Harry Potter and the Bucket L...

Par Darkpetal16

837K 45.8K 38.5K

Being reincarnated as Harry Potter's fraternal twin sister really puts a new meaning behind "death is but the... Plus

Pre-School 1
Pre-School 2
Pre-School 3
Pre-School 4
Pre-School 5
Year 1 - 1
Year 1 - 2
Year 1 - 3
Year 1 - 4
Year 1 - 5
Year 1 - 6
Year 1 - 7
Year 1 - 8
Year 2 - 1
Year 2 - 2
Year 2 - 3
Year 2 - 4
Year 2 - 5
Year 2 - 6
Year 2 - 7
Year 2 - 8
Year 3 - 1
Year 3 - 2
Year 3 - 3
Year 3 - 4
Year 3 - 5
Year 4 - 1
Year 4 - 2
Year 4 - 3
Year 4 - 4
Year 4 - 5
Year 4 - 6 (The Yule Ball)
Year 4 - 7
Year 4 - 8
Year 4 - 9
Year 4 - 10
Year 5 - 1
Year 5 - 2
Year 5 - 3
Year 5 - 4
Year 5 - 5
Year 5 - 6
Year 5 - 7 (Wand Monogamy)
Year 5 - 8
Year 5 - 9
Year 5 - 10 (Rosier Raid)
Year 5 - 11
Year 5 - 12
Year 5 - 13
Year 5 - 14
Year 5 - 15
Year 5 - 16
Year 5 - 17
Year 6 - 1
Year 6 - 2
Year 6 - 3
Year 6 - 4
Year 6 - 5
Year 6 - 6
Year 6 - 7 (Tom's Interlude)
Year 6 - 8
Year 6 - 9
Epilogue - Year 7
Epilogue - Graduation
The Bucket List / Q&A
NewGame+ 2

NewGame+ 1

6.7K 428 436
Par Darkpetal16

Beta: Cloudy

Bonus content - Tom&Rosie's next lives together. This is pretty much pure fanfare for shits and giggles.



Tom: First thing's first: we need galleons.

Rosie: Yeah. Can't exactly time travel with goblin money.

Tom: Unfortunately not. Can you sense any magical homes nearby?

Rosie: Plenty.

Tom: Rob what we can. Rather avoid hitting Gringotts without a wand.

Rosie: Definitely. -sigh- I wish we could have brought back actual items with us.

Tom: Hard enough bringing you when you didn't have a body in this timeline to begin with.

Rosie: Still stinks. But that's part of the challenge!

Tom: Mm-hmm. Galleons first. Then we'll set up our identities.

Rosie: Oh? Did you decide on them?

Tom: I'm going to reclaim my heirlooms then officially have my blood tested at Gringotts to declare me heir of Slytherin.

Rosie: Wow.

Tom: Mm-hmm.

Rosie: Then I guess... I'll take Riddle as my last name. :)

Tom: Rosie Riddle?

Rosie: You called?

Tom: I like the sound of it. :)


Rosie: Okay. I got my wand, we have some energy—I think this is a good time for me to summon Iris.

Tom: Okay.

They weren't able to bring Iris along officially, but because she was Rosie's familiar her connection to Rosie would be strong enough that Rosie could bring her after they succeeded.

Rosie: Yay!

-Performs the ritual-

Iris: Mommy!

Rosie: MY BABY! -starts happy crying-

Tom: :)


Rosie&Tom back at Hogwarts in their new timeline


Rosie's (re)Sorting

Sorting Hat: Heeyyyy

Rosie: Heyyyyy

Sorting Hat: Are you going to insist on going back to Slytherin?

Rosie: Nah. Where do you think I should go?

Sorting Hat: If we must exclude Slytherin—you've plenty ambition to go back there—then someone with your love of learning should go to RAVENCLAW

Rosie: :)


Tom's (re)Sorting -

Sorting Hat: Hello again!

Tom: Put me in anything other than Slytherin and I will set you on fire.

Sorting Hat: I believe that. SLYTHERIN!


Rosie: -sees Tom working on homework in the library and heads over to his desk-

Rosie: Hey.

Tom: Hey.

Rosie: Is that seat taken? -points-

Tom: That's my lap.

Rosie: Did I stutter?



Tom: Rosie, we're still in first year—

Rosie: Did. I. Stutter.

Tom: -starts to laugh- Rosie, no.


Tom: -looks over at the Ravenclaw table-



Tom: What.

-Rosie is laid across the table with a group of eager Ravenclaw students around her, one of them even fanning her.-

Tom: What is—

Abraxas Malfoy: Something wrong, Tom?

Tom: What are the Ravenclaws doing?

Beldon Lestrange: Oh I heard about that. See the redhead?

Tom: I see her, yes.

Beldon Lestrange: Apparently she's the Queen of Ravenclaw.

