50 states 1 Country (OLD)

By TheMushroomWltch

143K 1.9K 7.2K

America has 50 kids that no one knows about not even the U.N. The country can take care of them but they make... More

A normal day (Bold is author talking)
A different day
Idk what to name this T3T
The outing part 1 bus ride
The outing part 2 Da Beach
Not a chapter
A Date
I'm sorry
Late Thanksgiving special
My AU kinda explained
"Why are you so Romantic?"
At home
#Nervous as heck
Christmas special
The strange package
Somethings up
Under attack
BYE BYE FOURTH WALL (this is a chapter)
10 hours till gunshot
In the past...
1,095 days together
Wedding part 1
Wedding part 2 (wedding prep)
A/N My Apology
A/N ;w; (not face reveal)

Chapter 28

2.2K 36 177
By TheMushroomWltch

"Dads, wake up"

I could feel Russia stir next to me and groan. He turned to face the child that waked him"

"North Dakota, come on. It's a Saturday"

"I know that, it's just that Ruserica is crying" 

I got out of bed to get her, Russia had gotten out of bed to help her more last night. I settled Ruserica and brought her to me and Russia's new room. 

I and Russia had decided to build a new house that suited both of us. It consisted of 60 bedrooms, 40 bathrooms, (2 states shared a single bathroom, me and Russia got a private one, and the rest of the bathrooms were for the guest rooms and the rest were for the floors.) our house has 1 bar (for Russia) 8 TV rooms. An ice rink, a shooting range, a pool, and a movie theater. 

"DAD! OHIO DYED MY HAIR RED" Louisiana yelled.

"I permit you to prank him back, if it's permanent then I'm pretty sure I have white hair dye for you. If you wanna dye his hair a different color then I also have a neon green dye in the cabinet above my sink"

"Thanks, dad!" She smiled and ran away probably to find the pink dye I had in my bathroom cabinet that was there for no reason. I swear I don't even remember buying it.


I turned around to see DC with a clipboard and a child I knew as Hawaii clinging onto her leg.

"Some of the girls here need more... you know"

"I know what you're talking about, you and the girls can go to CVS or something and get more. My wallet should be on the black coffee table near the front door. If the girls need anything else feel free to get it, the same with you"

DC gave a barely visible smile and walked away to go get my leather wallet. After she was out of sight I kept walking to Ruserica's room when I walked in I saw my little girl still crying. I swooped her up in my arms. Ruserica had white hair like me and most of my kids, but it had blue and red highlights. Ruserica had Russia's yellow eyes but they glowed like my blue eyes. She had the Russian flag but she has a blue patch of stars from me. 

  I also knew that she could become a country because it turns out that Russia had owned an island the size of Columbia that he had gotten from USSR, who wanted the land to be reserved for if Russia ever had children

If you don't understand this I'll explain. In my AU, if a country has a child, they can either let the kid be human, let them inherit their land if they crumble/retire, or give their kid a separate piece of land to be a country of. 

Russia POV

I felt North Dakota shake the bed, I groaned loudly and moved a bit. Ruserica and I had a bad night, she wouldn't stop crying so I had to stay up and take care of her.

"H-Hey, папа?"

I saw Tennesee standing over me with tears in her eyes. 

"What's wrong?" I said with sympathy.

"I h-had a bad dream about when that disease spread"

I remembered that there were a few states that weren't affected as much. The Tennesee government shut down all borders to stop people from getting into Tennesee. Tennessee's Government also had supplied medicine and basically quarantined everyone right when they heard that California had been struck with a disease. So I believe that Tennesee had to watch all his other siblings get sick and suffer while she was barely getting any cases.

"I'm sorry if I woke you, it's just that Dad is downstairs taking care of everyone else..."

"It's fine I understand, I've had nightmares too and I'd got to my папа to comfort me"

She looked away, most likely feeling ashamed for coming to me when she was 245 years old.

"I've gone to America for comfort before, and I'm practically more than a thousand years old," I said to her.

She still didn't move, so I stood up, put a shirt on, and hugged her. (btw Tennesee is 10 in this story). She hugged me back and told me about some parts of the dream. I respectfully listened and sometimes spoke to tell her what I thought some parts meant.

"Thanks," She said with a small smile.

"TINY MORTALS COME GET BREAKFAST" America yelled as he used free speech

Free speech or Politician opinion basically makes Ame's voice super loud, Free Speech is when he uses it for something good or decent, Politician opinion is when he uses it for bad stuff.

"Russia I think we have to go into work today," Ame says as he stuffed a plate of hashbrowns in my hands. 

"Tonight I'm going to make Ukha tonight, what kind of fish should I use?"

"How about Pike?" He replied as he was passing out plates.

"I'll add a side of Smetana and for dessert, I'll make morozhenoe" I picked up the plate full of hashbrowns and grabbed ketchup. The second I put it on the table Virginia, Delaware, New Mexico, and Arkansas started fighting for it.



"NEITHER OF YOU DESERVE IT" Arkansas yelled.


I shut out the sounds of everyone else and sat down.

"Hey папа, can you help me fight and catch a bear? I saw a really big one yesterday" 

"Absolutely not!" Ame yelled over all the ruckus. 

