Claimed by the devil

By xxfebihalowxx

1M 19.3K 9.2K

dissing what he said away I clear my throat " I appreciate your help Mr. knight, but how about we let the cop... More

♥︎𝙱𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐♥︎


13.5K 315 177
By xxfebihalowxx

It's been almost 4 months since that night, we visited Sophie later and stayed with her till the baby was okay.

He is 4 months old now and is the cutest thing ever. He looks nothing like Sophie which pissed her off but she accepted it.

They named him William after Austin's grandpa which is really adorable.

Seeing her with William only made me more excited to meet my baby. yet more scared about labor.

My due date and birthday  are  in a week but I can tell it will feel like a year if not more.

Ace was with me this entire week and refused to leave my side, I enjoyed his company but sadly he had to leave today.

Diego called from Chicago and said that some false documents were leaked and it could ruin every single deal they have going.

They also received some bomb threats and one of the men went missing.

Ace was trying to keep it all together from home but at last he had to go.

He promised to be back before midnight.

The house feels really empty. Luca and salma went on a vocation and are coming in 2 days.

It was just me and Ace and now that he's gone it's just me.

I Sigh remembering that I have to take my vitamins. If I don't now I will forget later and I can't afford forgetting.

I slowly get up from the bed, and by the time I'm on my feet my back is wet with sweat. The heaviness of my belly took a troll on me. Specially last month.

I walk to the dresser but freeze mid way when I feel something running down my legs.

Any other day I would've wished I didn't pee my pants but right now I pray I peed and it's not my water breaking.

It can't break!

My due date is in a week and I'm alone here. No one but the guards is here. Not to mention everyone I know is out of New York. They all planned to fly back before my due date.

I gather enough courage to look down and for a second I wish I didn't because the sight keeps the air stuck in the middle of my throat.

How can universe do me this dirty.

I look at the clear water on the floor on the verge of tears.

I don't want to do this alone or without Ace.

I breathe in and out and try to remain as calm as possible.

I walk as fast as I can to the bed and grab my phone to dial Ace's number.

To my amazing luck his phone is off.






"Oh my god!" I gasp painfully when an electric tightening pain hits me. I don't know where exactly because I can feel it everywhere.

I have to count how many seconds this lasts.

I skip to 5 and begin counting.







And it's gone.

I sigh gratefully but the water on the floor only serves as a reminder that what's coming is worse and I'm going through it without Ace.

I walk as fast as I can to the walk in closet and grab the baby bag we prepared. I need to get to the hospital as soon as I can. From then I'll try to contact Ace or Diego.

I will have to ask one of the guards to drive me.

The freezing cold air hits my face as I leave the house to look for the guards. Thankfully my thick sweater is keeping most of the cold out but my wet pants aren't as useful.

I should've changed but it's late for me to go back now.

I walk around the corner where the guards are usually standing but no one is here. I look around only to realize that all the guards are no where to be find.

I'm all alone....

Suddenly the situation bleeds into my head. I'm all alone, in the cold, and about to get into labor.

I have to think quick before I get a stronger contraction.

As if on cue, another contraction hits harder than the one before.

"Shit!" I curse leaning on the wall with my eyes closed.

I count again hoping it passes as fast as the one before.


















And it gone.

A tear slips down my frozen cheeks not because of the pain but because I'm scared.

I don't know what to do.

I'm all alone.

I don't know where the guards are nor do I have any of their numbers.

I catch a glimpse of the garage and I immediately know I have to take one of the cars and go to the hospital.

I can't stay here and wait for someone to rescue me.

Ace was going to get me a doctor at home so we don't  have to rush to the hospital but I said I wanted to experience the full scene.

My Wants are serving me very right right now.

I take the keys to a black Mercedes and get in the driver's seat. I start the engine and take off to the main road as fast and careful as I can.

The roads are slippery from the snow and the air is fogged with the chilly weather.

Breathe Nessa breathe.