Tom: -suddenly looks very tired-

Beldon Lestrange: Strange, huh?

Woodrow Nott: The claws have always been eccentric, but that seems too queer.

Abraxas Malfoy: Heh. I don't recognize the witch so probably some Muggleborn nobody. We should teach her a lesson, don't you think?


Beldon: I concur. I'll find out her schedule.

Tom: Heh.

Woodrow, Abraxas & Beldon: ?

Tom: Good luck with that.

Abraxas Malfoy: You don't want to join us?

Tom: I've better things to do with my time. Do let me know it goes.

Abraxas Malfoy: But of course.


The following day

Rosie: Hey dear.

Tom: Hello Rosie.

Rosie: :)

Tom: You look very happy.

Rosie: Some babeh snakes tried to kill me. Made me nostalgic.

Tom: Heh. Where are they now?

Rosie: Stripped and hogtied in a broom cupboard near the kitchens.

Tom: Stripped?

Rosie: Only did to them what they were going to do to me.

Tom: What.

Rosie: Since they're part of your group, I didn't hurt them too bad but if they try it again I'll break some bones.


Rosie: -kisses Tom's cheek- Okay?

Tom: I assure you, they will never even think to do that again.

Rosie: :) Don't be too upset with them, dear. You know how they were raised. They need a delicate hand.

Tom: :) Of course, darling.

Rosie: -skips away-




Tom: >:I


-Tom goes off to find the hogtied snakes-

Tom: -opens the door-

Abraxas, Beldon, Woodrow: !

Tom: -takes off their gags-

Tom: :)

Abraxas Malfoy: Tom! You would not believe—

Tom: -silences him with a wave of his hand-

Tom: :)

Beldon Lestrange: Tom?

Tom: Which one of you came up with the idea to strip Miss Riddle?

Woodrow Nott: One of the older students told us to.

Tom: Which one?


Rosie: -is taking a run around the lake with her Ravenclaw babehs-

Rosie: Even breaths, my little birdies.

Anna Abbot: -gasping for air- Why... why... why...

Rosie: It'll be easier the more we do it!

Celestine Greengrass: PLEASE NO.

Rosie: Are you rejecting my orders?

Ravenclaws: -vigorously shaking their heads no-

Rosie: :) What sweet little birdies I have. After today's run we'll do another chemistry experiment.

Ravenclaws: :D!


Rosie: -visits the Slytherin table- Hello snakes.

Abraxas Malfoy: -flinches- Good day, Miss Riddle.

Tom: Hello, Miss Riddle.

Rosie: Haven't seen you boys in a while. Didn't you three say something about me never being alone again? :)

Beldon Lestrange: We—er—we—er—

Woodrow Nott: We decided you were perfectly capable of escorting yourself around Hogwarts.

Rosie: My, how kind. I actually came over here because I heard a little rumor.

Tom: What kind of rumor?

Rosie: That one of your older students insisted on withdrawing from Hogwarts yesterday!

Beldon Lestrange: Er...yes. They had to because... er...

Abraxas Malfoy: ... Family emergency.

Rosie: My oh my.

Tom: :)

Rosie: Well then I guess it couldn't be helped. Family is terribly important, after all.

Tom: I couldn't agree more.


Celestine Greengrass: Rosie!

Rosie: Yes, dove?

Celestine Greengrass: Would it be possible for a Gryffindor to join our morning runs? I found a very lovely young witch sitting alone in the library. Her own housemates are treating her rather poorly.

Rosie: Of course she can join us.

Celestine Greengrass: I knew you'd say that. Would you like for me to introduce you two?

Rosie: Naturally. Who is she?

Celestine Greengrass: Ifa Shafiq.

Rosie: Sounds like a lovely young lady. :)

Celestine Greengrass: -beams- Then she is just like you!

Rosie: -immediately hugs her-

Celestine Greengrass: :D! You are so affectionate with me, Rosie. I love it.

Rosie: I can't help you. You're a spitting image of—well. You're adorable.

Celestine Greengrass: :D


A couple years later


Rosie: Oh wow, so they're gonna teach us the Patronus charm this year, huh?

Tom: Yep.

Rosie: You gonna actually learn it this time around?

Tom: Yeah, I think I can.

Rosie: That's great! Gosh, I can't wait to graduate. I'll go find Booboo and dementor-nap him.

Tom: Please... don't.

Rosie: How else am I supposed to befriend him again?"

Tom: Or you could not?

Rosie: Don't be absurd. I love my Booboo.

Tom: -sighs- I know.


Tom: -is about to cast his first corporeal Patronus-

Tom: -casts his first corporeal Patronus-

Tom: -has a legendary Runespoor Patronus-

Tom: :)

Tom's Runespoor Patronus: -starts morphing-

Tom: :)?

