Never Alone Again

By scaryspagoot

961 19 8

Currently rewriting this story (all the old chapters are still available but remember I wrote them when I was... More

Chapter One (The Beginning)
the following chapters ⬇️
(1)Hide To Find
(2)Find The Hidden
(3)Fright Finds
(4)They Found Us
(7)My wrists hurt from writing X/
(9)It's Da Po Po
(10)Take A Guess
(11)Tried to catch some fog earlier... I mIsT xD
(12)31 (you can skip this one)
(13)We need to find them..
(14)Is This What Death Feels Like??
(15)We're.... Back..
(16)How It Happened Pt1
(17) How It Happened Pt2
(18) Closer
(19) The Plot Thickens? Pt1
(20) The Plot Thickens? Pt2
(21) Welcome Home, Y/n!
(22) Flirter
(23) Zacharnnie
(24) For You~
(25) Morning Kisses
(26) Division
(27) Heartbreak
(28) Mending
(29) I dont know what to name this chapter, so its name is Charlie 😌
(31) idk what to name this one either... ITS NAME IS GEORGE. xD
(32) Dance With The Devil
(33) Possessed
(34) Xiaolin Showdown
(36) I Love You
Dumping lore and shit

(30) Mavis?!

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By scaryspagoot

POV changes to yours nearing the end, so if you don't care about a reunion or Zack's self consciousness you can skip to the bottom ^^

_Zacharie's Point Of View_

"M-Mavis?!!" My voice squeaked as I stumbled back on Y/n's bed. (How is she— no.. she's not alive.. she's just like Johnnie.. she's a ghost— she has to be..)

"That's right, bitches. I'm back." She stood up straight, and glared javelins into me and Johnnie. Her stare sent cold shivers down my spine..

"What are you doing here?!" I asked, my voice still shaking.

"What do you mean 'what are you doing hear'?" Mavis stopped her glare, and lowered her head, a sigh stealing her breath. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry.. To Y/n.."

"HUH?!" Johnnie slammed his fist to the wall just behind Mavis, his voice quivering as mine had, but more determined than I could have been in that moment. (Mavis wants to apologize?! I want to believe that, but, something inside me says not to. I should hope that she wants to say she's sorry, but not not believe words right now. If she's actually sorry, she'll show with actions not words. Words have never meant anything—)

"What do you mean say you're sorry?!" Johnnie cut through my thoughts, his voice echoing in my head. "You can't just show up and pretend like you care about her! Don't pretend like you didn't try to kill her—!" His voice was going horse as he began crying, a sparkling tear sliding down his cheek.

"Enough." I said. I was quiet in case anyone passing by could hear. "That really is enough. Mavis. Are you telling me the truth? Do you really want to apologize to Y/n?" I questioned, keeping my tone as demanding as I could make it right then. (Words mean nothing.)

"I—.. I do. I want to apologize for being arrogant. And for provoking her and Jeff." She sighed, placing a hand on Johnnie's chest to push him away from his close distance. "Seeing her now, happy with him.. it makes me feel like an idiot. A complete and utter idiot. Im sorry for saying all of that to her, and insisting on fighting— oh and sorry for kicking you, Zack."

"Hm! It's fine." (>:^ It still hurt though.)

"I just wanted to try to make things right again.. although, I don't think other people can see ghosts. Say, how can you see me?"

"Uh.. I don't know.. I never thought about it.. I thought it was just Johnnie I could see, because I'd been there when he died, but, I guess I was there to see you die too so.. maybe it's just that? I don't know."

"How come you can just now see me though? I've been here since I died, following you guys around."

Johnnie made a face, speaking incredibly quietly. "Well that's creepy—"

".. Johnnie had that same problem. He said he'd been there the whole time, but I never saw him or anything."

"And another thing." Mavis smiled at me, just as teasing as she had all those times before."You cried for the emo weirdo, but not me?"