I breathe and try to keep my focus on the road rather than the ache in my abdomen or the panic in my chest that is rising in a form of a pile at the back of my throat.

Another contraction hits me causing me to almost lose control of the car and raising my panic but I manage to control it again.

I count again.

It takes 30 seconds to pass by.

I press on the gas pedal a little harder to speed up, I don't have much time.

The less I spend in the car the better.

I feel a little movement, something less than a kick but it's something.

"Everything is going to be okay, mommy is heading to the hospital and daddy will be there too." I talk to the chilly air.

The words are more for me than my baby but still.

I take a quick u-turn then turn left to the hospital's parking lot where another contraction hits me.

It's strong enough to make my eyes tear up.

I breathe in  And out and count.

It takes a whole minute to pass and once it does I grab the baby bag and walk as fast as I can to the ER.

The smell of hospitals hits me as soon as I enter and I'm greeted by a nurse who rushes to me.

"My water broke." I say sounding breathless.

"It's okay dear I'll get you a wheelchair." She says and that's exactly what she does.

I sit on it and relax a tiny bit as she pushes me somewhere.

She hands me a form and says that I have to fill it.

"Can I fill it later?" I ask not wanting to worry about it now.

"I'm afraid not. You have to first.".

Another contraction hits me and this time it rips a groan out of me.

"The baby is literally about to pop out of me, I will fill it later." I sob feeling overwhelmed by her  insisting I fill it now and being alone.

I need Ace here with me.

I dial his number again. It rings and rings and I almost hang up planning to call diego but thankfully, he answers.

"Is everything okay?" He asks before hello or anything.

"I was about to call you, I just saw the missed calls.".

"I'm in the hospital." I sob at the sharp pain that's invading my entire body.

"My water broke." I explain before he can react.

"Fuck!" He curses on the other line " who's with you?".

"No one." I say breathless and feeling like I'm about to pass out.

"You drove there on your own?" He asks his voice sounding like never before.


"In which hospital are you?" He asks and I hear shuffling in the background.

"The one that is 20 minutes away from our house." I answer crying again because the pain is worse than I expected and I expected a lot.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." He says hanging up.

He must've just landed in New York.

The nurse is now taking me to a room. She and another nurse lay me on the bed and start preparing things while my panic increases.

She spreads my legs to check the dilation and says "she's close.".

10 minutes later a tall brunette comes in and introduces himself "good evening, I'm dr.Clayton.".

"May I check you dilation again miss?" He asks politely and calmly it almost makes me calm down but the pain is too much.

I nod and he does.

"I can see the head, looks like it's time for you to push.".

My heart drops.

Ace isn't here yet! I can't do this without him.

"Is this your first baby?" He asks calmly while getting some stuff.

"Yes." I breathe out my voice shaky from the pain.

It feels like I'm being ripped in half.

"Are you excited to be a mother?" He asks circling the outline of what's ripping me into two.

"I am but I'm in more pain than excitement right now." I squeeze my eyes shut.

"It will be worth it once you see your little one, some patient say they don't want to give birth anymore but once they see their babies they forget all about it." He smiles glancing my way.

"Now I need you to take a deep breath, try to relax as much as you can and push.".

"Can I delay this a little bit? My fiancé is on his way. Please I don't want to do this without him.".

"I don't know about that, I can see a lot of the baby's head right now and it could be dangerous.".

"Just a few minutes more please.".

His lips thin in a white line but he assure me "okay just breathe now.".

I nod grateful and try to breathe as much as I can.

Tears wet my face again as the skin down there stretches in a painful way.

Things go by in a blur and I don't know who's saying or doing what or what's happening.

The last I'm aware of is the doctor telling me to push before darkness consumes me and numbs the pain.


I take a sharp turn and speed up to reach the other turn faster.

She's alone.

She went to the hospital on her own.


I should've been there with her.

"FUCK!" I yell in frustration.

