Pretend (Ryeji)

By mochiiiii_01

150K 7K 10.5K

Shin Ryujin, and her rival, Hwang Yeji, are both celebrities. Already a few years into the industry, each is... More

Main Characters + Summary
Chapter 1: How We Met
Chapter 2: The Play
Chapter 3: How We Fell
Chapter 4: Audition
Chapter 5: Bet
Chapter 6: It Begins
Chapter 7: It Begins (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Baby Steps
Chapter 9: Progress?
Chapter 10: Curious
Chapter 11: Square One?
Chapter 12: Uncertainty
Chapter 13: Sh!t
Chapter 14: Hate Me
Chapter 15: The Party
Chapter 16: Rehearsal
Chapter 17: Vlive
Chapter 18: Pretend
Chapter 19: Bad Day
Chapter 20: Kiss Scene
Chapter 21: Persistence
Chapter 22: Happy Birthday
Chapter 23: Jealousy
Chapter 24: Troubled Past
Chapter 26: Kiss Scene (Part 2)
Chapter 27: Assurance
Chapter 28: Bad News
Chapter 29: Not As Planned
Chapter 30: Please Go
Chapter 31: Happy Birthday (Pt.2)
Chapter 32: Love (?)
Chapter 33: But I Love You Too
Chapter 34: Slow
Chapter 35: Good News?
Chapter 36: Not As Planned (Pt.2)
Chapter 37: Results
Chapter 38: Showcase
Chapter 39: Movie Premiere
Chapter 40: 'Tis the Season

Chapter 25: oh no

3.1K 156 167
By mochiiiii_01

By now, Yeji has managed to silently shoo everyone away from the living room and outside of her home. Ryujin was crying, and there's no way she would allow any of them to sit by and listen to anything that will or might be said. It didn't take long for Monday to recognize the hint. Her little sister hastily dragged San away after bidding her goodbye with a troubled stare and mouthing the words "call me." Unsurprisingly, Wooyoung left without a problem, although he'd be lying if he wasn't concerned. He's spoken to Ryujin on occasion due to them both being idols.

This was very, very new for Yeji. Unless it was an act, a scene to call for it while on set during production, she has never seen her co-star cry real tears. Not like this. Nor has she felt her hands tremble as much as they are now.

The sudden spike of fear and a remorseful glint in the latter's eyes rendered her words useless, caused her heart to skip a beat, and not in a good way. Ryujin appeared outright terrified. This isn't how she expected Ryujin's special day to turn out.

"Hey, sit down. Relax~ "

Yeji encourages the blonde to unwind on the sofa as she sits down beside her, offers the other a glass of water. Unintentionally, the mere sight of the cup is enough to frighten Ryujin to the max, make her want to slap the item just because it's all she remembers being in Jinsoul's hand before the crash happened. Fortunately, she chooses not to, just flinches and averts her eyes as quick as she can, tears swelling at the brim of her eyelids.

The redhead grows nervous, glances back and forth between the glass in her hand and the woman sitting on her couch refusing to look in her direction. The younger girl hasn't uttered a single word, not since before Monday hurled a sheet over their heads after their second kiss in front of everyone.

"Ryujin, you're scaring me... " Yeji mumbles, hates that she's unsure what to do.

There's not many options here spread out and visible to the eye. She's never had the opportunity to alleviate Ryujin's troubles, never been there to witness her in a state of vulnerability because, well, the particular circumstance has never happened. She can't stand the sight of her crying, it moves her to tears in an instant. She just needs Ryujin to talk. How else is she supposed to help if—

'Oh.' It suddenly occurs to Yeji that she's been asking questions when she could be comforting the other woman. Immediately, she sets the cup down on the floor beside her feet and protectively wraps her arms around her co-star.

"Say something. Anything."

If Ryujin won't talk, if she's too tangled up in or imprisoned by her memories to properly hear what she's saying, Yeji mentally promises to be there until she's ready. For now, she doesn't expect an explanation. The oldest just needs confirmation that she's present, that she's responsive, not trapped in a state of shock. Ryujin's so frozen in place after turning away that she looks paralyzed.

"Baby, please~ " Yeji whispers, and she's pleading at this point. She can't imagine what could be running through the younger's mind to make her appear this traumatized.

Finally, a hand gradually moves up her back, an arm now lazily draped against it as if the limb belonged to someone lifeless. It's a reaction of some sort, better than nothing, even if it's not words yet.

The young Shin's eyes go wide. Ironically, she's usually alone or with Rosie when she recalls the incident. Nobody truly knows about it aside from the ones involved, her parents, and her sister. She feels too ashamed to tell. In fact, though she didn't mean to, she distanced herself from the rest more and more since that night. Her conversations with Heejin have dwindled to once every couple of months after high school, and she checks up on Jinsoul who's fully recovered by now. Every once in a while she rings up Sooyoung, or it's vice versa, and Sooyoung calls her. They catch up on each other's lives, congratulate one another's accomplishments. It's painful for Ryujin, knowing that Sooyoung took every ounce of blame there was to accept. She didn't think her friend deserved it.

