Reborn As A Kitsune Monster

By foxalpha092099

578 35 40

[Bestiary Addition 66, entry 626.1- Introduction Drawokisli- The Drawokisli is a chimera between a dragon, a... More

I'm A Headcase, So What?!
House Broken? Nah!

The Adventure Begins

326 15 6
By foxalpha092099

Hey my readers, it your girl Iris. I'm glad that you decided to read my story's rewrite. I hope you enjoy it.

And from me, the author, I welcome our new readers along with the old.

" Word"= Dialogue
<Word>= Thoughts
[Word]= System
<"Words">= The Voices
*Word* Onamonapia

Hey there, name's Andrew Jason. And I'm just going to start off the bat. I've been Isekaied 19 times. I just died, I don't know how yet, but I know two people who certainly will.

I find myself in a familiar hallway, which had velvet walls and floor with a black ceiling. I reminds me of a movie theater every time. I walk through the hall, and then I see her.

" Well, you're back early. It's been what, 17 years?" The figure chitters with a feminine voice.

This is Fae-Medera, a celestial who is the overseer of Purgatory. She is a female Cherry Blossom Matis Arthropoid(Anthro Insect). She wears this robe thing that looks like it is made of Cherry Blossom Pedals.

" Well, I was reborn with no powers. That really didn't help me in that super hero world." I shrugged. " Besides I got the Doom Trilogy(New one(A/N:I never played but think its cool)). With that and other violent games I can image how it is to be powerful."

" Well, I bet Lycan will be happy to see you. Come with me and Ill tell you how you ended up in the dirt." Medera happily chittered. " Also, in one of the universes, they made a spin off. Doom, Hound of Heaven. Basically, Doom guy is-"

" Dont spoil it for me please. I kinda want to see for myself." I said.

" Oh, you'll like it, after all, isn't your sona basically a furry Doom Guy?" She snickered.

" I have no shame becuase I'm not like the worst part of the Fandom. Anyway, get me settled so I can rip and tear. " I fantasized aloud.

" Sorry human, but that won't be happening." I heard a familiar stern voice.

I then saw him. A massive anthro wolf with black fur. He wore a cloak that had the cosmos projected onto it. His eyes were like amethyst. But above all, he was jacked. He was the perfect warden for the relm were souls are purified before the next incarnation.

" And why is that Lycan?" I asked, very concerned.

The thing about Lycan, you have to try to make him care about you. The only way to do that is to make trouble. I never made trouble, so he let me have my way. But this time, something is very different.

" There was a breakout," he replied sternly.

<" Alright, something exciting happens in this bland place!">

<This isn't a good thing!>

" What happened?" I asked, scared.

" You need not know, but Medera wants you at the meeting." Lycan responds.

" Sorry I had to lie, but I was hoping Lycan would take care if it before you would arrive. " But I have an announcement to make. Follow me."

The two beings led me down a hallway I've never been down. Belive me, I explored them all. Its a mage that always leads you back where you began. Its supposed to let you wander and think, never to get lost and go insane.

<" Aye, I like the pictures of the boats.">

<" (Southern Accent) Ya-know, I perfered those farmin video games to that one with da guns.">

<Why did I end up with these voices in my head. Comedy or something. I don't think readers will think this is funny.>

<" We will get a formal introduction later, for now we must take care of the matter at hand.">


<Watch your profanity. And I know, but you got us eaten that one time.>

I enter a dark room, there I see many figures.

" Andy, these are the Universe Overseers. Their role is to maintain the universe they are assigned to." Medera informs. " They also take purified souls and gives them gifts. After they are received, the soul goes to one of the world's in their universe."

" Well, its good to finally meet them. I heard things about them. A very mixed bag indeed." I shrug.

We all then take a seat, with chairs and a massive round table materializing. What followed next was this boring part where everone stated who they are, until one individual broke the formula. The figure was femine, but looked very gaunt. She had a wolf skull on her head, and stag antlers stuck out of it. She wore a cloak that was black as night.

" Stop this," she spoke with a hollow and echoing voice. " Must send executioner now."