Tom's Runespoor Patronus: -continues to morph and starts shining brighter-

Tom: :)???

Tom's Patronus: -is now a fox-


Tom's Patronus: :)

Tom: :I

Tom's Patronus: :)

Tom: :I

Tom's Patronus: :)

Tom: Fuck.



Rosie: Hey Tom! Did you find out what your Patronus is?

Tom: It was a legendary snake.

Rosie: Wow! That's so—wait was?

Tom: :I

Rosie: :)?

Tom: I hate you.

Rosie: :)? I love you?

Tom: So much.

Rosie: :)???


Rosie: Holy friggin hell is there anything you can't do?

Tom: -pauses for a moment to think- I—I cannot draw.

Rosie: Really?

Tom: ... Yes.

Rosie: Really?

Tom: -with more confidence- Yes.

Rosie: Okay. :)


About a month later...

Rosie: Whatchu got there?

Tom: Oh, one of the younger students asked me to redraw his sketch of the griffin from class earlier.

Rosie: Wow, can I see?

Tom: Sure.


Tom: ?????


Tom: Oh yeah.

Rosie: YOU LIAR.

Tom: :)


Tom: :)


Tom: :d


Tom: ... :)


Rosie: :I

Tom: What's wrong?

Rosie: You know how I started up my cult in Germany for my future werewolf army?

Tom: Cult is a strong word.

Rosie: It's an accurate word.

Rosie hadn't intended for her cult to grow so large. To prevent the World War II and Holocaust she knew, she had taken an active role in rebuilding Germany. While she wasn't so arrogant as to believe she could completely stop the war—there were a lot of factors that played into it—she could at least guarantee there wouldn't be a religious genocide in Germany. She already killed Hitler and pretty much anyone associated with him.

During that summer in Germany she found some werewolves. She had offered them her cure, and they had... well. They had become real big fans of hers, to put it lightly. Tom called them zealous, and she had a hard time refuting it. They were eager beavers about sharing it, too. She made it very clear to not infect those unwanted, but as it turned out a lot of people wanted it.

She had to set up an Unbreakable Contract for all her worgens to sign so they wouldn't spill the beans about her cure before she was ready.

But... golly gosh they were... they were passionate about spreading it.

She literally had an entire city of worgens within two months. Two. Months.

Tom: -sighs- Yes, I know about Cult of Fluff. What about it?

Rosie: The reconstruction of Germany after WWI is taking a bigger hit from my finances than I anticipated.

Tom: You're literally rebuilding a country and turning all your supporters into worgens. Did you think it would be cheap?

Rosie: :I

Tom: :I

Rosie: Not cheap... -sighs- I already have a lot of homework to do but I think I need to do some early inventions.

Tom: Which inventions?

Rosie: I was thinking about starting up a Muggle company to invent better microwaves, fridges, ovens... and solar power.

Tom: That's pretty early, Rosie.

Rosie: I need a lot more money than I anticipated, Tom.

Tom: Everything else but solar power. We can repair the pollution later.

Rosie: Er...

Tom: ... You already started up a plant, didn't you?

Rosie: I want clean air for my lovely fluffy babehs. They're so adorable.

Tom: I won't sabotage you if you give me thirty percent.

Rosie: Twenty five.

Tom: Thirty two.

Rosie: That's backwards!

Tom: Thirty five.

Rosie: ARGH! FINE!

Tom: :)

Rosie: You're such a jerk.

Tom: A jerk who you adore.

Rosie: Yes. :)


Rosie: Hey Tom.

Tom: What do you want?

Rosie: Why do you think I want something?

Tom: You only use that tone when you want something.

Rosie: Heh... okay, yeah I do.

Tom: What do you want?

Rosie: Remember my original sixth year?

Tom: Uh-huh?

Rosie: Remember that Christmas gift you got me? :)


Rosie: :)


Rosie: :)

Tom: No.

Rosie: Please?

Tom: No. We almost got caught.

Rosie: I know. :)

Tom: No.

Rosie: Please? It can be my birthday present.

Tom: :I

Rosie: :)

Tom: :I

Rosie: :)

Tom: Fine. We better not get caught.

Rosie: ... What if I want us to get caught?


Rosie: Yeah. :)

Tom: NO.

Rosie: Please?

Tom: We need a safe word.

Rosie: D:

Tom: I'm using the safe word now.

Rosie: D:

Tom: I'm leaving. Bye. >:I

Rosie: D:



Tom: >:I

Rosie: Hello my love. :)

Tom: >:I

Rosie: Still mad at me?

Tom: >:I Get your bloody arse in the cupboard by Charms.

Rosie: :D!

Tom: >:I

Rosie: Woo-hoo! Wait—isn't there supposed to be a class starting soon?

Tom: >:I Yes.

Rosie: :o

Rosie: :O!

Rosie: :D!!


