๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„๐…๐Ž๐Ž๐‹ . . . โช san...

By prettybrctt

40.5K 1.7K 1.4K

๐จ๐จ๐จ. ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„๐…๐Ž๐Ž๐‹ . . . โ‡ข โช ๐Ÿฆฆ โซ โ†ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ 001 - ใ€ฐ๏ธŽ santana lopez ฯŸ.โ‹†โ‚Š โ ๐˜ด๐˜ข๐˜บ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜บ... More

๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„๐…๐Ž๐Ž๐‹ โ†ป part one.
๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ | auditon.
๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ | britney/brittany.
๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ | duets.
๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ | rocky horror.
๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ | furt.
๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ | blame it on da henny.
๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ | sexy.
๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ | original song x born this way.

๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ | rumors๏ฟผ .

2K 105 23
By prettybrctt


#LOVEFOOL, santana lopez.
2x19 ❪ 🎭 ❫
❝ mind your business...❞

。 ゚・ ☆
PLAY ➤ ┊🧺 ੈ‧₊˚


۫ ،،̲ ˖ ࣪ 🐚 ✦. ࣪.'

HERE'S WHAT YOU MISSED ON LOVEFOOL! Kurt Hummel has returned to McKinley, but he's still dating Blaine. Sam used to date Quinn, but she's back with Finn, who used to date Rachel... who's still in love with him... Finn, that is. Santana's in love with Dijaé, but she's too scared and not ready to say it out loud.

And that's what you missed on lovefool!

Fondue for two! Fondue for two! That's some hot dish! Fondue for two!

"Hi, I'm Brittany S. Pierce, and this is my new internet show, Fondue for Two, which combines the two things I like the most," Brittany spoke with a lopsided smile as she stared violently into the camera.

"Hot cheese and talking to people," she tells the camera as she sits down next to Mercedes and Tina.

"My first two guests are the school's biggest gossips, Mercedes Jones and Ms. Tina Cohen-Chang," the camera moved smoothly from Brittany to the two girls as they waved.

"Shouldn't it be Fondue for Three?" Tina asked the blonde. Brittany just stared at her and shook her head no. In the midst of them talking, Mercedes decided to try the fondue which didn't go as she expected?

"Oh, my gosh, that is hot!" she exclaimed as she spit the obviously hot cheese onto a plate. Oh Dijaé would've had a ball clowning her.

"Okay, so let's get down to some hot dish," Brittany told them as she continued to look into the camera's soul.

"Um, I heard a rumor that Mr. Kidney the janitor walks around school drinking vodka from out of a teapot," she told the two girls beside her.

"Is this really what they were doing in the '70s?" Mercedes asked as she looked at the cheese in somewhat disgust.

"Hot mess, Mr.Kidney aside, I want to talk about the rumor about Asian men," Tina began as she stared dead at the camera. "Not true," she said with a wave of her finger.

"I mean, it's not even that good, it tastes like the way a baby's diaper smells," Mercedes complained about the cheese disregarding what the other two girls were talking about.

"I heard a rumor that Santana plays for the other team, and I can confirm that rumor. It's 100% true," Brittany says nonchalantly as she licked the cheese off of the broccoli she was eating. Mercedes and Tina were caught off guard as they looked at each other and then back at Brittany.

"Wait, what?" Mercedes asked, wanting to know if Brittany really just outed her best friend.

"Brittany, are you serious?" Tina asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yea," Brittany replies. Right after her response Lord Tubbington meows and walks over to her.

"Look, it's Lord Tubbington, hi!" She says as she picks up the cat. While she does that Mercedes and Tina look at each other in utter shock. Brittany begins to introduce that cat to the camera and soon places the cat in front of the bowl of hot cheese to eat.

"That's disgusting," Tina says with her nose scrunched up. Mercedes looked with her mouth hung open in disgust.

"That's my baby," the blonde says as she watches the cat eat the cheese.

"So you're just gonna let him do that?" Mercedes asked.

"Lord Tubbington is allowed to eat cheese because he's on Atkins," Brittany explains to her.

"Okay, well, that's all we have time for today," Brittany told them as she turned towards the camera.

