Kryptonited ✔ (Alpha Sigma Om...

Galing kay PsychopathxXx

2.3M 71.1K 32.7K

Twenty men hide in a knightly façade. Devilishly gorgeous gods trapped in human bodies. They are ruthless. Th... Higit pa

1. Dull Rainbow
2. Second Time Around
3. Sly Price
4. Sugar Daddy
5. Allergic Reaction
6. What Happens in the Island...
7. . .Stays in the Island
8. Island's Secret
9. First Date
10. Naked Truths
11. H-ha?
12. Yours, Always
13. Perfect Two
14. Nice One...
15. Superman's Weakness
16. Disastrous Meeting
17. Innocent Seductress
18. Mask of Deception
19. Love is a Sacrifice
20. Letter of Truth
21. The Dose Makes the Poison
22. Departure
23. Knight in Dashing Suit
24. Wedding Invitation
25. An Alpha's Repercussion
26. After the Rain
27. Que Sera, Sera
28. Change of Heart
29. Good Things Come to those Who Wait
30. His Ultimate Downfall

Epilogue: Forever and Always

81K 2.4K 1K
Galing kay PsychopathxXx


Khromov Zakhar 'The Russian Prince' Petrovich

"Ice cream, baby. What flavor do you want?"

I removed my earplugs to hear my mother. My eyes followed her gaze. It's the ice cream shop in Red Square selling some cheap ice cream. I hate those, but my mother loves it.

I don't want to hurt her feelings, she's the only one I have in the family who genuinely cares and loves me. She's the only I have that stops me from rebelling to my father.

The car stopped midway.

After the archery game, my mother brought me in Red square. She thought this place would appease my mood with my father not showing up. He ditched every game. It didn't, it annoyed me even more. I grew out the love for this set-up. She has to patch things up for that old man. It wasn't her responsibility. Never will.

My father is full of promises and has the habit of breaking them. I couldn't fathom how my mom take it so effortlessly. That must really love, huh. In that case, I'm not going to be like my mother with her love being taken for granted. Heck, I don't want to love.

"I'm fine, mamushka. I don't want sweets right now," I declined her offer politely.

Her kind lips formed into a smile, she gently messed with my hair. She is the only one allowed to do that. She sighed. "It's a treat, Zakhar. Don't you really want a bite?"

I shook my head firmly. I saw something in her eyes, but she smiled before she got out of the car and went to the shop. The driver accompanied her. While waiting I played with my phone and shut off the world by putting the loudest music on my ears. Every song that plays, it gets more boring.

Pausing the button, I looked outside of the car, then, stared at my wristwatch for a long couple of seconds. They weren't back yet. The driver and my mother hadn't come back. It was roughly thirty minutes, I was still sitting at the back of the car.

Things were going inside my head, but curiosity won over. I got out of the car to check on them. They must have eaten the ice cream on that cheap place. It was a different case, different than what I had in mind.

It was probably the first time I recalled encountering violence. The driver who drove us in Red square is dead, with blood splattering around his lifeless body and a bullet penetrated his skull.

Fear consumed me. The real one. As I peered at his dead eyes, it felt like a nightmare had come into reality.

Where is my mother?

People fled from the scene. They went inside of the shops surrounding the area. I was desperate to find my mother with the fleeing people. Where did she go? Panic and anxiety came rushing to my veins.

Targeted shootout, that was what I suspected. My father is the busiest man in town, he is also one of the richest men in the country. Threats were fired at us everyday, I got to eat some of those in every day life.

I was taught to blend in with people as I searched for my missing mother. Nervousness grew wider inside my nauseous stomach. I was scolding myself for not going with her to buy an ice cream. I was stupid for declining the offer. It was a total asshole move, like my dickhead father.

Speaking of the devil, I need to inform him of what happened. He needs to know. Fuck! I left the phone inside the car. Damn it. I ran back, but stumbled midway, loud screeching of the car filled my ears. Flames erupted. It was totally taken down to the ground.

My heart dropped.

We were talking there earlier. I was annoyed in that car. In a matter of time, it was all gone. I couldn't process yet the death of the driver, my head was already spinning with many tragedies in a day. Mamushka is out there needing for help. For my help.

I had nothing else with me, my only companion is myself. Atyets needs to know about this. The cold city of Moscow was dreaded with the news. Long painful hours, I waited for my father to come. Rescue teams and investigators were the first ones to arrive. There was still hesitation to approach any of them.

"Atyets!" I ran towards a tall man in business suit. Mamushka always told me my facial features resemble my father. As a child, I cared less. Our relationship couldn't be saved by such statement. Only my mother was the string that held us together.

His eyes darted at me. For the first time, I saw relief in his eyes.

"Where's your mother?" He asked.

Frightened, I couldn't cry in front of him. "I don't know."

With forehead even creased, he lowered to level with me. He was taller. Mother always say I should eat more to be as tall as the man in front of me.

"How can you not know? I told you, you should always be her protector." The words were firm, it was messing with my head.

"Aren't you the one that should protect her always?" A stinking poison that left my mouth easily. The next thing that happened, I never prepared myself. Those weren't the words from my father, but hurts the same. The side of my lip bled instantly.

A part of what he said would always haunt me, I failed to protect her. I should have been with her when she asked me to an ice cream parlor. I shouldn't have declined the dessert.

It boils down to one person responsible --- my father. If he showed up to my play, I wouldn't feel mad towards everything. He was a failure as I was.

The search for my mother continued, she was never found in the vicinity of Moscow. Days turned into weeks that turned into months. Long horrible months.

Everyone was giving up to find her, but I would never. I would never let her down again. I knew, she was out there, trying to hold on a bit of hope just like what I was doing. My mother is my only treasure.

"Why are they leaving?" I asked my father. The people he hired to look for mamushka was already packing their things up. They were in the front yard, the vehicles were ready to go. My eyes squinted. "What are they doing?"

"The search operation was closed, Khromov." The man whom I called father told me in a serious tone.

"What the fuck? Why?"

