𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 πŽπ… 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 |...

By missymally

62.2K 2.7K 1.1K

π‹π”π‚π˜ Everhart doesn't trust fate. After life took away her chance at a happy family, how could she? It is... More

𝐀𝐂𝐓 πŽππ„
i. at first sight
ii. the new girl
iii. three musketeers
iv. saved by the bell
vi. revelations
vii. always a liability
viii. good days
ix. no going back
x. tough love
xi. your mess is mine
𝐀𝐂𝐓 π“π–πŽ
xii. the great war
xiii. world of tomorrow
xiv. promise me this
xv. not a perfect soldier
xvi. showgirls
xvii. precautionary measures
xviii. an unexpected reunion
xix. torn apart
xx. safe in your arms
xxi. the great escape
xxii. a living nightmare
xxiii. it's always been you
xxiv. letters from home
xxv. back to brooklyn
xxvi. take my hand (take my whole life, too)
xxvii. return to reality
xxviii. in another life, maybe
xxix. the weight of grief
xxx. alone again
xxxi. the end of the line
xxxii. a glimpse into the future

v. nineteen candles

1.7K 91 33
By missymally

nineteen candles  

SOON ENOUGH, IT was March 10th, 1936.

Also known as the day that James Buchanan Barnes turned nineteen years old.

Bucky was one of the oldest kids in their twelfth-grade class, a result of him starting school a year later than usual. Winnifred just couldn't say no to four-year-old Bucky, who was begging to wait until Steve could start school too.

That morning, Steve and Lucy told Bucky that they had a surprise for him once he was done celebrating with his family. The brunette pleaded for one measly hint, but neither would give it up.

Not that they could, anyway. Lucy and Steve were too guilty to admit it, but they were still yet to come up with what that surprise would be.

Did they have all month to figure it out?


Did they wait until the very last minute?


To give them a bit of credit, the kids had been saving up for a while. Winnifred Barnes was able to secure a job for Lucy at Reuben's Diner. She desperately needed money, working more shifts than she thought was possible to save up for Bucky's birthday.

Steve on the other hand had to use long-term savings. Too busy trying to finish high school while also taking care of tasks around the house, he didn't have time for a job. He wanted to make sure that his mother could come home after a long day of work and just relax, all chores already being completed.

That was how they found themselves sitting in Art class, face to face as they brainstormed ideas for Bucky's special present. At first, the only ideas that the two could come up with revolved around food, but they wanted to do something more meaningful.

Steve was the one to present the idea of bringing Bucky to Coney Island, the amusement park that he had been dying to go to ever since they were kids.

When four in the afternoon hit, Lucy and Steve met in front of the Barnes residence after scraping up just enough money for food and tickets. Right on time, Bucky came barrelling down the steps of his townhouse, grabbing both of his best friends and pulling them to his sides.

He dressed up for the occasion, wearing his nice trousers and even a tie with his dress shirt. Steve wore a similar outfit, minus the tie, while Lucy wore a dainty red skirt with a sweater over the top. There was no need for coats since the March air was surprisingly warm for the city at that time of the year.

He wasn't surprised when the two told him about his gift this morning, even though he had already pointed out that spending the day with his two best friends was more than enough. Truthfully, the trio could go out and sit in a ditch together and Bucky would be happy.

"So! Where are we goin'?" Bucky had expected them to take him to the diner, like usual, or maybe even a bit of a fancier restaurant after they had told him about their secret plans.

"It's a surprise, jerk. We've already told you that," Steve said, feigning annoyance by rolling his eyes.

"I'm just excited to spend the rest of the day with you two, punk."

Lucy stopped Bucky by grabbing his bicep and spinning him back around. The man was caught off guard, stumbling into Lucy and grabbing her arms to stabilize himself. "I have an idea," she told him.

"Oh no." Bucky sucked in a breath before leaning over to Steve. "That's never good."

"Stay still," Lucy muttered, ignoring his sarcastic jab. Bucky obeyed her command but raised a questioning brow. She raised her hands and began undoing the knot of Bucky's tie, careful not to tug too hard.

Bucky blushed as her sweet fingers removed the piece of fabric, cursing himself for turning to putty under the girl's touch.

