Monstered Away

By Trash7680

103 14 6

In a realm of, what people call, "monsters", one becomes punished and loses his positioning of power. However... More

New Face
Moving Forward
The Start to an End

Lost and Found

59 4 2
By Trash7680

A man lit a fuse as dozens of fireworks launched into the sky.

"Wooo! This is great, don't you think?" The man asked a lady, clearly drunk. The lady giggled.

"Of course." She said. Around them, plenty of other people. Fireworks launched into the sky, booming, making it hard to hear and flashing, just so the night was visible for mere seconds. As everyone partied, a black sludge came from underneath a nearby truck. A mouth appeared. A large grin lay across it as the sludge grew bigger and bigger...

The sky was black with a tint of orange. A black figure stroller along the street, wearing a top hat and a cloak. The figure had a perfectly circular head, and only a grin was stricken across it. Down, the neck went to a body, covered by the cloak. Even so, you could tell that there was nothing else to this figure. The figure was entirely black. It walked into a more open street, walking to a larger building compared to the rest in the entire, large city. This city is huge. You can't see from one end to the other even if you tried. However, surrounding the city is a black water with seemingly no bottom. The only way to cross it is by boat. Even so, unless you know where you're going, you'd get lost.

The figure entered the building, an arm with four claw-like fingers opening the door. Inside had plenty of other beings, almost none the same. They all had their uniqueness in size, appearance, personality, everything. The black figure entered an elevator. The elevator took off upward, heading straight for the top. As fast as it moved, it stopped quickly. The figure exited into a room with a few beings on computers.

"They've called." The figure said. A lady being turned to the figure. She nodded and pressed a button. Behind her, a door opened. The figure walked to it and entered a darker room. He took a few steps before stopping. In front of him sat three other figures. However, they could not be seen.

"Care to explain?" One of them asked.

"Explain what? Doing my job?" The figure from before asked in return.

"Maybe the unnecessary killing." One of the other ones said. The grin on the black figure disappeared.

"I can't freeload a little bit?" He asked.

"Not when it's countless of people enjoying themselves." One of the other ones replied. One of the beings in front of him, a bigger yet skinnier one, stood up.

"Your job is to scout out. Recordings have spotted you, and now the world is getting worried. You're not supposed to kill in big crowds and you know that." He said. The black figure sighed.

"So what're you gonna do then?" He asked.

"Well, there's only one answer, isn't there?" The skinnier figure replied.

The black figure left the building, slouched over a bit.

"Really overreacting over nothing." The figure said once more. He made a large sigh.

"What do I do now though?" He asked himself. He just walked through the city, past guards, regular civilians, just like any normal world. A few hours passed of him walking around. That's when he stopped by an alley. He turned to it. He walked down, hearing the sound of dripping. He quickly found a boy with short white hair staring at a dead, doglike creature. The boy was human, of course. The figure grinned.

"So, what is a kid like you doing down here?" He asked, getting a little closer. That's when he realized the sound of dripping was blood. He watched as the kid took a bite of the creature and stared directly at him.

"Huh, you've gotta be pretty screwed up to do that, even if you were hungry." The figure said. The boy stared at him as he got closer.

"So, do you mind if I asked what happened to you?" The figure asked. The boy quickly jumped at him, but the figure backed up fast enough to avoid him.

"Calm down. Do I look like I'm gonna hurt you?" The figure grinned. The boy stared up at him. He looked about ten, maybe eleven. The boy went back to the dead creature.

"Keep eating..." The figure said, turned away to think.

"How did one of these guys get down here? I could just kill him..." The figure began. He looked back at the boy, eating and staring him down. The figure grinned.

"However..." He began. He walked back over to him.

"You're alone, right?" He asked. The boy stared at him for a moment before nodding.

"You don't say... I am too..." The figure explained. He stuck his hand out for him to grab.

"Say... why don't we team up?" The figure grinned. The boy stared at him, then took his hand.

"Great. You can call me Azrael. What's your name?" The figure asked...

Six Years Later...

"Can I get two, please?" A boy with short, white hair asked. A "monster", or what the boy calls them, nodded, whipping up food for him. The boy waited, looking around. He was slightly tapping his foot in a beat. The monster handed him two of the same food. The boy took it, handed him some change, and headed off.

"I've been looking forward to this!" The boy said, quite happy to enjoy the food he got. It had toasted bread on top and the bottom, and in between was meat and veggies. If you were wondering, yes, it's a burger. However, the meat was definitely not steak, or cow steak, at least. The boy took a bite out of it.

"Mm! Great!" He said happily, sitting on a bench. Around him, "monsters" walked by, not paying any mind to him. The boy quickly finished up his burger. As he did, he glanced at the second one he had. He looked around, then reached to grab it.

"You're not thinking about eating mine too, are you?" A small, black rectangle asked. It was Azrael.

"What!? O-Of course not! I wouldn't do that to you..." The boy said, acting innocent. He sighed, getting up.

"Well, let's get going. Hopefully we won't get interfered by any Hunters." He said. He began walking as the black box, Azrael, followed.

"Well, you've got me." He said in return.

"Yeah, I know." The boy replied. This boy's name is Tenn. He's 17, and from the human realm. That probably needs some explaining. The realm he's currently in isn't the one that humans are aware of. In fact, they shouldn't even be here. Through some chance, he has arrived in this realm. Since he teamed up with Azrael and grew, he quickly learned this. Now, he's trying to find a way back by himself.

Tenn opened a door to an apartment room. Azrael's black box moved over to a larger black figure in the corner of the room. It quickly merged, then turned to Tenn, who dropped the extra burger on the table.