I never took drugs to feel what it does to the body, the adrenaline was pumping in my bloodstream hearing those words I dreaded to hear. I looked at him incredulously. Had he lost his mind? Had he given up too? To the woman he vowed to protect and care, to the woman he told he love until the end of time, he gave up that easy.

"Don't curse in front of me, young man." I ignored his threat.

"Why? I thought, there was a lead. Why are you stopping the men from finding out where mamushka is? We are rich, father! We can find her!"

I blow up the cover. I heard my father talking to the chief, they were talking about the lead. An organization. This was all rooted to unresolved problem before. I also heard that whoever has my mother was powerful and couldn't be undermined.

My father sighed. It was a long one, his burdens and worries came out. "We are noble people, Khromov. We have dignity. We would never resort to any type of violence. That's what he want. That's what he always is."

Tears flowed to my cheeks. I wouldn't understand what he was trying to tell me. All I care about is my mother that could be dying from now. I was not accepting defeat that easy, they didn't even try so much. It was the least they could do.

Several steps, I looked back to my father. "What's nobility and dignity if I lose my mother?" I stared at him dead in the eye.

Father was a powerful man, he was influential, too. But even the most powerful and influential can be played with fate. That's what happened to him. What's the point of having all money if he couldn't save the woman we love the most?

It wasn't money for ransom, it was something else. It was a dark past conflict between families.

That night, I secured important belongings in a bag. The guards were wandering around the palace, it wasn't the first time I sneaked out. But this time, it was for real. I wasn't even sure how long I will be gone before they take notice. I am not sure when will I return.

Maybe, never.

When I got the right chance to sneak out, I curled myself into the trunk of the car about to leave. Within minutes, we were on the road. The car stopped for a gas, and the driver went inside of a convenience store. It was the right time to take off and leave.

In the road, there was no title and special treatment I used to have in the house. All I have is a bit of cash I withdrew last time. I printed fliers to give it to people with mamushka's face on it.

Starting somewhere is better than staying in father's mansion and succumbed that she's gone. I'm a nuisance to him, it's better this way.

I met a guy in an organization. I was young but I know they were up to no good. It was illegal, but he explained it was my birthright. The organization chooses the next Alpha based on bloodline.

Atyets wouldn't like it, and that was my drive to do it even more. If father is going to keep his nobility and dignity over my mother, I will not.

Things weren't easy as I thought it would be. Training after training until I was ready enough for my first kill. The perpetrator was a skilled criminal. If I wanted to get mother back, I have to work hard for it.

It took years. Several years. For my mother, I hadn't give up. My blood boils for revenge.

"D-daddy!" A little girl came running down the stairs to meet us in the front.

I knew her name. I knew who she is.

Rainbow Zamora Salvatore.

She's an only child. Her eyes was smiling seeing her father. She was holding a monkey stuffed toy on her chest. Her attention focused on me, a bit of her lip parted, and wide-eyed. I tried to look away.

It seems impossible to keep a poker face when a cute child was staring. It's not a crime if I smile, right? Fuck it.

The little girl was my job. To keep her... busy.

It was the total opposite of what I expected. She was the total opposite of her father. She was kind, innocent and um, cute. But it would never deny the fact that her father was the epitome of Satan. And I'm here to kill him. On the right time.

"L-lev," She called.

Lev like the lion. Like my family's emblem. Her little fingers reached to hold my hand.

"I g-got you a flower. Do you want it? I'm going to put it b-behind your ear." I sat down, so she could do whatever she please. She put the flower just like what she said. And every time, I was hit so hard by that smiling face. There's nothing more I want to do than protect her.

A bald guy shook his head. He was watching me as I pour sugar on my coffee. I remember him. I remember how his gun was pointed on her head for some laughs. Rainbow didn't know what he was doing and it angered me.

I blinked. The brown contact lens almost fell, I was using that to hide my identity. It would be easier to identify a green-eyed child.

"If the boss would be impressed with you, I am sure, you would be inheriting all this wealth than that weak girl." He commented.

"Rainbow isn't weak. She has me. I doubt, with her innocence she wouldn't want to kill you," I replied coldly. In a swift move, the tip of the dagger touched his neck. A sudden gush of blood spurted. He immediately fell on the counter. "But I will."

I finished my coffee with a dead body as a side dish. Someone has to to clean the kitchen. I am not tasked to do that. I searched for the little girl in the house. I didn't want to taint her innocence by seeing a dead body in the kitchen. She needed to stay out on that part of the house.

Little by little, I was fishing information with their illegal activities. I was trying to learn their past crimes and what they did to the women they brought in the casa. I still couldn't find my mother.

Despite years, I still believed she was alive and waiting for me.

Dreadful truth came out after digging. It tore me apart, my soul has bled enough. My mother was dead.

She was killed by Rafael Salvatore III. Her life in her was a living hell. I almost lost my mind hearing the truth from them, she was forced to have sex with any man who want her. They made her their sex slave. And until death, she was fighting for her freedom.

Her body was disposed in an unknown land, seen by the locals and was never identified by a family member. She endured it all. I was too late to save her from the cruel people who molested her body and soul. It angered me even more.

"She would have been thrilled to see you," The woman smiled, she was furiously bleeding. She was assaulted by the man I killed with my gun and she was badly injured.

It was Rainbow's mother. Reina Sy. I never thought Rafael Salvatore would be doing the same thing to the mother of his daughter. She experienced the same thing my mother had experience. Based on her reaction, they somehow met.

It still surprised me that Rafael Salvatore III was a soulless devil. Her hand reached for a pocket. There was a small old parchment she handed to me.

"Richard Sy, g-give it to him..."

That guy was her husband. The story I was told, she left the guy for Rafael Salvatore III. It seemed like she was forced in this situation like my mother.

With blood flowing down his face and him losing his light, I couldn't wait to taste the vengeance. But death wasn't the deserved justice. He has to suffer like how the women in his hands suffered. He must go through the same ordeals as the women in his care.

"K-kill me... release my soul..." The gun I was holding trembled in my hand. "Protect Rainbow from this misery at all cost. Please, don't make her suffer the same fate. Protect her innocence... I love them both."

I only kill inhuman people. It was a different type. She doesn't need to suffer anymore. I pulled the trigger as I looked away. There was a smile left on her face. I knelt down, removed my belt and secured it to her lifeless body.

