Stella & The Playboy

By AuggiePooh_

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"How about we stop with the games Stella? You want me just as much as I want you." His voice was low as he c... More

Stella & The Gnocchi
Stella & The Pretty Boy
Stella & The Socialite
Stella & The Proposal
Stella & The Coffee Shop
Stella & The Peace Offering
Stella & The Spotlight
Stella & The Truth
Playboy & The Double
Stella & The Shoplifter
Stella & The Family
Stella & The Nacho Thief
Stella & The Bonfire
Stella & The Yacht
Stella & The Brawl
Stella & The Scandal
Stella & The Meltdown
Stella & The New Plan
Stella & The Birthday Boy
Stella & The Monthly Visitor
Stella & The Commercial
Stella & The Surprise
Stella & The Tease
Stella & The Slumber Party
Playboy & The Garden
Stella & The Gelato
Stella & The Prick
Stella & The Termination
Stella & The Blue Plate
Stella & The Secret
Stella & The Call Off
Stella & The Stalker
Stella & The Liar
Playboy & The Truth
Stella & The Letter
Stella & The Interview
Stella & The Co-worker
Stella & The Nice Guy
Stella & The Acquaintance
Bonus Chapter

Playboy & The Meeting

322 20 16
By AuggiePooh_

Chapter 39


"I have your coffee Mr. Ashford." My assistant says as she rushes into my office.

"Is knocking not a thing anymore?" I ask in irritation as I review the paperwork in front of me.

Her eyes widen in realization, "I'm so sorry sir. I was trying to get your coffee on time. Next time I'll be sure to knock. I won't forget-"

I raise my hand to stop her rambling. Her mouth closes immediately as I let out a frustrated sigh. "It's okay Amelia. You're excused."

She nods quickly and scurries out of the room, causing her heels to click against the ground noisily. I run my hand over my face as I look over my work.

For the past six months, it had been nonstop work. I thought it would help me get over Stella but it only reminded me of her. It didn't help to have to constantly meet with her father every month either.

I tried to ask about her, but he never told me anything. I'm sure he didn't have anything to tell, he hardly paid attention to her. From the grapevine I had heard she moved to Boston, working for some new company. But I didn't bother to reach out and find her. She wanted nothing to do with me and I had to respect it.

But I missed her, I really did. She was so good to me, good for me. Penny reminded me every time we saw each other that I had fumbled the ball big time. I could only hope she was doing good. I hope she's happy, but it hurts knowing it'll be without me.

"Mr. Ashford your 2:30 is here." My assistant says from the intercom.

I take a deep breath before moving some papers to the side, "Let him in."

"A great opportunity has risen Mr. Ashford." Gary says in a cheery voice.

Gary was always happy. I hated Gary.

"And that is?" I ask.

He presses the button on the remote in his hand, displaying a projection onto the screen in front of us. "Taylor Industries. A company of vast industrial machines. From agricultural equipment to assemble line machines. Founded in 1982-"

"Get on with it Gary." I interrupt impatiently.

He nods before pressing the button in his hand and skipping about ten slides. "We sent in an offer about a few weeks ago and they just sent their approval."

I raise my brow, "Who is we? I don't recall giving authorization on this."

"Yes but sir it's such a great opportunity. Here in my presentation, you can see how much our companies value increases after the partnership." He says nervously as he points to the PowerPoint.

I frown, "I'm going to ask you again. Who approved this without my permission?"

"It was Mr. Ratliff sir!" Gary exclaims in a frightened manner.

I gently massage my temple to hold my anger. "Out." I respond calmly.

Gary scurries out of the room as I press the intercom button. "Call in Ratliff for me." I tell my assistant.

"Will do sir."

I tap the bottom of my shoe impatiently against the ground as I wait for the idiot to arrive. Ratliff, exactly what he is, a rat. I hated the guy, and I hated that I had to work with him. Per my father's wishes, he continued to be employed. As well as promoted.

A few moments later he strolls in, a smug look on his face. "You called for me?"

"You approved this offer without my knowledge?"

"Oh, you finally heard? You're welcome. I had to send an offer, you were too busy drowning yourself in booze at the time to notice." He shrugs casually.

I furrow my brow, "You and I both know I dropped that habit months ago. This was recent, why didn't you come to me?"

"Because I didn't need to, it went through me and that's all it needed to go through."

I glare at him as I rise from my seat, "You act as if I can't fire you. You are the COO, I am the CEO. Do you know the difference?"

He smirks, "Fire me then."

The smug look on his face made my blood boil. Just seeing his face every day, pushed me to the edge. I didn't care anymore about my father's wishes. This was Ashford Industries, and I was the Ashford in charge. I was sick of this idiot constantly trying to overrule me. So I said the simple words.

"You're fired." I state simply.