"Tune in next week for Fondue for Two, we will be dipping raw meat into boiling chocolate," she said.

The next day at school everything began to go downhill as rumors began flooding the halls of McKinley. The glee club was put under fire as soon as Finn and Rachel walked in.

"What the hell is this, dude?" Finn raised his voice as he approached Sam.

"What blondie former cheerleader is having a secret moonlight motel rendezvous with another big-lipped blondie?" He read off of the paper loudly. Everyone in the classroom looked around in shock.

"Where does it say that?" Sam asked confused as he looked for the false rumor.

"Right on the front of the school newspaper!" Finn shouted.

"You don't seriously believe this, do you?" Quinn asked Finn with an unamused expression.

"Well, why shouldn't I? Why wouldn't he do the same thing I did to him?" Finn questioned harshly as he stared at Sam.

"Because it's gossip, Finn," Quinn stated, sounding annoyed at the conversation. Not long after in came an angry Santana holding a school newspaper.

"This is your fault!" She yelled at Brittany causing everyone to look over in shock that she was yelling at Brittany.

"You told everyone that I played for another team on your ridiculous melted cheese show," Santana shouted, causing most of the people in the room to look around in confusion. Dijaé and Jasmine looked at each other because they knew that, that statement was indeed true and that Santana didn't want to come forward at the moment.

"Wait, are you mad?" Brittany asked.

"You do play for another team, you were on the Cheerios and now you're only in the New Directions," Brittany explained fully.

"You could have worded that differently, Brittany," Dijaé told her as she let out a breath for Santana.

In the midst of them talking Finn and Sam were about to start fighting until Mr.Schue showed up and Quinn stood between them. Dijaé sighed in annoyance already seeing how the day was going to go.

When Mercedes and Dijaé got home the two began to talk about how chaotic the day was. Since Dijaé didn't watch Fondue for Two, Mercedes decided to tell her about what happened when she and Tina were at Brittany's house and what they talked about. When it got on the topic about Santana playing for the other team both girls grew tense. Mercedes knew there was something going on between her sister and Santana but she had no business to say anything until the two of them said something. She was very concerned about what Brittany said because it didn't come out right. Dijaé on the other hand was disappointed in Brittany because she really could've said something different. They soon moved on to the topic of the rumors floating around school.

"I don't believe Quinn and Sam did anything," Dijaé told her sister as Mercedes shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey, it's not my business," Mercedes said as she raised hands. Dijaé just stared at her sister with an amazed expression.

"You don't know how to mind your damn business you liar," Dijaé pointed as they both laughed. Soon her phone began to ring showing that Sam was calling.

"Speaking of Sam, he's calling," she told her older sister as she waved the phone in her face.

Bieber Boi 👱🏻‍♂️is calling...

Decline Answer

She immediately picked up the phone and answered.

"Hey, bieber," Dijaé answered in a sing-song.

"Hey Dijaé, can you do me a favor?" The blonde boy asked in a weary voice.

"Yea what's up? Is everything okay?" Dijaé asked a bit worried for her friend. Mercedes noticed the sudden mood change in her sister and looked at her curiously so Dijaé put up a finger.

"No not really, but is there any way you could bring me leftover food or anything you're not eating?" He asked in a very hushed tone, sounding embarrassed.

"Yea," Dijaé answered slowly, not wanting to question him. She didn't know what was going on but it seemed serious. After saying their goodbyes both teens hung up the phone and Dijaé just sat looking at her phone in silence.

"So..." Mercedes stretched out as she looked at her younger sister.

"Um Sam needs my help with something so I'm gonna go," Dijaé said simply as she got up and got herself together.

"Okay, see you see later," Mercedes told her as she mushed her head.

"I hate you," Dijaé told her sister as she mugged her on her way out the room. Mercedes just shrugged and blew the younger Jones a kiss.

Dijaé began making her way down the stairs and into the kitchen looking through the cabinets and fridge. During her search she found some leftover mac n cheese, some chicken, fruit, and some other things. She even felt generous and got him a pack of Hawaiian Rolls and everyone knew those were her favorite.

