory of receiving the stuffed lion always brought you joy because at the time you knew your mother cared for you.

You remember her words so clearly.

As she crouched down to gently pat your head Sunna had said, "[Y/n], this is Taro. He'll be your friend from now on, so cease those useless tears."

Your mother and father were always busy, though your father tried his best to spend time with you. Yet, upon receiving Taro, you were so happy because your mother noticed your feelings.

And yet, in the past, Sunna had said something similar upon handing you a stuffed lion smaller than Taro.

"Take this and stop your crying, I don't need him questioning me again."

Though the words of your past and future mother were different, you could never forget her expression as she spoke to you.

As she handed you your present, her cold [e/c] eyes were filled with malice as her plush lips were turned down in disgust.

You realize it then and there.

"Mother doesn't love me."

She never did.

Giorno smiles at this before schooling his features into one of concern as he cups your face. He gently brushes the tears from your eyes, taking note of the hope still present in them.

He needed your hope to disappear.

"I know it's hard to realize the truth," he begins.

"But father—," you interject.

Giorno's voice is soft but firm as he states, "If his highness truly cared about you, would he have let her highness treat you in such a cruel way?"

The sight of your hesitancy further proves his point, yet if he were less selfish and allowed you to have the love from the one parent that did care for you, then you would be happy.

After all, he wants you to be happy, right?

He does, but Giorno desires to be the one to bring you happiness. He desires your love, for you to only smile at him, to only rely on him.

The reason for his intense feelings is simply because you are his princess, his precious Sun, and one day, his future wife.

After all, he's seen it so he yearns for that future, desperately.

The Pegasus sighs softly at the sight of your newly renewed tears. Pulling you back into his embrace, he feels his heartache at your present sadness.

"It will be okay, [Y/n]," he whispers, "I'm here."

With your face pressed against his chest you ask, "You won't leave me, will you, Gio?"

Giorno's eyes darken at the question as a smile slowly curves upon his lips as he replies with, "Never. I'll always be by your side, my Sun."

You grace the Pegasus with the same bright smile that had captured his heart and lit up the bleak kingdom he decided to serve.

You brought him happiness, so it's only right he brings it to you.

With a large grin on your face you ask, "Gio, can we play?"

"Of course," the Pegasus chuckles as he sets you onto your feet.

As he transforms back into his animal form, he does his best to keep your mind and eyes focused on him and away from your mother and father. 

At one point during their playtime, you drop Taro, giving Giorno the immense satisfaction of trampling upon the stuffed lion.

That simple action gave him more information than you'd ever know.

Upon letting go of Taro, you were letting go of your mother, just as you had slowly let go of your father the longer you spent time with the Pegasus.

Now, he could see the future he so desires not so far out of reach. 

With you across his back, laughing as he runs around the dreamscape, the Pegasus only feels the warmth of your love surrounding him.

The fun you were having with Giorno seemed endless, but your time with him was coming to a close the second your body begins to fade. You were most likely drifting away from a deep sleep, so your time in your dreamscape was going to be cut short.

Giorno had returned to his bipedal form, allowing him to reciprocate your hug.

"I don't wanna leave," you mumble with a small pout.

Giorno chuckles at this, his expression softening as he says, "Don't worry, I'll always be by your side, even when you can't see me."

"Thank you, Gio," you smile before leaning close to leave a kiss on his cheek.

With that, you were gone, leaving behind a very pleased Pegasus.

Giorno leaves your dreamscape as well, only to appear in the bedroom you were still resting in. He settles down on the bed next to you and gently brushes a strand of hair from your face.

"Don't worry, my Sun, I'll bring you the happiness that you truly deserve," he softly promises.

With ease, he pulls Taro from your grasp and reduces the stuffed lion to ashes.

You no longer needed anything that would remind you of your parents.

Since you've let go of your parents and chosen to be with him, it was left up to the Pegasus to set the course of time on the correct route.

Giorno would make sure those of the past will follow the correct path into leading you toward a better future, one where you will become a better ruler than your mother and most importantly, a time where you finally belong to him.

Fun Facts

The name Sunna is a girl's name meaning "sun". Sunna was a mythological goddess of the sun.

In Norse mythology Sol (Sunna) is a Sun goddess, hence why in the Oneshot she's Sailor Sol.

The reason the Reader isn't called Sailor Mini Sol is because I wanted her first transformation name to have a deeper meaning, hence, Sailor Solar.

The word solar relates to the sun, but in better words, coming from the sun and/or depending upon the sun. As you might or might not have noticed, Sunna is a Yandere, she did not care for a child that took the attention away from her darling.

In a way, just as Future Sunna had done, Past Sunna allowed the Reader to exist and gave her the ability to survive merely because it made her darling happy and with Giorno's (Pegasus) ability to see through various timelines, the end of your life did not lead to a happy future for her.

Though we'll never know if Giorno told her the entire truth.

Also, the stuffed animal Taro is a lion. Like Luna, I wanted felines to have a prominent role here, it's just Taro isn't considered significant. The stuffed animal was a gift from Sunna, but the connection with her was severed the second you let go.

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Lemme stop cause that's a future timeline—

Now, there's another inspiration for this Oneshot, so please take a look at the picture below.

In the picture below, I'd see it as the future version of Sailor Solar. After all, the future Giorno has seen with you will definitely involve you being better and stronger than your mother.


𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧, 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐮

Fun Fact

Amaterasu is the great and glorious goddess of the Sun. An embodiment of the rising Sun and Japan itself, she is the queen of the kami and ruler of the universe.

That is all. Till next time!

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