The Suitors: A BTS fanfic

By yoongis_bucket_hat

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They all wanted you--needed you. Your suitors. And they weren't afraid to make it known. The sons of the most... More



717 47 8
By yoongis_bucket_hat


OKOKOK sooooo this chapter is long ASF but lowkey shit goes down.👀😳

Unfortunately we are coming to the end of the book and I expect there to be just a few more chapters, but I hope you've loved the story so far!!! Please remember to vote and comment! Thanks so much for coming on this journey with me!


Jin ducked low to the ground and rushed across the hall you were passing through. He looked back to you and Yoongi and nodded. Yoongi's hand was placed firmly in the small of your back as the two of you followed Jin's lead. The three of you had grown closer to the greenhouse, your hopes silently raising that you would all make it to the stables safely.

As your trio weaved through corridors, dodging enemy soldiers and hiding behind corners, Yoongi had kept a hand on you at all times. Almost as if you would float away if he didn't touch you, he was always making sure you kept up with the two of them.

Anxiety coursed through your body, but at this point it was a familiar feeling. It was terrifying to know that around every blind corner could be the blade of a sword waiting to run you through. No amount of Yoongi's soft, sincere touches could remedy that fact.

There was a small flicker of hope in your core, though. Just a small flame at the time but seemed to grow larger and larger as you made it to the medical wing. This meant the greenhouse was only two or three halls away. It was odd, you hadn't seen anyone occupying the halls other than the enemy men you had avoided. No castle staff, no servants, not even the healers from the medical wing puttered back and forth in their work as you knew they typically did. The emptiness was eerie, but you knew that the siege on the castle must be the reason. No chance given for anyone to aid you. This could be achieved by rounding up all castle personnel and keeping them in one place.

You felt as if you were drowning in guilt knowing you would leave the ball guests and palace workers behind if you escaped, but you reasoned with yourself that they weren't the ones Lord Min and his councilor were trying to kill. They would have no reason to hurt the lords and ladies in attendance of the choosing ceremony, and wouldn't get rid of the people that kept the castle in such high standards of living right before they thought they were moving in. You knew your subjects were safe, but the feeling in the pit of your stomach remained.

Another wave of Jin's hand brought your thoughts back to the present moment. "We're close," you whispered.

"Wait--- for a moment, Jin," Yoongi whispered to the boy next to him. "Let y/n catch her breath."

"I'm fine," you hissed back. "We should keep going."

You only now recognized your heavy breathing. The worry and fear that consumed your bones and blood must be taking a toll on your stamina. In actuality, you were exhausted. You would not let that hold you back from freedom, though.

"Please, y/n. Just rest for a minute." Yoongi cradled your hand in his, rubbing thoughtless circles on the top of your knuckles with his thumb.

"We're so close, guys. I finally have some hope. I'm okay, let's continue."

Yoongi looked at you with concerned eyes, as did Jin, but they both gave slow nods once they heard the conviction in your voice.

"Alright then," Jin spoke. "Just a little bit farther, then we're a mere horse ride from safety."

Jin's stare fixated on your eyes for a moment, then for a second he looked at your hand enveloped in Yoongi's. You watched as his lips twitched so slightly you could have easily missed it. Your heart ached. You loved Jin, and you hated seeing him taunted by Yoongi's hold over you. But a "hold" is just what it was. Yoongi had a tight grasp around your heart, and for one reason or another you couldn't imagine not being with him. You loved Jin, but just not the way you loved Yoongi.

You told yourself all of this, but still found yourself weary of Yoongi's words in regard to their truth. You didn't trust him. You feared him greatly. Every moment your eyes weren't on him, in the deepest part of your thoughts you wondered if he would drive a dagger through your back. In some kind of twisted way, you still felt safe with him, though. Your feelings were new and different and exactly the way the poets had described love in all the literature you had poured over. Love was scary and confusing and didn't quite make much sense, but it was exhilarating and true all the same.

You blinked hard and thought for a moment what you saw was a mirage. The three of you had turned one last corner, seeing at the end of the hall a large glass door that seemed to you like the pearly gates of heaven. On the other side of the transparent door was a glass encased room filled with different plants and herbs and greenery. It was dark inside due to the late hour of the night not illuminating the inside. Your heart rate spiked, and you felt as if the floor under your feet became hot.

Your trio paused, then, breathless, you spoke. "We made it."

You looked to Jin who flashed a toothy smile. Yoongi looked at you with soft eyes. Then, you walked forward, lifting your gown's skirt slightly. Closer and closer the door came, and along with it would come freedom. Jin and Yoongi only steps behind you. The boys who had sworn to protect you had kept their promise. Once again, the words passed through your lips. "We made it."

