Remade as a Sans/☝︎♋︎❍︎♏︎❒︎

By Truenote

138K 4K 2.6K

Matt was a regular person who was a big fan of Undertale and its fangames. One day, he dies because of a pers... More

Chapter 1 Tutorial
Chapter 2 Dungeon fight
Chapter 3 Some maybe truth about the multiverse...
Chapter 4 Penalty time
Chapter 5 Multiverse dungeon
Chapter 6 Time leave
Chapter 7 Time to explore
Chapter 8 Acting
Chapter 9 New dungeon
Chapter 10 Dimension fight
Chapter 11 Dead
OC Creation [CLOSED]
Chapter 13 New skill
Chapter 14 1010 years later
Chapter 15 What?
Chapter 16 Squad name
Chapter 17 Well
10k special (closed)
10k special part 2 Answers
Chapter 18 Introduction
Chapter 19 Waiting
Chapter 20 Preparing
Chapter 21 Fixing the timelines
Chapter 22 Event unlocked and an annoying voice
1k votes
Chapter 23 Error's dream
King multiverse's Side Story Part 1/2
King multiverse's Side Story Part 2/2
Chapter 24 Max, Mike and Matthew in OuterTale
Chapter 25 Error404's big entrance
Chapter 26 Bye
Chapter 27 Why?
Chapter 28 Wait...

Chapter 12 Summoning

4.6K 123 89
By Truenote

Matt asked system. "How do I summon them?

(Well just yell out the skill's name like in every other story)

"Umm that is just embarrassing."  Said Matt sheepishly. 

(But you have been yelling out skill names before so what is the difference)

"Yes but I just realized how embarrassing it really is." Said Matt.

(Well fine then I guess we won't do anything then)




"Fine I will do it." Said Matt as he then said "True summon."

A huge summoning circle then appeared in front of Matt as a bright light appeared as smoke enveloped the room.

"What the heck!" Shouted Matt as he closed his eyes due to the light.

When the light died down in the room you could see three figures in the smoke.

"What the f#ck. Why the hell are my words being censored!?" Shouted 1st figure.

2nd Figure then stuttered out "W-What. W-who are you p-people." 

"..." The 3rd figure remained quiet as they tried observed their surroundings but the smoke didn't allow them to. 


The 3 figures then jumped back in fright at the voice.

"Who is there?" Asked the 1st figure nervously.

"The name is Matt. The person who summoned you people here." Said Matt.

"Why did you summon me and those people." Questioned the 1st figure.

"Have any of you played Undertale?" Questioned Matt.

"Yes, it's a cool game but what does this have to do with this situation?" Asked the 1st figure.

"Yes." Whispered out the 2nd figure who is at this point lying on the floor.

"I have played the game." Said the 3rd figure.

"Have any of you seen it's fanbase?" Questioned Matt.

"Yes." Said all of the figures in unison.

"Have you seen the fanbase in Undertale in Wattpad?" Asked Matt.

The 1st figure started to put the dots together after hearing this.

"I need you to save the Wattpad version of the Undertale multiverse." Said Matt.

"Excuse me but what are you talking about?" Asked the 3rd figure.

"Well let me give you a run down. Undertale is a game, The multiverse of Undertale is made by the fanbase with a bunch of different AUs that are different from the original. The Wattpad version of Undertale is really complex with different versions of it." Explained the 1st figure.

"What do you mean by that?" Questioned the 3rd figure.

"You are currently in the forced god of destruction multiverse." Answered Matt.

"Wait so you mean that there are different types of multiverses of Undertale?" Asked the 3rd figure. 

"Correct." Said Matt.

"What happens in this multiverse?" Asked the 3rd figure.

"Error is forced to destroy because of Ink creating to much and Error is also controlled by Fate. How do you not know any of this?" Questioned the 1st figure.

"Well first collage, 2nd I was never that into Undertale to the point I would read fanfics about it." said the 3rd figure.

"Well that does explain it." Exclaimed the 1st figure.

"H-how are we even suppose to stop the person who is controlling Error who can literally destroy AUs." Questioned the 2nd figure.