When she had everything together, began to make her way out of the house and towards her car that was parked in the driveway. She unlocked the vehicle and placed the things in her hands in the passenger seat before sitting in the driver's seat. She made sure to check her mirrors and put her seatbelt on before leaving the driveway.

The soft sound of Micheal Jackson's "Human Nature" flowed though the car speaker setting a calm atmosphere. Dijaé tapped her fingers softly against the steering wheel as she drove carefully down the street. She soon came to a complete stop as she came up to a red light as her phone beeped.

She picked up the device and opened up the message that Sam had sent her. It was an address to Sam's a motel she wondered why he sent her that address but kept her thoughts to herself. The light soon changed to green causing Dijaé to proceed down the road with precaution.

In the next 5 minutes, Dijaé was able to make it to the motel. She got out of the car and walked up the stairs of the motel. Once she stood in front of the door, she lifted her hand and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the front door opened revealing Quinn holding a blonde haired little girl.

"Hey Quinn," Dijaé greeted her with a quirked eyebrow. Quinn just sighed and moved to the side letting her in the house. As she walked into the room, there was a small couch that pulled out into a bed that held a young boy. The boy was quietly playing with a toy truck giving the small tv none of his attention. Quinn saw that Dijaé looked like she had questions but she reassured her before she said anything.

"There is nothing going on between me and Sam, he'll explain everything when he comes from throwing the trash out," the blonde explained as she closed the door. The little girl in her arms just stared at Dijaé for awhile before speaking.

"You're really pretty, are you one of Sammy's friends too?" The little girl asked the older girl.

"Thank you sweetie, and yes I am," Dijaé answered with a smile causing the little girl to smile back at her. Quinn saw the bags that Dijaé had and grabbed it from the girl so she could place them in the little kitchen area. She left Dijaé in the room area with the little boy who was still playing with his toy truck. Quinn and the blonde haired little girl went out to go meet up with Sam.

Dijaé thought to herself a bit before walking over to the little boy, she then sat down next to him and picked up one of his toy trucks. She looked over the truck and then back at the little boy who now moved his attention onto her curiously. Knowing just how to get a kid hyped up she began to challenge him.

"I bet I'm faster than you," she smirked as she saw a little light flash in the boy's eyes,

"You're not," he spoke up quickly.

"Wanna bet blondie?" Dijaé squinted her eyes at the little bit which caused him to follow her actions.

"Loser has to feed the winner all day," the boy wagered as he raised his hand up for a hand shake.

"Oh you're on bieber junior," Dijaé spoke as the both began to race from one end of the pull out coach to the other.

Dijaé thought of how she would normally be the bigger person and let the boy win but today was just not that day.

They raced four times and Dijaé won each time without trying.

"I won, you lost," she celebrated in a singsong voice as she danced. The little boy sat with his arms folded and a scowl on his face.

"You cheated," he stated with a huff.

"Me? Cheat? Never, step your game up little bro," she said as patted him on the head before going back to dancing. Once she turned around the little boy snuck up behind her and jumped on her back.

Dijaé began to fake scream in pain as she "tried" to remove the little boy's tiny fingers from around her neck.

She then fell back onto the makeshift bed causing the little boy to laugh hard. It actually brought a smile to her face that she was able to make a child smile.

But after her little sweet moment she was back to play fighting with the young boy before Quinn and Sam came back.

"Alright enough you two," Quinn told the two with authority causing them to stop.

"He started it," Dijaé began immediately and the little boy followed right after.

"Nuh-uh it was her," he began as well.

"Stevie quit it and Dijaé stop acting like a child," Quinn spoke as both of them pouted.

"What took you guys so long?" Dijaé asked as she put the little boy now known as Stevie in a light headlock.

"We had to talk about something but Sam wants to talk to you," Quinn explained. Dijaé nodded before turning her attention to Sam.

"So the reason I asked you to come was because um.." the boy began but just couldn't seem to get it out. Seeing that whatever he had to say was hard, Dijaé lifted up her free hand and rubbed Sam's arm for reassurance. Her other arm still around Stevie's neck, she "tightened" it and watched the little boy struggle as she chuckled.