"Be free... tell mamushka if you see her, I love her so much."

The time has come to do what I am supposed to. Kill the fucktard. Kill Rafael Salvatore III. Before it could come to an end, I was in serious killing spree of his people. People who destroyed every bit of soul my mother has, who tainted her with their crimes.

"You're a traitor," he shouted at my face.

I didn't bother answering his remarks. I am not up for talk. It wouldn't change the fact that he would be dead after I pull the trigger. I didn't care about his life how he didn't care for the life of the women he abducted.

One bullet penetrated his head. His body was thrown to the ground. The blood began to flow freely. Bullets per bullets, the body was deteriorating. Blood was everywhere. The thought of him dead didn't satisfy me.

I set the whole place on fire. Fire spread the whole house, I haven't seen my innocent girl. I went back to check on every corner, found her crying on her father's dead body. A bit of conscience pinched my heart. She shouldn't feel the loss of her father, but I couldn't stop destiny from happening. He needs to be killed.

She was just a little girl, it was easy to get her. She was pushing me away with all her might but she didn't succeed. I took her out of the house before it got burned down. Her crying was inconsolable, I felt bad she had to experience horrendous things as such a young age. If only, I could stop her pain. I would. But it's the pain I inflicted.

"L-lev!" Her cries of panic was even heard. "Don't leave me here! I'll be a good g-girl, pinky p-promise..." I shut my eyes closed for a second. I hate the sound of her cries, it makes me weak.

I am not leaving because she's bad. She's not bad.

You're the epitome of goodness, Rainbow. I am not.

I don't plan to leave her at the foster care system. The letter that was given to me by her mother was transferred to Richard Sy. I put an extra note on it telling him about the sweet, innocent girl I left in the care of the sisters.

Before I went back to Moscow, I made sure she was well taken care of.

Maybe someday, our paths will cross again and we'll be together... for real.

"Where have you been, Khromov Zakhar Petrovich? After years, I thought you are dead, you're going to show up like nothing happened?" Atyets was so mad, I didn't care. I walked up to my room.

"Mamushka's dead," I told him coldly.

I would carry her death for the rest of my life.


"How's the flight, motherfucker?" It was the Greek.

I ignored Centauri's remark. "How's stalking?" Years, and I'm back. Philippines progressed, the system did not. Transactions were much easy here than any other country.

"Wow, you're still stalking the girl, huh?" I chuckled maliciously and went to the counter for some beer. I opened it with the edge of the table.

Sioux threw a damn bottle, which my other free hand caught it in the air. "'Wag ako, ulol. You can't even go back here, until you are ready to face the little girl you met before."

Shaking my head, I sat on the couch. I would fool myself if I say that I'm back for easy transactions, I have specific in mind.

Innocent wide eyes, lips parted, she fainted... Fuck!

The bus stopped to let me carry her out, she was shocked and passed out seeing me. Her innocent soul was intact. Her favorite stuffed toy was still with her and being treated like a baby. I stared at her for the longest time, my ears heated.

If it weren't for the car in the back, I wouldn't look away. I drove to the hospital to confine her.

She didn't recognize me. My jaw clenched, I didn't know if that was a good thing or not. The cute playmate before has grown into a woman --- a beautiful one, without even her noticing. Damn, I maybe have the reason to stay for good.

My lucky days weren't numbered, destiny has been doing its work. If it weren't, I would be too coward to even try my luck.

"Buyer, huh?" She was looking at me innocently while surveying the yacht. Her hand was holding a bag of her art materials. I am familiar with those, my mother used to paint when she was alive.

It was a great reminder of her. Painting and artworks.

"H-ha?" My eyes stared at her lips, they were naturally pinkish.

"Hakdog," I kept my poker face. I heard it somewhere...

Her mouth formed an o-shape. She looked appalled.

"P-para po,"

I immediately turned around. I can't smile. I just can't smile. Just fuck it.

Some things never changed.

Miss ma'am is making me crazy.

I wonder how she got herself in here. She looked like a lost kitten, unable to fathom what was happening. Doesn't matter. It's a win-win situation. I get to keep her with me for the mean time.

We are in the yacht, her 'para po' doesn't count.

Sometimes, water is cold. Sometimes, it's hot. That's how I treat her for the past days. It's fucking unreadable. It's frustrating. But how am I supposed to treat her without her recollection of her traumatic childhood? How am I supposed to tell her I've been thinking about her since the day I fucking met her without opening the past?

The least thing I want is hurt her again.

Some days, I've been slipping too much. How the fuck did I lose my mind? I was enchanted, I asked her if he wanted me to be his sugar daddy.

Of course, her innocence didn't get the idea of that, I should've asked her a simple question and just be mine. Why the fuck a sugar daddy? She kept calling me Mr. Petrovich. For fuck's sake! It didn't sound great if there's another option, she could call me baby instead.

"Are you taking a picture of he-her? Why are you t-taking a pi-picture of he-her, uncle Lion?" Voight's arms were crossed against his chest. His gaze looked irritated. "I like her first!"

Stupid. I was the first one who liked her. I still like her.

I played with my phone to make it look cool, but I wanted to smash a kid's face. He can't tell me he likes her.

"What do you want?"

Voight grinned. "I wa-want the big gun! Te-tell Papa it's your gift for me!" He offered his hand for a handshake.

I shook my head and accepted it. "Consider it done."

My gaze was drawn once more to her direction. I caught her staring at me. Her eyes widened and bit her lip, she almost stumbled looking away. Cute. I can't smile. I can't fucking smile. I did.

Voight was there to witness everything. The kid gave me a thumbs up, I gave him my fist.

Rainbow is passionate about her paintings, she has this cute expression whenever she's focused on the canvas. Even if the world is ending, she will put her work over all else. Not in a single time, she didn't even know I was watching her every move.

I don't even know how to act every time she is around. It was so hopeless. My heart feels afloat whenever she notices me.

When Voight bullies her, she just cries. That kid is a fucking brat. I removed the drawings in her face. Her features, long lashes, cute pointed nose, strawberry-like kissable lips --- she's a work of beauty and an art herself yet she's completely ignorant of those little things.

