
By peachyjeongukk

19 5 0

I saw him across the street, wearing a black hoodie and his face covered with a mask. "JUNGKOOK"I ran towards... More


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9 3 0
By peachyjeongukk

A morning walk in the new apartment complex.The sunrise and the flowers blooming close to the sidewalk, everything felt so peaceful and calm at that moment.She felt a sense of serenity.Y/N was trying to get adjusted to the new surroundings.New people,new country ,new everything.
She got admitted to Seoul National University and had come to Korea a week back.It was pretty hard for her in the beginning as she knew nothing about the Korean language except for the words she learnt by watching dramas.But as she was going to SNU she knew she was going to meet people who spoke in English as well. So she was at a bit of ease.
'Phone rings'
"Hi mom"
"Hi Y/N baby.How are you doing?Are u fine over there ?"and once again she starts bombarding me with questions.
"MOM!"I giggled I'm doing fine you don't have to worry about me!How are you?and How is Lisa doing without me!"
"She is pretty bored without you so she annoys me instead"She sighs and lets out a chuckle
"Mom I can hear you"Lisa says and she comes running down the stairs.
"Y/N ,Please come back soon .It's very boring without you and I miss you alottt"
I got a little emotional
"I miss you too Lisa.I will come back soon don't worry"I gave her a smile
"Oh someone's come!i gotta go y/n.Will call you soon.Bye'
"Bye mom bye Lisa'
"Bye y/n"
I got a bit teary eyed as I ended the call. I missed them .I missed them a lot .It was my first time being away from them for this long.I was very homesick in the beginning but i tried keeping myself busy and was slowly getting adjusted .
I was trying to find a part time job for the past few days to pay my daily expenses and I got one at a grocery store.I decided to start working there once college starts .

5days later
College was going to start today and I was a bit anxious but at the same time excited to mingle with people and make new friends.
I take my bag and jog out of the apartment.
After reaching college,I start searching for my class.After a lot of struggle I find it and enter the classroom.As I sit and place my bag behind me,I notice another person sit besides me.I turn towards that person facing her.
"Hi"she waves her hand
I stare at the person in front of me for a few seconds trying to analyse her as she looked somewhat familiar.
"Wait! Jisoo,is that you?!"I inquire
"Yes y/n!"she exclaimed
"You are right!I'm Kim Jisoo btw.Nice meeting you and I hope we get along well."
"Oh my god oh my god!Hi Jisoo!"I give her a sudden hug from which she was taken back
"Nice meeting you too"I face her and give her a wide smile
I met Jisoo through Facebook while scrolling down the college board.All the students from this batch had a photo of theirs along with their description posted in the board and that's how I came across her profile.As it was a board made for us to befriend our college batch mates I decided to message her and through that way we got to know each other.

The professor entered the class and started with his lecture.
During the class hours, Jisoo and I spoke about trivial things trying to get to know each other.

After 6hours
"Ahh I'm so exhausted.It's only the first day of college and we have already been given tons of assignments.I don't know how I will survive the whole year."I sighed and place my head on the desk
"I know right.And we are talking about SNU so we cannot expect anything less.But as long as we both have each other we can definitely survive the whole year ,right?"she winks
I giggled
"That's true"I said
"Hey y/n!Why don't we meet up today..we can discuss about the homework and get to know more about each other as well."
"Oh wow!that sounds like a good idea."
"Let's exchange numbers then"she says
We exchange numbers
"I will msg u the address and time.Is that fine?she asks
"Yh that's fine."I smile
"Let's leave then"
We leave the classroom and walk around the campus.
Jisoo suddenly starts shaking my shoulders
"Y/n, y/n, y/n ,do u see those guys over there.That guy wearing a grey hoodie was from my school"
"What really?!"
"Yeah and he was pretty popular as well.I-I"she stuttered
"Umm I also had a crush on him"she started blushing
"Ooo I see someone getting shy now huh"I tease her giving her a slight nudge
"Umm n-no.Ahh idk" she covers her face embarrassed .
"But I never got a chance to confess to him so I was pretty upset about that but when I realised he also got admitted to SNU I was beyond thrilled.I don't want to lose this opportunity now."she says with full determination
"I want to get closer to him y/n .Will u help me out."she gives me a pleading look.
"Of course I will help you bestie"I wink at her
"Thanks a lot y/n"she suddenly pecks my cheek
I was taken aback but I smiled.

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