"Made it?"

Your steps stopped. Frozen in time, frozen in place, blood frozen in your veins. You knew that the voice that had spoken those words didn't come from the two men you loved that followed behind you. You looked at the door which stood only simple yards away, but the sound of Yoongi and Jin's footsteps also halting stopped you from running to and through the door. Your vision blurred with tears as you forced yourself to turn around.

Your throat felt too narrow to swallow, and lungs too small to breath. There, on the other end of the hall, stood the very men you and your suitors were trying to escape. Lord Min and his councilor. It caught your attention that no soldiers accompanied them, but you wouldn't be surprised if men were on their way this very moment.

Yoongi and Jin also had turned to look at the threatening pair, swords now drawn. They both backed up to be next to you, Yoongi looking to you for just a second, fear painted on his face.

"Made it?" Lord Min repeated, stepping forward casually. "Did you honestly think you would be able to escape my men and me? You really thought that you, a whiney princess, could outwit the next king?"

Jin's head jerked, whipping to look at Yoongi. "Did you have something to do with this? Did you betray us yet again?"

Yoongi stared darkly at his father across the room but broke his gaze for a moment to glance at Jin. "I didn't tell them anything," he growled.

You could sense Jin's apprehension and could feel yours growing as well. For a second, you imagined yourself turning and running to the glass door of the greenhouse. You couldn't leave Yoongi and Jin, though. Also, with Lord Min and his councilor standing right there, ready to give any orders they wanted to their mercenary army, they would catch you in a matter of minutes. No, you had to stay and fight.

Lord Min glided forward, slowly and cautiously, but with ease and grace that conveyed the fact that he wasn't scared of you. Soon, he was no more than twenty feet away from you. Close enough that his cologne drifted on the draft of the hall and you could smell that he was near.

"Run and you'll be caught and killed. All of you," he said calmly. "Surrender the princess and no more harm will come to anyone in this castle." Silence hung in the air. "I'm sure you wish you could have accepted this generous deal of mine before that boy died for you, princess." His black eyes bore into yours from feet away.

Your body tinged at the mention of Jungkook, and your heart stung with grief and sorrow and hate and anger.

"We'll fight and die before you put your hands on her!" Jin called back, ferocity in his now gravelly voice.

Lord Min seemed unphased by the retaliatory remarks. Your eyes glanced for a second at the councilor standing at the other end of the hall, a sly smirk dancing on his lips. The same smirk that now played on Lord Min's face.

You could see that Lord Min's sights had changed. As he had once stared dead on at Jin and I, now he looked to Yoongi.

"My son," he sighed. "I understand why you have done everything you have. I am stern but not heartless. I know that you have done what you thought was right, but now it is time to come home. Take your place on the throne with me and rule."

You looked to Yoongi who kept his gaze fixed on his father, his expression unwavering. A gleam of sweat broke out on your forehead. Yoongi listened to the words his father spoke, and you began to worry that he was considering them.

Lord Min continued. "You are flesh and blood, my son. I forgive you. I can give you everything you've ever wanted. She," he paused, flashing a disgusted look at you. "—She is just a girl. Nothing more nothing less. Just a naïve girl with a crown." He looked back to his son who he had been preparing for this moment his entire life.

All of Yoongi's childhood had been filled with manipulation. Brainwashing since he was young. You wanted to speak to Yoongi, tell him to fight it. Tell him to turn from this fake affection and masqueraded lies, but you knew the tension would be broken and blood could be spilled if you said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

You saw a slight dip in Yoongi's arm that held his sword. A gentle slack at his elbow. Then you knew Yoongi was being persuaded.

Lord Min saw this too. "Come, stand with me, my son."

Then, making you jump with fear and surprise, Yoongi's sword clattered to the ground. He had dropped it.

"Yoongi, no!" Jin yelled. "He's lying to you, don't do this!"

For the first time, Yoongi broke his stare at his father and looked to Jin. "I am doing what I must."

Yoongi's eyes did not look to you. You couldn't tell if it was guilt that prevented him from looking at you, or if he really did feel nothing more for you. Had you been played this entire time? From the beginning, had you just been a pawn in their game? They had bet on your heart being foolish and juvenile, maybe they were right.

Lord Min's face softened, but you saw right through his façade of kindness and fatherly tenderness. He had no emotion, no love for his son, just greed and lust for power. "Now son, I'm afraid your words have been known to not convey your true emotion. You must prove your loyalty to the new crown."

Yoongi nodded slowly, considerately. You felt like you couldn't suck enough air into your body. Were you really seeing this? The man you loved betraying you once again after all those words of assurance. After all those gentle touches and looks of concern. It didn't make sense. You must be a fool, because your mind couldn't seem to comprehend the situation.