"Firearms have already been secured if you stick to the deal..." The final sentences were deafeningly quiet. I concentrated on a woman's silhouette who was watching the transaction. My lower lip crushed against the back of my thumb.

Another man's silhouette appeared in my field of vision. When he leveled the gun at her, I was alarmed. My gaze was solely focused on her, and no one else. In frustration, I clinched my jaw. He had no right to wield a gun at my scared little kitten.

The agreement is null and void.

Things get heated. Rather than a smooth transaction, gunfire started. I don't fucking care how many lives lost at the scene; they were already dead when that stupid man pointed the gun at her.

She was embracing me, my other hand was caressing the back of her head, shielding her from the view of violence and the threat of harm. Her body was trembling.

We need to escape. She needs to get out of here unharmed.

"Let's get out of here." We went to the side deck of the yacht. Everything was in chaos.

"W-where's Voight?"

"He's been taken care of by his father," I answered and offered my hand. "Let's go."

She shook her head, pouting. "I... I can't."

I was distracted by her lips, it drew my attention away from the task at hand. Fuck. My brows furrowed in response at her reply. Why the hell is she so adamant about staying here? In a minute, it would have been totally blown up.

"Why the fuck not..." I was almost growling.

She scratched her cheeks cutely. Everything she does looks cute in my fucking eyes. I am so doomed. "Uh, I... I have to get M-momo back in my c-cabin." she explained.

"Who the fuck is that Momo?" My forehead creased even more.

Oh, Momo. Her stuffed toy! The monkey! Her next move was unexpected, she slapped my mouth. Her eyes widened in realization of what she did.

Rainbow mumbled sorry. "It's my s-stuffed toy! Don't use p-profanity on me, p-please..."

"It's just a stuffed toy, I'll buy you a lot more. Let's go."

She looked offended and was about to cry. She shook her head firmly. "N-no! It was g-given to me by my m-mom. It was the only t-thing I have of h-her, Momo was s-special..." Her voice laced determination. The picture of her mother came back to my head.

"You'll get yourself killed." She's gonna get killed for that stuffed toy. It was frustrating me.

Her eyes looked even more determined. "I... I know. I h-have to."

My jaw clenched. "Do you think I will let you?"

She pouted even more. "It's not y-your c-choice to make." I placed her on the railings of the yacht. Damn. She is so near, I want to devour her lips so bad. I sighed.

"Stay here, I'll get it for you. Don't go anywhere. Do you understand?" I tried to intimidate her with my eyes. She nodded her head.

I almost stiffened when she put her hand on my arm. "O-okay. C-come back without s-scratches, p-please." She told me softly.

I couldn't stay with her any longer; I'd reached my limit. I don't want to startle her by casually kissing her. I'm tempted, but I'm resisting the urge. She was not exposed in that department.

The yacht was on the verge of being consumed by flames. I was able to easily locate the cabin where she was staying. When I saw Momo on the bed, I put the plush animal in a bag with the rest of her belongings. I don't want her to return to the city yet.

Someone fired a shot in my direction, I quickly moved to the opposite side. To get away, I opened fire. There were too many of them, it wasn't expected. I shot everyone who came my way. Loud explosion almost stopped me from keep on going.

I was almost there. My heart panicked when I didn't see Rainbow in the spot where I left her. Distracted, a piece of knife penetrated my skin deeper. Dimwit. I shot the guy on his chest.

"Are you looking for her?" Sioux appeared unexpectedly. "I have already dispatched her to the sea." He even cracked a chuckle. I punched him in the face without thinking. And I dove into the water.

It was cold. She was almost at the bottom of the sea, heart beats raced faster seeing her almost lifeless. I endured the coldness of the water and the knife pierced through my skin.

I also found another thing --- the lion emblem that belongs to my family for centuries. It belonged to my mother.

Fuck. I'm not going to lose her.

I pumped on her chest, and claimed her mouth to give her air until she coughed. I am fucking desperate. "Come on, baby..."

She coughed. Several times. Relief flooded my whole being. Damn, I am going to have a heart attack. She has the audacity to give me a sweet smile. I lifted her up to sit on the sand. We were on the back part of the island. Nobody was here except us.

But she was more relieved seeing her stuffed toy back. I shook my head slightly. For a couple of seconds, she stopped and recalled what happened in the yacht, tears escaped her eyes. I wanted to stop it from falling. Then, she looked at me innocently.

"Thank you, Mr. Petrovich." Her cheeks blushed instantly. "M-momo says thank you, t-too."

With brows furrowed, I threatened her. "Call me Mr. Petrovich again---" I didn't finish the sentence.

"Mr. Petrovich," she happily called me.

This woman...

I am tempted not to go back to the city and make a civilization here with the innocent beauty of art. This part of the island was surrounded by coconuts. I cut one into half and give her the flesh to eat. But it wasn't enough. I need to make her eat nutritious food and proteins.

During the night, I started a fire to battle the sea breeze. She would just stare at what I do. It's better that way instead of cutting herself with her attempts to help me.

"Let's eat."

"Wala naman tayong f-food?" she answered shyly.

I rolled my eyes. There were a lot of sea foods for her. And she's telling me there were no food to eat. She didn't like fish, somehow, it annoyed me. She should be thankful, at least. I exerted efforts in getting those.

"I don't even like you, here I am stuck with you in this forsaken place. Did I complain?" Lies.

Rainbow sat in silence, unmoving with fixated gaze on the fire. Seeing her like that, I knew I messed up big time. I sighed and gave her a big fish, as if compensation for what I did. Something pinched my heart with her reaction. She avoided my gaze, but her cheeks shone with tears streaming down. Fuck it.

She took a big bite of the fish quietly. That was when she started scratching herself, she looked as if she was having trouble in breathing. Realization struck me. She never had sea foods before. Not even when we were playmates.

"Are you allergic to fish?" I yelled.