Rosie: :)

Tom: Happy?

Rosie: Yep!

Tom: Good. Now I'm going to go shower.

Rosie: Okey dokey~

Tom: -leaves and then when Rosie has left, returns-

Tom: -undos all the silencing charms on the cupboard he had secretly placed before-



Tom: >:)

Tom: And she'll never know otherwise.


Rosie: Hey Tom?

Tom: Mn?

Rosie: Wanna do the Triwizard tournament with me?

Tom: What?

Rosie: Wanna pressure some of our political allies to start it up in our seventh year? Graduate out with a bang?

Tom: But we have N.E.W.T.s.

Rosie: You actually need to study for them?

Tom: No.

Rosie: Then what's the issue?

Tom: Only one of us would compete.

Rosie: Nah. We'll tell them to make it a tag team! Two champions for every school.

Tom: Durstramg isn't even rebuilt after the last war.

Rosie: Nope, but we could use the school in Germany I built!

Tom: >:I You just want an excuse to cuddle with your worgens at school.

Rosie: Yes. :)


Rosie: :)


Rosie: :)

Tom: You're very fortunate I enable you so often.

Rosie: Thank you for enabling me.

Tom: You're welcome.


Tom: Praise me.

Rosie: You're amazing.

Tom: More.

Rosie: You are an incredibly handsome genius.

Tom: More.

Rosie: -takes a deep breath-

Rosie: Tom, you are the single most brilliant wizard to have ever graced the magical community. Merlin pales in your mastery of magic. Your wit and cunning is beyond approach, Slytherin himself would be at a loss with how to handle you. Nothing, and no one could hold a candle to your beauty. Any who stare into your eyes long enough get lost in their magnificence. I am the luckiest witch in the world to be blessed by your presence at this very moment in time.

Tom: :)

Rosie: So what am I praising you for?

Tom: I have successfully devised a ritual for us to stop aging.

Rosie: God, I am so jealous of your mind.

Tom: :)

Rosie: Congratulations, my love.

Tom: :) Praise me more.

Rosie: -giggles- Okay, okay.


Someone asks about jealousy:

Tom: Jealousy implies insecurity, and I already know I'm the best option you'll ever find.

Rosie: This is true.

Tom: And you?

Rosie: Oh, totally. All the time. I wish I had my own fan club and like half of your genius.

Tom: Not of me, for me. Do you get jealous for me?

Rosie: Nah. You're not the type to go astray. -kisses cheek-

Tom: :) Thank you for your trust in me.

Rosie: Plus now that I know how to time travel, if you ever left me, I'd just go back in time and bang Merlin and Morgana. Preferably at the same time.


Rosie: :)


Rosie: :)

Tom: Why are you like this?

Alternative for memes

Tom: I don't get jealous.

-Someone whistles at Rosie-

Tom: -raises a wand- I get even.


Rosie: Professor Dumbledore!

Dumbledore: Good day, Miss Riddle.

Rosie: C'mooon. Call me Rosie! You know you're my favorite professor.

Dumbledore: :) Be that as it may, Miss Riddle, it would be best to remain professional at school.

Rosie: And outside of school?

Dumbledore: Who can say?

Rosie: Who indeed?


Abraxas Malfoy: Congratulations on your engagement, Miss Riddle.

Rosie: Thank you.

Abraxas Malfoy: Do you have a date set?

Rosie: Tragically, not yet. I've got to do all the planning this time around.

Abraxas Malfoy: This time?

Rosie: Er—I heard you were also engaged over winter break?

Abraxas Malfoy: Yes. Our families have been discussing it for some time.

Rosie: Congratulations! I hope it's a happy marriage.

Abraxas Malfoy: Thank you, Miss Riddle.

Rosie: Do you have a date set?

Abraxas: Yes, she wants a January wedding.

Rosie: Ooo. Sounds lovely. Are you going to help plan?

Abraxas Malfoy: I'd like to, but she has requested I simply stay out of her way.

Rosie: That's a shame. Do you wanna help me with mine?

Abraxas Malfoy: :D! I would be honored to help.

Rosie: Excellent! Why don't you meet up with Celestine and I at Hogsmeade next weekend?

Abraxas Malfoy: Lady Greengrass?

Rosie: Mm-hmm.

Abraxas Malfoy: Sounds perfect. She always has an impeccable sense of style.

Rosie: As do you. Which is why I'd love it if the two of you helped me.

Abraxas Malfoy: :)


Rosie: -is knitting-

Tom: Since when do you knit?

Rosie: I'm trying to adopt Dumbledore.


Rosie: It'll mean a lot more to him if I make it myself.


Rosie: So I'm knitting.

Tom: Terribly.

Rosie: >:I It's the thought that counts.

Tom: What are you even trying to make? A tube?

Rosie: It's supposed to be a sweater.





