Catch You Catch Me!

By GaberFaber

374 4 0

After Henry saved the known universe from the Dreks he's noticed Ralph has been weirdly suspicious. Ralph is... More

Catch You Catch Me!

374 4 0
By GaberFaber

Henry wipes the sweat off his face, because he had a long day. Spending the day with the grossers really tired him out. Him and Peter were exhausted and needed to take a bath. Henry layed down a bit before taking a shower and just thought about everything he's done today.

"I spent the day with gross class zero, my favorite TV show! And saved the universe from getting destroyed by the Dreks!" Henry said in total excitement.

Henry couldn't believe all that happened today he was just amazed that he spent a day with fictional TV characters.

"Henry, go take a shower you stink!" Henry's mum yelled.

"Alright mum!" Henry said excitedly, walking toward's his towel.

"Man, how could my day get any better than this!" Henry said, and proceeded to pick up his towel and head into a shower.

At William's house

"William, your cousin is going to stay here until his parents come back from vacation, okay?" William's mum said.

"Oh, okay" William said with tears falling down his face.

They hear a knock on the door.

"Oh I think he's here!"

William's mum opened the door. Ralph walks into William's small, cute, cozy house.

"Hey William!"

Ralph looked around.

"Oh, hi Ralph." William said while wiping away his tears.

Ralph was checking around the house wondering where he was going to stay.

"Ralph you will be sleeping in William's room"

William's mum said, escorting him to William's room.

"Oh ok"

Ralph looked in the small bedroom with one slightly large bed in the middle of the room, with a heater underneath the big window.

Ralph looked around and put his things on the chair next to the desk.

"So where will I be sleeping?"

Ralph looked around to see if he's missing something in the small room.

"I-I think you'll be sleeping with me on my bed" William sniffled.

Ralph looked confused, almost disgusted at the fact he will have to sleep in a bed with his cousin.


He looked around to see if maybe he just put a few blankets on the ground and a pillow, he would be fine. He found a small spot near William's bed to maybe put blankets and a pillow down, it was right near the bed and the heater, but before he started putting the blankets down he noticed a spider making a little web there, so he decided not to.

Ralph sighed and started unpacking his things. He watched as William played with his handkerchief.

"Why are you so....sensitive?" Ralph asked.

Ever since he knew William, he always wondered why he cried so much and why he was so nervous around him.

"I-I-" William never finished what he was saying because he just started crying.

Ralph glared at him and kept unpacking his things.

"William what's wrong honey" William's mum asked.


William's mum stared at Ralph

"you better not have made him cry"

she said remembering every time Ralph made William cry growing up.

"Wha- I just asked why he's so sensitive"

"Well stop asking him so many questions, you'll overwhelm him"

she said while closing the door to William's room. Ralph sighed, and continued to unpack his things. Ralph looked at the bottom of his book bag and saw his book of clow cards. Ralph made sure william wasn't looking and slipped it underneath his pillow. Ralph remembered how all of it started, but definitely didn't want to think about that too much, so he kept unpacking his things.

The next day, Ralph woke up on the floor. He must have fallen off the bed when he was sleeping, and somehow didn't wake up. Ralph looked around to see William still in bed, Ralph got up and dusted the dirt off his shorts, and looked to see the time.

Ralph saw a clock on top of the door, he wasn't very good at reading clocks but it seemed to be around 9:15. He usually isn't up this early because it was a Saturday and he could wake up late, but Ralph decided he's probably not going to get that much more sleep, and decided to get breakfast.

Ralph opened the door and headed to the kitchen. He opened the fridge for something to eat, and by surprise he saw a lot of baked goods.

"Man, I didn't know William, or my aunt and uncle knew how to bake,"

Ralph reached for a small container with soup in it.

Ralph didn't know if he was allowed to eat some leftover soup, but he smelled it, it seemed fine, so he put it in the microwave and warmed it up. While Ralph was waiting for the soup to get up, he ripped a piece of napkin and found a pen and started doodling some costume ideas for the upcoming school play.


Ralph heard the microwave go off, so he headed over to eat some leftover soup.

Ralph took out a spoon and started to eat the soup.

"Oh Ralph didn't know you were awake" William's dad said.

"Oh umm yeah"

Ralph tried to figure out the right words to say.

"I'm pretty hungry too, you should've called us to make you something to eat"

"Oh sorry I didn't know you were awake, so I didn't want to disturb you" Ralph said, he was fiddling with the napkin he was drawing on. It was kind of a nervous habit.

"Anyways I'm going to work in my office for a little bit so, please don't disturb me okay" William's dad said.

