Until the sun rises

By Luna_Logan

103 0 0

Dear Kacchan, First of all, I want to tell you how sorry I am to leave you. I have never loved anyone as muc... More

Found him
Back home
That's Hanae for you
Let her go

Let's be the best heroes the world has ever encountered

28 0 0
By Luna_Logan

It was graduation day and Izuku couldn't be happier. Not only was he graduating from U.A., the school he had always dreamed of, and on his path to become a hero but all of his friends were graduating alongside him after three long years of working for school and fighting against villains whose only purpose was to prevent them from finishing their studies by killing them. But they had all failed. Izuku couldn't have hidden his huge smile even if he had wanted to, stepping off the stage while the public was clapping, his mother's sobs muffled by the sound. He joined his classmates before applauding among the crowd for Tokoyami who had taken his place on the stage, a stark contrast between the white decorations and his all-black attire. The sweet comforting smell of caramel filled his nostrils and a warm hand poised itself on his hip. Sighing softly, Izuku leaned into the touch, and put his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Can you believe it, Kacchan? We finally graduated!" he exclaimed, looking at his boyfriend's scowl despite the festive day.

"Of course I can believe it, shitty nerd! I never doubted it!" he spat in his usual angry voice, making some heads in the public turn towards them.

Never discouraged by the harsh way of speaking of Katsuki, Izuku's smile became even wider. Kacchan was right, they all worked very hard to arrive here and it was obvious that every single one of them was dedicated enough to become an excellent hero. He had never doubted it.

As Hagakure stepped off the stage as the last one receiving her certificate, Iida took place in front of the mic, robe and hat spotless, as if they were tailored for him. The bespectacled man straightened up, puffing his chest out, replaced his glasses and took the mic in one firm hand.

"Dear parents, professors and fellow students, I hereby salute you!" he exclaimed while making wild gestures with his free hand. "As the class representative, I have the honor of making the speech of this graduation day, the trust of my classmates in my hands!"

Everyone was silent, parents latched on Iida's lips and students as well as professors dreading for the robotic and serious speech they all thought they would receive by the studious rep. 

"We graduate today, in front of you, as students, as classmates, as a family, as one."

He put his glasses down and the green haired boy perked up at that, as well as the rest of their classmates.

"We had to face unexpected challenges, struggled as no one else in this school struggled. We lived through traumatic experiences and had to fight for our lives despite the fact that we were still children. As our loved ones, you suffered alongside us, thought you would never see us again. And the worst in all of that, is that it is only the beginning of our careers as heroes. We will have to fight everyday to save the lives of the innocents. We will lose, sometimes. People under our responsibility will die and the guilt will be abominable. Some of us may lose their lives in the most honorable way. Our loved ones, you, will be put into constant danger as the villains will try to get to you to get through us. We will cry in victory but also weep in loss. This is the life we chose. The life we had to live through prematurely. But you know what? This is what made us, all of us, stronger. This is what made us a family. We know pain, physical and emotional, as an old friend. Grief, fear, violence. We all know them and they know us. And it's okay. Because, now that we know them, they won't take us by surprise anymore. And that is what makes us stronger than the others. So let's be the best heroes the world has ever encountered!"

A wave of cries, shouts and clapping took over U.A. as the students all threw their hats in the air, despite Aizawa's protests that it wasn't the time yet. Some of them, like Izuku and Uraraka, were crying in each other's arms. Others, like Kirishima and Kaminari, were shouting their approval over the tsunami of voices. Even Bakugo had to smother down a smirk that threatened to take over.

That evening, Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero, also known as the Bakusquad, prepared a huge party in the dorms to celebrate their graduation. There was loud music, multicolored lights and food, lots and lots of food. Mina, Hagakure, Sato, Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari were dancing in the middle of the room, taking over most of the living room. Todoroki, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Ojiro, Iida and Izuku were talking about the different agencies they would go to after their vacation on the couches. Tokoyami, Koda and Shouji were at the food table along with Aoyama who was eating at the cheese side of the table, looking happier than ever. Tsuyu and Uraraka were taking a moment outside together and Katsuki was observing everyone, leaning on a wall with his usual scowl.

Katsuki didn't like parties. Too much noise, too much people, too many different smells from the food. All in all, it wasn't the definition of a good time for him. The only reason he was staying was because Deku had begged him to stay, as it was their last party together at U.A. But he was quickly growing bored and being bored irritated him. Looking around the room, he quickly spotted the green haired hero laughing with his friends and a smirk appeared on the blond's face.

Walking towards the small group, he sat down next to Deku on the couch and poised his arm on the backrest, behind the nerd's back. The freckled boy smiled at him in greeting but quickly his attention was drawn back to Iida who was making wild gestures as always. Bakugo paid the other members of the group no mind and continued on watching Deku, his eyes trailing over to the smaller boy's neck. Katsuki unconsciously licked his lips, took a big inspiration and was quickly hit by the smell of mint that came off of his lover. He couldn't control his mouth which was salivating in apprehension. He wanted to bite, to suck. No, he needed to.

Slowly as to not attract unwanted attention, he leaned in and softly put his lips on the soft skin behind his ear. Poised there, he couldn't help but suckle on the skin, eliciting a small gasp from the other boy. The noise attracted the attention of the others and it wasn't long before Iida started berating them:

"This sort of behavior is inappropriate in public! I ask you to stop or leave at once!"

Bakugo let go of Deku's neck, making a loud popping noise that made the green haired boy blush. The usually angry boy looked at the appetizing neck and noticed a small blemish that was quickly becoming more noticeable by the second with a satisfied smirk.

"S-Sorry, Iida. I don't know what came over Kacchan." stuttered the flustered boy.

"I see an appetizing meal, I take it." he answered simply, shrugging and still smirking satisfyingly.

