Living Beyond Cloud Nine

By Rainbowriter101

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This was my first ever advice book. The audience is anywhere from 12-112 so please enjoy these tips and trick... More

Keeping Your Head High
Powering Through Challenges
Busy, Busy, Busy, (extra)

Making Other Peoples' Day

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By Rainbowriter101

I find the most important part of life is making other people happy. There’s a lot to talk about with this sort of thing but it all starts with making someone’s day… It’s not a hard task and can be done by anyone. You won’t expect anything in return but when you need it, they’ll come around. It doesn’t matter who you do it to or why you do it all that matters is that you care, giving a little random amount of kindness everywhere. (Remember it because it rhymes!). They’ll remember it for the rest of the day and its contagious (Read 1st Chapter). When you feel good about yourself let it show by passing it on to other people! Even if there’s someone you DON’T like! Make a truce. Just by helping one person you can make a BIG difference. People being nice to you back, evens it out. It comes in handy if you ever need a hand. It could be as little as un-packing groceries to shoveling someone’s driveway. It doesn’t matter what or who you do it to it only matters how you feel in the end!

The true meaning of life is a difficult task and is a gift once understanding and appreciating the good in the world. To save our future generations we need help, and we need to take action now, make a goal to be nice to five people a day and it will spread causing brain waves more powerful than ever. It’s as simple as buying coffee for the person behind you. Ever had a good deed done to you, it gives you a feeling that you can do anything, all of a sudden it doesn’t even matter if you have to solve this big issue in under an hour. All you care about is that moment. Of course after that you go back to your everyday job or whatever you were doing. If only we could take that energy and put it in our everyday lives. There are busy people in the world, but you can never be too busy to hold a door for someone. Don’t keep your happiness to yourself. You may think once you’re happy that’s all that matters but it won’t work out when you’re the only one laughing at a funeral. True happiness comes from everyone and it’s not hard. I may say this a million times but you can never be too thankful, or friendly.

The next time you see someone make it a contest to make their day.

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