His face drops immediately, "You can't do that!"

I nod, "Yes I can. And I just did."

I press the button in front of me, "Call in security to escort Mr. Ratliff out of my office."

"Julius you will regret this." He says angrily.

I shrug as I take a seat at my desk, "Have a nice afternoon."

The door opens as two security guards come in to escort him out of the room. I small smile erupts on my face as I watch them drag him out of the room. But the smile fades away as soon as I realize I need to now find a replacement.


The deal had already been made and it was too good of an investment to miss out on. So now I wait to meet with the CEO of Taylor Industries to discuss our future business plans.

"Is everything set for today's conference?" I ask Amelia as I pull out files.

She nods, "Yes sir, they arrived at their hotels last night and will be here momentarily."

"Good, remind me who will be in attendance again?"

"The CEO, COO, and CFO. As well as a legal consultant."

"Anything important to know?" I ask.

"Well it's important to note that the CFO is the CEOs son, and the COO is your-"

A loud knocking at the door interrupts us. I sigh, "Enter."

"Taylor Industries has arrived." My secretary says as she peeps her head into the doorway. I nod as I stand up, straightening my tie and head toward the door.

"Sir you should know-"

"We can't keep people waiting Amelia. Go bring the financial documents and meet me in the conference room." I say as I enter the elevator.

She sighs as the elevator closes, "Yes sir."

I reach the 3rd floor and make my way to the conference room. "Good luck sir!" Gary calls out cheerfully. I nod at him before continuing down the hallway.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I say as I enter the conference room. My heart stops as a pair of pretty brown eyes catch mine. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I forgot my words.

It was her.

I couldn't even hear what the others were saying beside me as I continued to stare at her. Her beautiful hair flowed down her back elegantly as she wore a black blazer and pencil skirt. She looked away shyly avoiding my eyes, reminding me that I had lost her.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Ashford." The large white man said as he reaches his hand out to shake mine. I shook his hand as the man on the other side looked at me with slight disapproval. "This is Michael Lewis, our chief financial officer. And Stella Harris our chief operating officer." Mr. Lewis introduces.

"Pleasure to meet you all." I greet but my gaze focuses on Stella.

"I'm Bryan Osborne, chief financial officer." The man beside me introduced.

I nod, "Oh yes how rude of me. Our chief operating officer position is currently looking to be filled so my assistant Amelia will be filling in to take notes."

"Completely understandable. You need to find one like our Stella, she is amazing at her job." Mr. Lewis boasts.

"I'm sure she is." I say softly while still gazing at her.


The whole time, I couldn't help but stare at Stella. I could hardly pay attention when the love of my life was standing a few feet away from me. I would try to focus, but my gaze always came back to her.

Don't even get me started on when she would speak. I would constantly nod and agree to everything she said like a lovesick puppy.

It was quite obvious the other guy didn't like me, Michael. He practically glared at me the whole time. It made me wonder if he and Stella had something going on. She hardly gave him such as even a look during the whole discussion, but she did the same with me. She stayed focused and sharp, as she's always been. One of the many things I love about her.

"So it looks like we've come to an agreement." Mr. Lewis says happily.

I snap out of my trance to look at him, and then down at the signed document. "It looks like we have." I reach out to shake his hand, "I can't wait to do business with you."

"Likewise!" Mr. Lewis says. He continues to talk after that as the meeting adjourned. Everyone began to leave the room, and in the corner of my eye, I watched as Stella left too.

He continues talking as I was eagerly waiting for him to stop. But by then it was too late, she was gone again.

"Good seeing you Mr. Lewis." I wave as he finally leaves the building. I let out a sigh of relief as I head up to my office.

As soon as I reach my floor Amelia stands waiting for me at the elevator entrance and begins rambling, "I'm sorry Mr. Ashford. I tried to tell you about Stella but-"

"It's okay Amelia." I interrupt, "Find out what hotel they're staying at and report back to me."

She quirks her brow before nodding, "Um, yes sir."


The workday finally ended, and with Amelia's help I figured out that Stella was staying in New York till tomorrow evening. I also found out that she's staying at the Lafayette, and I got her room number.

I just wanted to talk, try to make amends. Maybe we could be friends? I knew she'd never take me back but I was willing to try anyway. Seeing her again made me realize how much I really missed her.

I drove home to my loft to shower and change. I wear a simple thermal shirt and a coat to help protect me from the brutal February cold. I sprayed on some light cologne before grabbing my keys and heading out.

It had started to rain as the sun had already begun to set. I arrived at the hotel before making my way up to the 4th floor. I was excited to see her and scared she'd just scream at my face again. But regardless I was ready.

Room 212.

I knock gently before awaiting a response. I heard voices before the door opened. To my surprise, a man opened the door, Michael.