"K-Kacchan!" protested his boyfriend now red as Kirishima's hair.

"Midoriya is not a meal but a person and if you do not see him as such then you do not deserve to romanticize with him!" sputtered Iida, chopping the air with his hands. "If you are unable to control yourself then I ask you to go to your rooms!"

"Okay." answered simply Katsuki before getting up, lifting his red-faced boyfriend up to put him on his shoulder as if he were a bag of potatoes and walking towards the elevator.

"K-Kacchan!" protested weakly Deku, dangling with every step his boyfriend took.

"Do not partake in sexual activities! It is prohibited in the dorms and it would be disrespectful towards this prestigious academy that is U.A.!" continued to shout Iida, attracting everyone else's attention.

"Oooohh Bakugo and Midoriya are gonna do the dirty!" exclaimed Kaminari while wiggling his eyebrows.

Sero started wolf-whistling, quickly followed by the rest of the Bakusquad. Bakugo ignored them and entered the elevator, his boyfriend protesting weakly behind him. As the elevator's doors closed, Bakugo put his boyfriend down and immediately pinned him against the wall, kissing his boyfriend with fervor. The green eyed boy was too stunned to react and let his lover kiss him, forgetting to breathe. Fortunately, it wasn't long for the elevator to reach Katsuki's floor and immediately after the doors opened, Bakugo took the other boy's hand and lead him towards his bedroom. Opening the door. Stepping in. Closing the door.

The smaller boy followed obediently, dazed with glassy, unseeing eyes. He didn't seem to even notice where he was before he was unceremoniously pushed down on Bakugo's bed.

"K-Kacch-" started to protest the green haired hero before his lips were shut by the other's own mouth.

Lips crushed, mouth filled with tongue, Izuku's stomach filled with butterflies, colors exploding behind his closed eyelids. He couldn't help but let a stifled moan out which made the blond smirk in satisfaction. Warm hands tickled his sides, imaginary sparks popping where skin met skin.

At long last, the kiss was broken and Izuku could finally look at his beautiful boyfriend. His pink heart-shaped lips glistened with saliva from the kiss, his usually pale cheek were now flushed as pink as the most beautiful of sunsets, spiky blond hair were now falling in sparkly crimson eyes from Izuku's hand that he had unknowingly run through surprisingly soft locks. But looking soon became a pain and the longing to touch intensified. Reaching out, he ran his other hand over the older boy's face. Fingertips brushed with feathery delicateness pale eyebrows, straight nose, rosy cheeks, pointed chin and brushed back the hair, stroking his forehead by the same occasion. Every simple touch was a firework exploding in Katsuki's stomach, the revering way of Izuku to look at him as if he couldn't believe such a creature existed sent rhinos run through his intestines, the prickling sensation of every butterfly-touch of Izuku coursing through his nerves and veins, reaching his heart in a loud beating noise. The reaffirming of love, the promise of commitment, the reassurance of forgiveness.

"Kacchan..." was whispered by pale lips.

"I love you, Deku." immediately answered Katsuki, stroking his curls with a tenderness so uncanny of him one would have thought he had a twin. "I've loved you for years and at first I was ashamed of it, I thought it was a weakness to love someone so much, so I bullied you, trying to convince myself that if I were able to hurt you and maybe enjoy it, this feeling would go away. But it never did and each insult towards you only made me hate myself even more. I thought, I hoped for you to hate me, but you never did. You are incapable of hate even if it is deserved and that is one of the reasons why I love you. I will never make that mistake again, the mistake of pushing you away, of hurting you, because now that I know how it feels to walk alongside you, I would not be able to live without it. I want to show you how much I love you, Izuku Midoriya. So, please, marry me after we find an agency. Be mine, let me be yours forever."

"Kacchan!" cried Deku, waterfalls falling from his deep emerald eyes. Latching onto him, the greenette kissed his now fiancé passionately. Happiness sung through his body even more powerfully than One-for-all's power. This was Kacchan, his childhood friend, his boyfriend, his soulmate. They would never leave each other, this certainty was the only thing that made him manage to croak out a small "yes" before succumbing to Kacchan's lips once more.

They kissed. They touched. They danced as one. One shirt was thrown away carelessly in the dark confines of Bakugo's bedroom, their lips never leaving each other once. But after a few more minutes, Izuku grew bolder and bolder, until he finally placed one hand on his boyfriend's crotch. That made Bakugo stop, looking down before meeting the green eyed boy's eyes, a silent question. The smaller boy nodded, biting his lips nervously. But the blond shook his head.

"I need to hear you say it, Deku." he whispered decidedly.

Izuku placed a scarred hand on his boyfriend's cheek, an aroused blush on his freckled cheeks.

"I want it. I want you, Katsuki." he announced softly but with resolve.

With no more hesitation, Bakugo plunged and captured the other boy's lips once more, unbuckling his pants at the same time.

Becoming one was scary at first but was also as natural as breathing. Pain became pleasure and pleasure transformed into love, as Katsuki slowly entered Deku. At the meeting of flesh inside flesh, fireworks exploded, filling the dark room with a myriad of colors. Souls conjoined, moving together the slow dance of love and passion. Fingers intertwining to exchange their energy to one another. Lips sealed, a commitment. Izuku's mewls answered Katsuki's growls, as they created their own music. It was the most terrifying and wonderful thing either of the boys ever lived. Once started, they couldn't stop, even as seed was released, their love too powerful. It was only as they collapsed in fatigue did they finally stop, souls returning to their rightful owner. But the touching didn't stop. Soft, tingly touches everywhere they could reach and small, exhausted laughs coming out, the shock of having reached nirvana together coming out. And as their love rested once again in a cocoon in their hearts, another slowly took its place in Izuku's belly. A creation made by the most powerful feeling in this world: love.

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