The Senior Still Loves The Fr...

By writergurl95

478K 6.1K 1.2K

The sequel to 'A Freshman and A Senior...Love?' More

The Senior Still Loves The Freshman
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 2
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 3
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 4
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 5
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 6
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 7
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 8
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 9
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 10
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 11
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 12
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 13
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 14
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 15
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 16
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 17
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 18
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 19
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 20
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 21
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 22
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 23
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 24
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 25
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 26
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 27
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 28
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 29
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 30
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 31
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 32
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 33
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 35
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 36
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 37
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 38
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 39
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 40
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 41
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 42
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 43
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 44
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 45
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 46
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 47
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 48
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 49
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 50
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 51
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 52
The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 53

The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 34

7.6K 99 19
By writergurl95

I sat on the toilet and looked down at the test.

I covered the answer with a towel.

I took deep breaths preparing myself for anything.

I wasn't ready for kids or a family.

Even though Derek wanted kids, I wasn't ready.

Then there was Finn...

He would flip if I was pregnant. He might even move away again.

I don't think I could handle losing him again.

Why the hell did I care!

No! Alex!

I got up and looked in the mirror and pointed at myself. "You do not like him!" I whispered to myself harshly. "No feeling what's so ever,"

Once I convinced myself I looked at the test in my hands and sighed.

I really don't want to be pregnant.

No drinking, running and sex for nine months.

I opened the bathroom door and walked over to Derek.

"Well?" he asked grinning.

"I don't know, you look," I said handing him the test.

He grabbed it from my hands and smiled.

He opened the towel and looked down.

*Finn's Point Of View*

I picked up the flowers that I ordered and headed to Alex's studio office place.

I put the flowers on her desk and wrote a nice little card to her.

I smiled and left for work.

*Alexandra's Point Of View*

Once I was in the parking lot at work I took a deep breath.

After Derek told me the answer things have been a little weird.

He was pissed at the fact that I wasn't pregnant, plus I did a poor job of hiding my excitement.

I got out of the car and headed to my office.

I walked to my desk and the first thing I see is a pile of flowers on my desk.

I smiled as I walked over to them.

I picked up a tulip and smiled it.

I love tulips.

A card was lying next to them. I picked it up and read it.

'Hope you have a great day beautiful, Love Finny'

I smiled and put the card down.

I grabbed my art supplies and put the tulips in an arrangement on my desk.

Once I was happy with what I made I painted about five different pictures of the tulips on my desk.

"Jane!" I called. "I'm going on my lunch break. Hold down the fort,"

She nodded her head as I walked out the door.

I headed to Finn's job with a painting in hand.

I walked in and there was Kate.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Here for Finn?" she asked.


"Figured. You had a painting in your hand,"

"Oh," I said.

"He's in a meeting, it should be over soon,"

"Great," I said walking around.

My phone rang and I quickly answered it.

"I love you!" Derek yelled before hanging up.

I giggled and muttered, "Dork," as I put my phone away.

"Hey baby," I heard Finn whisper in my ear as he wrapped his arm around me.

I bit my lip to hid my smile. "Thank you for the tulips. You remembered-"

"I remember everything about you Alexandra Oz,"

I turned around and handed him the picture of the tulips.

"Amazing," he grinned.

"Thanks. It's my thank you,"

Finn kissed my cheek. "You're welcome,"

"Yeah, well, I have a date with a painter,"

"What about our date?" he winked.


"You promised me a rain check on our dinner at the Little Café,"

"Oh yeah, make it lunch tomorrow at..."


"Sounds good. Later,"

"Bye sexy,"


As I headed towards to the door Finn yelled. "Damn! Nice ass girl,"

I blushed and shook my head.

I say again, that boy when I think he's gonna zig he zags.


I saw Derek eating his lunch on the floor of an old diner.

"Hey baby," I smiled.

"Hey, love, what's up?"

"Nothing. I came for lunch,"

"Yes!" he said kissing me.

Derek and I had lunch with the rest of the guys. Afterwards I left for work.

Later on went by normally until bed time.

"I'm not in the mood," I said pushing Derek away.

"Come on babe,"

"No, I know what you're doing. I don't want a child right now,"

"Why not?"

"I can take care of it. I've always hated babysitting and shit like that. Hell, I have a sailors mouth, you want our child around this shit?"

"We'll work on it together,"

"Can you just get married and settle down a little first?"

"I want a baby Alex,"

"Well then you can be pregnant for nine months and nurse the baby,"

"Will you stop it!"

"No! Baby's take time, money, energy, effort and someone they can depend on. I'm not that! Not let at least. I don't want to have a kid right now, D, please respect that!"

"I've always wanted a big family,"

"I know that and when the time is right we'll be popping out kids, but right now, babe, I can't do that,"

"Can't or wont?"

"Derek, don't do that,"

"Do what? Be offend because I am,"

"Stop bitching like a teenaged girl and grow some damn man balls! I don't want to have a kid with you right now! That does mean I don't love you. I do love you. I'm marrying you aren't I? So give it a rest. Damn,"

Derek got out of bed and walked out of the room.

"That went well," I whispered before trying to sleep.

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