She nodded in response. "Fuck!" I am losing my calm, I am nervous as fuck seeing the allergic reaction. It was worsening every passing second. I have to act. I never had that sense of realism after my mother died, I wasn't easily frightened. I could kill people in less than a minute, she makes me nervous. "Stay with me,"

She instructed to get her medicine in the bag, my hand was shaking getting the anti-histamine. She swallowed it whole. I held her in my arms, calming her body. She was crying real hard. My jaw clenched. "It's not cute. It's fucking stupid! You could have said you are fucking allergic to fishes. Are you out of your mind?" Every word was firm.

"D-don't h-hate me, p-please..." Of course, how can I hate her? I hate myself, not her.

I let her cry. Fuck, I made her cry.

"I'm sorry," I whispered softly against her ear as I kissed her tears away. "Hush, kitten."

I watched her sleep in my arms and went to the makeshift bed made of dried coconut leaves. It was cold, even there was fire, it was still not enough to warm the cold night. I put her to sleep, but her embraced was too tight, I couldn't let her go. We spent the night together, holding each other.

More likely, she slept good while I couldn't even close my eyes. I spent the entire night keeping an eye on her. Her beautiful eyelashes were long, and her shyness made her cheeks easily get crimson reminded me of Mimosa pudica.

She was so near, I was tempted to kiss her. I still remembered how she asked me to marry her when we were kids.

Whenever I tried to get away, she always gets closer. In the morning, I woke up early to find her any food. She can't eat the sea foods provided by the beach. Sometimes, I find myself smiling at her innocence, she was easily distracted by things around her. She couldn't even make a decent grilled fish.

She doesn't need to help me. I got her.

There were some grilled banana when she woke up, but she has a habit of waiting for me and we would devour the food together. She would always play with the waves, I would watch her from afar.

Those simple things make her smile. I just have another rival in her attention --- that fucking monkey stuffed toy she calls Momo.

Hr imagination is wild most of the times. It's a adorable, quite frankly. She was sheltered her whole life, little things scare her. She even thought a sea urchin would cause her death.

My insides were laughing but I have to keep the poker face. Damn. She was too honest, and even her not wearing a panty was told to me.

My jaw clenched in annoyance. She's such an innocent seductress but I wouldn't do anything to her body unless she gives me permission to do so.

She even asked me to be a subject of her painting --- she didn't need to ask, she can do everything she want with my damn body. It's getting crazier.

The tree house I found was built during the training days. It was near the stream of water. My wound wasn't treated well. It started to get progressively worse. One night, I felt the headache, my body was lit on fire, but my insides were cold.

Rainbow was panicking with the temperature, she didn't know what to do. All I want is to comfort her that everything is just fine. I shut my eyes closed. Her hand was reaching my forehead. I heard her small sobs. The next thing was the closing of the door.

Where was she going? She's scared of things at night. She has to go back to the tree house. My body can't barely move. A lump formed my throat, there was no voice as I spoke.

Painfully long minutes I waited for her to go back. She's safer in my arms. I felt a wet towel in my forehead. Someone's changing the bandage of bayabas leaves in my stomach where the knife pierced through. Kitten was still crying. She encircled her arms in my body.

My body's heat was reduced the next day. She was still sleeping on my side. I sat on the bed, the energy in my body was regaining and being nursed back to health. Thanks to the lady who conquered the night to take care of me. I smiled at her while she slept.

I carried her and slowly put in the bed. Small wounds on her feet caught my attention. It irritates me a lot. Anything that hurts her annoys me. I wrapped his foot with a clean cloth. Rainbow was still sleeping soundly. I could watch her all day, but she needs food.

The highlight of my day was listening to all her talks, it feels like she was warming up to me. She would tell me stories, she would mention her sister --- I don't care about her sister, she's the one I want to know better. Centauri would be interested but not me. I am only interested in her.

She needs to be confident about herself, how can be someone so beautiful but not aware of their beauty? Fuck, she's the prettiest.

Her love for arts were evident, but I'm still mesmerized whenever she talks about her passion. I called it boring once out of my messy head, everything she does is not boring at all. Even the way she blows her hair, the way she laughs at silly things and her shyness.

They say, the taste of good meals won't leave my mouth, the taste would be forever engraved. That's what happened when I tasted her. Her sweet lips is like a damn drug in my mouth. It was quite addictive. I have the urge to taste it for the fucking rest of my life.

But it was ruined when she brought the topic about boyfriend. Fuck, I never thought of that. My blood boiled in anger. It doesn't matter if she has a boyfriend, he would be soon dead. I'll make sure to kill him and make her mine.

"Z-zak..." I love her voice when she calls me that.

Zak. No one calls me that. It was just specifically her. And she's the only one special. It's much better than her previous Mr. Petrovich. It was more intimate.

My eyes settled on her, but I'm still fucking mad she had a boyfriend. After she proposed to me when we were kids, she had a boyfriend. That was unacceptable. I am too composed even when killing people, and I couldn't right now, I'm fucking mad. She's the only one who can make that wrath come out, yet she's also the only one who can control it.

She pouted, and I'm losing it more. "B-bakit mo na naman ako m-minumura? I l-let you k-kiss me, you even h-hold these..." Her lips pointed her chest that is still showing to me. Damn. "You even s-suck my n-nipples... I-ikaw naman ang t-tinutukoy kong b-boyfriend. 'Di ba ginagawa iyon ng b-boyfriend? I l-let you do those t-things to m-me. I-ikaw ang b-boyfriend ko..."

My expression changed in an instant. "What did you fucking say?"

"W-wala..." she replied, her face was so red. She was so shy to repeat the words, but she did eventually. It felt like my whole world stopped for a second, I just stared at her for a long time.

"Just say it, please..." I begged.

I want to hear her saying the words of affirmation again.

"I-ikaw nga ang b-boyfriend ko," She scratched her nose and looked away.

"Good answer, kitten."

I hugged her closer. I'm the happiest, as well, as the luckiest. I thought, she would never get my hints, I was courting her the first time she set foot on the yacht. She kissed me back, we almost fucking did it. But I want it to be special for her. I don't want to take it in an unfamiliar place for her, in the sand with only a piece of blanket.

Change is the only constant. The set-up that we have has to go back to normal. We need to go back to the city. I know, she wants to go back so bad.

