The English Teacher /Chanlix/

By freckledsunshinee

125K 4.7K 2.2K

«By the way Felix» Seungmin turned towards him «Why didn't you drop out and why's your name all over the clas... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-
-Chapter 8-
-Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-
-Chapter 19-
-Chapter 20-
-Chapter 21-
-Chapter 22-
-Chapter 23-
-Chapter 24-
-Chapter 25-
-Chapter 26-
-Chapter 27-
-Chapter 28-
-Chapter 29-
-Chapter 30-
-Chapter 31-
-Chapter 32-
-Chapter 33-
-Chapter 34-
-Chapter 35-
-Chapter 36-
-Chapter 37-
-Chapter 38-
-Chapter 39-
-Chapter 40-
-Chapter 41-
-Chapter 42-
-Chapter 43-
-Chapter 44-
-Chapter 45-
-Chapter 46-
-Chapter 47-
-Chapter 48-
-Chapter 49-
-Chapter 50-
-Chapter 51-
-Chapter 52-
Afterword ;3
-Bonus Chapter-

-Chapter 15-

2.6K 122 17
By freckledsunshinee

Chan smiled softly at that contact «Such a cuddly chick» he whispered, thinking that Felix was already asleep.

However, he was not.

«Am I a chick now?» Felix lifted his head from the man's shoulder, smiling.

«Kitty, I said kitty» the other tried to deny, feeling like a five-year-old caught while eating sweets.

«Mmmmh, yeah, sure» the blond giggled, laying again on the man's shoulder «You're blushing, by the way»

At that statement, Chan's hand run to his cheek, however he didn't find them hot under his fingertips.

«I'm not» he snorted.

«Your ears are slightly red» Felix uttered, pinching them.

«Cut it out, they're not»

«Aw, Bang Chan is blushing, I can't believe it» the boy went on teasing him.

Chan rolled his eyes and tilted his head, shutting Felix up with a kiss. He then took his chin, looking closer at his face.

«You're wearing make-up again» he stated, slightly annoyed.

«Yes, and it's my face, so stop it already» the blond replied, trying to escape the other's grip.

«I think I've already told you that your make-up it's not tolerated in this house»

«Yeah, and since you fucked me I'd go and wash it out just for pleasing you, but last time you forgot to lend me your foundation and I ended up being stared on the metro, so stop it»

«They were staring at you because you're truly stunning»

«Gosh, are you that dumb? It's totally the other way around, stop pretending to be so dense»

«I can't believe we're arguing on your handsome face»

«I can't either, so let's stop it here... you changed the topic very well»

And, with that being said, Felix shut his eyes, pouting, yet still laying on Chan. This last one sighed, but placed his arm around the blond waist, making him rest on his chest, and picked up the book again. Felix crouched himself against Chan since he was starting to feel a little bit cold with just a shirt on.

«It's raining» he then stated, hearing the sound that the water was making against the windows.

However, Chan didn't reply verbally, as he just squished a bit his waist, not even lifting his eyes from the page. Silence fell into the room for a quite long time, so long that Chan thought Felix had fallen asleep. It wasn't an awkward quietness, yet he wanted to know if the other was actually sleeping or not.

«Felix» he called softly, almost whispering.

«Mmh?» the blond mumbled straight away «You wanted something?»

«Just knowing if you were asleep or not»

«I wasn't, I was just enjoying the quietness»

«Alright then... it's past six o'clock now, so if you wanted to rest you should consider doing it now. I will drive you home since it's raining, ok?»

«I can get a bus Chan, don't worry»

«You won't, but now rest»

«Chan I'm not a baby, I can totally go home in the rain alone, I did it plenty of times after my training»

«Well, I wasn't there, so the case is closed, now sleep a bit» Chan turned the page, but then remembered a detail «How did your casting go?»

«It wasn't really a casting, but it went good, they hired us» Felix smiled, really happy by the fact that the other had recalled it «The show will be this summer, but we've been hired for just one episode, or better, one stage. I don't really know when the episode will air, but we have the recordings on July 1»

«That's good, you have a quite long time to prepare»

«Yeah, but it will be hard, firstly because we never did something like this and secondly because the official recordings are one take, meaning that it'll be a "make it or break it" thing... and we hope for the first»

«Y'all will be good, don't stress too much»

The blond just nodded and silence surrounded the room again, however this time didn't last long.

