A Mission: Love Or Duty

By jaslyforever10

15.7K 2K 176

This story is about Jasly...this story is my imagination....this story has love, romance, action, mystery,cri... More

Jasly Fanfic
(CH-1)First Meet ❤
(CH-2) Same Team❤
(CH-3)Mission started
(CH-4) Mission-First Step❤
Thank you note❤


747 125 19
By jaslyforever10

This story has no connection to the real world this is all my imagination so don't get offended

Sorry for any grammatical mistakes
Then Punit and Nidhi returned to the bureau....on the other hand Ajay was having health problems due to journey as his age is 56.

Rahul- Sir you are not well...please you go back to Mumbai

Ajay- And the meetings

Rahul- Sir I will handle everything....please trust me

Ajay- I trust you...but

Rahul- sir please

Ajay- okay i will go back to Mumbai....you book my tickets

Rahul- Okay sir...then Rahul booked a ticket of flight which will take off at 11pm

Rahul- sir your flight is at 11pm

Ajay- okay

Then Ajay packed his bags and left for the flight

On the other hand at bureau

Nidhi- did Ajay sir picked the call

Jasmin- no

Punit- now what to do

Jasmin- let us study the Indian Ocean and the islands in Indian Ocean

Disha- Okay

Nidhi- wait I am bringing the map

Nidhi- this is the Indian Ocean and their are 4 islands on Indian Ocean ....out of which in 3 islands people live but the fourth island is vacant...crimes can be easily done there

Jasmin- we have to know much about the island

Punit- Yes

Disha- I know a man....not me but my father knew a man who is a marine explorer (who study about sea,ocean and islands),let us meet him

Aly- okay

Nidhi- where is his house

Disha- in Malabar hills

Punit- let us go their

Jasmin- Then they left....they were at the parking lot

There were two cars...so Aly,Punit, Nidhi were in one car and Jasmin and Disha were in one car...jasmin was going to sit in Aly's car but aly told:

Aly- Jasmin why don't you sit in Disha's car

Jasmin didn't replied and sat in Disha's car

They reached the marine explorer's house...his name was Neil....they went went inside the house

Aly- Hello Mr.Neil

Neil-Sorry but I don't know you all

Disha- We are from CID

Neil- Oh I see....can I know the reason of your sudden arrival in my house

Jasmin- we want to know about an island of Indian Ocean

Neil- I see...but which island

Nidhi- Look at this map....this island

Neil- This island...no no this is a dangerous place...this is a place of death....whoever goes there never comes back...

Every body was shocked

Jasmin- you have to go with us

Neil- No,no I don't want to die...I will not go

Disha- Okay but tell us something about that island...I mean why their is no clear photo of this island like others

Neil- This island is always covered with clouds thus satellite cannot take pictures clearly...this island have a power...their is something mysterical in that island....it is a place of death....I am warning you all don't go their if you don't want to die..

Nidhi-We have to go their

Neil- Your wish

Then they left....they sat in the car Aly,Punit,Nidhi in one car and Disha and Jasmin in another car...they were going back to bureau..first Disha and Jasmi's car then Aly,Nidhi,Puni's car..but suddenly in disha's car the break failed:

Disha- The break is not working

Jasmin- what😳😰

Disha- It is not working....shit

Jasmin- Now what to do

Disha- Plzz God do something

Jasmin- God please save us

A truck was coming from the front ...the driver of the truck was drunk and was driving fast....but sudden the truck and the car bumped into each other...the glasses of the car broke down...the car flipped....it was a huge accident...the truck driver died on spot....this all happened in front of Aly,Nidhi,and Punit as they were behind Jasmin and Disha...Aly,Nidhi,Punit came outside of their car their eyes were filled with tears....Aly was silent his lips were shaking:

Nidhi- No !Jasmin, Disha this can't happen ....you cannot leave us

Punit- was crying

Aly was silent his eyes were filled with tears his hands and lips were shaking....it was a terrible accident....it was hard for Disha and Jasmin to be alive....Aly was not able to understand what to do or what to speak  ....he was shocked....all the memories he spent with Jasmin was roaming in his mind from the first day they met,the night they spent together eating ice cream and also that morning in which he misbehaved with her....suddenly he felt his love for her....he spoke :

Aly- no!no!this can't happen...jasmin is alive...nothing will happen to her

Punit Was crying

Aly ran towards the car...he and Punit took Jasmin and Disha out of the car

Aly- Jasmin look at me...please looking at me...you are so talkative so why are you silent now...please look at me...please

Punit held Disha's wrist to observe the pulse... she was alive...then Punit held Jasmin's wrist but he didn't found the pulse

Punit- No! Jasmin no!

Nidhi- What happened ?

Punit- I cannot find her pulse

Aly- No! (Then he shouted)- Jasminnnnn...then he broke down

Then Nidhi held her fingers towards Jasmin's nose...she found that Jasmin was breathing but very slowly

Nidhi- Guys Jasmin is alive she is breathing

Aly felt a relief

Nidhi- We have to take them both to the hospital fast

Punit- I have informed the local police they ate coming and the truck driver is also death

Aly- Jasmin nothing will happen to you....please don't leave me

Let us take them both in our car to the hospital

Nidhi- Okay

Then they lifted them to the car and reached the hospital
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