"It's okay Sam, take your time," Dijaé smiled warmly at her blonde haired friend.

"We're homeless," he told her as he hung his head low from embarrassment.That alone caused the room to fall into tense silence. No one said a word, Stevie even stopped struggling and sat still. Knowing that they would have to talk about this sooner or later, Dijaé decided to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Is that why you asked me to bring over the food?" Dijaé asked softly earning a head nod from her friend. Dijaé began to frown before she pulled Sam into her arms with her free arm squeezing the boy.

"I'm so sorry Sam," she sympathized with him.

"How long has this been going on?"She asked him as she pulled back from the hug.

"It's been a while," the blonde haired boy mumbled as he looked at his friend. Dijaé looked at Quinn in wonder if Sam asked to do the same time but Sam answered her question immediately.

"I asked Quinn to come over to help with my little sister Stacey," he explained as he nodded over to the two blonde girls who were engaged in a serious conversation. That caused the two to chuckle a bit. After their laughter settled down, Dijaé took the time to look around the small room and she felt her heart wrench at the sight. She hated that her friend was going through this and she couldn't do much to help.

She also hated the rumors that were going around about Sam messing around with Quinn when that was not the case.

"Also if you see Kurt here soon, he's helping me with putting clothes together because I'm not that good with fashion," Sam stated as he folded his lips in.

"You don't have to explain anything to me, it's okay Sam I understand," Dijaé reassured her friend with a smile. She understood that this was something hard for him to talk about so she didn't ask any further questions and didn't hold any hard feelings on why he didn't tell her.

"Thank you so much for understanding," Sam thanked her as he reached over and ruffled his little brother's hair. He was finally able to get out of Dijaé's hold but that didn't last too long before Dijaé had him in a headlock again. Stevie just huffed loudly before giving up on fighting back.

Dijaé decided to order food for the group and even though Sam tried to deny the offer but Dijaé was not taking no for an answer. So the small group spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating until Quinn and Dijaé were ready to go home.

"So are you done being an ass?" Dijaé asked the dark haired girl before her. She raised a brow at the girl who acted like she was invisible not too long ago. The two girls stood in the choir room near the piano talking.

"That's kind of why I brought you here, I wanted to apologize," Santana responded as she stared down at the girl she missed a lot. Dijaé looked at Santana for a while before sighing knowing that she can't be mad at the girl.

"I've been going through that rumors album and I've found the best song that really goes one step a head past landslide in expressing my feelings for you," Santana spoke as she grabbed Dijaé's hand and lead over to the chairs. This intrigued Dijaé so she didn't say much all she did was nod her head.

"Like my private feelings," the black haired girl continued but her voice much lower than before. She then turned around and walked over towards the piano where Brad the piano player sat. Brad being in the room made Dijaé quirk her eyebrows because she knew how Santana felt about saying anything about her sexuality in front of anyone that wasn't Dijaé.

"What about him?" She asked as she looked over at the man before putting her attention back on Santana.

"He's just furniture," she stated as she waved him off.

"No offense," she continued as she stood near the the man who simply nodded at the girl's comment.

"Hit it," Santana demanded as she got herself ready to sing. Soon the melody of "Songbird" by Fleetwood Mac filled the choir oom. Santana soon began to sing with passion. The love and affection she had for Dijaé poured out as she sang.

As she sang to Dijaé she began to walk closer to the girl. Santana picked up Dijaé's hands and held them tightly as she sang. Dijaé began to feel a burning sensation behind her eyes which led to her eyes brimming with tears.

Santana seemed to be coming to tears as well as she tucked her lips in for a bit before singing. As she sang the last 'I love you' Dijaé let her tears fall. She didn't care about what she looked like right now. All of her emotions began to hit her like a ton of bricks. She bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from sobbing.

Once Santana was done singing Dijaé pulled her into a tight hug which she reciprocated.

"I love you," Dijaé whispered into Santana's ears.

"I love you too," Santana whispered back with a smile as she pulled the darker girl into a tight hug.

"You're such a hypocrite, you little Ms.Perfect prom queen," Rachel yelled at Quinn in the choir room. You're probably wondering how we got here. Well Rachel decided to sing a love song to Finn, knowing that he's with Quinn and when Quinn said something she called her a hypocrite.