I felt a vibration on the table, so I went to her 

"Ame we have to go to the car now," I told him. He sighed and put Delaware and DC in charge. 

We got into my car and drove to United HQ. We approached the modern-looking building. It had changed over the years. It was white and cleaned daily, causing the black tinted windows to always glimmer. The lobby had more people than usual, U had allowed more humans and organizations to enter. 

America POV

"Hey Ame" 

"Hello USAF" United States Air Force

"I'm sorry to bother you sir, but I need more funds for the recent immigrants" 

"I'll sort that out " 

Air force wore a fine gray suit with all of her squadron's logos pinned onto the side of her. His tie was Air Force blue and matched her intelligent eyes and hair. She wore combat boots and had a fighter jet helmet in her hands. 

"You use the plane I got you to get here?"

"Yeah, UN won't stop complaining about the noise though" She groaned. 

Air Force was known to be the smartest since she was the hardest to graduate from academically. So she is known to be the smartest, which helps since I trust her with a lot of money.

"I'm sorry Air Force but I got to go, you can fax me the documents," 

Air force respectfully saluted (since I'm practically her boss). I walked and went to the elevator that had the word's    𝒞𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉𝓇𝓎'𝓈 𝒪𝓃𝓁𝓎  beautifully etched into the metal. I put my thumb onto a scanner. 

"Welcome back United States of America"

"Hey UNA"




Very creative I know. 

I let the elevator take me up to the meeting. When I opened it I saw that I was actually early. UN was standing at the head of the table sorting out documents, he looked up and smiled at me. 

"Sit down America, the other Countries should be here soon" 

I sat down next to my husband and waited. China came in, followed by UK and France. Soon countries started to file in. 

"Now, today we will start by addressing everyone's economy" UN started. 


A red and white country ran towards me. He had a familiar scar that replaced his old cracks. He was shorter then me, logically he should be smaller then Texas. 

"Hey, Poland, how's the baby coming along?" 

"We're still trying to find land for her/him/they to inherit"

"I'm sorry, do you want some of my extra exploration troops?"

"That would be amazing! Thank you, Ame!"

"I'll get Air Force and Navy on it,"

I smiled at the smaller boy and he smiled back. We left and I went along with him. We talked more about normal things until a tall organized familiar figure of authority walked up to us. The familiar figure was wearing what he had worn at our meeting. He had his usual thin waisted baby blue suit on that he had been wearing since the meeting they found out about my kids. which was I believe 5 human years ago. UN simply looked at Poland, the Pokeball boy got the hint and left. 

"So America, I understand an American tragedy has happened recently"


"I wanted to ask how New York and the rest of your states are,"

"All the states are on edge, Virginia, Pennsylvania, DC, and New York have been on edge all week" 

If you don't know, on 9/11 the pentagon was attacked (the Pentagon is in Virginia). The twin towers were in New York, and there was one plane that was heading towards DC but crashed on a field in Pennsylvania.

"I just wanna tell you and all the Americans who lived through this tragedy safety," 

"Thank you, UN," 

"You can work at home for the next week until your children are back to being content,"

"Thank you UN," I said in a kind voice.

UN gave the most sincere smile he could muster and left. His white wings left glowing feathers that would fall to the floor before glowing and wilting into dust as if they were rose petals.

"I take it that I'll be alone then,"

I turned around to see my lovely husband,  as usual, he stood high before me. 

"I'll make Ukraine drop me off babe, you can go home," Russia leaned over and kissed me on my forehead. 

"Люблю вас," He said. 

"Love you too," I said before walking out. 

I took the car keys out and got into the clean car. I started to drive and followed the usual directions. After I got to the house I drove up the semi-long driveway. 

Georgia, Kentucky, and North Carolina were playing with sticks. Alaska and Colorado were fighting about bears. Arkansas was lying face down in the dirt while Winsconsin threw cheese slices at him. Delaware was working on boat blueprints. And Texas was beating up Oklahoma for calling him Chile. 

"Texas, leave Oklahoma alone, Alaska be the bigger person, Georgia fix your stance, and can someone see if Arkansas is okay?" 

When I walked inside I saw New York and Pennsylvania fighting over which Eagles team is better. Kansas was talking with Vermont, Louisiana was lying wrapped in a blanket on the ground like sushi while Alabama watched him struggle. 

"Fajitas or Alaskan Salmon?"

I heard more Fajitas than Salmon so I got the ingredients out. 


I heard the pitter padder of feet run to the table. I put the multiple plates full of fajitas down on the table. 

After a while of babysitting and doing parent stuff. Russia came home. 

"Я ХОЧУ ПОЗВОЛЯТЬ!" He yelled. 

I rolled my eyes and put Ruserica in her crib, she babbled happily as I gave her a stuffy. I went to the door and turned off the lights.

"Goodnight love," I cringed at how much I sounded like one of those mothers. 

When I turned around I was startled by two strong arms covering my body, pushing me against the person's chest. I could tell from the height that it was Russia. He nuzzled into my soft white hair. I could hear his steady breath and gentle heartbeat, in a way it relaxed me. 

"I'm so sad I didn't reveal the states earlier," 

"Me too America," 


"Oh shut up Maryland"

I believe this is the last chapter, I am most likely gonna edit the rest. 

Thank you all for reading!


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