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MANCHILD 'noun' "A boy or adolescent from the streets who was prematurely exposed to and knowledgeable about... More



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"Hail Mary, full of grace.  The Lord is with thee.  Blessed art thou among women_"

"_and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus."

Looking up from my rosary, I stared into the mirror as I saw Madame Deveraux standing at the door with a soft smile on her face.  I smiled back at her, despite my nerves, before continuing my prayer.  "Hail Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen."

"Amen." Madame Deveraux concluded before walking up to me.  "'The hour of our death?'  You seem nervous." She said, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"I am." I blurted.  Seriously, I felt like I was going to pass out or throw up...or both.  Today was all a blur.  I woke up super early for another practice.  It was grueling but very short.  Then I had to do my fitting for my outfit and a bunch of other tedious shit that kept me from seeing Rico and Kentrell today.  "I can't do this." I said quickly.

I was starting to have a panic attack.  I hadn't had one since my last performance with my dance school, early this year, which was when Julliard came to see me and decided that they were going to extend an offer to me.  Seriously, I projectile vomited right before I went outside.  It was such a horrible scene.

"Shh, shh.  Look at you." Madame Deveraux instructed, making me look up in the vanity mirror I was sitting at.  "Magnifique." She complimented with a knowing smile before motioning for me to turn to her.  "You are my most promising student.  The best of the best.  There's a reason I submitted your name for this out of all the others.  I believe in you and your abilities." She told me, making me nod.  She was easing my nerves a little.

Madame Deveraux tried her hardest not to play favorites, but she did single me out often.  I thought it was because I was black and she wanted to test me, but it may have just been her being hard on me because she felt I was better than the other students were.

"Are my friends here?" I asked her wishing that they could come back stage and see me.

She nodded.  "You have a few minutes.  Would you like to see them before we have to be seated?" She asked, surprising the shit outta me.  Usually she would discourage anything or anyone from coming backstage that could distract us, but tonight showed a different woman.  I nodded eagerly and she grinned before walking to the door to open it and signal for someone to come inside.

Rico and Kentrell appeared around the door, looking fantastic in their formal attire.  Rico had a huge grin on her face while Kentrell seemed astonished.  I gave a bashful smile and a wave before Rico rushed up to me, giving me a hug.  "You look amazing!" She said and I let out a nervous laugh.  "You're gonna kick so much ass tonight." She said.  Her pep talks weren't professional, but it made me smile to hear my best friend cheer me on.

Kentrell stood off to the side, still staring at me.  I turned to him, letting our eyes connect with each other.  I allowed him to take me in.  His cat eyes continued to hold the intensity they always held, something that seemingly made his eyes flicker into a golden brown.  I gave him a gentle smile, and the moment I did, I saw him grab his collar and clear his throat.  "Y-you look good." He stuttered lowly.

Rico smacked her lips.  "She looks better than good!  She looks absolutely beautiful." She scolded and I grabbed her arm to stop her from going in on Kentrell.  I wasn't stupid.  I knew that Kentrell was stunned by how I looked.  There weren't too many times I could make him speechless or stutter so I found simple joy in knowing that he was completely awestruck by me.

"Miss Landry, you're on in five minutes!" I heard the stage director call through the door.  Madame Deveraux stood up straight, put an arm around Rico, and turned to Kentrell.

"We should go find our seats." She told them as Rico nodded.  She and Rico walked to the door as I turned back to the vanity.  I looked up to see Kentrell still standing in the same spot staring at me.  He licked his lips and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Madame Deveraux came back to the door.  "Monsieur." She called to Kentrell and he snapped his head in her direction.

"Oh shit.  My bad." He said before he walked out.  Madame Deveraux's eyes followed him out before she turned back to me and shrugged her shoulders.  I laughed as she closed the door before turning back to the vanity to give myself one final pep talk.

"Okay...you can do this.  This is just like any other performance.  Just picture the audience in their underwear." I said to myself as I breathed in and out slowly.  Immediately my mind went to Kentrell standing in front of me in boxers.  My cheeks started heating up and I shook my head.  "Okay, that may be a bad idea." I said.