"Hey! Who are you calling a weirdo?! How am I any weirder than you?!" Johnnie's voice cracked, sounding a little peeved.

"You're much weirder than me, goth boy."


"Whatever you say, you scene idiot." Mavis snickered.

"Pff!! Am I a grim reaper or do I have a rainbow on my head?! Make up your mind!"

A chuckle escaped my mouth as I sat on Y/n's bed, bringing my knee to my chest. It's just like the old days... Sort of. Johnnie's a lot livelier than when he was actually alive. Ironic, isn't it? Mavis laughed as she fazed through Johnnie, walking over to me. I stiffened some as she sat with me, but smiled nonetheless.

(If she's willing to apologize to Y/n, then maybe we should forgive her. After all, we've all known each other since we were little kids— well not me, but Y/n, Johnnie, Mavis and Ryan have been at each other's sides since infancy.. Huh, am I the outsider here or what? I've always trusted Mavis, but, like I said before.. words don't mean anything. I just hope that she actually cares, and she really does want to make things right. But I can only hope..) I ignored my conflicting thoughts, and turned my attention to Johnnie as he said my name.

"Hey Zack?" He slid his back down the wall as he sat crosslegged on the floor. "Did you put the letter somewhere so we can go back your room? It feels ominous in here.."

I smiled, springing to my feet. "Hey, why don't we go for a walk?"

"That sounds lovely." Mavis grabbed my arm and ran out the door, Johnnie floating fast behind us. He grumbled some as we stepped out the door, but I payed him no mind.

"Oh quit your yapping, Johnson!" Mavis floated around in circles above our heads, a teasing smile on her face.

(It's lovely to see her smile again.. and her eyes are completely undamaged.. She's just as beautiful as she was when she lived. She's going a bit overboard with the teasing though.. She knows that Johnnie hates being called that..)

"Don't ever call me that again." His face turned red. I wasn't sure if it was red because he was angry or if he was blushing, but I laughed.


"Jack Spicer, or Jack Sparrow?" Johnnie smirked at Mavis as she thought about her choices. They'd been playing a weird game, where you have to choose who you'd date. It was one or the other, and Mavis was having a hard time. She crushes on a lot of random dudes..

"Spicer." She scrunched up her face in defeat, but smiled again a moment later.

I inclined my head, confused. "Wait.. I thought you had a crush on Sparrow.."

"I do, bit spice is spice after all." She smiled at Johnnie, and flew to the top of a tree. "The view is lovely from up here, Zack. It's too bad you ain't dead enough to fly." She snickered.

Johnnie put his hand on my shoulder as he chuckled. "Nah I like you alive. Besides, if you were dead, it would break Y/n more than she already has. I mean, you're all she has left, Zack."

"I am aren't I?" I sighed. "I wish I hadn't thought up that ghost hunt.." The memories flitted past my mind's eye, forcing another tear to form in my dark eyes.

"Hey hey. Don't think like that." Johnnie scolded. "I'm not upset about it, and I'm damn sure Mave isn't. Don't beat yourself up for it, Zack. It's not your fault—"

"But it is my fault." I cut him off, clenching my fists. "This whole thing is my fault! If I didn't decide to do this— You would be alive. Mavis would be alive. Ryan would be alive. Y/n would be happy. And I—"

"Yeah. Zack what about you?" Johnnie grabbed my shoulder tightly, so tight it almost hurt. "You care more for others than yourself, and that's a wished for trait in a lot of places, but you you Need to start thinking of yourself. Every night, you cry yourself to sleep. Why?"

(Because I did this to you..) I stayed silent as he continued, wishing I had the strength to speak.

