Unwanted || Tomura Shigaraki

By HDoll24

96.4K 3.5K 5.8K

Tomura Shigaraki x Original Female Character ____________ At the age of eighteen, an orphaned Mina is welcome... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Twenty Two

2.3K 92 136
By HDoll24

⚠️ WARNING- THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A RAPE SCENE. I'll put a warning sign before this part of the chapter if you would like to skip it ⚠️

Anger and jealousy bubbled dangerously to the surface as I grudgingly watched the only woman to ever confess feelings for me walk away. The dam of pent up feelings finally spilled out the moment the sound of the lock mechanism clicked shut.

"AHHH!" I grabbed a glass from the counter and launched it against the wall, the object shattering into tiny shards.

The anguish in her eyes in those last few seconds was as intense as the rage that roiled  through my body—the image still burning in my mind.

WHY?! Why the fuck would she leave with him after everything he's done to her! To all of us! I thought she loved me... Didn't she say she chose me?

"Tomura you need to calm down," Kurogiri placidly stated.

"CALM?! How the fuck can I stay calm knowing that sadistic bastard has her!" I paced frantically back and forth, my hands vigorously tugging through my hair.

"I'm sure Mina will be fine, she obviously has her reasons for going along with his request and we must respect her decision," Compress interposed.

"Oh shut the fuck up! You haven't got the faintest idea what that germaphobic prick will do to her!" The usually composed man flinched at my threatening scowl.

The sight of Overhaul's lips claiming her earlier, made the blood in every vessel in my body boil. The thought of him doing anything more than that threatened to push the little sanity I had leftover to the edge.


Abruptly, I turned to the silent misted man.

"Warp me there."

"Shigaraki, I strongly advise you to re-evaluate."

"I don't give a shit what you advise Kurogiri. I order you to send me!" My chest exhaled and inhaled briskly with every deep ragged breath.

"I'm sorry Tomura but I can't do that. I know that you care deeply for young Mina and I myself wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her, but my priority has always and ever will be your safety. If you go there alone without a plan then you will most definitely fail. Overhaul gave us his word that he will return her by the end of the day, so we must trust him. I'm sorry."

In that moment, I couldn't give a shit about the leagues ulterior motives, about vengeance or alliances. I didn't even care about the consequences it could do to our reputation. All I wanted was her.

"Fine, I don't need you. I can get there myself," I hissed, turning on my heel to march straight for the exit.

However, I was stopped in my tracks by Toga and Twice—both blocked my only way out.

"Move," I growled.

"Shigaraki, please, you're not thinking straight," Twice held his hands up in an attempt to stop me from moving forward.

"We both love Mimi like a sister and the thought of Chisaki laying a finger on her kills us, but do you really believe that going over there all guns blazing is going to go down well?" Toga added.

"I don't care."

"Please Shiggy. If you do this then you could seriously be putting Mina in more danger than she already is, is that what you want?" she said softer.

Is she stupid? Of course, I don't want her in danger, which is exactly why I need to go.

"Did she tell you what he did to her?"

Toga's eyes darkened, her shoulders falling as she hesitantly nodded her awareness.

"If you know then how can you just stand by and let it happen? Aren't you supposed to be her friend?"

"Of course I am!" She shouted, her hands tightly fisted at her sides. "But I understand that Mina is doing this for a reason and that reason is for you."

"Me?!" My brows knitted together with turmoil.

How the fuck could spending the day fucking another man, an enemy of the league, be for me?!

"Yes, for you, for the League, for our cause and if you can't see why then you're more of an idiot than I first thought," crossing her arms together in front of her.

I stood wordlessly and stared between the two who obviously had no intentions of backing down. It was clear that I wasn't going to be able to leave, and in all honesty, I hadn't thought the idea of going over there through.

My head was a whirlpool of mixed emotions and Toga's words hadn't truly settled in. I needed time to think.

"Fine," I grunted.

"We're sorry Shiga—" Twice muttered sympathetically. "Don't! I don't want your fucking pity," I cut him off brashly, before quickly turning around and stomping off in the direction of the stairs.

"No one disturb me, I wanna be alone," I shouted out over my shoulder.

"If you think I'm gonna clean up his highness' mess you can think again," Dabi's complaining was the last thing I heard before I made my leave upstairs.