There was a quick knock on the door and the stage director poked his head in.  "We're ready for you now." He said and I nodded.  Getting up, I followed him to the side of the stage, pausing as the orchestra set up to start the music I'd be dancing to.  Here I go...




You look good?  Nigga that's all you had to say to ha' ass?!  Mane she looked fuckin' beautiful.  You a dumbass...

I shook my thoughts outta my head as I gripped on the program the people gave us when we got in the concert hall.  We were sitting in the third row from the stage; I was on the end of the aisle with Moe sitting next to me, and Ranada's dance instructor sitting on the other side of Moe.  I wasn't gone lie, we all looked good as fuck.  I pulled out one of my tuxedos for this fancy ass shit.  My tattoos on my neck and hands were still exposed, but shit I didn't give a fuck.  I wasn't here to impress nobody but my girl.  I couldn't lie though, I was nervous as a bitch.  I didn't know why either.

"Mane...you ain' hot in dis bitch?" I whispered as I turned to look at Moe and she shook her head.

"You kinda doing too much right now.  Just relax.  She got this.  This ain't nothing new to her." She told me and I smacked my lips.  I watched the curtains draw back and the small ass group of people playing instruments started playing some classical music.

I sat back and took a long sigh, straightening up a little once I saw her run out on the stage.  I ain't gone lie, I thought this shit was about to be boring but Ranada was amazing.  She started doing all these twists, turns, and leg lifts while she danced on her toes and shit.  She was so delicate and gentle with everything she did.

She bout to make a nigga fall in love wit ha' ass...

I ignored my inner thoughts as I continued to watch her flounce around onstage.  Her routine was about 5 minutes, but I honestly didn't want it to end.  She was fucking incredible.  She looked good.  Her body looked good.  She was doing shit I ain't never seen her do.  She was high key turning me on.  Not even just with her body though, but also how you could see how much passion she had for what she was doing.  That was some shit I grew up without, so to see her acting on her passion and how doors were opening for her...mane, I couldn't wait for that shit to happen for me.

I literally couldn't do anything but just watch her and somehow, she just made me forget about all the shit from my past.  Being here in New York with her just made everything all right.  I ain't have no worries:  no hustling, drug dealing, shooting, stealing, family drama.  All that shit went away with Ranada.

I watched her do one last leap and turn, ending in a stance that made everyone jump to their feet and start clapping.  I started whistling out loud as she did her bow and then rushed off stage.  Once everybody settled down, I sat down in my seat and continued to stare ahead.

"You liked it?" Moe turned to me.

"Yeah da shit was fye.  She did ha' thing, fasho." I said.  My girl tha ballerina...



When the show was over, we was told to go out to the reception hall where we could meet up with everybody.  I didn't like being around too many people, so I ducked off into a corner with the bouquet of her favorite flowers.  She liked roses but I think I remember her ass saying something about how much she loved ponies?  Pennies?  Shit, I ain' know and I forgot what the lady told me they were.  I just got them for her.

I stood back, letting people walk past me.  Some of the little rich ass white people looked at me with weird looks – some looked uncomfortable and some looked scared – like I was about to rob they asses or like I didn't belong there.  It kinda bummed me out but I wasn't about to let them make me feel no type of way about being there to support Ranada. 

I remember a couple of the little white girls eying me down and shit, while they rich daddies were pulling their attention away from me.  I smirked every time because even though I was that nigga, I ain't want they white asses.  Fuck nah, ain' 'bout to use me fa' no BBC fetish.

Staring ahead, I saw Moe and Ranada's dance instructor come from where the concert hall was, talking with somebody that I couldn't see.  I walked over to them, casually, with a straight look on my face...until I saw who they were talking to.  My mouth fell open when I saw that it was Ranada in a completely different outfit than the stuff she had on for her performance:

"Damn is that all you gone do is stare at her?" I heard Moe say, getting me to cut a glare in her direction.  I looked at Ranada, biting my lip as I studied her head-to-toe.  So many thoughts ran through my mind, some innocent and a lot of them were dirty, but I let them all just stay in my head.  There was one thing that was for certain, though:  Ha' ass gone be mine tonight...