«Chan?» now it was Felix calling softly the other.

«Mmmh?» Chan replied in the same way, still reading.

«Am I too clingy to you?»

The man frowned, looking away from the page «Why so?»

«My closest friends, the one I'm the most comfortable with, always say that I'm a cuddlebug, so I figured that maybe I'm being too clingy and creating a cozy and romantic atmosphere when we're just... yeah, hook-ups?»

«Well, I'm not really the type to cuddle with strangers, but I am a softie myself, if I want... and Minho knows it very well» Chan giggled «Anyways, what I'm tryna say is that I don't mind you being clingy, or I wouldn't be hugging you right now, would I?»

«Alright then» Felix chuckled, rubbing his face into the man's chest.

He loved cuddling with people so much that he was actually relieved hearing Chan saying that. For him, a hug was the best thing in the world, better than kissing, but only with the people he was comfortable with... of course he wasn't going around hugging strangers!

«For the hook-ups thing...» Chan resumed, cutting off his thoughts.

«Yeah?» Felix encouraged him.

«I mean, I know there's no need to put a label on it, but it's clear that we're not just some strangers fucking occasionally...»

«Your point? Come on Chan, spit it out, you're not the shy type»

«Occasionally» the man confessed «But anyways, what I was trying to say is that it's clear that we're not going to be satisfied with just these three fucks, nor with four or five»

«Stop going around it already»

«I mean, shall we be lovers from now on?»

Felix lifted his head, checking Chan out from below «More like fuckbuddies... but yeah, I guess, if ya wanna be romantic now, given the atmosphere, we can be lovers in the night, sounds more romantic»

«And strangers in the light...» Chan went on.

The blond got the hint almost immediately «No way, you know that song too!»

But the man was already kind of singing calmly, replying to Felix's soft smile:

«We don't need to put a label on it do we now?
Oh, would you cling to me all night long?
All night long, all night long
Repeat the ballads on and on
Yeah, yeah
Oh, would you cling to me all night long
All night long, all night long
Morning will hurt but it's so far gone
Yeah yeah
We could be lovers in the night
We could be strangers in the light
Is it going too fast for you?
Going too fast for you
Lovers in the night
We could be strangers in the light
If it's going too fast for you»

More than singing, he had kinda hummed it, but it had been enough for Felix to guess that Chan had an amazing voice. That could have been the perfect time to ask him about his life as a trainee and why, in the end, he hadn't debuted, but the blond didn't want to risk ruining the moment, so he just laid again on Chan's chest, finally starting to feel sleepy, like that had been a goodnight lullaby.

«You're an amazing singer, Chan» he managed to mumble before falling asleep.

Chan heard him, and he smiled, kissing the other's hair before going back to his book.


Something like an hour and a half later, Chan placed the book on the sofa and rubbed softly Felix's waist in order to wake him up.

«Felix it's time to go if you want to be home for dinner» he stated, looking with a smile at Felix's resting face.

However, he had to peck the boy's lips a few times before the other opened his eyes.

«What time is it?» Felix asked, glancing around.

«Almost seven-thirty, it's quite late»

«It's already the second time you wake me up late and then drive me somewhere... admit it, you just want to know where I live»

«Guilty» Chan joked, giggling.

Felix pecked his lips and stood up from the sofa, stretching like a cat. Outside it was still raining, maybe even harder than before, and the boy picked up his denim jacket from a corner of the sofa, ready to go. Chan got up as well, running some fingers through his messy and curly hair, searching for a jacket as well. He didn't find anything on the sight, so he vanished into his bedroom, just for coming out a few minutes later with a long brown jacket on.

In the meantime, Felix had retrieved his phone and luckily he hadn't found any call from his family, just some random texts and Jisung's answer:

Quokka Twin🐿😚

[ I need to see Chan, so if someone asks,
I'm at your place for a school project ]
03:25 p.m.


[ I gotcha ]
04:19 p.m.
[ Still getting ready to meet him ]
04:19 p.m.

[ You'd do great anyways, but take your
time ]
07:28 p.m.
[ I'm going home now btw, so no
worries anymore ]
07:28 p.m.

Once again he didn't wait for Jisung's reply, switching off the phone and glancing up at Chan.

«Ready for a runaway?» he teased.