Without a second thought, I headed straight for Mina's room, slamming the door behind me. Her bed was unmade, left in a dishevelled state. A slight smile tugged at the corners of my frown when my eyes fell to the black top neatly folded on the back of the chair. My black top.

She looked so fucking cute in it.

I lifted it cautiously, making sure that my fingers didn't all come into contact with the fabric. I scrunched up the top and pressed it against my face, deeply inhaling the aroma that was Mina. The familiar fragrance of green apples from her soap washed over me and with it a sense of tranquillity that quelled my rage.

That strange feeling of warmth that I was still getting used to once again blossomed within my chest.

This particular feeling only ever occurred when I thought of Mina.

My Mina.

I fell back onto her bed, the top still pressed firmly over my face. I closed my eyes, the thought of Chisaki with her right at that moment and the objectionable things he would indefinitely be doing to her body threatened to bring forth my fury again.

My fingers squeezed down on the material of the top, my pinky fingers wavering slightly, just centimetres from falling onto the material and destroying it.

I took another deep breath, allowing the calming smell of Mina to bring me back to my senses, allowing me to fully apprehend everything she and Toga had both said.

She said she couldn't risk losing me too... Did she think something would happen to me if she didn't cooperate? Does she think I'll end up leaving her like her mother? Is that why she willingly went with Overhaul, to save me?


The realisation of it all quickly set in and all remnants of jealousy dissolved away. Toga's words about her doing it for me and the League finally made sense.

She knew that he would retaliate if we refused his request. Mina was protecting me and the League.

She gave not a single thought about the inevitable ramifications of her decision, knowing full well what horrors would await her once she left with him, but she did it anyway.

I don't deserve someone so kind and selfless and pure. I don't deserve her love. I don't deserve Mina.

However, unlike Mina, I had always been an incredibly selfish person and even though I knew I didn't deserve to be loved by this angel of a woman, I didn't care.

Having her taken away from me made it just that much clearer that I never wanted her to ever leave my side again. I'll tear down anyone that tried to keep us apart.

That included Kai fucking Chisaki.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"What the fuck is this?"

"I-It's nothing Kai, please..." I stammered nervously, trying to pull the material of the sweater back up to cover the marks that had managed to evade my memory.

"I'm not stupid, I know what a fucking hickey looks like!" His hands still tightly gripping onto the collar. "Who did this?" He demanded.

"No-one, i-it's nothing, I-I..."

What do I say?!

"I-I was attacked on a mission for the League," the words came out clearer that time with fewer stutters.

I couldn't think of any other excuses and the moment it had left my lips I already knew that he was going to see right through my lie.

My wrist was snatched up and jerked around, making me come face to face with Kai. Bloodshot eyes scorched furiously down at me.

"Don't fucking lie to me!! Those bruises are not from being attacked, what kind of an idiot do you take me for?!" He reached up and ripped the mask from my face, sending it flying across the room.

"Please Kai, I-I'm not lying..." I mumbled quietly. Staring intently down, his pupils were practically being swallowed up in his golden orbs.

"We'll see about that," his voice low and menacing. He swung my wrist away, sending me to fall hard onto the cold tiled floor with a loud thud.

Kai strode to the door and left without uttering another word. I stayed frozen on the floor, too scared to even move an inch from my current position.

Where could he have gone?

It was unusual for him to not immediately punish me. His sadistic personality usually took great pleasure in doing so.

And he didn't even take the time to put his mask back on! He never goes out there without his mask, which means he must be seriously angry to disregard his germaphobic ways. Shit, this must be serious...

After a minute he returned, the anger clouding his face still unchanged. However, he wasn't alone.

"Nemoto, ask Mina who gave her those marks on her neck," Kai ordered the darkly dressed man.

No. No. No. No. No.

Nemoto tilted his head forward before turning his attention on to me, I could feel the aura in the air becoming suffocatingly thick as he activated his quirk confession.

"Tell me, who was the one responsible for giving you those marks on your neck?" he questioned.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, my fingernails digging deeply into the skin of my arms, threatening to draw blood as I desperately tried to fight against succumbing to his power. The thick aura in the air suddenly intensified, forcing my lips to move on their own accord.