I held out the flowers to her, watching her smile at them.  "Awww, you got me peonies." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my face.  Peonies.  Tha's what them fuckin' flowers called...

"Y-yeah I rememba' how you said them was yo' favorite." I said, rubbing the back of my neck and looking off to the side.  Fuck you so nervous fa', nigga?  I watched her nod as she sniffed the flowers, looking up at me with innocent eyes.  Fuck, I want ha' ass so bad right na.  I was about to say something to her, but I remembered that Ms. Nosey and Nosey Jr. was standing nearby.  "Lemme get'chu sum to drink." I said, motioning for her to follow me.

We walked away and I felt her grab my arm with both her hands.  We walked to the refreshment table and grabbed something.  "This is champagne." She warned me but it was too late, I drunk the small ass glass almost throwing up once it hit the back of my throat.  "Dry ass shit." I coughed out while Ranada hit my back.

I heard her laugh which kinda made me calm down.  After I finished coughing, I turned to her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.  "Pretty girl..." I said to her.


"You killed dat shit tonight." I told her, making her form a huge smile on her face.

"You liked it?" She asked me and I nodded.

"I ain' neva' seen no shit like dat befoe'." I told her.  It was true.  All this fancy shit was new.  I was kinda uncomfortable but I'd get over it.  I was doing all this for her because she deserves it.  I pulled her by her waist as I started smirking.  She look too fuckin' good right na...  I kissed the side of her face, bringing my lips to her ear.  "I ain' know you was so flexible." I said before I kissed her ear, nibbling on her earlobe as I pulled away.

I heard her let out a gasp when I did it.  Pulling back I picked up a cup of water and drank it, looking away like I ain't did nothing wrong.  I felt her grab the side of my face, turning me in her direction with a look in her eyes.  It was...lustful.  She started coming in for a kiss but was stopped when someone cleared their throat behind me.

Whipping around, I saw this old ass white man with a smile on his face.  "You were amazing tonight." He said, making me confused.

"Fuck you talm 'bout?" I asked, as he looked at me.  He looked scared, especially since I was now mugging him.  He was on some gay shit and he interrupted what I had going with Ranada.

"Ken he's talking to me." Ranada whispered to me before turning to the man.  "It's nice to see you again, Mr. Cameron." She greeted, reaching around me to shake the man's hand.  I was still eying ole boy, not knowing who the fuck he was and why he was coming over to compliment my girl.

"Likewise.  I spoke with Nadine and she told me you were over here by the refreshment table." He said to her, making her nod before she looked up at me.

"Kentrell, this is Mr. Cameron...he's the one that sought after me for a spot at Julliard." Ranada told me, making me go wide eyed.

"Oh shit, my bad, mane." I said, letting out a nervous laugh.  I held out a hand for him to shake.  I hope I ain' fuck nun up.

"It's alright." The man said, giving me a questionable look as he shook my hand before turning to Ranada.  "Miss Landry do you mind if I speak with you in private?" He asked.  I wasn't gone lie, that shit was kinda rude.  He needa be lucky I ain't tryna fuck up her chances because I was about to cuss his bitch ass out.  He was interrupting US.

"Actually, I was about to go eat with my_"

"_nah, you good.  He prolly needa tell you sum important." I interrupted her.

"Are you sure?" She whispered to me with a concerned look on her face.  I was happy that she didn't appreciate ole dude interrupting our moment, but I already know I gave him a bad impression and I didn't want her to further piss him off and fuck some shit up for herself on account of me.

Nodding my head, I pulled her close to me.  "I'mma go smoke sum." I whispered to her, kissing her forehead before pulling away.  I watched her nod as she smiled at me.

"It was nice to meet you, uh, Kentrell." The man said to me, stuttering as he pronounced my name.  It's Lil Top to yo' bitch ass...

I gave a fake ass smile.  "Likewise." I said before heading outside on the patio.



"Whea' my fuckin' lighta'?" I asked myself as I dug in the inside pockets of my tuxedo jacket.  I was too busy looking for my Bic that I almost didn't hear someone flick a lighter up at me.