«Kinda, I looked into the wrong closet... anyways, let's just head out»

With that being said, Chan picked up his car keys and walked out of the apartment, followed by Felix who locked the door behind him, giving the man also those keys. As they reached the ground floor, Meeyon stepped outside of her apartment once again, but sadly, this time, Felix had nothing to hide with.

«You were too loud» she commented, slightly smirking «And I was right, you're young, blondie»

«And gay» Chan stated «Just don't go chat about this, alright?»

«And handsome... but sure Channie, I know our rules, we tolerate each other's hook-ups and lovers and we don't talk about it»

«Good, see you noona»

Felix just bowed respectfully for then following Chan down the stairs in order to reach the parking lots in the basement.

«I am not gay, just for you to know» he declared while searching for Chan's beautiful car.

«I know, your friend, that Soojin girl, told me some time ago»

«So I was the one you asked for»

«Yeah... so I know you're bi, I just don't want her to think she has a chance with you»

«Ow, you jealous»

«It's more that I'm the only one you can have sex with right now»

He then unlocked the car, that was now in front of them, and got in, starting the engine even before Felix had hopped in as well. Without saying anything more, he drove out of the basement, getting on the road.

«You're so hot when you drive» Felix went out, sighing while admiring Chan.

«Don't say such things when I'm driving, you make me wonder too much» the other smirked, glancing quickly at the blond.

«Well then, I'm sorry I guess»

«Forget it and give me your address»

Felix did as he had been told and then he added:

«Leave me two or three streets before though, so it'll seem more like I went to Jisung's»

«I don't like you getting wet and probably also a cold, but fine»

Then, silence fell into the car, as the only sounds were the car's engine and the rain that surrounded the vehicle. It was such a chill atmosphere, like the ending of a good date, that Felix felt amused knowing that they were just fuckbuddies, or lovers, as Chan had said. It was almost funny how they could be soft to each other, but in the end just fucking with no feelings involved. Yeah, sure, Felix considered Chan hot and stuffs like that, but having feelings for him? Probably it wasn't the case at all. Of course he would have been slightly dejected if the man left him, but just because the sex was good, like it had happened with his past hook-ups and ephemeral relationships.

What about Chan? Chan wasn't really thinking about those stuffs, he liked Felix and that was all. Neither from his point of view liking meant having feelings involved, although he had a soft spot for the boy, but at that moment he was too tired and focused on the road to notice the atmosphere like the blond had done.

Just like that, they got near Felix's home and Chan parked the car on the side of the road, turning off the engine. They both turned and looked at each other, but didn't break the silence, hearing the rain while they were absorbed in the other.

In the end, Chan lifted a hand, still observing Felix.

«Give me your phone, it's about time you have my number so we won't end up with you coming like that once again. Not that I didn't like it, but, you know...» he lifted his shoulders.

«Got it»

The blond picked up his phone and placed it onto the man's hand, unlocked. Chan quickly wrote his number and then called himself with it, just for having Felix's number on his phone.

«All done» he then said «Be sure to save me with something hot and nasty» he smirked.

«In your dreams» Felix sticked out his tongue.

Chan instantly leaned in and bit it, leaving the blond shocked. However, the boy didn't have the time to complain, because the man kissed him deeply, shutting his mouth. He undid Felix's belt and then brought him on his laps, holding him by his waist.

«Chan» the boy groaned once the situation had started to get too heathen up «As much as I want you to fuck me in here, I have to get home, plus someone could see us»

«You're wrong on the last point because this baby has tinted windows, but I guess you really have to get home right?» he sighed «Go kitten, see you on Monday» and he pecked the blondie's lips one last time.

Felix sighed as well, but eventually got back to his seat and proceeded to open the car door. At the very last moment, before hopping out, he leaned back and kissed Chan on the cheek.

«Bye Channie, thanks for the ride»

He then winked and got out of the car, just for starting to run as fast as he could towards his house, as the rain was coming down really heavily. Chan sat there, in his car, a hand on his cheek, watching Felix's blond head, the only light thing in that dark moment, disappearing around the corner. A kiss on the cheek, really? That was such a Felix thing, Chan realized turning on the engine, that he couldn't help but smile as he drove away.