"Tomura Shigaraki..." I whispered reluctantly, my voice hoarse from the attempts to oppose his quirk. I looked down at the floor, too frightened to see Kai's reaction.

"Did you fuck him?" Kai growled.

"No Kai, I-I didn't, I promise..."


Nemoto anxiously cleared his throat. "Did you have sexual intercourse with Tomura Shigaraki?"

"No," I replied quicker that time, not having to resist his quirk on that question.

"Did you want to?"

I gazed up, his eyes were intensely narrowed down at me, jaw tightly clenched.

I remained silent. I knew there was no point in speaking as he was only going to use Nemoto to ask me and get the honest answer anyway.

He turned to Nemoto, who didn't need to be asked again to know what he was being asked to do.

"Did you want to have sexual intercourse with Tomura Shigaraki?" Nemoto inquired.

My brain felt like it was going to implode as the overwhelming aura invaded my mind, pushing me into answering his question. I squeezed my eyes shut, the tears slowly building up behind the lids as his power ate away at the last sliver of dignity left in me.

"Yes..." My lips trembled as I squeaked out my answer.

"Nemoto, leave."

"Yes sir,"the subordinate's footsteps retreated out of the room, echoing throughout the silence, and eventually disappearing once the door was closed.

The majority of me was relieved that those were the only questions he asked. If he had asked anything about the League then I wouldn't have been able to ever forgive myself if I was the one responsible for putting them in danger. The safety and welfare of the League was my priority.

I slowly brought my head up when I heard the sound of Kai marching towards me, my heart lurching out of my chest when I saw the look of pure, seething hatred across his face.


"You slut!" He reached down and grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling it so hard that it felt like it would tear right out from my scalp.

"Ah, Kai! STOP!"

He dragged my writhing screaming body across the room, ignoring my cries and pleads until we reached the large four-poster bed, in which he threw me on. I bounced up on the plush bed, landing face down.

"Didn't I tell you what would happen if you let one of them fucking freaks touch you?!" He ripped my jeans down and over my ankles, the cold air kissing over my trembling legs.

'You'll wish you were dead.'

His threatening words replayed inside my head from that time back in the office, my whole body went rigid with fear. Kai grabbed the hem of my sweater and started ripping it right up to the collar.

"I warned you Mina," he leaned down to whisper viciously against my ear, the lace material on my underwear was then violently torn with one swift tug, falling away in fragments across the bed.

"P-please, I-I'm begging you, please!" I pleaded hysterically, a blanket of tears falling over my cheeks, soaking the covers beneath.

The sound of his belt buckle being undone and his pants falling to the floor sent sparks of panic to jolt through every muscle.

I had expected something of a similar nature to happen, I knew today would involve us having sex, but not like this. His anger was taking over all his self-control.

"You had this coming the moment you decided to strike at me in my office," using his knees to spread my legs apart, my intimate flesh being exposed for him. "Now I'm going to treat you like the whore you are."

The breath was knocked out of my lungs as he thrust himself through the delicate folds without any warning. His thick shaft painfully stretching out my inner walls. He didn't hesitate to go straight into a painfully hard and fast pace, the sound of his thighs slapping against my skin bounced off the walls.

I screamed out, clawing at the sheets from under me, doing everything I could do to wriggle my way out from his hold on me. There was no doubt the vicious grip was leaving fingerprint-like bruises along the curve of my hips.

"Do you like having my cock fucking your little cunt? Is this what you wanted, slut?" Kai bucked his hips up hard, the sudden harsh movement sliding me further onto the bed.

"No...Kai...p-please... stop..." My words haggard from his unwavering thrusts into my pussy—already sore and aching.

"Stop?!" A deep booming laugh resonated from him. "Would you be saying that if it was that disgusting crusty dick pounding into you?"

Kai lifted my legs so I was on my knees, he grabbed my arms holding them uncomfortably against my lower back as he forced my chest further into the mattress. The new position allowed him to take me deeper, the pain so unbearable that I bit down onto my lower lip, splitting the flesh instantly.

"AHHH! Kai stop! I-It hurts!"

The pain suddenly ceased as he stopped his unruly movements, allowing me to release the breath that I had been holding in.

"Oh my poor little pet, you don't know the meaning of pain..." The ominous tone in his voice sent shivers down my spine.

