My Version of Galran History...

By Keitharia

141 2 4

this is just a little test so i can get used to the Wattpad, i'm quite new to writing whole stories so sorry... More

Galran History & Biology: Different Species
Galran History & Biology: The War
Galran History & Biology: Alphas,Betas And Omegas
Galran History & Biology: lifestyle

Galran History & Biology: The Hurricane

14 0 0
By Keitharia

Warning!!! This chapter may be unsuitable for children! Read at your own risk! 

All, fear The Hurricane. It's a place of death. Only a mere handful have survived or escaped.  

The Hurricane was notorious for its violence and cruelty, they say that nothing in the history of the 17 realms could even begin to compare to it. 

The Hurricane used all kinds of weapons and torture devices on their prisoners. 

They kept their prisoners in a prison-like area in the building, but instead of prison cells, they had plastic Riverstone laboratory crates. As if they were nothing more than lab rats. But they were treated even worse...

Some prisoners were forced to fight not only creatures (and their own kind) but they were also forced to fight friends and family members to the death. This also happened with children and pregnant females (and males...depending on the race). 

Prisoners who could get pregnant were taken away to 'The Crean' (pronounced 'Cree-Ann') and forced to get pregnant with children of males they didn't even know, and in some cases, were far older than they were... Children also went through this. 

The work in The Hurricane was brutal too. Prisoners were forced to haul dozens of huge bricks (among other things) at the same time. This was similar to Earth's WW2 and how prisoners of war were made to climb a long trail of stairs while carrying several bricks. The prisoners rarely got food and when they did, it was rotten. 

Prisoners who survived for a particular amount of time were asked if they 'Wanted to see their family/friends'. However, this was a trick. If the prisoner said 'yes' then they were taken underground and things for them would become worse. 

Those who went underground were raped, beaten up mercilessly, given no food, forced to fight even more, forced to partake in harmful lab experiments,  and much more. 

Not much is actually known about The Hurricane. What is known about it has been told by survivors. Survivors of The Hurricane are extremely rare. Almost all of The Hurricane's prisoners were killed after the first month of being there. 

No one knows who truly owns The Hurricane, but there are those out there who are trying to find out and sentence him/her to death. 

One of the survivors was named 'The Phoenix' by the other prisoners. He was considered a savior and stood up for the other prisoners even at the cost of his own life. He escaped from the underground, but not without scars. 

The Phoenix went through the worst of The Hurricane. No one knew who he truly was, but they all knew about the struggles he went through. The Phoenix would give all his food to those who needed it most, he rushed in front of guards when they attacked another prisoner. The Phoenix was part of the most dangerous experiment in the history of the 17 realms, to this day, no one knows or remembers what experiment it was that he partook in. 

The Phoenix is currently searching for the one who made him and so many others suffer so much. 

The Hurricane is rarely heard of now, as it was hidden away a long time ago. The Phoenix had become somewhat of a myth, a legend. 

But someday, The Phoenix shall once again rise like the Sun.

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