Tom: I'm sorry.



Rosie: Get out.

Tom: Yes, love.


Rosie: Here's your tube of cloth. :(

Dumbledore: :) It's lovely, thank you.

Rosie: I'm sorry.

Dumbledore: It's the thought that counts, Rosie.

Rosie: Yeah I—

Rosie: -gasps-

Dumbledore: -pats her head- Merry Christmas, dear.

Rosie: Merry Christmas, Uncle Dumbles :')

Dumbledore: -starts laughing-


Rosie: You know how worgens shed a lot?

Tom: Mm-hmm.

Rosie: Think I could make a sweater from it?


Rosie: I bet it'd be super soft.


Rosie: Mm... fluffy...

Tom: Please, no.

Rosie: But—

Tom: Please. No.

Rosie: But—

Tom: I love you, darling.

Rosie: :D!


Rosie: We'll be graduating soon.

Tom: Yes?

Rosie: I'm adopting Fenrir as soon as I find him.

Tom: Literal adopting—?

Rosie: Not literal. But I'm going to take care of him and his mom. She died when he was pretty young originally. Gonna induct them into my cult.

Tom: Have fun with that.

Rosie: Oh I will.


Anna Abbott: So Rosie, do you have plans for the summer after graduation?

Celestine Greengrass: Ooo, we should all go to Paris?

Ifa Shafiq: Why Paris?

Celestine Greengrass: A new boutique opened up and I've heard nothing but praises about the tailors. We should all get something custom made for the next Winter Ball.

Anna Abbott: Oh, I don't know about that...

Ifa Shafiq: Why not? I've some friends in Milan who plan to put on a masquerade at the end of July.

Celestine Greengrass: A masquerade! What's the theme?

Ifa Shafiq: A Midsummer's Dream.

Celestine Greengrass: That settles it, we're all going. We can stay at my villa.

Rosie: :) I'll only be able to go the last week in July.

Celestine Greengrass: But why?

Rosie: I'm going to Azkaban.

The Ravenclaw Girls: ...

Anna Abbott: I'd say I'm surprised, but... somehow, I'm not.

Ifa Shafiq: What for?

Rosie: I want to meet with an old friend.

Celestine Greengrass: A prisoner?

Rosie: No, a guard.

Anna Abbott: Oh my! Does Tom know you're meeting with an Auror?

Rosie: Tom knows who I'm meeting with.

Celestine Greengrass: And he's okay with that?

Rosie: :) More like resigned.

Anna Abbott: You are so daring, Rosie. I would be too scared to upset my fiancé...

Celestine Greengrass: You're too considerate, Anna.

Anna Abbott: I don't know about that—

Ifa Shafiq: I do. Your fiancé shouldn't make you feel afraid to meet with other men, Anna.

Anna Abbott: I don't feel afraid, I just—


Celestine Greengrass:

Ifa Shafiq:

Rosie: :) Anna, why don't you stay with me and Tom over the summer?

Anna Abbott: Oh, I couldn't impose—

Ifa Shafiq: I think that's a good idea.

Celestine Greengrass: A marvelous one. Tom's a perfect gentleman, so your fiancé should have no reason to complain.

Anna Abbott: I—I suppose. It would... it could be fun?

Rosie: Mm-hmm. Then we'll all meet up at Celestine's villa the last week in July and have a glorious summer.

The girls: :)











Tom: Why is he at our home?

Rosie: He wanted to come.


Tom: How long is he staying here?

Rosie: A while. I want to try a new experiment and need a dementor for it. Booboo volunteered.





Tom: Okay. Follow-up question. What is he doing here?

-Gestures to the hogtied & unconscious wizard that was in an arranged marriage to Anna Abbott-







Rosie: He's my sacrifice.

Tom: You're doing a ritual that requires a live sacrifice?

Rosie: Yep.

Tom: Can I watch?

Rosie: Yep. Gotta do it tonight since Anna's coming by in the morning.

Tom: Need help with cleaning up?

Rosie: Would you please?

Tom: I'll take care of it.

Rosie: I love you.

Tom: I know.


Rosie: Don't worry Booboo, I love you too.



Anna and Rosie are having tea in Rosie's garden.

Anna Abbott: :)

Rosie: You're in a good mood, Anna.

Anna Abbott: Yes. Oh, no—I mean—I shouldn't be, should I?

Rosie: You're with me, dear. It's okay.

Anna Abbott: :)

Rosie: How does it feel to be an unattached witch?

Anna Abbott: Amazing.

Rosie: I'm happy for you. :)

Anna Abbott: :)

Tom: -stops by to say hello- Good to see you, Anna.

Anna Abbott: Likewise, Lord Slytherin.

Tom: So sorry to hear your fiancé eloped with some... tramp.

Anna Abbott: :) Than—Oh, I mean—Yes, very sad.

