That escalated quickly

By xti4max

388 2 4

Anna just wants to save Pearl, but dopplewhores and baby vampires are beginning to test her patients. luckily... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
Untitled Part 9
chapter 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13

chapter 6

20 0 0
By xti4max

sorry it's been a while guys, honestly, I just wasn't in the mood to write, I mean I didn't even bake that's when you know its bad but finally, I'm back, though chapters will be updated a little slower as I'm working on some personal projects

[Gilbert house]

They are still cuddled up on the couch, movie paused when Elena storms into the house hours later. They barely look up, sparing her a single glance as she retreats to her room, slamming the door as she goes. Jenna pokes her head round the kitchen door,

"What was that?".

"Elena's home." Jeremy laughs. "I think her, and Stefan are fighting." He says fighting a grin, Anna laughing at his side. Shaking her head Jenna disappears back into the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with drinks so they could finish their movie.

As the credits roll Jenna pats Jeremy on the knee. Telling him to go to bed soon motioning to Anna falling asleep on his shoulder, he shakes her awake, as Jenna leaves.

"Come on, upstairs." He tugs her to her feet, as she blinks owlishly at him, keeping hold of her hand he pulls her up the stairs. She stops dead in the middle of the hallway, right outside Jeremy's door. She's wide awake now.

"Stefan's here.".

"What why?" shaking her head, she pulls him into his room.

As soon as the door closes, she says calmly. "You better not tell her about me.".

"Anna what are you talking about?" she shakes her head. "Your sister knows about vampires, namely the Salvatore brothers, anddddd she's pissed." she sits down on his bed, Jeremy joins her. "He's gone, she kicked him out.". She stretches her arms above her head stifling a yawn. "Remind me to get you some vervain if I knew I'd be coming here I'd have brought you some." She stands walking towards the bathroom only to pause hesitant. "Are we really ok Jeremy?" Not quite willing to believe he would so easily forgive her deceit, after all they barley know each other.

"You're the closest thing I've had too a friend since I lost my parents Anna, I kinda selfishly need you right now." Smiling she walks into the bathroom putting on the pair of pyjamas Jenna lent her.

{The next morning}

Elena's slamming around wakes everyone up early. Jeremy and Anna stay in bed listening as Jenna yells at her for being so inconsiderate. They lay there laughing at her misfortune, debating whether to get up and do anything for the day.

Elena finally leaves still angry as Jenna bustles around for a little while before leaving to meet with her thesis supervisor, shouting up she would be back later.

They finally get up around noon choosing to stay in their pyjamas having a lazy day. They're in the middle of making lunch when Vicki arrives at the door, Jeremy answers it leaving Anna at the stove to make the pancakes.

"You're high? Vicki, it's the middle of the day." Anna hears as they walk into the kitchen.

"Could you just not talk so loud? My head, it hurts. I need quiet. I'm hungry. What do you got to eat?" she starts to rummage around in the fridge.

"Vicki, are you," Anna turns looking at her for the first time. Dropping the spatula, makings Vicki cringe. She rushes around the counter taking Vicki's face into her hands. "You've been with Damon, haven't you?"

"Anna what are you talking about?"

"Guys I didn't come here for the third degree, If I wanted that I would have gone home to Matt."

"SIT." Anna demands. "Jer call Matt now, tell him to come quickly and alone." At his furrowed brow she promises to explain it all once Matt gets here. Cursing Anna manages to get Vicki to the couch, wrapping a blanket around her.

"Keep the glasses on they will help with the light.".

Vicki is clawing at her face, jaw in agony. When Matt arrives Jeremy meets him at the door, not knowing what to say, he leads him to the girls. Anna had stayed with Vicki to keep her front hurting herself.

"Vicki what did you take this time," He pauses looking between Anna and Jeremy "I'm sorry about this guys, I'll take her home now."

Vicki just shouts at them to turn the tv off, how it's too loud. They all look at the screen hearing about the murders at the cemetery. All eyes turn to Vicki,

"Damn it Vik what did you do?" Matt runs at hand through his hair, "I'm calling the cops."
"No!" Both Vicki and Anna shout. Just as Elena and Stefan walk through the door. Anna curses silently this isn't going to end well, Fucking Salvator brothers always getting in the way. Elena comes into the room, needing to be the centre of attention, demanding to know what is going on. Stefan following at her heels like the faithful little puppy he is. One look at Vicki and he is trying to put himself between Vicki and Elena. "Elena, back up. Vicki, look at me. Focus. You're gonna be fine. Here's what we are gonna do."

"You know what's wrong with her." Elena asks sceptical. He turns to her whispering how she is in transition. Anna sends them a glare, refusing to let them interfere anymore in Vicki's life, she takes back control of the situation.

"Boys why don't you put Vicki upstairs in your room Jer, close the blinds I'll be up in a sec." Before Matt can protest, she promises to explain everything when she gets upstairs. Anna waits watching them leave the room, listening for their footsteps, turning on the others in the room.

"Now, you two stay out of this, or I will get mean Salvator." she spins storming up the stairs. Pausing in the doorway, she watches on with Matt as Vicki and Jeremy have the heart to heart, they so sorely needed. Smiling as Jeremy forgave her, gathering Vicki in his arms hugging her tightly. Anna nods for Matt to enter the room following him in she closes the door, hoping the others stayed downstairs. Jeremy gives up his seat at Vicki's side for Matt choosing to join Anna at the end of the bed.

Anna lets out a long sigh, as she tells the Donavon sibling all about Vampires. Wide eyed Matt looks between his sister and Anna.

