Make Me Golden

By aandyP

5.2K 484 940

"Even love isn't strong enough to stop someone from leaving you." - Hallie Talin "I won't leave you Hallie. N... More

00| the beginning
01| a party mishap
02| blunders of last night
03| the day after
| aesthetics |
04| proud and disappointed
05| disappear
06| serve me
07| follow my command
08| what he wants
09| his kiss
10| beautiful world
11| tears falling
12| bundles of flowers
13| getting ready
14| bad date
15| sorry gift
16| knock at midnight
17| a promise
19| night terrors

18| lasting forever

161 6 12
By aandyP


It's been a week. A week since the date. A week since we have started our tv nights. Some night we watch silly cartoons and other nights we watch Princess movies.

It's stupid I know and I would never admit just how much I love it.

I'm so glad I met someone who enjoys cartoons like me. People my age now a days think cartoons are silly and only kids can watch them but I like to think otherwise.

Some cartoons have amazing wisdom to spread.

Like about friendship and love and how to never give up as there's always a way.

There's always a way.

I thought he wouldn't have liked these shows but his smile said everything.

I don't think I have ever seen something more beautiful.

I don't think I have ever heard a more beautiful thing than his laugh.

The sound was ethereal and fragile to me. I feared to break the enchanting music and never be able to hear it again.

The way his head softly fell back to the way small lines formed around his eyes or how his hands clutched his stomach. I never wanted to forget the image—

Or the sound.

"Miss Talin, I was wondering if you were going to go to the family meeting tomorrow that you spoke about a few days ago?" Darius questioned out of the blue.

We had decided to watch My Little Mermaid that evening with popcorn and drinks. Most nights we spent in his room since it had much more space and was one hundred percent more comfy.

Not that I was jealous or anything or thought that it wasn't fair.

Nope not at all.

Spending time with him felt refreshing and amazing but now that was ruined.

"I decided not to go. It would be for the best." I whispered remembering my father's words.

"Oh." He said noticing the change in my mood.

"Then I am very glad. I love out nights together." My cheeks reddened as I smiled at him.

"Me too."

We went back to staring at the screen and after a few minutes something important flashed through my mind.

I had never thanked Darius for the flowers.


He faced me looking confused at my embarrassed face. "Is something the matter Miss Talin?"

"I just realized I never thanked you."

"Thanked me for what?" He asked looking more confused.

"For the flowers." I said.

"I had almost forgotten about them. There is no need to thank me. Did you like them?"

"Yes, they were beautiful but why did you get them for me? And so many at that?" He leaned across the sofa and rested his back against the hand rest. His feet were crossed in front of him.

"I did some research on how a man courts a lady and asked my mother and she said flowers were a wonderful way to show a lady that you are serious about her."

Someone he was serious about. Goodness my heart will never be able to get a well deserved break.

"They were wonderful and I am very grateful, but I don't need that many flowers. One flower is more than enough." I stated pointing up one finger.

"Are you sure? One flower cannot surely be enough."

"The fact that you were willing to get me flowers is what counts Darius. Please don't waste so much money on me. I will feel terrible." My lips thinned feeling a tinge of guilt.

"You never have to worry about money when it concerns me."

"Darius, I swear to you even if you don't get me flowers I will be okay. I don't really need them. Plus, they don't even last long."

Darius didn't say anything after for a few minutes turning his attention back to the movie. I sighed watching the screen believing he finally understood.

The movie was at the part when Ariel first caught sight of Derek in the ship. I always loved this scene in the movie. You could tell she loved him at first sight.

It only took one look and she knew she loved him.

It seemed so unrealistic yet I wished I could look at a man one day and just know he is the one for me.

Ariel was willing to lose her voice to go to a place that was unknown to her. She faced such difficult challenges all for a man she had only seen once.

I thought she was crazy. No, I knew for a fact that she was the most craziest.

Though love can make anyone crazy. That's the lesson I learned.

My eyes glanced to the side at Darius keeping my face to the screen. I remember the first time I saw Darius.

Instantly, I liked him. Maybe it was his looks or his mysterious aura but I felt an attraction towards him. It definitely wasn't love and I never wanted to love a man.

Not for him to leave me.

Then what in the world was I doing with Darius.

I knew I would never love him, yes maybe feel an attraction toward him but never love. I'm sure after a while he'll realize this too and hopefully we will at least become good friends.

I like the time we have spent together. We had a rough start but now we have began a new beginning of an amazing friendship.

"Miss Talin." Darius spoke up again.


"You were right about some things never lasting forever."

"I know." I knew from personal experience.

"But did you know that even if something doesn't last forever it doesn't make it any less valuable. In fact it makes it more valuable." He said firmly, ignoring my gaze.

"How would it be more valuable?" I questioned.

"You treasure what you have now cause if you never do then you may regret it when it's gone. In this world nothing is infinite yet even when something leaves it, it leaves a mark that's permanent."

He whispered but his words rang loud.

"Why would you regret going after something that you know isn't going to last? Isn't it better in the end cause then there's no pain when it's gone?"

In my case though it was more someone than something.

"You're right there Miss Talin. I too wondered the same thing for the longest time. It's kinda a hard concept to grasp. Let me put it in a understandable way." Darius drawled squinting his brows and rubbing his forehead in thought.

'He looks cute.' I thought absentmindedly.

"Imagine getting an electric toy car. You know that one day it's gonna get old and the batteries won't work to get it moving however that doesn't make you put it away. Instead, you play with it ever chance you get and cherish the fun moments you had with it. You may get sad when it no longer works but you got to experience one of the funnest moments in your life that you know you won't ever forget."

He was right but sometimes the pain is far to greater.

"Sometimes I fear making friends or going into a relationship because I'm scared of them leaving me." I mumbled quietly as if I hadn't just told Darius what I feared most.

The look he gave me was warming. "You don't know that but even if they do leave, then be happy with the time you did get to spend with them and know that there is always a reason why someone leaves your life whether good or bad. People come and go but that doesn't mean everyone does. If you truly want to make any type of relationship in your life matter, then you have to put in a lot of work to keep them. One person cannot do all the work, and even after all your efforts the person leaves then know it wasn't meant to be."

Again he was right.

"I don't care what others say Darius but your the wisest person I've ever meant."

He laughed at me with a grin on his face. "Why thank you Miss Talin though I don't think the electric car was a good interpretation now that I think about it."

We laughed together watching the rest of the movie and accidentally falling asleep on the couch near the end.

What I once thought was going to be another amazing night spent with Darius turned around when a cry broke out during the night. 


Hey Guys!
This chapter was definitely a ride with the wisdom from Darius. 😮‍💨
Who knew he was a man of words hahah.
Also, please don't kill me for the cliffhanger. I'm really sorry!
Another thing, hope y'all like the new cover for the book. I really like it!

thank you for the love and support

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