I quirk my brow as he frowns at me. "I'm sorry, this might be the wrong room."

"Who's at the door?" Stella's voice calls from the background making me furrow my brow. Could he be her new boyfriend? The thought angered me.

"No one!" Michael calls back before turning back to me. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to see Stella." I respond curtly.

"She doesn't want to see you."

I frown, "Why don't you let her tell me herself?"

She appears in the background of the doorway wearing pajama pants and a tank top. Our eyes meet once again. "Julius?" She asks in surprise as she approaches the doorway. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk if you would let me."

"She doesn't want to talk." Michael repeats.

She places her hand on Michaels's shoulder, "It's okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

He frowns, "Fine." He glares at me before walking past me out of the hotel room.

She hesitates before widening the door, "Come in."

"I'm really sorry about today if I made you uncomfortable. I was just so surprised to see you."

She nods, "That's okay Julius."

There was silence as we avoided eye contact. "So that guy. A boyfriend or something?" I ask curiously. She shakes her head and I can't help but smile a little.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" She asks.

I shake my head, "I'm sorry for everything Stella."

"I know you are." She mumbles as she crosses her arms and takes a seat on the bed.

"I have not stopped thinking about you ever since you left me." She remains silent as I approach her. "Did you ever get my letter?"

She nods before standing up abruptly, "The one listing all the conquests you had while you were with me? Yeah, I got your stupid letter."

I shake my head, "When we got serious I slept with no one else. I only ever wanted you."

"And Josie. Why else did you tell her your stupid scar story too? You did everything we did with her too!" She exclaims.

I furrow my brows, "What? That is not true. I never told her that story!"

"Then how the fuck does she know?"

"She dated the guy who stabbed me! It's not my fault he's a blabbermouth."

She pauses for a moment in thought before speaking again, "It is still your fault for sleeping with her."

I sigh, "Yes, I should've never done it. And I shouldn't have lied to you."

She shakes her head as she wipes a tear that threatened to fall from her eyes. "It doesn't even matter anymore."

I grab her hand gently, "It does, I'm still crazy about you Stella and I want to make this right."

She yanks her hand away from me. "It's too late for that." She tries to walk away but my arm snakes around her waist, pulling her to me.

"Tell me you don't love me baby. Tell me I mean nothing to you and I'll leave right now."

She stares into my eyes in shock. "I-I don't."

"You don't what?" I ask as I lean closer. Her eyes respond for her as they glance down at my lips. "Tell me you don't." I repeat.

The sexual tension was squashed the second her lips crashed into mine. I hungrily kissed her, making up for all the lost time.

Her lips tasted as sweet as they always had, and I couldn't get enough. She moaned as I kissed her, sending a shock wave of pleasure throughout my body.

I missed her moans, her touch, her kisses, they were all so addictive. I waste no time pulling her tank top off her beautifully curvy body. My lips etched her skin eagerly leaving kisses on her neck.

I lay her down on the bed, leaving her chest exposed for my lips to attack. Her lips met mine eagerly, moving her hands down to the end of my shirt. I pull it off eagerly as we continue to kiss.

I pull at her pajama pants, sliding them down her legs exposing her satin pink panties. "I missed you so much." I mumble as I kiss down her legs, taking my time to appreciate every etch of skin.

I slide her panties down softly before burying two fingers inside her wet core. She moaned softly as I continued. There was something so captivating about watching a woman in pleasure, especially one who means so much to you.

I continued to stroke her before stopping abruptly. She looks at me in confusion before throwing her head back in pleasure as I bury my mouth into her core.

"Oh my goodness." She moans out. I continued to eat her and enjoyed every second of it as she screamed out for me.

As she came to her peak, I turned her around to where she was on her hands and knees on the bed. She arched her back with her ass up in front of me. I let out a groan from just looking at her.

I insert myself in gently, making her moan softly. With my hands cupped around her waist, I began to stroke slowly. "Fuck." I mutter.

She felt so good you wouldn't believe she was real. I began to pick up my pace as her moans began to amplify.

"Julius!" She calls out as I slammed into her.

"What's my name baby?" I ask as I grab a handful of her hair. She grips the sheets as her beautiful ass cheeks bounce against me.

"Oh my gosh, Julius!" She calls out again.

I lean forward, wrapping my hand around her neck and bending her back bringing her face closer to me. "I love you baby." I whisper hoarsely in her ear as I began to slowly grind into her.

"Shit!" She exclaims. Her eyes roll back as we both reach our peaks. I release my grip letting her lay her face against the pillow once again. I let out a breath before pulling out and collapsing beside her on the bed.

She cuddles up next to me before immediately knocking out in my arms. I fell asleep too with a smile on my face.


Oops, they did it again.

Next update on Wednesday, we're getting close to the end.

- AuggiePooh_

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