It's not like Sooyoung spent much time in jail, though. Thanks to the lawyer provided by Mr. Shin's law firm office at his daughter's request, the gas station's tapes, after careful analysis, were enough to prove that the one at fault was, in fact, the woman in the other vehicle. The lady ran the red light, whereas Sooyoung, or more accurately put, Ryujin had the right of way with the green light. In the end, Sooyoung had the charges removed and was only prosecuted for underage drinking, alongside Jinsoul after her injuries were tended to.

That piece of information never stuck with Ryujin. Regardless of who the mother was, Ryujin wishes she could give the woman her life back—but she can't. All she can think about regarding the horrifying accident is how she wasn't supposed to be driving on a wet road, especially without a permit or license, and how her decision to bring the booze her friends got drunk off of led to her willingly chauffeuring them back to Jinsoul's place after a visit to the convenience store. She can't bear the thought that, had she not brought any bottle, or had she not accepted the keys with knowledge of the weather and how illegal it would be, then maybe she could've avoided the entire situation. Maybe Sooyoung wouldn't have served some time in jail. Maybe Jinsoul wouldn't have almost bled out right before her eyes. Maybe she would be bold enough to sit down with her friends in person and not be ashamed to look them in the eye without bursting into tears.

"Yeddeong... "

"Yes?!" Yeji doesn't mean to shout, but the nickname caught her off guard, not to mention that Ryujin actually spoke in what felt like an eternity. She tightens her hold, strokes the soft blonde locks with care. "I'm right here, babe. I'm here for you."

'Babe?' Ryujin's hurting heart hastily searches for something positive her brain can focus on, unconsciously chooses word choice as a means of saving her mind from recalling the traumatic experience. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

"Worry is an understatement. You scared the hell out of me." Yeji pulls back from the hug, caresses the latter's hand, eyes tracing every inch of her with pure and genuine concern while her fingers wipe any tear from existence. "What happened?? I've never seen you like this before."

"I... I don't think I want t- to talk about it."

"Oh. Okay. Uhm... "

Yeji sits by as Ryujin stays quiet, a feeling of discomfort crawling up and down her spine because she has a gut feeling that the recollection is heartbreaking. She wishes to help, although that's hard to do with a lack of insight.

Still, regardless of her wants, she won't forcefully pry, refuses to be a hypocrite after all the times she asked Ryujin not to pry for information as well. She doesn't want to incite worse feelings. So, she nods softly. "If you want to wait, I understand. But can we promise to talk about it someday soon? I won't push you to talk if it hurts too much or if you simply don't want me to. You can tell me no whenever you want and I'll listen— "

"We'll talk tomorrow." Ryujin cuts her off, doesn't like the sound of Yeji rambling on and on so worriedly. She hesitantly brings a hand to the oldest's cheek, wants to reassure the other, but she's failing miserably. In her eyes rests a different story, one containing sensitive details. 

"It doesn't have to be that soon if it makes you uncomfortable. I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you."

"It's fine. We- I mean you- no, uh, heh— damn... " Ryujin bites her tongue anxiously. There's no wonder why she said yes so quickly. If the plot of their movie has taught her anything, it's to not wait. Hence, if Yeji is asking for answers because she cares, she won't leave the woman she's falling for in the dark about something that happened years ago...

Or so she thought.

It was an impulsive promise, and she doesn't have the heart to verbally take it back. She can't help but burst into tears and fall back into Yeji's arms without being able to admit the reason. For tonight, Yeji is the one to bring the young Shin to bed, the one to cuddle and soothe her with innocent physical contact as a means of comfort.




Being honest, open, vulnerable... it's easier said than done. It doesn't take long for the blonde to realize that.

Ryujin didn't talk much the next day. Throughout the night, all she could think about was what Yeji might think of her. Even if she's not necessarily the one to blame, even if the woman in the other vehicle is technically the one who was driving recklessly, perhaps it wouldn't have happened had she and her friends not been on the road at that point in time. Thus, Ryujin can't help but wonder what would happen to their, uh, relationship(?) if Yeji starts to look at her differently due to this piece of knowledge. She couldn't bear the thought, and for the past few days, she's been avoiding the discussion at all costs, vague whenever Yeji asks if she's feeling better.

The young Hwang has done the same she had been since that night on Ryujin's birthday. She's been there by her side as much as possible, but eventually, they had to part ways. Ryujin insisted she actually go home today in order to grab something, then meet the redhead on set for the other woman's shoot with Yeonjun. It had not yet crossed any of their minds that the two best friends' kiss scene is to be filmed.

Yeji has to admit that she was apprehensive when she dropped Ryujin off at home. Her unofficial girlfriend has sported the most depressing look she'd ever seen, and the longer it persists, the more she yearns to learn what the explanation is behind it. She thinks back to that night, tries her hardest to find a trigger for whatever is trapped in the girl's head, but it's no use. She can't figure it out.