"You're just mad because you're a cheater, who cheats and in cheap motels with Sam," Rachel spoke as if she stated facts, pointing her finger at Quinn.

"Woah, don't speak on something you know nothing about," Dijaé defended her friends.

"Of course you have something to say, you're going around in cheap motels with him as well," Rachel spoke again, causing the class to look at Dijaé in shock which she brushed off. One pair of eyes burned the back of her head but she brushed it off.

"Don't raise your voice at her because as she said don't speak on something you know nothing about," Mercedes gritted out at the brunette that stood in front of the classroom.

"Nothing is going on between me and Sam!" Quinn shouted to the class. Sam sat back in his chair looking embarrassed.

"Enough guys," Mr.Shue said as if he was going to do anything.

"You know what I blame Sam for all of this," Santana shrugged, causing Dijaé to roll her eyes at the girl's comment.

"And Rachel, I blame her too," Santana continued.

"Why? What did I do?" Rachel shrieked.

"I'm sure you did something," Santana shrugged earning nods from some of the class.

"See I'm with Santana," Lauren said as she looked around the room.

"I mean why doesn't Sam have anything to say about this?" She asked as she looked at the blonde haired boy.

"Guilt," Artie added on to the conversation.

"Seriously dude what you're doing isn't cool, Quinn and Kurt have boyfriends and I know Dijaé is talking to someone," Puck stated which caused Quinn, Kurt, and Dijaé to shake their heads in disappointment.

"Shut up, I'm not messing around with Kurt, Dijaé or Quinn they're just helping me," Sam finally spoke up to defend himself.

"Oh is that what we're calling it now," Tina rolled her eyes.

"Wait hold on, how were they helping you out?" Mr.Schuester asked Sam. Dijaé felt so bad for her friend because he was being forced to talk about something he didn't want to talk about in the heat of the moment.

"Kurt was bringing me some clothes, Quinn was helping me babysit my little brother and sister, and Dijaé was helping me with food," Sam told the teacher as he let out a shaky breath.

"Then why were you in that motel?" Finn asked from his seat at the drums.

"Because that's where I live now," Sam let out finally ripping off the bandaid. This caused the whole room to fall into an uncomfortable silence. Dijaé, Quinn, and Kurt both lowered their heads. Everyone seemed to be stuck.

"My dad lost his job a few months ago and then we lost our house and now we live in that motel in one room," he let all out on the table as his fellow glee members looked at him with regret and sympathy.

"Are you all happy?" He asked as he sprung up from his chair, his eyes bloodshot red.

"The truth's finally out," Sam finished before storming out of the classroom. The room was filled with terrible silence that needed to be broken and Dijaé wanted to be the first to break it. She was furious. She understands that they didn't know what was going on but the fact that they went out of their way to follow rumors and make stupid assumptions about Sam was not cool. And they wonder why he didn't trust them with that information.

"This is why you all need to learn to mind your fucking buisness," Dijaé snapped at her fellow students.

"Dijaé language," Mr.Schue told her sternly.

"No Mr.Schue you don't get to be a teacher right now when you sat here and let Rachel and the rest of the class rip Sam a new one," Dijaé stated causing the grown man to slump in his chair.

"You two need to learn to stay out of people's business, you guys are not fucking detectives," Dijaé directed her statement to Rachel and Finn.

"You don't need to stick your nose in every single thing, learn to leave peoples business alone," she finished before ushing out to go find same. Soon after she left, Quinn, Kurt, and Mercedes followed behind her, leaving the class to think about their recent actions.

-ˏˋ BABY🧚🏾' ˊˎ- is typing ...
( 4,001 words )

hey guys , long time no see ! i honestly
haven't had any free time this summer
and i haven't had any free time during
this school year . i'm going to continue to try my best to update for you guys <33 .

this chapter is terrible and literally
gives us nothing so , i'm going to be
starting on the next chapter soon.

but as of right now i apologize for any grammar issues or spelling errors , i'm running on no sleep , but i hope you guys enjoy <33 !

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