A flash of white in the corner of my eye caught my attention. Time slowed down when I peered over to see the pair of white gloves crumpled up on the bed.

An ear-splitting scream tore through my throat as every cell in my left arm was ripped apart. Blood and flesh splattered the bed and adjacent wall. My screams were muffled as I pushed my face down into the bed, clamping my teeth down hard on the sleek black linen.

"That's what you get for ever thinking you can raise a hand to me! For letting some vile low-level, snivelling little criminal touch my property!"

Before I could fathom that my arm had been torn from me, it was returned to its original state. A slight buzzing tingle ran down the limb reminding me that it wasn't my imagination.

I didn't even realise that Kai had begun thrusting into me again until his hand cracked down hard on the side of my rear bringing me out of my mindless state.

"Don't think I'm finished with you yet, bitch. I'm going to ruin this precious body of yours so that even that creepy fucker, Shigaraki, won't even want you anymore," his movements started to become sloppy as he slowly reached his climax.

"I wonder what he'll think knowing I'm painting the inside of your pussy with my cum."

Bile rose in my throat at the thought of Tomura finding out about the whole ordeal. After today it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Especially with how things were left between us. I didn't have the chance to explain the premise for my actions. And if he knows about all the reprehensible things Kai had done to my body there was no doubt he would reject me. I was broken goods—no one would want me, not even Tomura.

It's not like he loves me anyway ...

My thighs began to shake, after only a few minutes of all the assault—I was already so weak.

"Ah fuck!" Kai finally released stream upon stream of his uncomfortably hot seed into me.

The same excruciating pain ripped throughout my right arm. I threw my head back as another gut-wrenching scream tore through my lungs, crackling at the intensity of it.

An evil menacing laugh vibrated across my lower back where Kai was slumped over, his twitching member plunged deep inside me still—keeping all his disgusting fluids plugged up. I relaxed back down when my arm returned to normal, my chest still heaving with shaky sobs. Sweat dripped down my brow onto the already ruined sheets, stained with a mixture of my blood, sweat and tears.

I was suddenly flipped onto my back, quiet pathetic whimpers left my bloodied lips were the only noise in the room other than Kai's heavy panting. My glassy swollen eyes looked up into the dark predatory ones of Kai. He removed his black button-up shirt, wiping the sweat and few droplets of my blood from his face with it.

He was acting so calm about having blood on him, usually, it would repulse him and he would make a hasty exit to clean himself up. There was only the faintest tremble of a muscle in his jaw that showed he wasn't completely immune.

A warm wet substance dripped out from inside my aching core, the action not going undetected. Kai's gaze dragged down to hungrily watch his semen drip out from me into a puddle on the floor.

His flaccid member became erect within seconds of watching the erotic sight. He threw the shirt to the side of the room.


I was mentally and physically exhausted after just one round. I didn't know how I was going to be able to get through the rest of the day.

"Don't tell me you've given up already, we've only just begun," his lips curled up into a disgusting smug smirk as he wrapped his fingers around my neck, positioning himself back between my legs.

You can do this Mina. You have to. For the League. For Tomura.

A rogue tear rolled down over my feverish skin when he once again forced himself back into me.


· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Every bump in the road pulsated up through my beaten body. I propped myself up from the leather seat, with my hands under my rear, to try and alleviate some of the pain to my throbbing core. I had to fight back my pained whimpers with every jolt of the car, biting down hard on my inner cheek.

Other than the pain coursing through me, my body and mind felt hollow. I felt like every shred of dignity and self-respect I previously once held had been stripped away.

The day had continued with Kai taking my body in whatever and whichever way he pleased. Using his quirk over and over again, a reminder of the power and control he held over me. He only left me alone a handful of times when his phobia became too much for him to handle that he needed to clean himself of all the disgusting substances.

My throat was raw from a day of endless screaming and crying, every intake of breath felt like the air was filled with tiny shards of broken glass. Dehydration was already taking its toll, my mouth was parched of all moisture and a gentle throbbing drummed inside my head. Throughout the day he never once allowed me a drink, saying sluts didn't deserve that basic privilege.

Surprisingly, Kai had kept to his word and was returning me to the League. After him discovering mine and Tomura's close relationship I was certain he wouldn't allow me to go back to him, but as he said before, he needed this alliance. And, in his words, if Shigaraki was really that desperate he was welcome to indulge in his sloppy seconds.