"You still proceeded to the plan? You still kidnapped that poor girl?" I grabbed del Fuego's collar. It makes me fucking mad. I was out for too long, and this is what I returned to.

He didn't do anything. Sioux acted as the referee for. While the annoying Chinese already had bets. Trigger looked at me. "What is it to you?" His eyes were challenging me.

"You know how much I hate those people who abduct women," I said in a low voice.

"Aren't you the same?" He smirked. "We are all flawed here, Petrovich. You are not an exemption. We all think like criminals. No one is an exemption."

Del Fuego was right.

I am a fucking criminal. I am just like them. But I want to be right for her.

For once in my fucking life, I want to be good. And it's because of a woman. She's too innocent for the world. And I want to protect that innocence so bad. She's the only reminder that good still exists.

One of the precious things that happened to me is to be loved by such an innocent goddess. She was so cute asking the same thing over and over. I would never get tired of reminder her I love her so much.

My sweet innocent Rainbow cried in happiness. I wiped away her tears with my thumb.

"I... I love you, t-too..." She whispered softly.

My brow rose teasingly. "Hm, really?"

She giggled. Her lips is my new addiction. I can't seem to recover after tasting such soft, pouty lips of hers. What a treat.

My baby got distracted with the room's interior, she wanted to make it her project and design the whole penthouse. She's the boss, really. It's hers. The penthouse is hers, as much as I am hers. She can do anything what she want. That's not the point now. It's the least of my concern.

I want to claim what's mine.

"Do anything you want. It's ours." I caressed her cheek and made her face me. "Girlfriend, this is the proper way to kiss your man." I told her and slightly pinched her cheeks.

Her face became so red. She's shy, but I won't let that shyness overcome her whole being.

"W-wait lang, iyong—"

I didn't continue the sentence; instead, I gently kissed her lips. I made sure she would feel comfortable with every brush of my lips against hers. My hands began to explore her delicate demeanor in a discreet manner before laying her on the bed. Every touch sends a surge of electricity towards me.

"Z-zak..." My name sounded better when she moaned it, with my hands proceeded to massage her molded breasts. It was innocently erotic.

I pinned both of her hands above her head and removed the piece of her clothing. It exposed her body even more. I played with her beads softly.

"Like it?" I was smirking, she blushed even more. I almost laughed when she tried to cover her face with a pillow. I pushed my finger into her shorts as my they began to lower their aim. On the down part, she was dripping soaked. I came to a halt to take off my shirt. I also took her shorts off.

Her hands were exploring the upper part of my body gently. I parted her legs even more and kissed her down there. Her scent was enticing and addictive. I felt her body stiffened. She couldn't control herself but moan until her orgasm erupted. Her lips formed an o-shape, innocently staring at me.

I stopped for a moment. I was contemplating if she was ready for any of this. With that innocent stare, how am I supposed to continue claiming her body?

"W-what are you d-doing?"

I bit my lip and shook my head. "I am being too aggressive with my slow-poke. You are not ready for this." I answered softly and kissed her head.

Wide-eyed, she disagreed. "R-ready na naman ako!" I chucked at her reaction. "T-touch move ka, Zak! N-nikain mo na nga..."

"Are you sure about this?" I asked again. "If you change your mind, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll stop even if I don't think I could. You understand?"

She didn't intervene. I let her dominate the intimacy by being on top of me. She sat down on my length and began poking it gently. The pleasure she was giving me was excessive, yet I felt bad seeing her eyes filled with tears. It was her first time, and I knew it would be painful as hell.

"Can you t-takeover?" she asked.

"Gladly," I smirked in response.

I pushed her to the bed, I was on top again. I tried to be gentle as possible. But it wasn't possible with how massive my thing was.

Her body is my temple, I would never get tired of paying my respects. And her love is my religion, I would never going to lose faith.

"I love you, slow-poke." I said between kisses to appease the pain she was feeling.

"M-mahal din kita, Zak, kahit s-sinagad mo."

My chuckle sent vibrations through our linked private parts. Damn, I am so in love.

I looked around for her; she was asking for an ice cream. My smile had vanished from my face. Rainbow was nowhere to be found where I had left her. Fuck. The memories of my mother being abducted in the same location rushed through my mind. I'm going insane. This can't be happening to me again. I lost my mother --- I'm not going to lose the love of my life.

"You only have one job and that is fucking look after her when I am not!" I shouted. That's my job. Yet I failed. There's no one to blame but me.

Nerves didn't help me, I'm fucking nervous. The terror and fear came back to me in that instant. I felt how my father have felt before, the thing that I didn't understand yet. Power doesn't guarantee the safety of my loved ones. It's going to be a war if something bad happened to her. The world will pay.

Luckily, what happened to my father didn't happen to me. I had an utmost relief seeing my baby again.

"I'm sorry, baby. I was late to come and get you," I spoke softly. I am losing my shit. "The ice cream melted. Do you want to get another one?"

She just hugged me. Her cries tore me apart. She was scared. "W-where have you b-been?"

"I panicked the moment I didn't see you on the side of the ice cream parlor... I thought something bad happened to you." The vulnerability in my voice was evident. She is my weakness. "Just like my mother."

There was a long pause. I never felt so scared in my life. Just the thought of losing her kills my insides. Not my baby.

"Pablo Catorse didn't operate alone, he has an accomplice." Ishmael looked at my direction. "In fact, it was a woman." Their glances remained fixed on me. They were observing my every move. A dagger in my hand and was moving it around with my fingers.

"Do you know any of these, Petrovich?" Henrique Priam was agitated. "I can't fucking believe you were fooled by a woman."

"I know," I smirked. "Right from the start."

It was a common knowledge, I let Rainbow Zamora fool me. Why not? If that's only way I could keep her.

Jianyu laughed. "Putangina, marupok." He did high-five himself, no one else accepted his hand.

"I would be happy to kill her," Priam suggested.

My blood was boiling with rage. I aggressively played with the dagger on my hand. "You try, I'll bring hell to you." I threatened.

As long as I am alive, they will never be able to harm her, not even her fingertip.

