The Rider's Harem (Futa Reade...

By Dark1o

103K 2.5K 378

This is my second book yay I had this idea on my mind for a solid 4 weeks or so, I've read different types of... More

The Journey To Hell
Meeting The Tired Demon
Redemption In The Lustful City
Meeting The Lustful Demon
The Guard dog(s) of hell
Malina The Sour One
Azazel The Not So Fallen One
Justice The Awesome One
Lucifer The Fallen One
Judgment Vs Vengeance And Home Sweet Home
Spending Time With Charlie And Meeting The Goat Fetish Demon
Rescuing Charlie With The Famed Witch
A Lazy Day
A Day With The Mistress of Bitching
Beach Episode
The Hotel of Hazbin
The Fall From Grace
Time For An Exam
The Fate of Humanity
Quality Family Time
The Day of Spookyness
Judgement's Day
Pandamonica's Day off
The Harem Meets (Y/n)'s Parents
Christmas with Santa's "helper"
The Date At Ozzie's
The Date With The Devil
Can't Escape From Crossing Fate
A Meeting With The Gods & A Family Reunion
A New Cambion Amongst The Demon
The Rider's Stories
The Rider's Living Curse
A Meeting With Lords of Hell
A Day With The Witch
One Hell Of A Curse
Saving The Witch
A Christmas To Never Forget
Awakening of The Slayer
Two Types Of Fun
A Crazy Day With Crazy And A Saint
An Awesome Day Out
Preparing For War
Humanity's Warbringer
The Search For The Rider
A New Companion

Zdrada The Queen Bitch of Bitchtopia

3.2K 99 6
By Dark1o

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
Bold= Ghost Rider talking
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

It's been about 20 minutes since getting Malina into the harem and (Y/n) had to transform her feet so she wouldn't get blisters on them but enough of that lets get on with the meat and potatoes

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

After about 20 minutes of walking we stop and took a break for a bit and well Modeus is still groping me and Cerberus has sniffed someone or something out

(Y/n): what ya smell Cerberus?

Cerberus: This place stinks of smoke. Zdrada must be close by.

Malina: Oh no... Please no...

(Y/n): I'm guessing that's the person you thought I was when I entered your cave?

Malina: I did, Zdrada is my sister

(Y/n): sibling hated towards each other I know that feeling

Pandemonica: you do?

(Y/n): I do and rather not touch that subject I don't like remembering my past very much

After saying that silence fell upon us until I stand up and followed the think smell of cigarette smoke as I feel tears slowly roll down my checks

Zarathos: their disappearance is not your fault (Y/n)

(Y/n): I know but when I felt their soul starting to disappear I-I-I

Zarathos: we will find them (Y/n) but for now let's focus on the task at hand

(Y/n): *wipes the tears away* yeah your right thanks Zarathos

After Zarathos calming me down I continue following the smoke

Narrator's p.o.v

As (Y/n) finds herself at the at the source of the smoke a demon that goes by the name Zdrada the bitch demon and she notices (Y/n) and approaches her

Zdrada: yo, I heard about your harem and you being the Rider. I'm in

(Y/n): I have bad feeling about this

Zdrada: to bad, I'm coming anyway, go ahead, try to stop me

(Y/n): let's just get back to the others

<time skip 15 mins>

When (Y/n) and Zdrada returned to the group something was off as if an ambush was about to happen... nah

(Y/n): hey everyone I'm back and with a new addition to to the harem

Pandemonica: that's good to but um

Malina: there's a bunch of feathered freaks demanding for you and they said they'll let us live if we handed them the Rider

Zdrada: well they'll just case *pushes (Y/n) into an opening and yells into the sky* COME AND GET EM YA FREAKS

(Y/n): well at lest I can get more halos from this

With that a golden light illuminates the area as third sphere Angels; Affinity fly out of the light and surround (Y/n)

((A/n): this is what Affinity look like))

Then a a godly voice rang out as Jubileus emerged from the holy light

((A/n): This is Jubileus for those who are wondering))

Jubileus: well look who decided to show themselves

Zarathos: keep your guard up

(Y/n): noted. Hello Jubileus last I heard from you was when Cereza summoned Queen Sheba to punch you in to the sun

Jubileus: the famed witch will pay for that but she isn't why I'm here, the reason I'm here at all is The Infinite One has been causing trouble

(Y/n): what Rodin does shouldn't affect shouldn't you pricks in heaven anyway

As the bickering continues Malina is having a an argument with her sister about the hole situation

Zdrada: welp we're dead

Malina: I didn't see YOU do anything

Zdrada: what exactly do you expect me to do?

Malina: I dunno, maybe you coulda "bitched" on them, how 'bout that? That's all you appear to be good at these days, huh? Used you Bitch fu on them? Zdrada, the Mistress of "Bitching", that's they should call you! Seriously, Five ancient sages of bitchdom all gathered together one day on the peaks of Mount Bitch to proclaim your birth. And a hundred years later, when all the "bitch" stars had aligned, you were born and made everyone's life around you a living hell because YOU ARE SUCH A BITCH!!!

Pandemonica: you done Malina

Malina: *sighs in relief* yes

Modeus: um (Y/n) is doing something

Everyone looked towards (Y/n) location to find her in her Rider form splitting Affinitys in two and blasting them with a hellfire shotgun

(Y/n): really *fires shotgun* wish *fires another shot* Cereza's *fires again* witch *slices one in half* ass *slices another one* was *fires again* here right about now

Jubileus: I'm surprised Rider that you lasted this long but now you die Rider

(Y/n): yeah I highly doubt that Ms Death will allow me to die

Jubileus: well she'll just have to accept your death then

(Y/n): *starts growing in size* well you should know that I don't die easily *stops growing at the size of a small Kaiju* so prepare your anus

Jubileus: when could do this Rider?!?

(Y/n): always could, now to send you back where ya came from

After that (Y/n) throws a punch at Jubileus which they couldn't dodge in time which knocked them off balance, then proceeds to wale on them and with a solid uppercut (Y/n) and sent Jubileus back to where they came from

(Y/n): when God ask you why your back early tell em you ran into one of their divine Instruments of Vengeance

And with that Jubileus was sent back into the giant light and with rage full scream Jubileus is sent back into heaven and (Y/n) shrinking back down to normal size

(Y/n): that was extremely tiering but thank fuck that's over

Cerberus: yay! (Y/n) did it! *jumps onto (Y/n)*

(Y/n): damn it Cerberus

Pandemonica: I'm surprised you managed to survive all that

(Y/n): national talent

Modeus:well shouldn't we get a move on?

(Y/n): we should but my feet are sore and I want to rest before we move on

Zdrada: of course you do

(Y/n): quit your bitching and let me rest, Malina I'm using your lap as a pillow

Malina: *blushes* wh-what

(Y/n): you heard me, I'mma nap

(Y/n) passes out into a slumber as Malina quickly catches her then places (Y/n) lap as Malina continues to blush as slumber that takes (Y/n) but that end today's chapter I hoped you enjoyed it and I hope to see you soon bye bye

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