Steve had to hold back a hearty laugh at Bucky's expression. It was hilarious how much Bucky had changed since meeting Lucy. For the first eighteen years of his life, Bucky was a notorious skirt chaser. He was a classic ladies' man, making each one blush with his smooth words alone.

Lucy didn't even realize what effect she had on him. Each time that she said or did something even the slightest bit intimate, Bucky was a mess.

It was pure torture for him.

"We don't want you to figure out your surprise before we get there," she said, holding his tie in the air while wiggling it in her hands. "So I'm gonna put this on you like a blindfold."

That time, Steve let his laughter loose at Bucky's groan. "Just hold still..." Lucy trailed off as she covered his eyes and began to tie the fabric behind his head. "Where we're going, you're not gonna need the tie anyways."

Bucky attempted to turn his head away from Lucy to hide his blush, but she held him in place.

Never in a million years would Bucky have thought that he would be the one blushing while talking to a girl.

What the hell was happening to him?

"Done!" Lucy's perky voice brought him back. He felt two hands on each arm of his, starting to walk forward when he was guided.

"Please don't let me fall. I can't damage this stunner," he pleaded while pointing to his face.

Lucy gave him a light smack upside the head. Of course, Bucky took it way out of proportion. "Oh! Ouch! Steve, help me!" 

"Pick up the pace, birthday boy."


Somehow, Lucy and Steve managed to get Bucky all the way to Coney Island while he was blindfolded. It was a miracle that they all made it there in one piece after all the stumbling that occurred. Bucky thought that nineteen would be his final year after almost being hit by a car at one point.

"Can I please take the blindfold off now? I think I'm actually starting to go blind." Bucky whined for the hundredth time that day, grumbling about having to walk that far with his vision restricted.

"Just a couple more steps," Lucy coaxed him forward, holding both of his arms while Steve walked on his left. "Okay, step up here." Bucky followed her command, stepping up and over the curb. He was stopped by four hands on him.

Both blondes held Bucky still. "Are you ready to see your birthday present?" 

Bucky sighed. "I already told you guys that going to the diner would be fine—"

"Buck," Steve deadpanned, effectively cutting him off.

The nineteen-year-old felt two dainty hands on his face before they inched towards the back of his head. He knew that the gentle touch was Lucy untying the knot of his tie. 

When light flooded his vision, Bucky had to blink a few times. He put a hand up, trying to shade his face from the harsh sun rays. Finally, when he adjusted to the brightness, the first thing that Bucky laid eyes on was not where he was. Hell, he completely forgot about his surprise.

He saw Lucy's smiling face right in front of him. She looked so radiant in the golden light, making it hard to focus on anything else.

"Buck?" Her expression twisted with worry, scared that he didn't care for the surprise. Steve noticed what she didn't, the fact that Bucky was so enamored with the girl in front of him that he didn't even care about where they ended up.

Chuckling, Steve took Bucky's chin in his hand and angled it up towards the park. "Look."

Bucky suddenly remembered the whole point of the blindfold, blinking a few more times before finally soaking in his surprise.

Coney Island.

It was astonishing that the teenager didn't hear the commotion around him even miles away. His grin grew, eyes flickering back to his best friends. "No way!"

"What do you think?" Lucy and Steve stood together, waiting for Bucky's next words.

"What do I think? Are you kidding? " he said with a disbelieving chuckle. "Coney Island?!"

For a nineteen-year-old, Bucky was such a kid sometimes.

Steve and Lucy shared a discreet high five while Bucky was still in awe. Both released a breath of relief that they seemed to make the day special enough for him.

Once Bucky finally had snapped out of it, he ran forward, taking both blondes with him. "Let's go!"


They were lucky that Coney Island was even open. It usually opened later on in the year, but the weather had been so beautiful that it was no issue to open early. People certainly took advantage of the nice day, as the three had to stay right by each other's sides to avoid being separated.

After they got their tickets, the ones that Bucky reluctantly let them pay for, the food stands were calling their names. There were endless options scattered around the park. Hotdogs, ice cream sundaes, cotton candy. Anything that they could imagine was right in front of them.

Needless to say, Bucky was in Heaven.

"Well, I already know what Steve wants," Bucky nodded his head towards the blonde, who was staring at the hot dog stand like it was a million bucks.