" Wend-Tetheria, we have protocols and rules. You are speaking out of-" a male overseer berated her, but stopped.

Tetheria turned to the idiot, and glared at him. Out of her empty sockets, a ring of red glowed.

" You are foolish, must send executioner now. Must send the human," she responded, while pointing a boney finger at me.

" She is right. I called you here not to discuss what has happened, that will come later, for now I ask you give a gift to Andrew here as that is why I called you here." Medera exsplains. " The breakout of several demon lords is concerning. So we will have Andrew here be our executioner, and bring them back."

" Fae-Medera, you are unwise to choose this thing!" A celestial stood up.

" I have a name you know," I responded.

" I wouldn't be talking if I were you, you did violate a major Overseer code." Medera said. " Article 1 section 5. An overseer will not deny any soul their boon/gift/Divine Item, and not discriminate based on gender, race, background, sexuality, or personal judgment."

" Um, can we slow down. This is flying over my head." I said rubbing my temples.

" No time Andrew," Lycan growls. " Now, since it appears that we have to make up for the failures of these morons."

Then, my surroundings changed, becoming a void. Medera, Lycan and Tetheria surrounded me.

" I give gift of bodily immortality and beauty." Tetheria wispered.

" I give the gift of a spirit to guide you," Lycan wispered.

" I give the gift of a body of your choosing," Medera chittered. "

" Uhh, suprise me. I don't know, I'm very confused right." I shrug.

" Dont think too much or worry. You're not really a part of this bureaucracy." Medera chitters. " As for your body, you might like it. Although, I don't know how you'll feel about your gender change."

" What was that?!" I yelled.

But I didn't get a response, all I heard was the roar of wind. I then saw a blinding light, then a sudden cut to black. Then I heard a voice.

" The age of Ageis and Aesir is over," sounding like Tetheria.

I then felt like I was falling, hearing the wind rushing.

<" Did they give us a mother****ing superman origin?">

<" Not like superman per se, but a better origin than last time.">

<I aprieciate that I wasn't abused like last time, but 19 lives is too much.>

< "I hope we land on an island with a boat">

<"I hope we land on a perdy feild or weat.">

<How about this, I hope we don't die on impact.>

[Brace for landing in T-15 seconds.]

<Well this is going to hurt.>

<" Bring it on!">

<" Ahoy new world">

<" YE-HAW!!">

<" Forward We Blaze!">

Finaly, after what felt longer than 15 seconds....


[Welcome Midgard, Wend-Tetheria sends her regards. You have one Arc-Quest active.]

<Arc-Quest, that's new. I'll look at it later, first let's get out of this box.>

I crawled out, but something was off. When I got out, I saw a beautiful aqua colored forest around me. A river was near by, so I went towards it. I tried to walk on two legs, but fell over.

<*Sigh* Dont tell me.>

I crawled towards the river, and in it I saw my reflection. I saw a very young fox, who had a yellow and brown eyes. It had two grew horns, and a grey fur mane. It had the body of a fox, with cyan extremities that looked to be made of jelly. It had wings on it back, and three different tails. Two fluffy and one scalely. Dispite the description it looked adorable, like make girls coo adorable.

<Ok, now that I know what I look like, its time. ITS TIME FOR A MEETING!>

《To be continued. . .》

So, this story is very different. I guess I kept Iris nuts, but added reason to it. Who are the voices? You'll see. Will you see a full body art peice? Yes. Why was the Celestial thing glossed over? I have my reasons.

A side note, Iris was going to be reborn with no memories, but it just didn't work for me when I released it at first. And I put it under an really unoriginal title. But this works much better. This is the Iris I like. Dragged into situations, a bit nuts, slightly meta. But now, experienced in losering(Its a real word according to sponsored)).

I hope you enjoyed this rewrite, which I'm taking in a new direction. Sadly, there will be no audience input anymore. My reason is for the sake of a more cohesive story that I can more easily plan. But, I think I can still give the audience some fun. But that will come later on and have its own chapter discussing it.

For now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please like, comment and share.

Publishing Date: 7/13/2021

Word Count: 1628

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