"I think it's a little more than just missing me being alive. It's no different now than it was then, only that no one else can see us. Look, Zack, you're important to us too, you're basically the 'leader' of our group. You helped us stick together, and stay positive. That's the Zack I know, and the Zack I know, would smile through his faults. Just like you said in your letter; 'Smile and March on.' I don't blame you for what you did, in fact I want to thank you. If I hadn't died that day, it would have been some other day, some other consequences. Look, I'm glad that I died that way: it was super dramatic, and I felt like I was in some crazy book or something. And I'm glad I died with you, because I got to watch my own funeral, Heheh.
"Either way, Zack, I'm not upset, and you shouldn't be either. You've cried enough for me, I want you to be happy. Smile Zack, come on!" He moved his hand from its place on my shoulder to my face, tugging at the sides of my mouth, forcing an awkward smile. After fighting off the tears, and Johnnie's fingers, I smiled broadly.

"Thanks, Johnnie." I could feel a warmth welling up in my chest as he smiled too. (I need to get a grip. I care for my friends too much to quit on them now. Hell, they might not even be their ghosts, and are just hallucinations, but that won't stop me. I may be going crazy, but I don't care. I needed a pep talk, thank you, Johnnie.) The warmth didn't cease as we continued to walk between trees. Mavis flew above the treetops, snickering at the two of us.

"Hey Johnnie?"

"Yup?" He looked up from his nails, and locked eyes with me. My.. my heart skipped its regular beat, it's pace quickening.

"Are you okay? You look pail, Zack.." He poked my face, sending another fit from my heart.

"Uhm.. Yeah, I'm fine.. Never mind." it took my whole being not to stutter. (Why is my heart beating so fast?! It's not like we're being chased, are we?) I looked behind us to make sure, and saw nothing.

"Are you sure?"

"No. I think I'm just tired."


_Y/n's Point Of View_

"We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Oz!!" Jeff and I skipped gleefully as we held hands. (He's so weird..) I giggled at the awkwardness turned into flirting. He was good at making a strange moment turn cute, or romantic somehow. I'm not sure what reaction someone would have to the sight of two Murderers covered in their victims' blood, holding hands while skipping through the woods and singing a weird song. Whatever the face, fear would be in it somewhere.

"Alright, I think we're done—" I tried to make him stop, but he only laughed.

"Aw, why? Aren't you having fun, darling?" He gave me cute puppy eyes.

"Oh, I'm having fun, but Im having a bit too much fun. Jeff, I'm tired.."

"Aww, here, I'll carry you." He held out his hands, and started to pick me up.


"No buts. I told you that earlier. Now hold the fuck still. I want to hold you.."

(He makes it sound so innocent. You adorable pervert..) I hooked my arms around his neck, smiling. He returned the expression, squeezing me ever so often. (I love this Murderer.)


We came into a clearing of the trees with a random store shed. (I think we're lost..) Jeff set me down on the prickly grass, and sat with me, his hand holding mine the whole time. (I wonder if he's afraid of losing me again.. Whatever happens, Jeff, I promise I won't leave you. Ever.) I stared into those big eyes of his, a wide smile resting on my lips.

It only lasted a couple seconds though..

"Roddy?! Where are you?! I got the cops, we can go home!!" An awkward figure rushed out of a thicket, a huge stick in his hands. Even at the distance, I could see the sweat sliding down his face and neck.

(huh? Who's that? Oh no.. that's.. that's Robbie.. Come on, I just sat down! And just LOVELY he got the fricking cops too!)

Fit to his words, an officer strode behind him with a flashlight, searching the distance. Jeff and I scurried away just in time not to be seen, and hid amongst the trees.

"What now?" I whispered. (What the—?) He only shook his head, and kissed me. It felt too soft, too passionate. His gaze avoided mine as he pressed my figure to a tree, kissed me once more, and squeezed my arms. He turned away, and began walking out to the clearing. "Jeff. Jeff what are you doing?! Jeff come back here! Jeff!" My tone was harshly quiet, and I could feel the tears coming back to my eyes as I heard a shot fired.

All that time I thought he was scared of losing me, when it was really me being afraid of losing him. That fear rose higher as another shot was heard. Then another.

And another.

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