Rosie: Sweetie, we need to work on your reactions.

Anna Abbott: -giggles- Yes, sorry...


Some years later


Tom: Rosie...

Rosie: Mmm?

Tom: Have you read the paper?

Rosie: Not today, why?

Tom: There was a double homicide in the Black family. Sirius's parents were killed and he and his brother have been given over to Dorea Black-Potter, and their House Elf will be given to you.

Rosie: Gosh. What. A. Tragedy. Lucky for us for a new House Elf though, huh?

Tom: Rosie.

Rosie: Yes, darling? :)


Rosie: :)


Rosie: :)

Tom: Never mind.

Rosie: Okay. :)


Tom: Congrats on officially turning the entire magical population of Germany into worgens.

Rosie: Thanks.

Tom: I was being sarcastic.

Rosie: Don't care. Still happy.

Tom: Because fluff?

Rosie: Because fluff.

Tom: Why did you rename the capital Gilneas?

Rosie: :) Reasons.


Rosie: :)

Tom: You know the rest of Europe is panicking over magical werewolves.

Rosie: Yeah.

Tom: And you're the leader of those magical werewolves.

Rosie: Correct.

Tom: :) Care to be a bully for me, darling?

Rosie: I'll play your villain so you can be the hero, sweetie.


Anyo: I believe congratulations are in order, Rosie

Rosie: Whatever for, Anyo?

Anyo: Your husband is the new Minister of Magic, isn't he?

Rosie: Right you are, my dear friend.

Anyo: He's united nearly all of Europe in their fear against our dear worgens.

Rosie: Right.

Anyo: How do you think they'll react when they find out he's married to the leader of said worgens?

Rosie: My friend, you should already know.

Anyo: Oh?

Rosie: History is written by the victors, and the ones who control the media control the sheep.

Anyo: :)

Rosie: We'll be making an official announcement next year, and I'll spread my gift to the magical community soon.

Anyo: What a delight that will be to see!

Rosie: I certainly hope so. If I'm lucky I'll even have some people try to kill me.

Anyo: -laughs- I'll help you get rid of the bodies.

Rosie: Aww. You're such a pal. Say, I'm going to an opera with Lady Greengrass, Lady Malfoy, and Lady Abbott, would you care to join?

Anyo: I would be delighted!


After graduating Hogwarts & finished uniting all European Magical Communities, Rosie returns to Hogwarts to apply for the DADA position, it's the year 1970:


Rosie: Uncle Dumbles!

Dumbledore: Hello, Lady Slytherin.

Rosie: Aww, noooooo. Not you, too.

Dumbledore: :) Hello, Rosie.

Rosie: Cheers! I came here to apply for the teaching position.

Dumbledore: Are you sure? It would be considered a lowly position for someone of your stature and rank.

Rosie: Teaching isn't a lowly position, Uncle Dumbles. On the contrary, it should be considered an honor.

Dumbledore: :)

Rosie: Am I okay to apply?

Dumbledore: I've already mentally hired you.

Rosie: Double cheers.

Dumbledore: I take it you won't be wanting to stay at Hogwarts during the year?

Rosie: No. My husband wants me home in the evenings whenever possible. I'd like to set up a floo network to my office, if that's okay.

Dumbledore: I'm sure that could be arranged. How is Tom?

Rosie: Delightfully busy. He's currently doing most of his work in Canada right now.

Dumbledore: Ah. Lovely place.

Rosie: Yes. He promised to bring home another unicorn from there for me. :)

Dumbledore: I've noticed your fondness for them. Is it true you have your own pasture at home for them?

Rosie: Yes. Tom arranged it as an engagement present.

Dumbledore: -chuckles- Very fond indeed.

Rosie: :) They remind me of people I love.








Rosie: Tom, I—

Tom: No.

Rosie: It wasn't meant for you.





Tom: That makes it so much worse.

Rosie: No, no, no! It was for Celestine.

Tom: Lady Greengrass?

Rosie: Yes! She asked for me to—er—you know. Procure one.

Tom: For Lord Greengrass?

Rosie: ... Yes.

Tom: That thing was for Lord Greengrass?

Rosie: Yes.





Tom: W H Y.

Rosie: Don't kink shame.

Tom: W H Y.

Rosie: Your face is super adorable right now.

Tom: W H Y.

Rosie: :) So is this confirmation you don't want one for yours—

Tom: If I see anything like that in our house again I'm leaving you.

Rosie: Ahahahaha. Okay. So bondage and doing it under a disillusioned charm in Muggle public is okay, but wearing a—


Rosie: -starts to wheeze-

Tom: Depraved.

Rosie: -has lost the ability to keep standing and falls to the floor while laughing-


Rosie: Honey I'm home!