Lucy shook her head, laughing at her scrawny friend. 

"I think that I'm gonna get the same. What about you, Luce?"

She looked over to see Bucky staring at her questioningly and shrugged. "Oh, I don't think I'm gonna get anything. I'm not too hungry."

"You should have a little something to eat. We've been walking around all day." She opened her mouth to respond, but Bucky stopped her before she could. "And, I've heard that the food here is to die for. Let me buy you something?"

Lucy sighed and gave in. "Okay."

Bucky took her hand and dragged her over to where Steve was, pointing out the array of options. She also decided on a hotdog, giggling after seeing how excited Bucky and Steve were to eat one.

The light was fleeting as the day went on, but Bucky was nowhere near ready to leave. The three teenagers explored the park, stopping here and there to play a few games. Steve and Lucy weren't as successful as Bucky in some of the throwing games. His athleticism was much higher than theirs.

As they stood in front of Coney Island's biggest roller coaster, The Cyclone, Steve was only able to utter one word.


Bucky groaned. "Come on! We've gotta ride The Cyclone, Steve! We've been talkin' about it since we were kids!"

Steve shook his head frantically. "Nope. That's all you. I've never wanted to ride this death machine."

Unlike Steve, Lucy was thrilled to ride the rollercoaster. "I'll go!"

"See!" Bucky Lucy to his side, hugging her tight out of appreciation. "Luce wants to!"

Steve clapped his hands together. "Great! I'll just wait here then—"



"Pretty please?"


"It's my birthday."

Steve pinched his nose as he sighed. Bucky knew how to manipulate him. He had been doing it ever since they were kids. "Fine. One ride."

Bucky cheered victoriously, taking Lucy with him as he spun around. Steve playfully rolled his eyes, following the two to go stand in line for the ride.

"But if I throw up, that's on you." He poked Bucky's chest, trying to make him feel guilty beforehand.

"Steve, you'll be fine."


"Okay, that one's on me," Bucky admitted, cringing as he watched Steve throw up into the trashcan by the exit of the rollercoaster.

The brunette just couldn't keep his mouth shut, digging himself a deeper hole with each word. "I mean... It wasn't even that bad."

Lucy was rubbing Steve's back as he retched, looking at Bucky with a raised eyebrow. "Oh," she breathed while pointing at him. "Don't you talk, pretty boy. You were screaming at the top of your lungs beside me."

"You think I'm pretty?" Bucky asked, focusing on the wrong part of her sentence.

Steve craned his head out of the trashcan, looking at Bucky incredulously. "That was you? I thought that all of the screamin' was coming from Lucy." He laughed a bit too hard, triggering his gag reflex yet again.

Lucy nodded. "Yup. And don't even get me started with how hard you were squeezin' my hand," she joked. "I think you might've broken it."

Bucky nearly tried to defend himself but shut his mouth when he realized that he had nothing to say. Instead, he quickly changed the subject and took Steve's arm, guiding him away from the trash can. "We should probably get you some water. Throwin' up that much outta make you thirsty."

The trio walked over to a food stand and bought Steve some water. He only took a few sips at first, but Lucy eventually made him drink the whole thing. The sun had gone down at that point, so the teenagers were surrounded by the flashing lights of the rides as they sat on a free bench.

Steve felt a wave of guilt wash over him. It was Bucky's birthday and they were just sitting around, all because of his weak body. He knew that they would probably end up leaving soon, but scanned the area for one last thing to do.

When Steve laid eyes on the Ferris wheel, an idea popped into his head. "You guys should go on the Wonder Wheel before we leave." Bucky's eyes lit up at the idea, nodding and pulling Lucy up with him.

They were about to start walking toward the ride but Lucy turned back when she saw that Steve wasn't following. "Steve? You comin'?"

Steve shook his head, motioning for the two to carry on. "I'm just gonna sit here and let my stomach settle. You two go ahead."

The couple reluctantly agreed, motioning for Steve to stay put as they went on a quick ride. Bucky turned around to look at his friend as they strolled away, watching as Steve mouthed two words to him.

"You're welcome."


i had to include coney island in this for bucky's birthday.
in the next chapter, it'll get even fluffier before we get started with the good ol' angst.
i hope that you're all doing well!

<3 mal

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