"Oh okay"

he continued to eat his soup. After he was done he placed it in the sink, he didn't know if they were expecting him to wash it so he washed it anyways.

"Oh that was nice of you"

William's dad said while taking one of the muffins out of the refrigerator.

"Oh uhhh you're welcome?"

Ralph wasn't sure how to respond, so he just headed to the bathroom. Ralph took a shower, got dressed into his signature red hoodie, white shorts, a pair of sneakers he designed, and unzipped the hoodie and rolled up his sleeves. After Ralph got dressed, he brushed his teeth and walked into William's room.

He had woken up from his sleep and he was crying?

"William what's wrong now?"

he crossed his arms and waited impatiently for an answer.

"I had this amazing dream and-and I woke up"

William cried into his handkerchief.

"Ugh, you don't need to cry for that"

Ralph said, reaching for his rollerblades. William continued crying, and looked over to Ralph seeing him put on rollerblades.

"Wh-why are you putting roller ska-"


Ralph interrupted, as he put the rollerblade gear on.

"Why are you putting rollerblades on then?"

"I'm going out for a walk, I guess"

Ralph wasn't sure what to call it. He got up and headed towards the door.

"Ca-can I come?" William asked.

Ralph didn't want to say no, but he didn't want him to come either.

"I-uhhhh, sure"

He didn't want him to come.

"Okay I'll get ready"

William said, running out of his room.

"Ugh why did I say that" Ralph whined.

"Yeah, then why did you?"

Kero said flying out of Ralph's book bag.

"Oh hey kero"

Ralph handing him a sweet he found in the refrigerator. Kero munches on the sweet Ralph gave him.

"I just couldn't say no, he would start crying if I said no"

Ralph sighed and put his rollerblading gloves.

"Well, if anything interesting happens you can just call me"

Kero says with food in his mouth.

"Yeah, with my phone, it's still mine you know, just because I let you use it, doesn't mean it's yours"

Ralph says to the small, yellow, magical being.

"Yeah, whatever"

he says not caring that Ralph really liked that phone and kept munching on his food.

'He is so adorable, he's like a little toy bear with wings' Ralph thought while staring at Kero.

"I'm ready"

He walked over to his closet looking for his roller skates. Ralph was just staring at William and critiquing his outfit in his head. William wore a long sleeved purple shirt, burgundy shorts, considering it was hot, and long white socks. William slipped on his skates and held on to the wall for support.

"Okay so you're ready?"

"Ye-yeah I'm ready"

"okay then let's get going shall we"

Ralph skated out the door, then looked back to see if William was coming. William was holding onto the doorway for support.

"Ugh, do you even know how to skate?"

Ralph said glaring at William.

"I-I got these roller skates for my birthday, I've always wanted a chance to use them"

William sniffled.

"So it's a no than"

Ralph placed his hands on his hips.

"Ugh, here"

Ralph held out his hand so William could hold onto, they finally skated outside their door successfully.

"It's okay, I got you William '' Ralph said while reaching for the front door handle.

"I can't do it, it's too far ''

"Ugh" Ralph regretted his decision.

"Come on we're almost there" Ralph said, while still holding William's cold but sweaty hands.

William kept holding the couch and Ralph's hand until they made it out the front door.

"UGH, finally! It felt like we were going to be in there forever!"

William looked at Ralph as he looked ovejoyed to finally be out of the house.

"Oh uhh sorry" William said with tears forming in his eyes.

"Uhh no no nononono it's fineeee" Ralph said clearly lying because Ralph couldn't act to save his life.

"Okay then, let's keep goin-"

"WAIT" William yelled, interrupting Ralph.

"I-I forgot my roller skating gear."

Ralph blinked and just stared at William.

"Let me just go insi-"

"I'LL GET THEM!" Ralph interrupted, he knew he would be in there for an hour.

"Oh okay it's in the closet in a-"


Ralph slammed the front door.

"Ugh, now I need to find his dumb skating gear"

Ralph was so frustrated he just felt like he could mash William to pieces.

"Ugh where are they anyways"

Ralph looked around his closet and found a little red box.

"Must be in here"

Ralph opened the box to surprise it actually was in there. Ralph thought he would have to wait for a little bit to find them.

"Okay let me see" Ralph picked up the skating gear.

A big orange helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.

"Seriously, this is so ugly"

Ralph could go on a rant about how that orange was so obnoxious in his head but he really just wanted to skate.

"Here you go"

Ralph threw the gear at William.


"Oh for goodness sake, it's not going to hurt you" Ralph was so tired of William already and they hadn't even started their walk.

William started putting on his obnoxious skating gear. Ralph just stood there impatiently, just waiting for William to hurry up and put his stupid, ugly gear on.

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