Rosie: -walks into Tom's office-

Rosie: -sees a person strapped down on the autopsy table who gives her a pleading look-

Rosie: -looks to Tom who has a scalpel-





Rosie: We have dinner plans ya know.

Tom: I am aware.

Rosie: People will be coming over.

Tom: Correct.

Rosie: You will have this cleaned up before then.


Rosie: >:I Tom.


Rosie: >:I!!!

Tom: Yes, dear.

Rosie: Thank you, love.

Tom: Welcome.


Rosie teaching at Hogwarts


Rosie: Mr. Snape, would you please linger?

Severus: -stays behind as Lily waits for him outside-

Severus: Yes, Professor?

Rosie: I noticed you were having a hard time writing notes. Is your hand okay?

Severus: -pales- Yes, Professor. I—

Rosie: -smiles kindly- You're not in trouble, Mr. Snape. I only wanted to make sure you were okay. If your hand is bothering you, we can treat it here, no questions asked.



Severus: -tentatively- No questions asked?

Rosie: None.

Severus: -nervously shows bruised wrist-

Rosie: May I treat it?

Severus: -nods-

Rosie: Thank you, dear. If you're ever hurt again you can always come to me.

Severus: ... Thank you, Professor.


Rosie: Hmm.

Tom: ?

Rosie: Hmm.

Tom: ??

Rosie: You remember the vacation we took before I started teaching?

Tom: Yes.

Rosie: And how some nights we got a little ya know?

Tom: Yes.

Rosie: I think, I think, one of those nights we forgot the contraception charm.




Rosie: I think.

Tom: Think or know?

Rosie: Okay, um, so I actually already checked it with my wand and so I think I know, but I want you to double check.

Tom: -pulls out wand and casts the diagnostic spell-

Rosie: So?

Tom: Yes.

Rosie: Yes? Yes as in—?

Tom: Yes.

Rosie: :D

Tom: :)

Rosie: :D!


Rosie: :D!!

Tom: You cannot name Booboo the godfather.

Rosie: -scandalized gasp- Booboo would be the perfect godfather.

Tom: Absolutely not.

Rosie: >:I I'm pulling one of my freebies.

Tom: I'm pulling one of my vetoes.

Rosie: Damn it.


Rosie: >:I


Rosie: >:I


Rosie: >:I

Tom: I love you, darling. :)

Rosie: :)


Rosie: Mr. Snape, Miss Evans, Mr. Lupin, Mr. Black, and Mr. Potter—would you all stay behind today?

James: :I Shit.

Sirius: Bollocks. Are we in trouble?

Remus: :(

Rosie: No, no. I wanted to ask a favor for you all.

Lily: :D! A favor?

Rosie: Yes. You're all such talented students, I wondered if you'd be willing to help me out. I'd like to start up a dueling club, you see.

James: YES.

Rosie: -laughs- Let me finish, Mr. Potter. I'd like to start a dueling club, but I wanted to personally train students prior. It's a big responsibility as students could get hurt. I'd like to train you all after class and in turn you'd help me watch over the other students in the club.

Severus: :S But we're only first years? Can we—?

Rosie: Of course you can. I know talent when I see it. You five have it in spades.

All of them: :)

Rosie: Would you all please work together with me on this?

Lily: Of course! You can count on us, Professor! Oh—er—I mean—if that's okay with you boys?

James: Yeah, I'd love to.

Sirius: This is going to be a blast.

Remus: Thank you, Professor.

Rosie: Good. I expect great teamwork from you five.

Sirius: Even though we've got a Slytherin here?

Rosie: My husband's a Slytherin, you know. You shouldn't let a silly thing like a House stop you from making friends.

Sirius: :/

Rosie: Only a prejudiced bigot would do that. :)

Sirius: ...

Rosie: Right?

Sirius: Y-Yeah. Ahaha. Snape, right?

Severus: Yes?

Sirius: -puts an arm around his shoulders- C'mon. We need to become friends. Now.

Severus: Uh.

Sirius: You don't have a choice in this.

James: -nodding- It's too late now. You're eating with us now.

Remus: -pats Severus's back- Good luck.

Lily & Rosie: :)


Rosie: And so class here we can—Oh.

-Rosie's water has broken while teaching class-

All the students: -stares at the mess-

All the students: -start to panic-

Lily: Miss Slytherin, are you okay?!

Rosie: I'm fine—Oh, gosh... Kreacher?

-Kreacher appears next to her-

Kreacher: How can Kreacher help?

Rosie: Would you please tell my husband my water broke, and then kindly tell Professor Dumbledore? Students, I'm ending class early today. Be sweet to your substitute. Mr. Snape—you're in charge of the after school group.

Snape: Yes ma'am.

Rosie: Mr. Black, Mr. Potter—I'm counting on you two especially to help Mr. Snape.

Sirius & James: We will. :)

Rosie: Good boys. See you all later.