"I'll make sure this body never forgets me. Whenever another man touches you the only thing you'll be able to think about is me. Only me."

My fingers mindlessly played with the frilly hem of the skirt I was wearing. Kai had destroyed the clothes that I left in during his fit of rage, I was made to wear an outfit that he chose specifically. One that flaunted every mark that he had made a point to leave behind in his wake, like a brand of possession.

The car came to a halt. When I peered out of the window I could just make out the familiar narrow alleyway in the dull evening light. A small flicker of emotion fluttered across my face before going back to my original deadpan expression.

"Go on then. Run along back to your circus freaks." I flinched at hearing his velvety voice break through the silence.

"O-okay..." I stammered, my trembling hands fumbling over the car door handle.

Kai let out an exasperated sigh. "So pathetic," he reached over me to open the door. My nose wrinkled up as his foul citrus scent intensified.

"Today was fun," he trailed his hand over my thigh, which was thankfully covered with his signature white gloves again, the gesture sent waves of panic to flood over me. My breathing suddenly became fast and shallow.

Not again. Please.

My reaction evoked a small chuckle from his covered face. "Don't miss me too much pet," Kai slowly retracted his hand to rest it casually on the seat of the car.

I clambered out of the Mercedes, my legs wobbling as I stepped down onto the concrete sidewalk. A chilling gust blew over me, making me hug my arms tightly over my chest.

"I look forward to the next time."

The door was pulled shut and the car took off down the street, leaving me alone with my empty thoughts.

Another cold gush of wind whirled around me, spurring me to go inside where it was warm. I hobbled down the alleyway, wincing with every movement. My knees threatened to give out with every step.

Clutching onto the handrail, I pulled my frail body up the steps to the door but in my weakened and exhausted state my arms failed me. Sending me crashing down to the floor. I hissed loudly as my shoulder collided with the metal door.

The metal door opened, a warm welcoming light flowed out to illuminate the gloomy back street.

A smokey scent wafted over me.

"Huh? Mina?" A familiar husky voice asked.

I barely had the energy to lift my head to look at the person above me, but from the bonfire like scent, I already knew who it was.

"Da-a-bi..." I croaked, my voice was barely even audible at that point.

"What the fuck... Oi Blondie! Twice!" A pair of rough warm hands scooped me up from the cold concrete and carried me into the warmth.

"Oh my god! Mimi!" A high pitched voice cried out.

"Is she okay? What's wrong with her? I don't care!"

"Give her some space for fuck sake!" Dabi's deep voice vibrated against my cheek that was pressed up against his scarred chest.

"Do something useful and get the boss," he ordered.

"Poor Mimi, she's shivering! What's all that down her legs..?"

"From the colour and smell of it I have a pretty good idea what it is... the sick fuck," the last three words a seething whisper.

The mixture of scents flowing around me told me there were multiple people in the room but my mind slowly became more vacant as I slipped further into my exhaustion that I couldn't focus on who they belonged to. The voices of them all blurring together, filling my throbbing head with white noise.

The feeling of Dabi's chest vibrating told me that he was speaking, my name being the only thing I could pick up on, but I couldn't respond—I was too tired.

A pair of different hands wrapped around me, pulling me away from Dabi's strong build into the arms of someone else. A much slimmer one.

My muscles relaxed significantly at the feeling of this person's warmth. They slowly lowered both of our bodies to the floor, their strong arms cradling me gently in their lap. Sweet honey and lush forests filled my lungs, breaking through the white noise of my head, and allowing me to hear the one voice that my heart so dearly yearned to hear.

"Mina baby, please say something, I need to hear you," a soft raspy voice muttered gently against my hair.

"To-ma...?" I mumbled hoarsely, forcing my lids open to vacantly gaze up at the crimson eyed man. Blue locks of hair fell gracefully over his forehead.

The moment he heard my broken voice the worried expression instantly washed away with relief. Hugging me closer to him. His scent and voice alone brought me out of my detached state, a tsunami of emotions finally crashing over me.

Streams of tears started to flow down my flushed cheeks faster than my erratic heartbeat. The sound of my incoherent sobbing and suffering echoed throughout the room.

"Shhh...it's okay Mina, you're safe now."

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