The conflict started decades ago. Her wrath was valid. I didn't care if she was merely out for vengeance. I'm fucking losing my mind. She can do anything she want. She can hurt me, I'll be happy. I'm the willing victim.

But I was never prepared for the pain.

"Tell me you don't love me," I blew a loud breath. "You love me. I know you do. You saved me in the island, you could have killed me by then. You let me touch you. You let me invade your personal space. You love me, baby. Let's... let's," I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. "Let's just start over, love."

The gun aimed my chest. She was looking at me in the eye, a bit of smile was plastered on her lips. She was the most beautiful I've ever seen. It was breaking every part of me. "The island part was unexpected. Why would I kill the man I used for survival? Kung hindi kita bubuhayin, ako ang hindi makakaligtas. And it favored me. S-sex? You're hot. But it doesn't mean anything."

My heart was breaking in her confession. I knew it was going to happen, but I gambled, anyways. I gambled to make her mine. All the stupid things I did for love.

"Baby, please..." I knelt in front of her.

"Let's end it here, Petrovich. I can never love the man who killed my beloved. We're just starting." She released the gun and the sound echoed on the room. "If ever our paths crossed again, let's pretend we didn't know each other." She was mad. "Goodbye, Khromov Zakhar Petrovich."

She left me kneeling on the floor, my heart was murdered. The gush of blood from the part she shot didn't match the pain of my heart. It was incomparable. They fucking tell me, no one has ever died of heartbreak, I could be the first.

She was the one who shattered my heart into pieces, she was the only one who can make it back the way it was. The power she holds over me.

"It's just a fucking small wound, it won't fucking kill you,"

Voight giggled. "Does that me-mean uncle Lion, I can co-court R-rainbow?" The kid added salt to the wound. Jianyu and the child did a high-five in front of me. He even brought liquors in the hospital. I couldn't care less.

"How does it feel to have spent your entire life being taught to be cruel, a killing machine and ruthless? Only to fall in love with a person who despises you and your ancestors?"

I smiled bitterly. "If it weren't her, I wouldn't have it any other way."

His narrow, slanted eyes hinted mockery. "Karma's a bitch. And I wouldn't fall for it."

Smirking, I snatched the liquor from him. "I heard people say that same thing. Del Fuego said that. Centauri said that. They became newest victims of love. Your time will come, Xu. You'd be falling head over heels for someone and I'd be the one laughing at you." A ridiculed chuckle escaped my lips.

Bad boys do fall in love. They are the ones who often fall hard. They are the ones who will sacrifice the world for the ones they love. They are the ones who will give up all for the ones they care about.

I am that fucking criminal.

Most of the times, it ends tragically.

"Kill her, Russian prince."

It was never a hard choice --- I would always choose her even if it means the death of me.

I raised the gun to aim, her eyes locked their gaze on me. There were silent tears brimming down her cheeks. She gave me a small smile as if giving her consent to kill her. Why would she even think that? I'd rather die, than kill her.

Instead, I shot Henrique Priam.

An upheaval occurred. They were all against me, a few were on my side. It was still hard to kill all of these trained killers to save her.

My lips parted in a sweet smile directed towards her.

"You have to kill me first, before you kill her," I shook my head. "Let her be safe, let me pay for her debts." I pleaded.

There was no other way but to trade my life in exchange of her safety. And there was nothing more important to me than Rainbow --- the innocent goddess who bewitched my whole being.

Basement served as my home for weeks of torture. They tied my hands in two several poles. An old Roman tradition stated that forty lashes would result in death. In Roman times, a flogger should be able to kill a man with forty lashes if it were to be used properly.

The men have two chance to whip on my back, it was on the written rule for traitors. I would have forty lashes, another with a substitute for me.

It almost sent me to hell, but my baby is waiting for me. I hate seeing her cry. But I wouldn't want to see someone comforts her when I am no longer around. I can't.

The lash of pain was endured and the final punishment was X mark on my back by the strongest steel that was forged in the fires of hell. That was the most painful thing to happen to me physically. But it was all worth it to keep her safe.

"Stop crying, baby. I'm here." I kissed her tears away. Seeing her again healed all the wounds they inflicted on me. She has hat power to make me feel okay. I missed her so damn much. "You missed me that much, huh?"

"M-miss na m-miss kita... m-miss ko rin ang s-sex. Hehe."

Damn. I coughed hard. My innocent Rainbow. My innocent baby, I'm home.

Yet it has to come to an end once more. My heart must be slain once more. That's why I avoided bringing up my mother with her and the cause of her death. However, she has the right to know. I know, she would feel an immense guilt. It wasn't what I wanted. Her father's fault was never her fault.

I have to let her go again to find her peace, to be completely freed from her past. And pray that it's still me after all that.

Months passed, they were so hard for me. All I can do is stare at her from afar. She was so near, yet I can't hug her in my arms. Stolen glances were my only fuel to survive my days without her. It makes me so afraid, she is doing great without me. What if she want me out of her life permanently?

The two-way radio beeped, I was busy bathing Zahara. I shook my head thinking I will hostage this bundle of joy if she doesn't want to go back to me anymore.

"What?" I asked, irritated.

"Your girlfriend is currently on her way out of the penthouse, Lion."

Fuck. "Why the heck did you just tell me now?" I hissed at the guy on the other line.

"You are not answering the call," Within a swift move, I ran towards the door. Zahara was with me, I was drying her with fresh and clean towel. The elevator was already moving downward. Damn it.

My attention was caught by the envelope in front of the door. It has my name on it. I memorized every bit of her, including her penmanship. I knew it was from my baby. An invitation to her grand day. I felt like an idiot smiling over a simple joy. Well, she doesn't know how it makes me so happy she remembers me.

I'm excited to win her back. The months of stealing glances are almost over.

My brow rose at her declaration of status. She's single?! My jaw tightened in annoyance. I am more annoyed that they let her on stage to be auctioned. I am not trying to be fucking rude, but that innocent baby is mine. Mine alone.

"Fifty million. I don't care if you fucking go into billions, I'll triple the bid. The woman you're trying to auction is not single, she's mine." I am damn irritated.