Looking to the side of where the lighter came from, my eyes met with Ranada's dance instructor.  I was kinda surprised at how quiet she snuck up on me, but I lowkey felt like she was harmless.  Accepting her light, I put my blunt up to it, blowing smoke.

"Thanks." I said to her as I stared out at the view in front of us.  She walked up beside me and lit up a cigarette before turning to me.

"Why are you outside by yourself?" She asked me.  I shrugged my shoulders.

"I ain' tryna come between Chocolate an' all da shit she got goin'." I said coolly.

"Chocolate?" She asked me with confusion on her face and in her voice.  I chuckled a little.  I be forgetting adults don't be knowing about my nickname for Ranada.

"Tha's my name fa' ha'." I told Miss Deveraux.  She nodded her head.  "Anyways, I came out hea' fa' a smoke but couldn't find my Bic." I finished before I pulled from my blunt some more.

"I knew you were the one that had her smoking." I heard Miss Deveraux say from the side of me.  I sighed and rolled my eyes a little.  God, keep me from goin' off on anotha old ass person tonight.

"She big grown.  She'on do nun she don't want to." I said wanting to make it known that nobody is controlling Ranada.

Miss Deveraux nodded.  "I'm not judging." She said, kinda surprising me.  "She seems to have a lot going on at home."

"She told you sum?" I asked.

"No, but I've seen and sensed a change in her.  That and she's not a good liar." Miss Deveraux said with a smile.

My curiosity got the best of me.  "What she lie 'bout?"

"Her smoking, her relationship with her mother, and you."

Yeah, now I really gotta know wha's goin' on... "What she lie to you 'bout me fa'?"

"She told me that you two were just friends, but it's clear that is a lie; on her end but strangely it's very strong on your end."  She answered.  I furrowed my eyebrows at her words. 

"We jus' coolin' right na." I answered, not trying to confront her or my feelings right now.

Miss Deveraux seemed to wanna press the issue.  "Now you're lying."

I turned to her.  "How you know?"

She shrugged.  "You strike me as a lot of things, but a liar is not one of them."

Listening to her words, I felt defensive as fuck.  "Wha'chu on?  What I strike you as?" I asked her, attitude apparent in my voice.  Ranada teacher was starting to sound like that therapy lady.

Miss Deveraux turned her head.  "I don't know.  You seem like you're enduring an internal battle." She said making my eyes bulge out my head.  "I know you don't want to get into it right now, but I just hope that you can see the good in yourself enough to love Ranada the right way and not disrupt her success." She told me.  Now this bitch soundin' like a fortuneteller or sum...

"Why ev'rybody think I'm in love or sum?" I asked, tryna deny my feelings.

Miss Deveraux laughed at me, shaking her head.  "You do not hide your emotions as well as you think you do."  Well, damn, Voodoo lady.  "The real question is this:  is your love strong enough to handle the differences you two have and the distance this will bring in your relationship?" she asked and I smacked my lips.

"First off, ain' nobody in love.  Second, whateva she an' I got goin' gone stand through anything." I said firmly.  I stared at Miss Deveraux as she gave me a sad smile.

"I hope so, dear boy." She said, tossing her cigarette down and stepping on it.  "I'm going to go back inside.  You enjoy the rest of your night." She said as she walked away.

I groaned out in frustration.  Fuck she is to tell me how I feel and what to do about the situation I'm in with somebody?  I continued to smoke my blunt down until it was a doobie before finally dropping it and stomping it in.  I was finally high enough to carry on the night unbothered.  Walking back inside, I saw Ranada and Moe talking and Miss Deveraux's voodoo ass was nowhere to be found.

I grabbed on Ranada's waist, giving her a seductive smirk, watching her give a shy smile.  "Are you high?" She whispered to me.

"Yeah." I said lowly and truthfully.  She laughed a little.  Moe watched the two of us cautiously, causing me to snap my head in her direction.  "Wha'chu on, Moe?" I asked her.

Shaking her head like she was mad at me, she looked away.  "Nothing."

Ranada looked at her with furrowed eyebrows before turning back to me and shrugging her shoulders.  "Ready to get out of here?" She asked me, making me grin down at her.


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