Rosie calmly headed through the floo in her back office, taking a trip to St. Mungo. She had been dealing with contraction pain throughout the day, but she hoped it was only braxton hicks because it was still seven months into the pregnancy.

Oh well, she thought. Baby wants to come now, baby's coming now.

She couldn't very well tell her son no, now could she?

One of the perks to being semi-famous was that she was immediately recognized by the receptionist who hurried over to her.

"Lady Slytherin are you—"

"Water broke," she said. "Need a wheelchair, if possible."

"Right away," said the witch, retrieving a wheelchair for Rosie to take a seat in. Another healer came by and rolled Rosie away to a private room.

Another perk of being semi-famous.

Tom was the more famous between the two. Even if Rosie was known to the world as the creator of the worgen gift, had developed a cure to safely free House Elves, and was the driving force behind numerous creature protection laws, those types of things didn't get much media coverage. Oh sure, her name would pop up in textbooks, but not many people cared about that. Some of her more impressive accomplishments didn't even get media coverage—like creating the first revenant and death knight, or devising a permanent ritual that would allow vampires to travel under the sunlight. Or her numerous potions to ease vampires and lich's day-to-day lives.

Nope. In England, Tom as the Minister of Magic and known wizard to have united all of European Magical Communities, was the more famous of the two. He was currently helping create yet another magical school to deal with the influx of new Muggleborn students.

A mystery to most people of the public.

But Tom and Rosie knew exactly why so many more Muggleborns were being born.

As it turned out, if a pregnant woman ingested a magical stone—which Rosie named the Sorcerer's Stone—their child was born as a witch / wizard.

Rosie and Tom planned to slowly increase the magical population until they were equal or more than the Muggle population.

Then they would unveil the magical world and unite with the Muggle one.

A blending of science and magic—oh the possibilities were endless.

What couldn't they do after that?

By the time Rosie got situated in her hospital bed, Tom had arrived with his right-hand man, a worgen named Fredrickson.

"Good evening madam," greeted Fredrickson as Tom bent over to kiss her forehead.

"Hey Freddie," Rosie said with a pained smile. "Oof. Those contraptions."

"Do you want a pain potion?" asked Tom.

Rosie shook her head. "Not yet. He's coming early—I don't want to do anything that could risk complications."

"As you wish," said Tom, taking a seat on the bed and holding her hand.

Fredrickson nodded toward Rosie. "I'll let Fenrir and Anyo know."

As Tom had a right-hand man, Rosie had Fenrir and Anyo.

Rosie had found Fenrir and his mother shortly after graduating Hogwarts. She persuaded his mother, Daisy, into accepting Rose's help to better herself and her son. Daisy was already a werewolf and so Fenrir was born with the curse. Once the two had received the worgen gift, Daisy was overjoyed and eternally grateful to Rose.

Rose insisted she got her N.E.W.T.S. and hired all sorts of tutors and nannies to help.

Once Daisy had her education, she entered the English Ministry to help Rosie in her quest to push forward protection and equality laws.

Fenrir was raised with Rosie as his loving aunt. He got to attend Hogwarts, even Sorted into Gryffindor and was the Quidditch Keeper.

Rosie wanted Fenrir to pursue anything he wanted in life, but Fenrir ultimately chose to stay beside Rosie and help her however he could.

So she partnered him up with Anyo and when the three got together all sorts of schemes were created and acted upon.

They were more than good friends. They were family.

They would always be family.

Aside from Tom, she couldn't imagine anyone else being there for her for the birth of her son.

(Well... except her other family)

As Fredrickson left the room, another contraption hit and Rosie grimaced in pain. She rubbed a hand over her abdomen, humming to self-soothe.

Tom kissed her cheek, then used a handkerchief to wipe away the sweat gathering upon her brow. "I'm here Rosie."

"In this life and the next?" she asked him.

"I'm every life," he promised her.

She smiled at him. "Good. I couldn't do this without you."

"You could," he disagreed. "You're stronger than you think."

She leaned forward to kiss him. "Everstill... Oof."

He squeezed her hand.


Thirteen hours later, a scream pierced the air of the hospital room.

Salazar Espoir Slytherin was born a very pink, very tiny, but very healthy baby boy to Rosaline and Tom Slytherin.

In their little hospital room he was greeted by Fenrir and Daisy Greyback, Anyo, Albus Dumbledore, Fredrickson Russet, Abraxas and Sol Malfoy, Beldon and Victoria Lestrange, Woodrow and Luna Nott, Celestine and Samson Greengrass, Ifa Shafiq, Anna and Nobby Abbott, and many many more to come.

"Welcome to this adventure, little one," Rosie whispered to her son. "No matter what happens, my dear, dear, son, know that you will always be loved."

Tom bent down and kissed his son's forehead. "Always."


Continuer la Lecture

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