Lord Min reached into his coat, pulling out a familiar object. The golden dagger that had been given to Yoongi to kill you. "End the royal line. Take destiny into your own hands and make way for the new rulers. Kill the princess."

You swallowed. Surely Yoongi would never do that. He had told you so many times he would never hurt you. He promised. He promised.

Yoongi's hand lifted, and shaky as it was, he grasped the handle of the dagger still. You heart shattered. Your knees felt weaker than glass as you nearly collapsed. Betrayal and heartbreak stabbed into your heart just as the dagger would soon do. Tears welled in your eyes once again, but you tried your best not to let them fall over. Try as you might, the sight of your one true love holding a weapon to soon use on you forced small streams of sadness down your cheeks

"You son of a bitch!" Jin lurched forward, but you put an arm up to stop him.

"Jin," you cried.

Jin settled back, but his face was red his hot rage. "You coward! You said you loved her! You never even deserved her! You don't deserve to breath the same air as her, to even look at her!"

Yoongi's face never changed, just remained stone like. He turned, and for the first time since his treachery, he looked at you.

Those eyes. Those damn eyes. Had it not been for those eyes, maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe you would have never fallen in love with him. Maybe you wouldn't have to feel this earth-shattering pain. Maybe you could have been killed without the feeling of heartbreak and despair. You had wanted to die for so long, maybe, were it not for those eyes, you still might want death.

Yoongi took half a step forward. Jin rushed in front of you, once again prepared to die for you. Lord Min drew his sword and leaned towards Jin. "Back away or die for nothing, boy," He spat.

Jin hesitated, but as silent tears ran down your face you spoke. "It's okay, Jin."

Jin stayed for a moment, but then, with a sword's blade pointed at his neck, he moved to the side. Jin glanced at you, and then you could see his eyes were also now filled with tears.

You looked back to the man in front of you. Yoongi. Your Yoongi. His hair that dangled over his forehead, his sharp eyes that chronically captivated you, his full lips that had once found themselves pressed against yours. Everything about him was so familiar yet so foreign. You knew his so well, but then again not at all. You loved him so incredibly but hated him all the same.

He was now close enough to touch. Close enough to either pull you in for a kiss or drive a dagger through your heart.

You sucked in air. "So, you never loved me, right?" you asked shakily.

He was still for a second, his eyes on the ground, but then he looked to you. "I thought love would be enough. I thought you would be enough. But it's not."

You let out a pained breath, your head aching from the tears spilling out of your eyes. You noticed the tip of Yoongi's nose had become red. You knew that this meant he was about to cry. No tears appeared in his eyes, but you knew better.

"Maybe in another life we could have been happy. I could have held you close without fear of what it would cost me," Yoongi said, his voice hard and strong, but with shaky undertones.

At this point, death sounded so much nicer than enduring the pain he continued to inflict upon you with his words. How could he say this? You had no control over the life you were born into. You supposed the same could be said for him, though.

You looked into his eyes. He raised the dagger and you felt all the hair on your arms stand up with electricity. Still, though, even as he was inches and seconds away from killing you, you felt safe with him.

"I forgive you, Yoongi," you murmured.

His eyes never broke contact with yours. "I knew you would," he whispered back.

You watched as Lord Min came up behind Yoongi, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You're strong, son, you can do this."

"I know." Yoongi adjusted his fingers on the dagger's golden handle. "I loved you, I really did. But, in some kind of ironic way, because of you and the plan you had, I now love someone else more."

You were confused at his words. He looked into your eyes. But you knew he was not speaking to you. It all made sense when Yoongi quickly spun and drove the golden dagger into the chest of his father.

Lord Min let out a confused and pained yell. You saw a tear run down the side of Yoongi's face as he followed his father to the ground. Yoongi kneeled above Lord Min's trembling figure, small drips of blood flowing from the side of his mouth. "Son?" Lord Min choked.

Yoongi's hand still held firmly to the handle of the dagger that now resided in the dying Lord's heart. "I really should thank you, father. Because of your plan to grasp for power, I met the one person in this world I really love. I suppose, me, what you considered to be your greatest weapon, ended up being the reason behind your undoing." Lord Min coughed and blood began to stain the floor around him. "Give my regards to the devil, father."

Then, without another word, Yoongi pulled the dagger from his father's body. Lord Min went limp, his eyes rolling back in the familiar way dead men's eyes do. And with that, the man that had caused you irreparable pain, the reason why Yoongi couldn't love you, the orchestrator of your demise, was dead. 

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