I take the last turn and park the car as fast as I can next to my black Mercedes. She must've drove it here.

I run in the hospital and ask the receptionist "where is Nessa Richard?".

She shrugs her shoulders and says "I don't know we have a lot of patients.".

It only serves to add to my rage.


Her face pales in fear and she quickly checks.

"I'm sorry sir but there is no Nessa Richard here." She says typing something.


I'm losing my shit and I might as well burn down the hospital.

"She blacked out we need back up! We can't wait for her fiancé." I hear one of the nurse shout to another from the end of the hallway.

Panic sets in.

Could that be her? And if yes it means she blacked out.


I walk to to the nurse and ask "what's the name of that patients?".

I don't know if I want it to be Nessa or not because both are bad.

If its her that means she blacked out which is never good.

If its not, I will have to look more and I don't have the time. I have to be there with her.

She needs me.

"Nessa Richard." She answers feeding my panic.

"Where is her room? I'm her fiancé.".

"This way sir." She says pointing at a closed door at the end of the hallway.

I run inside

What I see scares the shit out of me.

Nessa is laying on the bed seeming unconscious while the doctor and nurses are roaming around trying to get whatever done.

"What happened to her?" I direct the question to the doctor.

" she wanted to wait for you and lost consciousness, a cold cloth will help gain her consciousness if not then we will have to operate.".

For fuck's sake!

The nurse puts the cloth on her forehead and dabs the other on her cheeks.

This would've never happened if I was there by her side. It doesn't matter that it's a week earlier. I should've been there.

To hell with the business and everything else.

The nurse puts another cloth on her neck and this time it gets a reaction.

Nessa slowly opens her eyes but the relief doesn't last.

Her face twists in pain and she cries out holding her belly.

"I'm here, I'm here." I say going to hold her hand.

She's the one in pain and she's the one who needs my comfort yet it feels like I'm the one needing her because this is horrifying.

I don't like seeing her in pain.

She grips my hand tighter and gasps.

"Try to push now." The doctor says.

She nods, takes a deep breath, grips my hand tightly and pushes with all her might Before falling back to the bed with a cry.

"I can't do this." She sobs shaking her head left and right.

My chest tightens seeing her like this. If I could take away her pain I would in a heartbeat.

"It's okay, it will pass I promise. You will be fine." I assure her.

She doesn't say much in return and I didn't expect her to say much.

If there really is a god out there, I pray this passes easily for her and I promise to never bring up having another child again unless she does.

There is no way I'd want her to go through this again.

"Push again." The doctor says peaking down at her.

She gulps down and pushes with all her might again.

Sweat glazes her forehead while her tears do the same to her cheeks.

She screams in pain tearing my heart with her.

"DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE PAIN!" I yell to the nurses no longer able to take seeing her like this.

"There isn't much we can do because  she said she didn't want epidural.".


I direct my efforts into trying to distract her, not that I can do much but something is better than nothing.

"Once we're out of here, I'll let you do my make up. I'll even dress up as chat noir and let you keep some pictures." I promise to do  whatever I didn't let her do.

She breathes heavily and squeezes my hand.

"It hurts!" She cries out.

"I know, I know. Just think about how we're minutes away from seeing our son." I try my luck.


"SHUT UP!" She screams at me when I try another sentence of comfort.

What I said bites me right back in the ass. Those minutes turned out to be 5 hours.

5 whole hours of her in this pain and me in one too because I have to watch her go through this and can't do anything about it.

"Push one last time Miss." The doctor says through a sweaty face.

Her chest shakes as a sob breaks through and she pushes for the very last time.

A high pitched cry follows her heaving making me freeze. Nessa however has her eyes closed and is breathing heavily.

She opens them when a nurse brings the baby a few minutes later.

I was too frozen to go see him while he was getting cleaned.

"Congratulations miss and mr." The doctor smiles.

I nod and Nessa smiles seeming to be too tired to talk.