"Whoa, fifty million, going once, going twice..." The auctioneer paused a bit to let the money sink in. "Sealed the deal, sold to Mr. Knight in Dashing Suit."

She looked at me, her jaw dropped. Shock was evident in her reaction. I miss those faces she makes. I hurried to my car and drove quickly as I could to one of Centauri's yacht. I still have to decorate a good dinner table for my baby. I called my men, Jianyu was even present to annoy me even more. I don't know what the fuck he was doing in the yacht.

She was escorted by their driver to the port. I was trying to be cool when she arrived, I was still annoyed that she told people she was single. But the night turned to be one of the greatest. Rainbow's officially mine again. We are back in each other's arms.

Until my evil of a father, tried to be a villain so hard. He attempted to engage me with an Ivanov that I had never heard of. It upsets Rainbow. Who wouldn't be upset with that? Instead of breaking us up, it did us a favor of tying the knot.

With just the two of us. Only the priest and the acolytes were there as witnesses.

"Rainbow Zamora Petrovich..." I stopped and smiled like an idiot. "You are the dream, baby. You always have been. I knew from the moment I first saw you we were destined to spend the rest of our lives together. That cute, wide-eyed girl with a monkey stuffed toy who can't differentiate a boy and a girl..." Rainbow laughed at that part. Her eyes were so teary. Mine as well. "She didn't leave my mind since then. You are the great reminder of good, baby and I aspire to be better for you everyday."

I heaved a deep breath. "Falling in love with you was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was like coming into home after being lost for such a long time. You are my home. You will always be. And even when we're old and gray, I promise to always see you with the same eyes and heart that I see you with now. It's impossible to see you in any other way other than the love of my life. I promise to be always patient with you and answer all your questions, I will do all the house chores, just love me for the rest of your life... Ya tebya lyublyu, my baby. Mahal na mahal kita."

"Z-zak..." Her tears fell freely in her cheeks. It was the time to say her vows. She smiled at me sweetly. The smile I would cherish for the rest of my life. "I... I want to t-thank you for being the best b-boyfriend anyone could a-ask for and now the best h-husband... dati naman sinusungitan mo lang ako. Tapos nag-evolve, t-tinatanong na kita kung kailan tayo magsi-sex..." Everyone coughed loudly. I bit my lower lip, her cheeks reddened furiously. "Ay, sorry po, father, and'yan po pala kayo. Hehe."

She scratched her head. It was hard to stop myself from chuckling. Everything she does is adorable. "Pero p-pwede na po kami mag-sex 'di ba? We're m-married na po, father?" Fuck. Is she really going to broadcast to the whole world our sex life? She's the most innocent and adorable.

"I am not r-ready with my vow, but my heart s-screams that I will love you for who you are t-today and who you will b-become in the future. You know my insecurities and flaws better than anyone else and yet you never make me feel less and you love me, anyways. You are the one my heart have chosen even with our past conflicts. And I'll keep choosing you over and over again, without hesitation, without reservation. Mahal na mahal din kita, Khromov Zakhar Petrovich." She winked at me.

Our vows were sealed with a kiss. A passionate kiss for a lifetime.

I love this woman so damn much.

But marriage isn't always rainbows and butterflies. In fairytales, weddings are the happy endings. It wasn't the same in real life.

There are times that are difficult to get by. I failed my wife when I hadn't protect her from danger and we lost our baby. It was not her fault, but she was suffering with my failure. She have always wanted baby. Many babies. It's now hard to conceive one.

It seemed like Rainbow's colorful life has been snatched away. It was her dream to have many babies and have a large family. I despise the fact that I can't do anything about it but to be there every step of the way, to make her feel she's not fighting alone our battles. If only I could erase her burdens and sorrows, I would.

It's my weakness seeing her cry.

I would not stop believing, miracle does happen all the time. I am not worthy, but my wife is. She's worthy of everything the world could offer. She deserves the world. For my wife.

After the rough experience and doing everything, we were given a chance to welcome a beautiful baby girl. My daughter. Our daughter.

Semaira Mashalah Zamora Petrovich.

The princess that is ready to takeover Papa's world. We were wrapped in her little fingers. She's the best gift we ever received. Mahal na mahal agad ni Papa si baby Semaira.

That was when I noticed Rainbow's behavior towards her. It was hard for her to adjust, that was what I thought the first time, but it was more to that. She had a postpartum depression that was common for mothers. I need to step up for the both of them until she overcame it. I let her figure things out. Slowly.

And she did.

Rainbow is the most innocent. She is the kindest. She has the purest heart. I am so lucky to be called her husband.

My eyes was focused on her as she walked around the photo exhibit of herself. I have always wondered how she couldn't see her own beauty, her heart's purity and innocence. I see those with my very own eyes. I hope she sees it through the lens of mine.

"I never asked you properly. I never asked your family formally, I'll be better this time." I opened the box with the diamond ring. "My father used to say, love will be my ultimate downfall, but I will let it consume me for the rest of my life to be with you. Will you marry me again?"

Our baby was giggling in my lap. Her tears flowed in happiness as she nodded.

"I will marry you for the rest of this lifetime." My wife answered.

Semaira wiped away the tears in my cheek by kissing it. My heart's melting with this duo. What good did I possibly done to deserve them both?

I used to never fully appreciate moments as I was always anticipating what would happen next and following event that would occur. It's like living in a time machine. Now that I've got her, I'm relishing every moment. Every single second.

After being lost for a long time --- I am finally home.

Every fiber of my being identifies her heart as my home, and her arms as my safe haven. She is my forever and always.

Superman has a weakness, but she will no longer be just a weakness. I will also be strengthened by her.

But will always be kryptonited by her innocence and stares.



I would always be thankful for the support and for waiting! Aaaaaaah! I'm so happy being with you in this journey! Thank you so much for the patience. Thank you so much for reading my babies. Another one ended, means there's also another one that would start soon. Sorry, agad sa English. Ngarag na, e.

You may join the group for my stories Psycho's Asylum (Stories of PsychopathxXx). I hope you enjoyed reading these two as much as I enjoyed writing Zak and Rainbow. Love her innocence.

Thank you!

Chi xx

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