"That's all you got?" Azrael asked.

"Hey, it's enough to fill me up." Tenn replied. Azrael opened the packaging around his burger to see a bite taken out of it.

"Seriously?" He asked. Tenn shrugged.

"What? I was a little extra hungry. We didn't kill as many monsters this week." He replied. Azrael grunted.

"How many times? Don't call us monsters. We're sensitive, you know?" He explained. Tenn sighed.

"Sure, whatever." He replied. The two sat in silence for a second.

"You should probably go and find some more Hunters. I feel they're tracking you." Azrael said. Tenn sighed.

"Yeah, I expected as much. But do we have to go now? The taste of the burger is still in my mouth and I don't want to let it go to waste." He replied.

"Do you want to move again?" Azrael asked in response. Tenn grunted.

"Fine! Let's go then." He said, standing up. He went to leave as a piece of Azrael came off again. They exited the front door. The second they did, Tenn was grabbed and thrown out of the building. I should mention they were on the seventh floor. The monster was covered with black scales. It's mouth was like a wolf's, while it's body was bulky. His hands also had sharp claws. This wasn't the only one either. These are what Tenn and Azrael call "Hunters".

"Don't die to this drop." Azrael said.

"Could you shut up and turn into a weapon already?" Tenn replied, falling onto another building. The three Hunters followed him onto the building. Tenn held his hand out as the small piece of Azrael changed form into a broadsword, keeping its pitch black color. Tenn aimed it at the three of them. The Hunters charged him with intent to kill.

Hunters, in this realm, are creatures that attempt to keep the things that aren't supposed to be there out. Tenn, being a human and all that, isn't supposed to be there. Hunters obviously try to hunt him down. Tenn quickly deflected their claws with the sword. He backed up, staying quick on his toes as he avoided attack after attack. He deflected another attack as he went in for his own, swiping the sword across the chest of one of the Hunters. It fell back as the other two looked at it, then back to Tenn.

"What? Mad I killed your friend?" He asked. The Hunters quickly rushed him again. As they were getting closer to the edge of the building, one of the Hunters jumped at him and grabbed the sword. Tenn fell back, trying to hold it. He turned his head to see that he was hanging over the side of the building.

"This is... well..." He began. He looked back up at the Hunter, who was trying to reach his claw into his chest. The other Hunter quickly approached. Tenn brought back his feet and kicked the Hunter over him. However, he quickly followed, as the Hunter was still holding the sword. He grabbed the edge of the building as the Hunter's hand slipped off the blade and fell. As Tenn was holding onto the ledge, the other Hunter went and stuck it's claw into Tenn's hand.

"Ow! God dammit!" Tenn shouted in response. He took the sword and quickly stabbed him in the hand. The Hunter screeched in pain.

"Yeah? Well that's how I felt! Suck it up!" Tenn said, pulling himself back into the building. He quickly went and thrusted the blade into the Hunter's chest. It fell back. Tenn took a deep breath, sitting down.

"Where's the other one?" Azrael asked, turning back into a black brick.

"Oh, well I killed two up here, and the other one fell off the building— DAMMIT!" Tenn shouted, rushing to the edge. He looked down to see nothing there. He quickly looked around before seeing it trying to run away, probably to relay information.

"Bow please!" Tenn demanded, holding out his hand.

"You better go retrieve the arrow, unlike last time." Azrael replied.

"Don't worry, I will." Tenn said in response. Azrael transformed into the arrow as Tenn aimed it at the Hunter. He fired the arrow. The arrow went and plunged into the back of the Hunter. It toppled over on top of a building.

"That was close..." Tenn said, taking a few deep breaths. He stared at the bodies around him.

"Looks like we have dinner." He sighed...

After retrieving the bodies, he brought them back to the apartment. So, there's quite a lot that must be explained. First, he eats the bodies of the monsters he kills for a few very not complicated reasons. One, it tastes good, raw or cooked. Two, after he began eating them, he kinda got superhuman physical performance. He can run faster, jump higher, punch really hard. You get the idea. Three, Azrael begs him to.

"Why do you want me to eat this again?" Tenn asked.

"Well, it's free food. Besides, if we left bodies out in the open, people would suspect something." Azrael explained. Tenn sighed.

"If you say so..." Tenn replied, taking a chunk out of one of the Hunters. Azrael grinned. For six years, this has been going on. Six years of pure survival. Tenn hated it here. From monsters, to the desolate amount of people to speak to. He really hated it.

"Hey Azrael?" Tenn asked.

"Yes?" Azrael replied.

"Well, I'm wondering if you know a way to the human world." Tenn explained. Azrael stayed silent for a bit.

"Sorry, I don't." He said, hiding his face. Tenn sighed. Azrael faced the wall as a large grin stretched across his face...



Wow, I'm glad I started this. I really like this first chapter already. Anyway, to those of you who find this story out of pure randomness, this probably doesn't matter to you, so you can move to the next chapter. Meanwhile, if it's my other followers that came from my other stories, I have a bit to explain. Basically, this story might be formatted differently. I want to try and make chapters all based around one event, weather it'll take 2000 words, 1500, or anything high or lower. You may get really long chapters or really short chapters depending on what happens. This will be a lot different from my other stories in terms of formatting, so I'm gonna do things the way that it seems right to me. Anyway, I'll be balancing this between the other story I'm writing now. I'm also not planning this to be very long (think of it like a 12 ep anime, maybe shorter). I hope you've enjoyed chapter one! Hopefully it was a good hook and makes you want to keep reading. Until the next chapter!

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