The nurse puts the tiny baby on nessa's chest and smiles too.

I look at the tiny little thing feeling like my whole life is right there.

And it is.

Him and his mom are my everything.

Tears sting my eyes at the fact that I am indeed a father now.

"Are you crying?" Nessa asks with tears in her eyes as well.

I don't deny it because it's obvious and I don't care if I look weak or not. This here is one of happiest moments in my life.

"He's so handsome." Nessa says tracing her finger over his delicate skin.

"He is." I agree getting closer.

The same nurse finally speaks "I will take him to run some tests.".

"I'll come with you." I say not wanting to leave him alone.

I don't trust anyone and this hospital isn't the one she was supposed to give birth in.

"This way sir." The nurse leads me out.

"I'll go with her and order you some food. You must be hungry.".

Nessa nods and closes her eyes.

"do you want to hold him?" I ask ace who's looking at our son, has been ever since he returned an hour ago.

"no, I might drop him." he says frowning now.

"come here" I pat an empty place next to me. 

his face turns a shade lighter making me feel sorry for him and wanting to laugh at him. 

he gets up from his seat and sits on the empty spot I patted. 

"put your hand under his neck." I instruct taking ace's arm and putting our son on it.

"now put your other arms under his whole back." I say and he listens.

I slowly move back and watch as he stares at our son with so much love it makes me feel like I'm about to explode.

 "he is so tiny." he mutters his eyes getting glossy again.

 " yes he is." I agree.

"what do you want to name him?" he asks not once taking his eyes off of our son.

we discussed names before and settled on 2. leonardo or lorenzo.

"I like both names, you choose.".

"lorenzo" he smiles at the sleeping newborn in his arms.

"he does look like a lorenzo." I too smile.


I wake up without opening my eyes because I know the moment I do I will get blinded by the lights.

but I have to regardless because lorenzo is crying.

before I do tho I hear ace say "shhh mommy is asleep, you don't want to wake her up do you? She is tired.".

my heart melts into a puddle because whenever I saw ace around kids or babies, even william. he was always tense and only carried them when he had to.

but now I know he's doing it because he wants to and I know it's different because enzo is his son but I can't help but feel like it's strange. a good kind of strange.

enzo stops crying and I slowly open my eyes to see ace holding him in his arms. he's a tiny baby but with ace holding him, he looks twice smaller.

I slowly sit up and wince at the uncomfortable pad I'm wearing. it's huge but needed.

sadly the only good part of giving birth is seeing the baby and no longer being pregnant. the rest is just as painful.

"bring him to me." I say snapping ace's attention to me.

"go back to sleep, I got him.".

I smile at that. he's an amazing father already.

"I need to change his diaper. bring him here.".

he nods and places enzo in my arms. 

the love I have for this tiny human being is unmeasurable. he's so tiny and cute and lovable and everything good in this world.

"I will help you." ace sits next to me.

I smile acknowledging what he said and open enzo's overall. I only open the lower part so he doesn't get cold.

ace now has an unexplainable expression on his face. "how long till it heals?" he asks eying enzo's belly button.

it scares me too.

"about a week I think." I answer "can you bring the wipes from the cart please." .

he stands up and bring them before sitting closer this time and right in front of enzo.

I slowly open enzo's diaper giving him time to adjust to the room's temperature.

the moment I fully open the diaper he pees straight on ace's face.

"oh my god." "shit" me and ace both say at the same time.

I begin laughing at the pee filled expression on ace's face. it could've been me if he didn't sit so close.

"daddy's son is what you were saying?" I tease. 

he stands up pulling his shirt over his head. "he is." he grumbles entering the bathroom to probably take a quick shower.

I would've never expected to ever see the ace I met covered in our son's piss yet here we are. 

engaged with a son about to begin our little family.

                                                                                 the end.


Friendly reminder---> I'm always free and here to listen if you're going through something and need to vent.

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝~3430

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