Some minutes later, Felix sprinted into his house, wet from head to toes, stopping right before getting into the living room. He took off his shoes as well as his jacket and then quietly tried to get to his room, but, unfortunately, his whole family was already gathered for dinner and his mother stepped out of the dining room, hands on her waist.

«Lee Felix Yongbok!» she exclaimed «How come you got home in this rain and this late?»

«Busses were late» Felix lied on the spot «And we didn't notice the time passing»

«Sure, I see... and why are you dressed like that?»

«Mum I went to Jisung's» he went on «He returned my things and I paid him the laundry for his hoodie»

«You were all smiley a second ago» she stated, still glaring at him.

«I wasn't!» Felix protested.

His mother was right, but he didn't know it. He didn't know he had been smiling like an idiot since he had turned that corner, running under the rain at a dangerous speed. She sighed, shaking her head.

«Put some dry clothes on and come and eat something... we also have to talk about your detentions»

Felix frowned, walking to his bedroom. His detentions. He would have been angry towards Chan if it wasn't for the fact that he had given them to him because he wanted to get closer. He shut the bedroom door behind him and threw his phone on the bed, opening the closet and searching for some baggy clothes. Changing, he noticed all the hickeys that Chan had left on his skin and a thrill went down his back as he smiled at them. Then, once he was done, he exited his bedroom, getting to the dining room and sitting on his usual spot, his family already staring at him.

«What?» he asked, picking up his chopsticks as that evening they were having Korean meals.

«All your detentions... and the fact that you rushed out today» his mother replied.

«I'm starting to get concerned about all those detentions Felix, you get one a week and it's your last year, so we wanted to know why» his father went on.

Felix took his time to reply, slowly chewing his food and thinking about what he should have said. They hadn't mentioned Chan, meaning that maybe they didn't know he was the one giving out all his detention, however, it was better to not lie, but just tell a part of the truth.

«Apart from the fact that you didn't even notice that I stay at school late every day, this year we got a new teacher at the English course, and I'm kinda helping him with some problematic students. That's why I stay at school more and got detentions, I have to help him plus those detentions are the only ways I can stay at school more than the usual and we use them to talk about the class' improvements. But don't worry, it'll all be repaid with plenty of extra credits» he explained quietly, measuring all his words.

Luckily, his parents seemed quite ok with that version, although his mother argued with:

«Isn't this course too much for you? Shouldn't you drop out?»

«I'll have extra credits mum! It's fine, I managed it for more than a month, I can do it 'till the end»

«Alright Lix, we believe in you» his father smiled at him «Now let's eat and congratulate our boy once again for getting that place with MayFly»

His two sisters, that had been silent during the whole argument, cheered for Felix as well, then everyone got back to the food and to a more chill talk.


More than an hour later, Felix got back to his room and threw himself on the bed, moistening a little bit the bedsheets with his wet hair. He had just had a long and refreshing shower, a balm for the pain that he was feeling in his ass, and now he was starting to feel tired, his soft pajamas not helping at all. However, something hard was bothering his stomach and he found out it was nothing less than his phone. He switched it on, just to smile at the sight of a text from Chan. It was from something more than half an hour before and Felix figured he had texted him when he had got home. Before actually opening the chat, the blond settled himself better on the bed and stared at the unsaved number, trying to decide how to save it. Using Chan's name would have been too obvious, but it was hard to think about something plain and beyond suspicions. Then, he remembered Chan's words and an idea lightened up in his mind. He quickly tapped on the keyboard and saved Chan's number, then looked at his work proudly before opening the chat:


[ Got home fine? ]
09:17 p.m.

[ All good ]
09:58 p.m.
[ You? ]
09:58 p.m.

He waited a few minutes before switching off his phone, but Chan didn't reply, so he just proceeded to place it on his bedside table and to get under the bedsheets, feeling too tired to game. Right when he was going to fall asleep, a 'ding' coming from his phone took his attention and he instantly picked it up, reading Chan's reply from his lock screen before opening it.


[ Got home fine? ]
09:17 p.m.

[ All good ]
09:58 p.m.
[ You? ]
09:58 p.m.


[ Safe and sound ]
10:13 p.m.
[ Get some good sleep, see you on monday ]
10:13 p.m.

[ Sure Channie! >:33 ]
10:13 p.m.

Then he switched his phone off for good and shut his eyes, just for falling asleep little time after, the rain still pouring outside.

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