"So she's turning." Anna nods not knowing when else to say when he looks so defeated.

"No she's not." Stefan and Elena have made their appearance.

"What the hell do you mean no, this is my sister life, so it's my sisters' choice, back off man." He shouts trying to shove Stefan out of the room.

"Get the hell out of my room!" Jeremy shouts putting himself Infront of Vicki.

Calmly Anna stands up walking around the boys to grab Stefan by the neck, with a quick twist she snaps his neck. Elena screams bloody murder. Rolling her eyes Anna points out that a snapped neck can't kill a vampire, she grabs his arm dragging him out into the hall. Stepping back into the doorway she holds the door opening telling Elena it's in her best interest to leave.

"That was badass."

Matt looks between the two women appalled. Ignoring him Anna moves to kneel down in front of Vicki, so they are at eye level. She explains how she has less than 24 hours to make this decision, or she will die. She turns to Matt next.

"But there is also the problem of your sister being an addict, everything you are in this life you are in the next only more. Matt addiction is an emotional state, except she won't want drugs she'll want blood, so much so that she exposes herself. And your quaint little town has vampire hunter, hell the entire council knows all about vamps, have done for years, they are already hunting because of Damon dumbass they know there is a vampire in town any feeding of any kind will be found out." Her eyes cut to Vicki, "You will be in terrible danger."

"But I'll be alive."

"As alive as a vampire can be yes."

Vicki looks so unsure, so fragile. Big doe eyes turn to her brother. "Matty."

Matt is at her side in an instant. Wrapping her in a hug. He meets Anna's gaze head on, "What do we need to do to complete this."

"Blood she needs blood." Jeremy who had been silent till now walks to the bathroom door, when he returns, he has a cup and a razor. "Does it need to come from a particular vein." Anna shakes her head No.

Matt tries to argue, that it should be him doing it but is ignored, Jeremy argues that his makes more sense, she needs Matt strong and healthy to take care of her.

"Come on Matt you don't need to see this bit." Anna steers him from the room, taking him back to the living room. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

He drops his head into his hands shaking it, "You're a vampire." He says after a while.
"No I'm other."


She shakes her head "Not important right now, she's gonna be ok Matt, we got her, and we are gonna look after her." placing a hand on his knee she asks him to look at her, "maybe you and Vicki should come and stay with me for a while her first few months are going to be brutal."

Looking up to meet her eye he asks where Elena and Stefan are. She shrugs Elena is in her room sulking, Stefan left, after a call with Damon. He nods distracted.

[meanwhile at the Cemetery]

Stefan and Damon are arguing about his ring when Stefan is shot by none other than Logan Fell. Damon rushes over biting him harshly, snaping his neck, pocketing the fob watch as he does. Damon removes the bullet from his brother saving his life.

[Gilbert house]

Matt and Jeremy sit with Vicky in his room as they wait for Anna to get off the phone. Anna walks back in from the hallway a smile playing at her lips. She stops her grin growing "Your sister is breaking up with Stefan, she's incredibly angry with him especially for not telling her about me being a vamp. Whoops." Laughing Anna tugs Vicki from the bed "Lets goooooooo. Wait no." she turns to Jeremy, "where is Jenna?"

"Library and will be all night, she has a presentation next week."

"We need to tell her."

"No arguments here, let's get Vicki settled and we will tell her in the morning."

"Ok now let's go." Anna claps her hands together shooing everyone from the room. "The plan is Matt you and Jer go to your place get anything you think you will both need; I'll take Vik get her settled into a guest room."

They ignore Elena sat on the front porch, the boys making their way to Matt's truck as Elena shouts for Jeremy to get back inside. Vicki is giggling as she gets in Anna car. Throwing her phone across to Vicki, she asks her to call Caroline telling her to meet them at her place.

[the mansion]

No surprise Anna is the first to arrive, she pulls Vicki into the house without unlocking the door. Vicki is shocked the doors aren't locked especially with a house like this. Anna explains that she is part witch, unlocking doors is child's play.

"Come on," Anna leads her upstairs "I'm gonna put your room on the others of the house to the others. Easier for you with the heightened senses and no offence Vicki but new vamps are dangerous especially ones who have suffered from substance abuse, wait I have an idea." She rushes from the room dragging Vicki with her. Vicki's eyes widen at the speed they reached. "Vamp speed, soon you'll be able to control yours it's fun," Anna grabs a bangle from her vanity whispering a spell over it as Caroline walks into the room completely ignoring the look on Vicki's face, she walks past both woman and flops on the bed.

"So what did I miss."
"I'm a vampire now." Caroline shoots up at the admission, looking from one woman to the other, waiting for the punchline.

"Do me a favour Caro text Jer tell him to put Matt in the room next to his." At the look on her face she promises to catch her up later. She clamps the bangle around Vicki's wrist "Don't ever take this off, it will stop your addictions, you won't crave as much blood. But I do think its best you stay in here for a while, no work no school, just getting used to your new abilities. I'll work on getting some blood bags supplied, just give me a day".

Vicki just nods not knowing what else to say. Asking to go back to her room. Anna offers to take her, Vicki declines choosing to go herself, asking to be left alone for a while. Anna lets the boys know Vicki wants to be left alone before re-joining Caroline in her room.

Ta da hope you guys enjoyed it, Im not sure what to do about Vicki and Matt at the moment, they are not character I enjoy but i can see the usefulness of having them around any thoughs or opinions to share, let me know.


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