On the other hand, Ryujin feels bad for stressing Yeji out. It's just difficult, and she's just scared, unknowingly similar to the amount of fear Yeji had regarding Mr. Park. The main difference is, they're on edge for distinct reasons that are unfortunately synced in a way neither woman is aware of.


As much as she would like to go to Yeji about this, she can't. She can't run to the one individual she's afraid will reject her if she knew, and she would call her father if she didn't want to remind the man of the one time she disappointed him. So, the young Shin dials her sister's number in desperate need of comfort and advice, and she's never been more thankful for the latter to pick up so quickly.

"It's kind of early to be calling, don't you think?"

"Sorry... "

On the opposite end of the line, Rosé can't help but sit up in bed, causing her fiancé next to her to fret in an instant. Lisa sits up too, wipes her drowsy eyes, and lightly slaps her face a bit to wake herself up faster because her lover looks concerned.

"Is something wrong? You're hardly ever this quiet."

"Uhm... "


"I need your help."

"What happened?"

By now, Rosé is fully awake. Her feet are dangling off the bed, free hand hovering over the car keys on the dresser, and eyes staring directly at her slippers by the door across the room.

"I... I c- can't stop thinking about it." The younger starts to weep, eyes full of water, face streaming with tears. She can taste the saltiness of a few droplets on her tongue as she tries her best to utter something further, but it comes off as incoherent nonsense, hardly audible past the sounds of her sobs, definitely not understandable through every croak she makes, throat already horse from the intensity of her cries.

It doesn't take long for Rosie to understand. In a matter of seconds, she's already up and off the bed. In a rush, she gathers her things, kisses her partner on the cheek goodbye, and sprints to her car.

By the time her key is in the keyhole, she's questioning her sister regarding her current whereabouts, speeding over as fast as she can because what is a speed limit when someone she loves so dear sounds absolutely broken?

***     ***     ***

"No Ryujin today?"

"She's uh, kind of going through something right now."

"I guess that explains the anxious look on your face." Yeonjun pouts, pokes the latter's forehead, intending to obtain a reaction but receives none. His brows furrow, intrigued more than ever. He has yet to hear about both actress's kiss scene. No detail has been spilt and it's been days. He can't help but feel like something went wrong. "Did one of you mess up?"

"Mess up?" Her brows mimic his, now knitted in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean during your kiss scene, of course— Holy shit!" His smile grows wide, teeth flashing charmingly as he immediately spots the intensity of the red tint reigning upon the latter's cheeks. "Spill!! Tell me everything—wait! Why do I already feel like I'm the last to know???"

"You're not the last." Yeji blocks her face with her hands, tired of her best friend poking her cheek a bazillion times to emphasize the redness on her face. "But you're also not the first."

"Well, damn. Fill me in. How much has happened in the past week?"

"More than I'd like to tell."

"Awe~ but I'm missing the best part of the story. You have to tell me."

"You say that as if my life is just some work of fiction."

"Perhaps it is." He chuckles, leans back in his seat while they both continue to wait for the makeup artist to return.

Yeji withdraws her hands from her face, sighs deeply. She merely wants to know if Ryujin is okay, and she silently prays that her co-star still plans to drop by even though she's not needed on set today.

"So do you think we really have to kiss?"


"Wait, what?" Her head snaps up in an instant, eyes trained on him instead of the message she's just received from none other than her stepfather. She temporarily sets her phone to the side. "What kiss?"

"Did you forget?"

"Forget what??"

"Our kiss scene, you doofus." Yeonjun frowns unamused, certain he dislikes it just as much as she does. "Trust me, I find it just as weird." He mumbles while noticeably cringing, nose scrunching in disgust. It just had to be his childhood best friend of all people. "Eww~ "


The redhead's mind is a jumble of a mess, filled to the brim with predicaments left and right. Therefore, the consistent and obnoxious pinging coming from her device is quite annoying, almost to the point she wants to chuck it across the room out of frustration.

However... she doesn't. Rather than be careless, she recalls that a particular special someone named Shin Ryujin is presently not with her and she eagerly reaches for the device, so sure that the individual on the other end is her co-star.

But it's not. It's actually the last person she wants to hear from. Her heart drops in an instant, and she clutches her thigh harshly, bites her tongue out of fear the instant she reads the messages.

'Oh no.'

Her hand fidgets, and her phone slips through her shaky fingers as it hits the floor. Her father's confidence before when delivering his threat is now sinking in. It was directed towards Ryujin, she understands that now, because why would he purposely ruin everything he's pushed Yeji to achieve?

He would never. Mr. Park clearly intended to warn her that he'd mess with Ryujin's life had she disobeyed him, and now? Now Yeji can't help but feel at fault because she let her feelings win and take control with absolutely no prediction of what he has done.

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