"Do not worry you people are not the ones fighting them." Said Matt.

"Then who is?" Questioned the 1st figure.

"I am." Replied Matt.

"Aren't you only supposed to summon the people to fight your problems?" Asked the 3rd figure.

"What? Did you think I am that summoner from a manga who literally does nothing after he summons the people to help him solve his problems." Said Matt.

"Umm no? Also who are you?" Asked the 1st figure.

"I am Matt I thought I already said this." Answered Matt.

"No I mean who are you? Like are you a god or something?" Questioned the 1st figure.

"No more like I am a max level gamer." Said Matt.

The figures all looked shocked at this and the 1st figure shouted "Wait your a player!?"

"No. I am a gamer not a player." Replied Matt.

"What the difference?" Asked the 1st figure

"I have a system and can gain levels without having to gain LOVE unlike you guys." Said Matt.

"I'm not a guy." Said the 3rd figure.

"Oh sorry. It's hard to tell in this smoke. Let me just clear it" Matt then teleported all the smoke to the void. 'Wait wasn't there a deity there and Gasters in the void? Nah I'm sure they will be fine.' Thought Matt.


In the void everything was peaceful until smoke suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started to condense. 

"🕈︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ♒︎♏︎●︎●︎✏︎✍︎ (What the hell!?)" Said the deity named Void as the void started to be filled more and more with smoke.

Back to Matt

"Alright now tell me who you people are after all you people know me but I don't know you." Said Matt to the humans in the room.

"M-my name is Akuji Dierdre. I have turned 15 years old this year and I am in high school." Said Akuji in a nervous tone.

"I'm Rue Raven. I am 21 years old and I go to college." Said Rue.

Then the last person spoke. "My name is Y/n I am 14 and I am in high school." Everyone in the room then looked at y/n with a questioning expression.

"Wait your name is y slash n?" Asked Akuji without even stuttering.

"Yes." said Y/n.

"Alright you have to be joking I mean no one is actually called Y/n in real life." Said Rue.

"Yeah people are only called that in fanfiction. What is your actual name?" Asked Matt as he looked at Y/n.

"No that is my actual name." Replied Y/n.

"Wait are you not joking." Said Matt.

"Yes." Said Y/n.

"..." The tension in the room became so dense that you could cut it with a knife.

"I think we should call you something else." Said Akuji breaking the tension.

"How about Nat?" Said Y/n.

"Yeah Nat sounds good." Replied Akuji.

"No complaints here."  Said Rue.

"Nat sounds like a nice name." Said Matt as he thought 'Hey system can you hear my thoughts'.


'Can I create a gravity chamber?'

(You are literally omni potent. Didn't I already say this?)

'Oh right.' Matt then rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Nat it is." Said Nat as he smiled happily.

"Alright people I have created a gravity chamber where you guys can unlock your powers and abilities faster." Said Matt as he created a door in the room which led to the gravity chamber.

"Wait isn't that from a show that I watched?" Asked Nat.

"Yes but here is the thing as long as we don't say the show's name we won't get copyrighted." Said Matt.

"Umm we aren't on the internet so there is no need to worry about anything." Said Rue.

"Anyways moving on. You people need to go in there and train so we can help the multiverse quicker.

"If that is the case then I will see you all in 12 hours." Said Nat as he walked to the door, opened it and walked in.

"H-hey wait up." Akuji then ran into the gravity chamber.

"See you later Matt." Said Rue as she walked in the gravity chamber and shut the door.

"Finally they are gone (for now)." Matt then sighed in relief.

(Why did you want them gone for a while?)

"It is because I need to do this." Said Matt as he then shouted "Summon!"

A bright light then appeared in the  room.

"Ha not this time." Matt then closed his eyes. 

When the light dissipated Matt opened his eyes to see the squad of the most powerful Sanses.


(King multiverse) 





"Alright now things are coming together." Said Matt as looked at the squad of Sanses.


Another chapter has been completed. 

If I got your character wrong then please sent me a message and explain your character more, so I don't mess it up.

Alright I will see you all later!

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